Supporting San Diego FC
So our first game will be against the team that would either be the runner up or champion this year. That’ll be a fun first game hopefully the boys come up with a good result.
I’m somewhat familiar with drafting and European soccer, but what is the point of the super draft if each team already has their own academy? How exciting is the super draft for SDFC (which players are you looking forward to?)
What ya’ll think of this pricing for season ticket holders? An extra $100 just to park on pavement? Lol
I assume everyone here got an email about the hospitality ticket offering. I already got my spot and then SDFC sent the email after they were already open. I can always get a refund.
I digress so do all the club teams get the highest priority over those that did early priority today? Do we have to pay the club a deposit?
Shouldn't they start announcing roster moves and the manager for the team? They play their inaugural match in 3 months
I'm sorry in advance of the rant but:
For a City that has not only a pretty rich footballing history and is basically within arms reach of Mexico, for the life of me I have no idea why the buzz around this soon to be expansion team is somewhat non-existent.
I'm not even from San Diego (2009 transplant), and I'm extremely excited for this.
I've seen the complaints and yes I get it, the tickets are / will be expensive. I would be in remiss if I didn't acknowledge that many people can't afford to go to the games. But why not still support your team?
Everyone, and I mean everyone, wants to visit or live in San Diego to get even a taste of the experience, despite the ridiculous cost associated with that opportunity. How are you going to grow a league and gain the respect of other nations if you don't support them?
I guess part of the reason in my short 15+ years here is that San diegans are some of the most flaky, fair-weather fans I've ever seen.
I'm fortunste enough to have been able to purchase three lower level season tickets, to share amongst a group who really LIVE/love football.
I hope people really can get behind the city, the team and more importantly the vision for the Right to Dream.
Tldr: Support your d*mn City
Hello my fellow San Diegans. Up to this point, I have not watched MLS. But I have enjoyed World Cup whenever it comes around. Now I will watch SDFC every year.
I follow San Diego Padres, which I assume most of you do as well. I understand the MLB league structure, trade deadlines, playoffs requirements, and the playoffs format. I also understand that each MLB team has minor league affiliates which help can be drawn from.
MLB is a simple and straightforward league in my opinion.
As I look at MLS, it does not seem so straightforward as MLB or the other main USA leagues. Is SDFC playing only in MLS? What the heck is the open championship where MLS teams play against non MLS teams? How can players be on loan from other FIFA teams outside of MLS? Club World Cup?
MLS, and soccer leagues as a whole, seem to be playing in multiple leagues at the same time because it's all apart of FIFA. But again, I don't understand how this works.
I can't be the only one that will be confused. As the inaugural season creeps closer. I hope there is an effort to educate on the basics of this league and how it's different than MLB (or the other USA league).
Anyway, if someone can point me to a video or article that explains MLS from a MLB fans stand point, I would appreciate it. I recall watching videos regarding Cricket which were from a MLB perspective, and it was very informative. If something like that exists, please let us know. Or if one of you are content creators,. perhaps it's something you can do before the season starts.
Alice Deejay’s Better Off Alone, “better off alone” lyric but Chuky Lozano.
A little British but could be fun+original.
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Cool to see all the different clubs and the love everyone has for each other.