srsAnime is a safe space for discussing anime, manga, and similar things from Japan.
Summer '14 | Past guides |
srsAnime is a safe space for discussing anime, manga, and similar things from Japan. Read the rules!
You can use code
syntax (either with surrounding `backticks` or an indent of 4 spaces) to render text in the same manner as Japanese AA a.k.a. Shift-JIS art.
Please note that we are not affiliated with ShitRedditSays or the Fempire.
Don't link to straight-up porn or erotica. If you think a site is worth posting despite some NSFW content, mark it as NSFW. If the site has NSFW ads, but the content isn't NSFW, use the "NSFW Ads" link flair.
Discussion of unlicensed series is allowed, but don't just link translations (official or fan made) for the hell of it.
Spoilers should be marked as such by surrounding your spoiler text with a link to /spoiler. e.g., [The surprise was vampires!](/spoiler)
becomes The surprise was vampires!. This especially goes for ongoing series.
If your content may be disturbing, triggering or otherwise problematic for some people, please include a brief but descriptive warning, either in the title or at the top of a self-post.
Posts that are bigoted, creepy or blatantly offensive will be removed without question, and could result in a ban.
Hey guys! I run a blog that reviews anime, manga and games, and this weeks review is now live. This week we take a look at the anime wonder, Aggretsuko. Please be warned that this review may contain some mild story spoilers for Aggretsuko. I'm just posting it here in case someone would be interested in checking it out. I hope you guys enjoy the review and Merry Christmas!
bash the fash, fuck the admin
Best Show:
Biggest Surprise:
Biggest Disappointment:
Best Writing:
Best OP:
Best ED:
Best Female Character:
Best Male Character:
Worst Character:
Best Voice/Performance:
Best Soundtrack/Sound Design:
Best Character Design:
Best Art Design:
Best Animation:
Another year, which means this stupid subreddit is going to be four years old soon
Best Show:
Biggest Surprise:
Biggest Disappointment:
Best Writing:
Best OP:
Best ED:
Best Female Character:
Best Male Character:
Worst Character:
Best Voice/Performance:
Best Soundtrack/Sound Design:
Best Character Design:
Best Art Design:
Best Animation: