A subreddit for discussing the Serbian language. We welcome any content related to the language itself (including questions, of course). Whether you want to improve your knowledge of the Serbian language or help others in learning it, we hope you enjoy your stay!
Znate li koja je veza izmedu ljubavi, psa i majke?
U torlačkom/prizrensko-timočkom govoru koja je razlika izmedju prizrensko-južnomoravskom, svrljiško-zaplanjskog i timočko-lužičkog? I ako bi neko mogao da da neke resurse za više informacija o njima i drugim dijalektima generalno. Volim da izučavam različite govore ali je mnogo teško doći do informacija.
If you’re studying Serbian, then this post is for you. I’m working on a book to learn Serbian, and I’d love your input!
Since good resources are limited (and some are just really bad to be honest), I figured I’d write a book to learn Serbian myself.
Apart from the usual padeži, what aspects of Serbian have you struggled with the most? Are there things you wish textbooks explained better? Maybe verb aspects, everyday slang, or something else?
I’d like to hear from people who’ve actually had to study this language, not those who were born into it.
I really appreciate your thoughts 🙌
Hello guys! Im a language enthusiast,knowing already fluent english and spanish, native greek and i wanna learn serbian. I begun with the alphabet and the pronunciations. Afterwards what should i focus? I already have some pdf books in the side but i would really like an opinion. хвала!
Hello everybody, sorry for writing this in english, but I feel I can express myself better! I have been going to a Serbian orthodox liturgy for about three months now. I am currently learning the language for 9 months where I am now around B1 Level, so I understand some of it. I already feel very integrated, and everybody is super friendly to me. I’ve been to my first Proslava Svetog Save and to Ispovest (Confession). I already know a good number of phrases and text of songs to sing along, but I am still a bit confused about the process of the liturgy, since it seems to be slightly different than in some internet forums etc. I did my research and looked up what matches the text that I know from liturgy, and I wanted to ask if there is anybody willing to help me learn the songs, by telling me what is usually sung there.
The Liturgy starts with “Blagoslovenije“, where we answer with “Amin”. After that follows the “Velika Jektenija”, where we answer with “Gospodi Pomiluj!”, then I think come the “Antifoni” which is songs like “Slava Ocu I Sinu I Svjatomu Duhu I ninje I prisno…”. After that we have “Mala Jektenija” with “Gospodi Pomiluj”, followed sometime later by “Aliluja” and “Kyrie Eleison”. “Čtenija iz Poslanija i Evanđelja”, followed by “Slava Tebje Gospodi, Slava Tebje” (Some parts are in Crkvenoslavonski while others are in Serbian). “Veliki Vhod“ followed by „Sve vas pravoslavne hrišćane da pomene Gospod Bog u carstvu Svome”. Then the simvol vere / Oce nas. The communion I am not yet allowed to take so I don’t know what they say there. After that I don’t really know what to call it.
I hope nobody is confused! I just want to learn the according songs and answers for liturgy! But I feel like many things on the Internet / what ChatGPT tells me aren’t matching our service.
Hi! I am going to a Nuggets game and would like to make a sign. I am wondering if there is anyone who could tell me how to write “Jokic - The Greatest of All Time. Autograph?” And where can I learn how to say, “Jokic, the greatest of all time, thank you!”
I have googled different things, but in case he actually sees the sign, I really don’t want to accidentally say or write the wrong thing or offend him.
Thank you for any information!
Pre par mesec mi je pao telefon i od tad mi ne radi ni jedna kamera.Ni prednja ni zadnje kamere.Da li neko zna za neki ovlasceni servis za Xiaomi telefone u Kragujevcu i okolini?
Hello! How do I say "with love from (my name here)" in Serbian? It's to add a personalization to a gift for my bf's birthday. Thank you in advance.
Is that ĆE or ĆO some sort of negation at the front of those words since they all mean that something is lacking or partially lacking. Although I couldn’t recognise any meaningful root word. It would make most sense if it’s Turcism, if it’s not what’s the origin of Ć negations?
"daj" is of course the imperative form of "dati". but am i correct in saying that it can also translate to "come on" in english? if so, what other senses might the word have as an interjection?
