
Photograph via snooOG

This sub is for the FX TV series Snowfall. This is how crack began.

Set in 1983 Los Angeles, the series revolves around the first crack epidemic and its impact on the culture of the city.

The series follows the stories of several characters whose lives are doomed to intersect: 19-year-old drug dealer Franklin Saint, Mexican luchador Gustavo "El Oso" Zapata, CIA operative Teddy McDonald, and Luica Villanueva, the daughter of a Mexican crime boss.





Set in 1983 Los Angeles, the series revolves around the first crack epidemic and its impact on the culture of the city. The series follows the stories of several characters whose lives are doomed to intersect: 19-year-old drug dealer Franklin Saint, Mexican luchador Gustavo "El Oso" Zapata, CIA operative Teddy McDonald, and Luica Villanueva, the daughter of a Mexican crime boss.


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Season 1 Discussion Hub

Season 2 Discussion Hub

Season 3 Discussion Hub

Season 4 Discussion Hub

Season 5 Discussion Hub

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  • /r/SnowFall

    34,896 Subscribers


    Why can’t Reed says « Hey I’m CIA » to the DEA in season 2 ?

    Hi, first time watching the show, loving it so far !

    Maybe I missed something but why can’t Reed tell the DEA he is CIA when they are tailing him and his brother ? How would it jeopardize his actions ?

    19:27 UTC


    The reality is more screwed up than the show

    I highly recommend Dark Alliance, the Gary Webb book about Iran-contra. In some ways the real world was less screwed up than Snowfall (the CIA didn’t directly sell cocaine to Ricky Ross, for example) but in some ways it was worse.

    In the 1970’s it was hard to get addicted to cocaine. Coke was both very expensive and heavily stepped on. It’s hard to get addicted to something that’s 1,000 dollars an ounce and like 40% baby laxative.

    Dr. Robert Byck was a cocaine expert at Yale (an actual expert and not just a dude who did a lot of cocaine), and in the late 1970’s he heard rumors about an epidemic of cocaine addiction in Central and South America. Dr. Byck figured they were rumors, but he took them seriously enough to send a student assistant to Colombia. The student gets down there, investigates, and calls Dr. Byck and tells him to get down there, immediately.

    Dr. Byck goes down to Colombia and what he sees terrifies him. If anything, it’s WORSE than the rumors. The processing of cocaine has lead to freebase cocaine that had created a cheap, ultra addictive form of cocaine. In Colombia you had young people addicted to freebase coke spending their days getting high and then buying more until they have to steal to feed their habit.

    Dr. Byck does what any responsible physician does: he sounds the alarm. In 1979 Dr. Byck goes in front of Congress and the NIDA and BEGS them to prepare for the epidemic that’s going to come to America. It’s not a question of IF freebasing cocaine will come to America but WHEN. There’s literally nothing that’s going to keep freebase cocaine out of America.

    Congress listens and… does nothing. Why waste money on an epidemic that might not happen?

    Fast forward to 1985 and Congress is holding hearings on the crack epidemic and bemoaning that no one warned them. This is when Dr. Byck gets up and reminds everyone that someone HAD warned them: him, seven years ago.

    You would think they would listen to Dr. Byck this time, right? WRONG. They ignored Dr. Byck in favor of the draconian “tough on crime” bullshit we got.

    1 Comment
    19:23 UTC



    out of my 26 years of living i have never seen a death more gut turning than his. he died slow and painful… Fat should’ve known not to trust anyone other than leon. he should’ve waited until he got confirmation from him or franklin. khadijah killed him out of anger and ignorance. that little girl should’ve never been in that car to begin with… other than killing drug dealers fat was actually a good person and he took care of his family. RIP to a real soldier.

    18:08 UTC


    Saddest death in the show

    What my boy Miguel do?

    17:22 UTC


    I need help

    Look, I finished the show exactly ten minutes ago. I legit fucking cried. This is the best show I have ever watched. Weirder thing is, I already knew what was going to happen. I knew the end and I still broke down in tears when Leon was yelling Saint. This shit broke me man. And I don't know what to do. Istg I feel empty. What tv series am I gonna watch that's going to compare to this masterpiece. And Damson ain't got any other good movies out there so I can't enjoy his acting either. I got so emotionally attached to these characters that I can't even describe how much I've suffered. And the saddest part is what did my boy Miguel do? Franklin just shot his ass for no reason. Those three kids gon now grow up without their father, Miguel.

    Best fucking show ever.

