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Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe.


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Can't message or ally request other players

So, I recently unlocked Exec and tried to hit up another player in my fleet shard, asking to join the fleet shard discord. However, all of the Top 20 players I checked(and also random checks I made further below) had their buttons greyed out like this. Tried both in the Android App and PC client, checked my chat settings(it's set to receive chat invites from everyone), and I'm out of ideas. Anybody else experiencing this? Any ideas to fix?


14:55 UTC


Best droid team for this gc?

14:38 UTC


Thanks for the input

14:32 UTC


Don’t think I’ve seen it suggest before, but the Geonosian Elite could be a great addition to revitalize Geo’s

I often see the Geo queen and the Geo zombies suggested for the Geonosians, but never the Geonosian Elite from Republic Commando. (granted it is a more obscure unit, as I think its only appearance is the game, but if you played the game you’ll definitely remember them, they were pretty tough)

Idk exactly what it would do for the Geo’s, but it would likely replace the Geo Soldier as the superior damage dealer. It could apply another debuff that Geo’s don’t already with its basic.

1 Comment
14:30 UTC


Gas phase 4

Anyone able to help me out with gas phase 4 im struggling and the youtube guides are years old i have all the req at relic 5 and am just getting deleted

1 Comment
14:28 UTC


For 3v3, how would you guys break this up?

14:26 UTC


I found the secret Geonosian Triangle character

13:23 UTC


Range Trooper or Thrawn

So basically I have 100 Kyro 7 Tech free to use and with them I can bring Thrawn or Range trooper to G13. If i get Rangy to G13, I have a full Imperial trooper G13 team (Veers, Piett, Gideon, DT and Rangy). Where do you guys play Thrawn ? Is he still usefull and which one would you get to G13 ? I feel like Thrawn is supposed to be the best choice since he leads a fleet, but as a character I never use him.

Thanks !

12:41 UTC


500c relic packs?

Is there a cadence for when these packs come out or a website that tracks these or other packs?

12:19 UTC


With the last round of Queen Amidala conquest, we should be hearing about the next character soon. Who do you hope it is?

12:05 UTC


SLKR 36 million damage in conquest

1 Comment
11:59 UTC


With Jar Jar Released, Where does Egnards go from here!?

Justice for Jar Jar is a movement that started sometime around 2-3 years ago. . .I'll be honest, I don't know when I first stated that Jar Jar should be in the game, but it was somewhere in that timeframe that we first uttered the phrase, "Justice for Jar Jar."

And while I wont pretend that I was the first person to suggest he been in SWGOH, I think we can all safely say that I was at the very least one of the most prominent voices.

Lets be clear for a second though, that Justice for Jar Jar did not start as a 'meme' movement as some suggest - I'd really like that on the record - I indeed understand that Jar Jar is a stupid and problematic character, but I also recognized early that his very nature would make a fun kit. . .I've always had a soft spot for unusual kits [looking at you Abathur]

So the question becomes, with Egnards now having completed his goal to make sure 2024 was indeed the Year of Jar Jar Binks. . .Where does he go now


I've long said that Senator Bail Organa not being in the game is an extreme injustice to his character. He was featured in my "Top Ten Better Than Drogan" post, and I've definitely mentioned him in a post Jar Jar world.

Senator Bail Organa needs to come to the game, and while I see his first characterization as being an Imperial Senator that was clearly working for the Rebellion, his most fleshed out time period is obviously Galactic Republic. . .

I personally see Bail Organa working almost like a hybrid Mon Mothma and Nute Gunnery, utilizing a new Senator tag [no distinction between Galactic and Imperial, I don't think there is personally a need here.

But we're not here to talk about Senator Bail Organa today. . . Because that would make too much sense. . .And that's not what an Egnards does.

An Egnards pick for characters in the game has to meet several criteria:

  • The character itself should be ridiculous [and Teek fans?]
  • The character should be unexpected
  • The character itself should serve an actual combat purpose, and have a chance to make it into the game, no matter how small [sorry Watto fans!]

Ok Egnards, Shutup. . Justice for who now?

. . .

. . .

A little Suspense

. . .

. .


Wait, Who?

Clone 99!

[There are Clone Wars Spoilers from quite literally 14 years ago below this. . .So uhh, I mean. . . I'm warning you, but really. . .It's been 14 years. . .Did you know Darth Vader was Luke's Father?]

Jake Peralta Clone 99 is a defective clone that appears in two episode of The Clone Wars. Essentially, as a defective clone, he is unfit for actual combat duty and is relegated to janitorial work around the clone training complex.

In his first appearance he inspires Hevy [a member of Domino squad with Echo and 5555s] to not walk away from duty, and teaches him about the importance of Brotherhood, giving Hevy the drive he needs to pass The Citadel Challenge.