I am Serbian, and I am really looking forward to learning Serbian. My moms side of the family is Serbian, and they live pretty close to me, so it would be nice to learn Serbian. What would the best way to learn be?
Hello, i want to buy a gift card for my serbian colleague for something like a book or something decorative or for the kitchen. could you recommend stores that have online gift cards and also please link to the landing page where you can buy the gift card?
Da li neko može da pojasni etimologiju riječi brizla (eng. Sweet bread), meso, najčešće od, štitnjače? Interesuje me da li je pozajmica iz nekog drugog jezika ili vuče starije korijene od nekuda. Hvala
Pomazem za jedno istrazivanje. Da li biste izdvojili oko 30 minuta da ispunite anketu? Puno zahvalna i srdacan pozdrav,
Hello everyone,
My name is Elena, i am a Greek author, and I am currently working on a book where the main character is half Serbian. I would like to ask for your help: can you tell me if the sentences I am using are correct?
- moja plavuša
- Osećam i ja, moja tigrice
- mackice moja
Thank you very much for your help!
Čao svima. Preporučite mi neki podkast za slušanje srpskog jezika. Hteo bih da slušam zanimljive priče na teme kao što su: video-igre, IT, tehnologija, putovanja i život u drugim državama, moderni filmovi i serije, ili nešto slično. Slušao sam nekoliko podkasta, ali svi su mi bili vrlo dosadni – mnogo reči, a malo smisla.
Ako nema dobrih na srpskom, može i na hrvatskom – bolje išta nego ništa
Pretty naive, i did for myself but if there are some ideas you are welcome.
Source code: https://github.com/s4ysolutions/srpska-gramatika
Pomoć. Potrudila sam se da snimim video za nagradnu igru za 60K u kojoj pobednika bira javnost. Mnogo bi mi značilo da kliknete na link, pa na srce ispod videa i tako glasate🙏 Hvala svima unapred🥰
Help. I made an effort to make a video for the 60K raffle where the winner is chosen by the public. It would mean a lot to me if you click on the link, then on the heart below the video. 🙏 Thank you all🥰
Hi, I have been learning Serbian on and off (mostly due to problems with time management 😅) but now I do have some more free time, and would like to become more serious about it. I am a native English speaker, and I know some polish, I have a hard time with grasping cases sometimes, is there anything anyone could recommend for that? I suppose it will eventually come down to practicing a lot and memorising. And I also wanted to ask, what is the Serbian equivalent to "uhoh" (for when something bad is about to happen)
Hello, Im looking for a textbook my serbian teacher once showed us... I looked for it everywhere but i have no idea how it is called. I only have a few screenshots from it and maybe someone will be able to identify it. Please help!
Hello my name is Fernando, I'm from Honduras 🇭🇳, I'm here in Serbia 3 month ago and it's incredible that I don't have any Serbian friend yet so sad haha
Actually I'm learning Serbia,so the language to be honest is hard but I'm going little by little....
Someone wants to be my friend? haha omg it's so sad to ask this, but anyways the shame I have to lose.
Among Russian people in Serbia there is a myth/ a joke about Serbian saying "je**o te veslo koje te prevezlo". Have you ever heard it? Do you ever use it?
What is the difference? When do i use each?
Većina ljudi nema kontakta sa ovim jezikom osim povremeno u uglu dnevnika RTS-a. Znakovni jezici su jezici koji imaju morfologiju i sintaksu, potpunu gramatiku i jako se razlikuju između zemalja.
Šta znate o ovom jeziku? Da li ga govorite? Da li imate neke resurse za učenje? Da li biste voleli da naučite neke osnove?
Hi! I plan to move to Serbia and would like to learn the language at A2 or so. I used to learn languages, so I know the math here. I'm also native Russian speaker so it will be easier for me to rush through first levels. What can you recommend?
Hello, I want to ask a question. In the sentence "Danas je u ovu kuću došlo spasenje", spasenje is a subject, why it's place at the end of the sentence? "Danas je spasenje došlo u ovu kuću" sounds more natural.