
Photograph via snooOG

Anything software-related. Please follow our rules to avoid getting punished.

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  2. No Spam/promotional posts pushing commercial software
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File manager that allows you to change folder labels and states and save the configuration

Hello everyone, is there a file manager that allows you to assign labels and statuses to files and folders and to back up these labels? Let me explain better: I use Directory Opus and when I have finished working on some files, I assign a label with a specific color and an icon to the folder in which they are contained, for me this feature is very important because it helps me in managing my work, unfortunately Directory Opus does not allow you to back up this type of changes, in fact when some time ago I had to format the PC, after the restore all the folders had lost the changes I had applied. Without the possibility of making a backup, making those changes does not make much sense because you are not sure you can keep them

04:24 UTC


synthesizer-style tone generator with preset progressions

Looking for a tool, I've found some browser apps that are close. They let me pick a chord and play it. Some will let me set up a progression of chords, some will let me step through them, but I can't find one tool that does everything I want. Context (not necessary, but it might help understand the request): I'm running a puzzle-themed RPG quest, and I'm writing the big finale where they bring all the keys and artifacts they've collected to the capital city, the keys slowly start humming one by one in a chord as they get closer. Once they're in the city center, the magical items become fused one by one (changing the chord) into the chest to which the keys go

Things I want the tool to do:

  1. I need to have 4 tones played at once (I would appreciate the ability to change the sound like a synthesizer. Maybe select a vocal "ooh" or a panflute or something, but that isn't strictly necessary)

  2. I need to be able to turn on one note at a time

  3. I need to be able to control the volume of all 4 notes in sync

  4. I need the notes to play indefinitely without fading out

  5. I need to be able to have 5 different preset chords and I can switch all 4 notes at the same time while they all keep playing

01:27 UTC


Force FTP video file link to preview only without download.

Hello everyone, I’m building a new website in which at some point there is a video button featuring a video preview.

I’ve actually considered to use my own ftp space to upload that video to be previewed.

Problem is that when I click on play, the file goes directly in download and not in preview mode.

I hope you guys have a solution for this, I want the link not to provide a direct download but just a preview online (videos around 20/50mb max)

Thanks for your help!

21:56 UTC


This game won't allow me to do anything while it's open

I'm playing a game (Driver San Francisco). It launches in full screen. I have no issue with it. When I try to go out of full screen, nothing works. Even if I try pressing the windows keys.

Now when I change the settings to windowed mode, it still doesn't allow me to go on other apps. I try to get my cursor out of the screen, but it doesn't allow me. The only way I can select other apps is it for me to close it.

It's almost as if the game is booting as an operating system. I can't do anything Windows related until the game is closed. I've tried and tried, but I don't know what to do. I've never seen such

19:14 UTC


I have an issue with a app (game) running in full screen

I'm playing a game (Driver San Francisco). It launches in full screen. I have no issue with it. When I try to go out of full screen, nothing works. Even if I try pressing the windows keys.

Now when I change the settings to windowed mode, it still doesn't allow me to go on other apps. I try to get my cursor out of the screen, but it doesn't allow me. The only way I can select other apps is it for me to close it.

It's almost as if the game is booting as an operating system. I can't do anything Windows related until the game is closed. I've tried and tried, but I don't know what to do. I've never seen such

19:14 UTC


Remote Play Software?

Hi, so this might not be the best place to ask. But, I'm not sure where else.
What is a good remote play software to play games on? I tried Chrome Remote Desktop, and it didn't work that good, Minecraft had a weird cursor which acted quite weird.
My laptop isn't all that good, and I'd like to be able to play games wherever. I'm not a big tech-head, and I don't really know where to look.

Edit: It is worth noting that I will not be on the same network.

18:06 UTC


Design friendly tillable pdf editor

I currently make pdf forms by creating the documents in word or canva and then using adobe acrobat to edit form and make it fillable. But it’s so tedious. And when I’m editing in adobe it will often ruin something from the original design or be time consuming to do something quick like fix a spelling error cuz it messes with the aesthetics of what I’ve created previously.

Is there a better way to do this? There must be something that’s easier and more proficient. Teach me your ways! Haha

17:14 UTC


Looking for windows image viewer software

I kinda find the default windows one slow and bad and i wanted to switch. a friend suggested imageglass, but in order to use the latest version you must pay...so any suggestions for a good image viewer ?

17:08 UTC


FYI new PowerToys utility Workspaces for launching a set of applications to custom positions and configurations quickly.

