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Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe.


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Droideka omi worth it for my gg team?

Many years ago and for some strange reason i really wanted a gg Droid team. They became my 2nd relic'd squad. They were pretty decent back in the day.

Now, they are a stinking pile of shith.

the droideka omi does like 10 different things, surely it must make the gg team at least somewhat useful in pvp? Surely?!

At least useful enough to kill an omi geo team or something?

11:36 UTC


Cere/Malicos/UFUs team

I’m about a month or so away from unlocking Taron Malicos, and I’m getting up Cere and Mini Cal in preparation for it (I’ll get JKCK as collateral)

I was wondering what the ideal lineup is. I have Cere, Cal, Fulcrum, KRU and Malicos in mind. Also, what zetas/omicrons should I apply. I was going to go 3/3 for Malicos on both, but I’m not exactly sure what to put on Cere or Baby cal

1 Comment
11:24 UTC


Which one would you invest in first?

Jkls is my last toon to get SEE, so I'll keep working on him. But besides that which crew would you invest in 1st?

10:41 UTC


Something's wrong here...

1 Comment
09:57 UTC


Would you give it one more go?

All previous calibrations have been Offense into Offense.

09:37 UTC


How to get back in beginner's Guild ?

New player here. I left the beginner's Guild to try and find a better yet active one but the search engine for the Guild only recommands Guild with too high requirements to enter (even with filters at the lowest level). Now i'm stuck and can't even find the beginner's Guild to get back to? Is there a way to find guilds with lower standards or to just get back in the beginner's Guild ?

08:54 UTC


Active guilds

When the game first came out, ive played decent bit but never got to the point of guilds. I have now gotten back into it casually am now level 60. and i'm curious if there's any active guilds that are still doing raids, because I want to start collecting guild tokens and playing more of the game

1 Comment
08:03 UTC


Ally codes

Returning player accidentally deleted all allys. Here’s my code: 829-268-689 Lvl 74

07:59 UTC


Predictions for what the definitive best 4th and 5th will be?

07:53 UTC


Darth Revan Zeta Order

Just unlocked DR, don’t yet have Malak. What are his most important zetas? Also how does BSF zeta(s?) compare in value? TYIA

06:48 UTC


Well that was a waste of of 20 energy

Guess this was a bad tea

06:44 UTC


SEE (Without Bane) is WAY Better Than You Think

Back when I didn't have SEE, I would use SLKR with this very specific lineup usually for SEE to beat all the GLs like Leia, JMK, etc. but when the lightspeed bundles came out for him, I swapped SLKR for SEE and I wanted to see if all of the counters still worked.

They do, and with Leia you can actually do the battles extremely consistently but I've found the strategy to be REALLY specific and there's some hidden mechanics that make it possible. But I didn't realize that not a lot of people know about this or talk about it, some people actually said I was lying when I said I could beat pretty much every GL and Leia was actually extremely consistent.

I decided to make a strategy video for anyone curious because if you mod the team right, and get the right lineup, he goes from being a junior GL to a top tier offensive powerhouse, the video mostly talks about Leia because it's the most complicated but I can beat a ton of other stuff too


(Sorry if this breaks the no self promotion rule, I already have an unrelated decently successful YouTube channel I have nothing to gain from this but help people improve their offense)

04:59 UTC


Totally lost on what to do

Hello Swgoh community. This account I started towards initial release of the game, took years off and really started playing again in the last 6 months or so. As you can probably tell, I’ve purchased a good amount of LSBs and randomly farmed some other teams during that time. I just finished the SLKR journey including unlocking his ult. I have some halfway done teams I think? Really looking for some suggestions on a path to go down next.

My Ally code is 268-556-865

Don’t mind the username. Young me thought I was being funny combing a P star and Lebron James into a name. Then the p star got exposed for some awful things.

Any guidance is greatly appreciated!

03:41 UTC


shipment drop rates

is there a rescource to show how often each thing is to show up in shipments. Like for instance, how likely is magmatrooper to show up in the GW store or vaders ship is there somewhere that will tell me all of those

1 Comment
02:57 UTC


Grievous team vs omicron geos viable?

I had a rather long hiatus from swgoh, was around pre-omicron times.

Grievous droids used to be my go to counter for 5v5 geos.

1 omicron geo team remaining in TW. That omicron poggle looks a little too scary for me to attempt a fight with my GG team (non-STAP)

01:48 UTC


2nd Galactic Legend!

Not sure what team(s) I should run him with. Any help is appreciated

00:59 UTC


Plo or Padme?

Do i use Plo or Padme for the final slot on a JMK team? he’s gonna be my first GL with only one requirement left. i’ve got r8 Padme and my Plo is R4 but im relicing him up to atleast 7 maybe 8 because of my Neg fleet and GL ashoka way down the line. please let me know why i should i use one or the other because i want to know what benefits they bring to the team.

00:14 UTC


Almost 600 mods for that... It's gonna be a long road

Almost 3 weeks... Now I realize that my potency cross mod with potency primary with 28 speed is a shiny.

