A Place to post anything you've saved or want to save on reddit.
Don't post anything here that goes against the normal reddiquette.
Mark NSFW as such and keep it limited if you're going to post it, this sub is more for well thought out content.
Don't post anything you personally posted to another subreddit as original content. This is sub is for supporting other people's work, not your own.
For saving links, please post the commenting page of the original page you found it, and for comments link a permalink. If the comment was deleted or there's a good chance it will be deleted, just make it into a self post.
If it was on the front page, wait a few days before posting and please don't post heavily reposted material. Go more for lesser known high quality material.
When posting a link please include the source at the end. Preferably with the subreddit inside brackets. So Something taken from R/woahdude would look like [R/WoahDude]
More will be made if any issues arise