"You can capture your desktop state as a new workspace using the editor, add arguments to apps to configure their state on launch, and pin the workspace as a desktop shortcut for quick-launching. Launching the workspace will launch all apps to their assigned positions."

16:57 UTC


How do I get a useable URL from a streaming URL for WinAmp?

I want to hear this radio station in WinAmp.


If I open it in the browser it works but not in WinAmp, do I need a different URL?

I looked up some threads for this and this is the URL I got from my browser in the Inspect / Network section.

1 Comment
16:48 UTC


Easy backup solution with no ongoing maintenance or fees?

Does anyone know a backup solution that doesn't require me to either do something periodically to keep my backups working or pay a monthly fee?

We're building such a solution at https://friendlybackup.com and want to make sure we're not missing an existing solution in the marketplace. Also, I wanna use it if there already is one :-)

15:59 UTC


Problema teclado

Tengo un problema con mi teclado, al escribir salta un sonido de Windows y debo esperar para escribir otra vez de nuevo, lo que impide escribir con fluidez. Por ejemplo si intento escribir hola de manera normal se escribe solo "h", porque en el tiempo que escribo "ola" salta el sonido y no deja escribir. Agradezco la ayuda.

15:51 UTC


Which Software should I use for copying my High-School notes ?

Hello, I just got into high school. I live in Switzerland and we're not allowed to take any computers/tablets to school, so we have to take notes on paper. However I have a pretty bad handwriting and am just not that organised. I had an Idea to copy all my school notes on my computer everyday once I get home. This way everything is going to be a lot more organised. However my notes include not only text but also graphs as well as illustrations made by hand, which makes it difficult to just copy everything on Microsoft Word. Which would be the best software to rewrite my notes on my computer with everything included ?

Also, even though it would be preferable for the software to be available for mac, I also have a Windows computer so it's not really an issue if there's no software for mac.

15:20 UTC


Is there an app for Android and PC that automatically subtitles videos for free?

My sister is deaf and this is a basic need in her life, the values they charge in these types of apps are exorbitant, I appreciate anyone who can help

15:16 UTC


Seeking Offline Software for Automated Contact Sheets Across Multiple Subfolders

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for offline software compatible with Windows 10/11 that allows for mass creation of contact sheets. I know many programs offer this feature, but I have a specific requirement that excludes the tools I use daily.

I need a solution that allows me to generate a contact sheet for each subfolder with a single click. I'm organizing my family photos, and since my kids were born over a decade ago, I’ve accumulated quite a lot—everything is stored in subfolders, sorted by date. Manually creating contact sheets is exhausting (I have about 1,000 folders and nearly 1 TB of photos).

So, I'm looking for a program (or a simple Python script) that, after selecting the main folder and setting the contact sheet parameters, will generate a contact sheet for each subfolder individually.

So far, I’ve tried (without achieving the desired result):

  • ACDSee HOME 2020 - I can create contact sheets for a single folder, but there's no automation without scripting and API knowledge, which I don't have.
  • ACDSee Photo Manager 14 - same issue as above.
  • IrfanView - same issue as above.
  • FastStone Viewer - here, I can select the folder as the source and include subfolders, but the program combines everything and generates files by mixing subfolders; this was the closest to what I need but still didn't fully meet my requirements.
  • XnView - allows generating contact sheets for a single folder only.

I'm open to paid software if it meets my needs (as long as there's a demo to test if it works as required). An additional feature I’m looking for is dynamic page size adjustment. For example, in the programs listed above, if I set 8 rows by 6 columns, they would set a fixed file resolution—even if I only selected 12 files (using 2 rows), the remaining 6 rows would be empty. I don’t need the empty space and would prefer if the program cropped it out.

Does anyone have any recommendations?

1 Comment
14:51 UTC


I am looking for a way to share my screen between my desktop and laptop on the same network windows 10 both

Hello everyone,

I’m looking for software that will allow me to work on my desktop PC, which is much more powerful than my laptop, from my laptop over the same network (within my home). I’d like to maintain the refresh rate and overall performance.


13:29 UTC


Better than fluent launcher? (Windows App Launcher)

is there anything better than fluent launcher, I experience few issues with it like, animations lagging behind and stuff, also I want to try out more alternatives, Windows

13:27 UTC


Is there any way to check when and by whom a file was edited?

A history of some sort, any third party program that provides this, or maybe inside windows? We suspect someone has messed up my colleague's files before we released the drawing, it's a cad file, but I'm not sure that's too important. Any way to check the editing history for any given file? Pc username and time of change specifically, since everyone has a distinct microsoft account username for themselves here.