23:49 UTC


12M GP today as 100% F2P!

Only missing toons are dr aphra, baylen, and GLAT.

Will unlock luthen and dark rey on Monday.

23:08 UTC


Are there any French people here

23:07 UTC


What do you think about it?

I really like making character ideas in my free time. I was bored and I was thinking about the resistance faction, especially the left over stuff such as Holdo, Og Poe, Resistance pilot, and resistance trooper, And I started wandering who is the character who has connection to all of them and could make them a real team.

And that was the point when lightning strike my brain:

General Leia Organa

Tags: Light side, Leader, Support, Resistance, Unaligned force user

General Organa is a kind hearted person who is rootless in the battlefield. She uses troops with enormous damage and unbreakable tanks to her Advantage against the massive army of the First order.

Be optimistic (Basic) In Leia's turn she deals Special damage to the target enemy and to a random enemy dealing 30% less damage, Leia has a 10% chance to inflict target enemy with blind for 1 turn. Outside of Leia's turn she instead grants Protection up (20%) and offense up for 2 turns to a random ally, and inflicts target enemy with tenacity down for 2 turns.

Hope is not lost today (Special) 5 Cooldown Target ally recover 100% health and 50% protection. Grant all resistance allies 50% protection up for 2 turns and all non unique buffs from Leia for 3 turns. If all allies are resistance deal damage to all enemies equal to 5% of all enemies combined max health.

Every word you just said is wrong (Special) 4 cooldown Reduce the target enemy's Max Protection by 20% stacking until the end of the battle. Inflict all enemies with Healing immunity and buff immunity Which can't be resisted, If Admiral Holdo is an ally these debuffs cannot be dispelled. For each debuff inflicted resistance allies gain +2 speed for 2 turns.

Nothing's impossible (Special) This ability can only be used once in a battle, after enemies are inflicted with 50 debuff by resistance allies. Equalize all resistance allies Offense, Speed, Critical damage, Max health, critical Avoidence, tenacity, potency and Health Steal by the ally who has the most of that stat. All Non Galactic legend Resistance allies recover 100% Max Health and Max Protection after the first time they are defeated. This ability can be used only if General Leia Organa is in the Leader slot and not the ally slot.

Permission granted (Leader) All resistance allies have +75% Max Health, Critical Avoidance and Heal Steal. If all allies are resistance and there is no galactic legend in the team all allies deal +10% more Damage with their basic ability and resistance allies assist each other (once per turn) when an ally uses a special ability. All resistance allies have double potency until Leia uses Permission Granted. Whenever a resistance ally is recovered health or protection all other resistance allies recover 75% of that amount.

Rise of Skywalker (Unique) Resistance allies reduce their cooldowns by 1 whenever they use a special ability. Every time a resistance ally gains Foresight a random other resistance ally gains Foresight for 2 turns. Whenever a foresight is dispelled from a resistance ally they gain 20% protection up for 1 turn. Resistance Tank allies have +100% Max Protection while they have full Health and +100% Max Health while they have no protection. While Resistance Attacker allies have Foresight they have +30% offense and +50% defense. While Resistance Support allies have protection up they dispel 2 debuffs from another resistance ally whenever they use their basic ability.

You are demoted (Unique) If Leia Organa is in the leader slot and there are no smuggler allies in the team: Resistance allies gain 5% turn meter whenever an enemy with expose is damaged, double if an enemy with expose deals damage to a resistance ally. Resistance allies remove 5% turn meter from enemies when they score a critical hit. The first time a resistance ally is defeated all other resistance allies gain 100% counter chance +50% counter damage and all enemies are stunned and lose 100% turn meter, then lose 100% counter chance (until the end of the battle).

1 Comment
22:57 UTC


Help with GL Rey team without a Ben.

Hi! I know the best team for Rey right now is Rey, Sortie, Ben, L3 and Bariss. But I don’t have Ben yet, and far as I understand Sortie is there for Ben. I currently have L3 with Dash and Bariss is on Quadme team and I will replace Cal here when I get around to making a Cere team with Malicos in the far future :)

My original plan was the team with Holdo on it, but I have come to understand she is bad?

Please help. I’m about to finish my Zorii team and will start building my Rey team after, and I like to have this planned ahead :)

22:44 UTC


Regarding Duel of the Fates, how does the reward structure work?

At the higher tiers i get both relic materials and energy? Considering powering up MQG and POW for it.

22:07 UTC


Next JJB Event?

Any idea when the next one is?

22:07 UTC


Would you slice this any further?

Hit all the speed with every upgrade. Would be a waste of material to slice it further?

21:58 UTC


another separatist ship please

So can anyone tell me why cg doesn't add dooku's sail ship for Malevolence? Make it an anchor ship - something dope, like maurader. it would be nice to have more options when it came to ships. that is all.

21:36 UTC


Legendary ship! Can't believe my eyes! After ~2 months another drop!

21:29 UTC

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