In his second and final appearance, Clone 99 is caught up in a Separatist plot to takeover Kamino and helps resupply his brothers with munitions, while leading them through the facilities of TIpoca City. He risks his life, and is unfortunately slain in the field of battle while attempt to retrieve munitions/explosives for Rex and Cody in a dire pinned down situation - If you haven't seen the episode, it becomes very obvious that Clone 99 is well aware that in that moment he is unlikely to make it out alive, and decides to be a hero for his clone brothers.

Clone 99 is further honored by being the inspiration behind the official name of the Bad Batch Squad. . .Clone Force 99.

He is a versatile character that would bring real value to the clone squads, willingly playing the field with any that will have him [Title of his sex tape]

Ok fine whatever, but where does he fit in?

Ninety Nine is a non combat support character designed to fit into a mostly clone squad. He would not have the 501st tag so would not benefit from going into a GAS squad, but would have some synergy with Shaak Ti as well [though be designed to not require her as a leader].

Currently in game he could be used with multiple squads

  • Alternative fifth for Bad Batch [though no Bad Batch tag]
  • Alternative third in a Captain Rex 3v3 team
  • Clone Sgt and Cody ally
  • Shaak Ti 3v3 team

However I see him as being a backdoor to bringing in some of the other popular clones that have been suggested over the years, being able to openly synergize with broad teams.

What does his kit look like?

I don't know the exacts of what I'd like to see from his kit, but I know for one thing Brotherhood should mostly definitely be an "aura" [non combat full battle locked buff] given to all clone allies, inspiring them to fight harder.

I would like to see a sacrifice mechanic similar to 5555s, but fundamentally different. Maybe a Non-Combat tank that pushes you strongly to attack him first [just like his death in Tipoca City], which would increase the strength of the Brotherhood Buff.

Is this a joke?

No Sir, this is not. Clone 99 deserves your love and affection, and unlike Jar Jar Binks there is nothing but inspiration behind his character. So fuck off u/Kahzgul

How the hell did you find an image of Clone 99 holding Jar Jar Binks?

We can all thank u/Moonborn_Nemesis for that. He takes basically every over the top ridiculous image I can concoct in my head and somehow makes it a reality.

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11:07 UTC


Vader or dukoo for Bane?

These are the only homeless reliced with I have at the moment. My bane is R5. Will circle back to them once I finish some other projects atm

09:57 UTC


I'm not getting past tier 3 of the Aphra event, any help with my mods would be greatly appreciated

09:34 UTC


Which faction would you prefer to see next?

08:34 UTC


Is GI or Reva better lead?


08:22 UTC


Rerolling the lvl 6 first order datacron

I have rerolled now twice the lvl 6 of the Together as one datacron. Is it possible to get the huge wall of text perk where it removes 1% turn meter from FO allies by rerolling or do I have to get another datacron?

07:49 UTC

07:17 UTC


Pending bills on paypal, anyone else (webstore)

They never said anything again about the double Charging in the webstore.

For me the 2nd bill is just 'pending' and is waiting for execution.

Now i watched into my paypal and i see 5 extra bills i already paid for on 'pending'.

I cannot do anything on them until ea charged me on them too.

Anyone else having this, too?

Ea support haven't answered for over a week now.

07:10 UTC


How viable is my star killer team?

I know it might not be the best combo but I'm really trying to gear him up as well. Any suggestions on how to make this team work better would be much appreciated.

07:02 UTC


03:30 UTC


Old republic Jace Malcom concept

(Basic)unstoppable charge: deal physical damage to target enemy and gain 5% max health

4(Special)X-3 assault cannon: deal physical damage to target enemy three times and special damage to all enemies

10(Special)noble sacrifice: deal true damage to target enemy and this unit equal to 50% Jace Malcom’s max health. This unit can not be defeated by this attack. The cooldown of this ability is reduced by one each time Grand master Satele Shan is damaged.

(Leader)supreme commander: all allies gain 20% max health, doubled for old republic allies. Each time a non-Jedi old republic ally uses a special ability all galactic republic allies assist.

(Unique)unwavering valor: Jace Malcom loses all protection and gains an equal amount of max health. Any time Satele Shan is damaged this unit counter attacks. Any time Satele Shan is critically hit this unit recovers 10% health and taunts for one turn

1 Comment
02:24 UTC


PSA: Keep checking for the PC Beta clinic to show up

I was disappointed at not getting selected for the beta test initially. I've been checking every few days and it just popped up in my EA app today.

So don't give up hope and just keep checking!

02:24 UTC


I Unlocked Padme Cron

Soo I just got the Padme lvl 9 Datacron and Im wondering what's the best use for it. The datacron mechanics don't benefit JMK. I wonder if I should use Padme seperately or still use her with JMK. I wanna know what's her the best utility this upcoming 3v3 GAC. Do I use her on Offence/Defence, with JMK or without? What's the Play here. Also how truely good is this Datacron?

01:26 UTC

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