    17:15 UTC


    12:58 UTC



    I’m currently rewatching snowfall and man knowing how it all ends these scenes hit so different now

    11:45 UTC


    What to watch next

    just finished snowfall (fu** cissy) I’ve already watched breaking bad i think they are both on par w/ each other but what should i watch next either power or the wire have been recommended to me

    any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated 🙏🏽

    08:27 UTC


    Anyone else notice this

    If you look closely behind the jet there’s a quick glimpse of a modern ford explorer (excuse the Snapchat text lol)

    1 Comment
    02:32 UTC


    Franklin & Teddy

    It's crazy how franklin lost himself by sacrificing other people lives for teddy who never gave af about him. You'd think that him killing for teddy, selling drugs for him and also keeping him protected wasn't enough. Just to steal all the money he made trying to fund an illegal war that he barely had control over. But to keep himself rich and give the cia some of the money just to prove himself so he can get his job back after he lost it just to leave franklin with nothing. I don't even blame franklin for turning out how he did and also killing his father. Along with threatening his family in the process. He already took everything from him so the only thing left to do was fight and get revenge.

    00:11 UTC


    My only problem with snowfall. So far at the end of S1/Start of S2

    Dont spoil anything I'm not to far in but I'm decently far in at the same time. My 1 problem is sort of similar to why stranger things annoyed me some times. The problem i have is that its 3 story lines put into 1 which is cool but every episode I'm waiting for things to kick off. Like I'm waiting for Frank and Teddy to meet. I'm waiting for Frank and Oso & Lucia to meet. I'm waiting for Mexicans/Teddy story to go together more. but its just not coming. Idk why its bothering me but it is. I hate it when shows do that but i also love it at the same time. All shows do it but i just notice more on snowfall for some reason. the reason why i was fine with Stranger Things kind of doing this is because it pays off in the end. In stranger things you see each group running around and figuring things. Then in the end they meet up and fight whatever demon/villain there is. But that didn't happen with snowfall. specifically at the end of s1 i felt like i didn't "accomplish" anything. I guess that best describes it. like it feels like it didn't work up to anything and at the end it just Teddy doing Teddy, Frank doing Frank, and Oso/Lucia doing Oso/Lucia. I Know it kicks off more S2 from bits and pieces i remember but I hope the end of S2 doesn't make me feel the same as the end of S1. To be honest IDK if i would say this is a "problem" and if it is a problem its definitely more of a "me problem"

    20:58 UTC


    My issue when people call Franklin Greedy in season 6

    Yes Franklin’s Crashout In season 6 is insane and he was completely broken and fallen beyond redemption trying to find anyway to get money but I look though comments and people are calling him greedy… why?

    He lost 73 Million dollars of course he was going to react the way he did. even when he was fine financially he left the game after Louie cut him off like he said he tried to be the bigger man and walk away. so he didn’t try to get more money he was ok with what he had and tried to do things legitimately after that.

    It was Teddys fault Franklin became who he was in the end of season 6 “I am what you made me”

    And if Franklin decided to leave any time before with less money like 10M for example Teddy would’ve done the same exact thing and Franklin would’ve reacted the same way

    he only got greedy when he was desperate and not in the right mindset to make decisions

    However he should’ve taken that 800k and left with V that I will 100% agreed on he was very greedy I don’t remember what was his plan with the 800k anyway he would’ve lost it.

    he had the experience to start another business or work at one with a high position but I don’t think Franklin likes to be subordinate.

    16:14 UTC


    Something I don’t think is talked about enough

    It seems like everyone blames Louie (it really is mostly her fault smh) and Peaches for Franklins downfall but I don’t feel like enough people realize how much Alton had to do with it.

    Upon a second watch, I see just how badly Alton fucked everything up when he went to the press. There is no way to really tell until the show is over but he quite literally tanks everything with this move.

    Once you realize that Franklin really loses once he loses his relationship with Teddy you see exactly what I mean. Alton going to the press KILLS Franklin and Teddys relationship, you can even argue that Teddy may have felt betrayed by Franklin at this point.

    Alton essentially rats on his own son (anyone with a brain knew the article was about Franklin). This action causes Teddy to LOSE as his only concern was the operation and this event causes him to get KICKED from the CIA. From this point on Teddy is a loose screw and a liability as his motivations and goals have shifted from trying to fund a war to trying to find a way back into the CIA. It is here when he stopped seeing Franklin as any sort of friend or equal.

    From here on out Franklin was always in danger of getting slimed by Teddy as he no longer had his best interest at heart. Let me know what you guys think.

