
Photograph via snooOG

The social sciences comprise academic disciplines concerned with the study of the social life of human groups and individuals including anthropology, communication studies, economics, human geography, history, political science, psychology and sociology.

The social sciences comprise academic disciplines concerned with the study of the social life of human groups and individuals including anthropology, communication studies, economics, human geography, history, political science, psychology and sociology.


34,868 Subscribers


What is the definition of “cool”?

So this is a tougher question than you think. Most of the definitions of cool have to do with temperature. What I want to know is how do you define the word cool when in reference to a person or persons. My first guess was “popular” but there are millions of “cool” people who weren’t popular. For example was Lou reed cool in the beginning? When his record sold 30,000 units and everyone that bought it started a band? Yes the velvet underground and Nico were very cool, not popular. My best definition is, “interesting in a positive way”.

08:13 UTC


Requirements for ethnicity

Recently I’ve gotten into a disagreement with someone about ethnicity. I am a German American born in Germany raised in a German house in America. The other party in this argument isn’t a citizen of Germany, isn’t familiar with the language or culture. They’re whole argument is that their ancestors were German so ethnically they are German. To my understanding ethnicity was more than ancestry. I was under the impression that ethnicity was dependent more on culture and language. Your ancestors can be German but without a understanding or our language or culture you couldn’t identity with us as a group ethnically? Am I mistaken is understanding culture and language not necessary to claim to be apart of a ethnic group? I’m not trying to be ignorant, but I find it a bit rude for someone to try and identify with me based on something that they don’t understand. Of course if I’m wrong then I’m wrong. Thank you to any and everyone who has an answer.

04:35 UTC


Bachelor degree

Best country in Europe to get a bachelor's degree in social sciences field (e.g. psychology, social work)? What about the perspectives of getting a job and a good salary in this field? What about studying in The Netherlands, Ireland? Any university/college suggestions are welcome.


16:40 UTC


How people got drinkable water in the Pre-Modern Middle East!

19:11 UTC


What is the worst that can happen if don't do a literature review?

Hello good folks of r/socialscience! Might receive a lot of flak for this, but here we go -

I am an early career researcher with a background in social psychology and often, especially with non-funded research, the requirement of situating your research within a larger body of work or the burden of bringing 'originality' to the table stops me from even attempting to start any project.

I value what a literature review can do for our research but I am truly curious of what would happen if I chose to skip the stage (not always) before forming a RQ and methodology?

What if I go back to the literature only while interpreting the results?

03:39 UTC


Join the Social Ecology Discord!

Social Ecology is a new Discord server dedicated to bringing together laypeople, students, volunteers, professionals and academics from every social and health field. The goal is to become a community where everyone has something to offer, be it their expertise, their lived experience, their curiosity or their compassionate voice.

Social ecology is the transdisciplinary science of the relationships of persons with their environment. Social ecology views the behavior of individuals as not unlike other animals; it is the complex environments we create and operate in that make us unique.

Whether you are a curious layperson, volunteer, therapist, social worker, healthcare provider, educator, academic or policy-maker, we believe the Social Ecology server can be a valuable community for anyone looking to bring positive change to their study, practice or society as a whole.

If you're interested, join here: https://discord.gg/maJKEk8arY

23:00 UTC


Doing a social science degree but also interested in Tech?

Anyone here who is interested in Tech and is currently pursuing a social science degree would like to hear u'r stories and probably hold a discussion in the reply section on how can the two be integrated. This question is more to girls because I have hardly heard any boy getting in social sciences out of circumstances.

07:46 UTC



So a few days ago, I’ve asked u guys about what jobs u guys got right after college graduation; where u all were majoring in some sort of social science majors. (Loved the responses ofc!!)

But now narrowing down, I’m a comm major and was wondering if there’s anyone who majored in comm, and what careers u got after graduation, and the job u have now if it’s any different than ur first job

1 Comment
08:56 UTC


Need feedback: a new tool for simplifying data cleaning and visualization

Hey r/SocialSciences community,

I’ve been working on a tool designed to make data cleaning and visualization a lot easier, especially for researchers. Having spent countless hours dealing with messy CSV files, I wanted to create something that simplifies the process and doesn’t require coding.

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Easy Data Cleaning: Handle missing data, reshaping, and more visually.
  • User-Friendly: Simple, intuitive interface with real-time updates.
  • Handles Big Files: Processes large datasets (1GB should be a problem).
  • Undo Mistakes: You can easily undo transformations without losing data.
  • Export & Visualize: Export clean data and create charts with drag-and-drop.
  • And more...

I’m curious—do you think a tool like this could fill a gap between Excel and coding for you? Would it be more helpful for data cleaning or for creating visualizations? I’m looking for some early feedback and would love to hear your thoughts.

Would you be interested in being an early beta tester? If you’re up for it, you can find more info on the site (link’s in my profile). Feel free to drop any questions or thoughts below, and we can chat more about how this could help in your work.



09:28 UTC


Question on your academic journal papers

How many rejections did you get before you got your first solo publication? Field is obviously social science. Thanks for any answers.

20:25 UTC


The Berber Queen that resisted the Umayyads and was said to practice sorcery!

20:18 UTC


Can anyone suggest good articles about the relationship of reddit to activism?

I'm planning a video for my political psychology YouTube channel (youtube.com/@PoliticalPsychwithAbby) about wether social media is useful to activists. I've found some great sources talking about just about every major platform other than reddit. Does anyone have sources to recommend about this topic? 

I should mention that subject matter wise I'm trying to focus on offline implications rather than online discourse. 

Thanks in advance!

18:01 UTC



If u did major in any social science majors in uni- what jobs did u do right after graduation? And what job do u have now if it’s any different from ur first job after graduation?

09:15 UTC


هل تتفق مع ما قاله المسيري؟

1 Comment
21:02 UTC


كتب عالم الاجتماع حليم بركات عن ظاهرة سلطوية الأنظمة السائدة في المجتمع العربي. هل تتفقون مع ما قاله حليم بركات؟

21:01 UTC

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