Dedicated to 'Technicals'; vehicles that have been modified with weapons and armour not factory designed for them. Non-Shitty technicals are allowed here. No animals.
r/shittytechnicals Rules
Vehicles must have some kind of non-standard weapon, armour or modification.
No animals with mounted weapons
4.No Photoshop
There is up to 25 battalions as of today, each composed of 800 to 1500 men. Their mission are diverses from securing convoy going thru sensitive zone, marching on enemy bases or securing officials during international events. Here, a section of BIR 12 is seen leaving Le Palais des Sports (sport stadium) after securing a major political event. Aug 12 2024 Ouagadougou
Afghan Army T-62 equipped with 3 rocket pods from a Mi-8. 80s.