18+ shaved pussies
This subreddit is dedicated to showcasing beautiful girls with shaved pussies.
Please link directly to the image you are sharing. GIFs/GFY's are welcome as long as they fit the subreddit theme. Pictures or gifs can be from either the front, side or back, there is no requirement.
Absolutely NO underage content allowed. Violators will be punished by being banned from the subreddit and consequently reported to the appropriate authorities. We have ZERO tolerance for underage content.
Self submissions are more than welcome! Don't pretend to be the girl in the photo if you are not. Reverse image search exists for a reason! If someone has submitted a picture of themselves do not under any circumstances attempt to dox or harass the poster, either publicly or privately.
No male parts - you will be banned.
Self Submitter's - Please contact the mods via ModMail if an individual is harassing you or threatening to Dox you. They will be promptly banned. Do NOT advertise paid services in titles, comments, or submissions.