This is a subreddit for Santa Cruz Shows, Album Releases, Kickstarters, and Music Videos. It's also a place where bands can ask other bands directly for advice and even meet other bands to play with.
You've come to the right place if you're:
A band
A person who likes shows
A venue or promoter
A musician looking for a band to play with
We recommend that bands get a Reddit Account for their band and check it regularly.
Rules: - Don't post the same thing more than once. - Be respectful. - Don't don't anything that you think will add a rule to this list
For other Santa Cruz related stuff visit: www.reddit.com/r/santacruz
Subreddit resources for bands:
If you are looking for a practice space:
Check out Santa Cruz Rehearsal Studios. http://www.santacruzrehearsalstudios.com/
We are incredibly stoked to be playing this show on our West Coast Tour! We're ready to kiss some banana slugs (with health and safety in mind)! Come through Nov 10 and let's dance!
Recommend us some good food spots while we're there?
I'm booking a tour scheduled for Spring 2022, searching for any type of venue that will book a real deal punk rock band. Clubs, pubs, yer deaf grandma's basement, I'm interested in anyplace where the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth will be welcomed. Any suggestions will be much appreciated!!
Hello, if you attended SCMF 2018 and recorded artist Oliver Tree's performance please respond. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this question. Any response would be appreciated.
I'm a producer that just recently moved to Santa cruz looking to make some music with folks. I've got a lot of stuff up on my insta, my user is ratbe_at, check it out. I make just about everything and just would love to start working w the locals and getting tunes out. I dont charge, just looking for homies. Hmu.
Music from the ashes: Boulder Creek band films video amid wildfire wreckage -- https://lookout.co/santacruz/civic-life/story/2020-11-24/music-from-the-ashes-boulder-creek-band-films-video-amid-wildfire-wreckage?sdfsd
Join the Santa Cruz Symphony League's 44th annual Home Tour to experience the unique perspective of Santa Cruz lifestyle! This year's event will be a virtual tour of some of the region's finest architecture, interior design, and landscapes. Tickets are $25 for 30 day access to 5 homes. Shop our free online store to discover something special for your home or memorable holiday gifts. All proceeds benefit Santa Cruz Symphony, and support music education for schools throughout Santa Cruz County. Register today at www.HomeTourSantaCruz.org.
Sobre como ganhar dinheiro
Hi you guys,
We're Gaybysitter and we're looking for a place to play and homies to play with on March 16th and we are having a real hard time lockin down a venue (homophobia??! Jk, no one's getting cancelled)
Your worst nightmare and wettest dream, Gaybysitter is a pop/punk/goth band with low-key theatrical elements and jokes throughout the show. With only one member on stage, our setup is minimal; it's simply a
vocal pedal, an ipod, a stool, and a phone.
We will be officially releasing two singles on January 24th, but until those are completed, here our are vocal-less demos: https://soundcloud.com/gaybysitter/sets/gaybysitter-demos/s-VOw28
Here’s a clip of our live show: https://youtu.be/w\_70uPEN05w
Thank you for any and all help/consideration. Find us on insta @gaybysitter_pdx !
Sunday, December 3rd at the Poet and Patriot in Santa Cruz! Clothing drive/Benefit concert to support the Santa Cruz Warming Center. Show goes from 2pm-11:30pm. Suggested donation is one "warming item".
A raffle will be drawn shortly after 8pm. We are still seeking donations toward great raffle prizes! To significantly increase the amount of funds we are able to raise toward the cause with the raffle, please contribute to the gofundme here:
Lineup is as follows: Psychic Reader Dude Haley Rachael Williams Kirk Larson Max Borax Novarose Dead Conduit August Sun
I hope to see you there!