    06:33 UTC


    This show killed me.

    I just got finished watching the show and I am so fucking mad. There was a few people I wanted to see make it and only 3 did. Teddy is a piece of shit for what he did and I was angry as fuck until Franklin killed his dad, and towards the end in the holding spot watching what frank did to him was too sad cause he was one of my favorite characters. Jerome was a bad guy with his heart in the right place when he got shot, when that happened I was just done with the show cause I didn’t want to see him die at least not like that. Cissy became someone I hated because I was seeing basically everything from Franklin’s eyes, and when she shot teddy and just sat there I was dissatisfied with the way this ended. Louie by the end of season 5 I wanted her dead, she was a cool character but she destroyed the family, and then this bitch gets to live while people like, Alton, teddy, Jerome, even Cissy are dead Cissy is alive but she’ll die in prison. Leon was a ruthless dude from the beginning, and like Cissy said he was the biggest surprise to me, watching him see the error of his ways and seeing him get out was one of my favorite things about the show. Then there’s Gustavo who when he got arrested I thought he was done, but then he got out, got back in the game and in the last few episodes of the series I was sure they were going to fuck him, but they didn’t and at least they gave a good ending to a “good” man. Then finally there’s Franklin who I was right in front of my eyes go from a smart kid to a lunatic, it took a lot to get him there but it just didn’t feel right, seeing the downfall of Franklin is probably gon stick with me for the rest of my life. By the end of the show he was free, what he wanted from the beginning he had achieved, maybe not in the way I hoped or he hoped but he officially got out alive and free which most people didn’t, and that last talk with Leon damn near gave me chills “I’m good.” I almost cried when I heard that and then PRIDE started playing and I shed a tear, Franklin lost everything and he deserved it for the countless lives he decimated. I’m never going to step my foot near this show again I don’t think, I’m not going to put myself through that shit again, but this is top 2 all time shows for me with breaking bad, this was an experience, one that will go down in history.

    03:14 UTC


    How did Franklin find Teddys Father

    I don’t get what I missed but I don’t understand how he was able to find him in Kansas and possibly his ex wife and son

    02:34 UTC


    ..hear me out

    I would

    22:50 UTC


    In my opinion

    Them having cissy shoot teddy right before giving franklin his money back was dumb bc we love franklin and wanted to see him win but bro that was a good ass ending when you think about it she ended all that bullshit that was going on with her people but it did fuck franklin over so yk that sucks

    19:51 UTC


    Snowfall | That’s an interesting idea 🤔

    19:43 UTC


    Most annoying character in the series?

    13:57 UTC


    "But I thought you people love money?"

    07:34 UTC


    Anyone else notice the camera man in S. 3 Ep 5 (on the right)?

    04:05 UTC


    How many of y’all were like “Sigh, back to Power I guess 🙄”

    How many of you were like ”Sigh, ok time to go back to watching BMF and Power spinoffs…” I mean I love the Power Universe but after finishing Snowfall, it’s like coming home from the theaters to watch SpongeBob (or some shit like that 🤣)

    03:53 UTC


    S5 e8

    May be a spoiler.....idk. I just came here to say.....this episode was the funniest shit ever. Franklin was def the star of the episode 🏃💨

    1 Comment
    03:01 UTC


    Can Franklin Son Break The Family Curse?

    16:36 UTC


    Opinions? Created a poster

    14:01 UTC


    Besides Teddy which of these 4 characters fucked Franklin over the hardest?

    03:17 UTC


    The Dark Psychology of Teddy McDonald 🧠

    21:25 UTC


    Season 6 Episode 6 Jerome/Kane face off.

    Hello, ever since I saw this scene and before the scene played out like I thought it would, I have been wondering about the same thing, which is. Why didn't Jerome shoot Kane in his head and kill him. Ever since Jerome entered the room Kane was giving him lots of space, letting him move around even pull his gun out, which makes me think that he didn't want to kill Louie that badly. So with all the space Jerome was given by Kane, was it that hard to aim the gun a bit and pull the trigger?

    Or maybe it's not that easy to aim and I just don't know what I'm talking about.

    Maybe Kane's gun was programmed to fire if he got shot or something. (Bad joke sorry but I had to say it)

    So yeah I just want to know if you guys also thought alike or know something I don't.

    Face off

    19:36 UTC


    Sad news guys, Carter Hudson, known for playing Teddy Reed in SnowFall, has tragically passed gas this morning.

    18:31 UTC

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