1 Comment
13:14 UTC


Looking for personal firewall detector softare. Please help?

I have a friend who has problems having website cookies for keeping logged in expire, and I am wondering what low cost software I might recommend to he to see if there is a firewall issue or other network issue with her service. I do not know this to be true but I suspect on cable services where multiple people  are tied together on one coax cable, there are different issues than with other types of internet, and so it might be a good idea for her to have this for a month and see what is happening at the network level to possibly rectify it. Maybe a firewall is blocking or resetting her cookies.

if anyone has any other ideas about what to do, I told her to reset her router to factory settings and call her provider‘s technical people and tell them the issue, so they are able to test.

There is some small chance that one of the roommates has a firewall that affects it and we do not know, though she said it is unlikely because the others are not tech savvy like this. it Still could happen accidentally, or maybe there is spyware.

any suggestions for Software or a service if I am not on the right track. Maybe you could suggest the best free spyware tracker at the  moment.

i think these are good first shots.

11:19 UTC


Better alternative for Mozilla Thunderbird email client?

I have been using Thunderbird for years, but ive been fed up with how terrible it has been for most of that time. I keep getting emails from 1970, fetching mail freezes up all the time, tags and accounts don't sync across computers despite that it should, and ALL THREE of its search portals are absolute dogwater because they cant even manage to find the most glaringly obvious of emails.

SO... does anyone know any good email client software?

It needs to handle multiple accounts with combined folders, let me tag or otherwise organise emails, and it should sync up with multiple machines. I'll pay for it if I have to.

10:41 UTC


Internet download manager only downloads a few seconds from movies in lookmovie2.to?

I have been stuck on this for a whole day now , the download prompt disappeared when i just disabled and enabled the extension so i had to reinstall it and now idm only downloads a few seconds of video from lookmovie, bad enough it doesn't work with youtube now but lookmovie is my fav streaming site. can anyone please check if there's is working, mine is up to date and no fix yet.

1 Comment
09:55 UTC


Improving resolution of enlarged photos

Hi everyone, I need to enlarge some photos for a website, so I am looking for software that will improve the resolution after enlarging the photos. Can you recommend something? Thanks

08:40 UTC


Portable software: overwriting settings


I want to make more use of portable software. I think it has many advantages.

However, I have a problem that I am running into. After installing new portable software, I adjust all settings to my use. If a new version appears that I want to use, all these settings will be overwritten during unpacking.

How do people deal with this?

Is it useful to make a backup of the settings? Because then new settings that are available in the new version may not be usable?

06:18 UTC


Windows .txt's Folder FIle Searcher

Hi y'all! I'm in need of a Windows 10 file search software, because of a very specific need.

See, I love to download/archive everything I like online (Think, if the internet disappeared, I'd stil have mostly everything I like archived on some hard drives). However, this lead to having the need to categorize stuff, which I do through a tag system in a .txt archive in each folder, besides the file I'm saving.

However, after doing this for nearly 2 years now, I realize I've no idea how to actually search for stuff I want through my tag system. Like, for example, the ideal would be to search the tag "music", and all folders with a note that say "music" appear, and so on. Windows does have the abilty to search through .txt files, but it just gives you the .txt file (Which in my case have no name lmao, should've thought about it more carefully) instead of the folder it resides (Which does have a relevant name).

If anyone has anything that does what I mentioned in the previous paragraph, paid or not, I'd be grateful to know, thanks!

TL;DR: Need file searcher that can look through .txt files, and if it finds what it's searching for, outputs the folder the .txt file is on.

03:46 UTC


Why don't people use BSDs on PC?

03:41 UTC


Can I get Googles speech to text as an app for Windows?

I tried using Windows Speech to text. It's crap for me. But using Google search speech to text function works perfectly. ANy way to get it as an app? Or what app could you suggest using?

Thank you for your time.

1 Comment
01:54 UTC


App to re-discover your saved content

I'm thinking of building an app that will send you a daily email with posts you've saved in the past from reddit, twitter, etc. Essentially a newsletter where all the content is taken from content you've saved.

Would anyone else be interested in this?

If you're interested in early access once this is built, drop your email here https://app.youform.com/forms/jgzvvmrs

22:57 UTC


Is there a way to send literally hundreds of photos at once to another device?

So, I have a USB stick with 465 wedding photos and I need them sent to my wife, I tried sending all the files through messenger but the 25MB limit stopped me and my Chromebook can only send them all at once or individually. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

22:38 UTC

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