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Welcome to the SCP Foundation. We are a community devoted to expanding and creating the SCP Universe. If you are new, we recommend visiting the SCP Foundation Official Wiki in the links below or just ask for help in this subreddit.




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    So you want to write an SCP:

    So you want to make something based on the SCP Foundation:


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    Scp 9949: the traveler

    The traveler's appearance is a armoured knight with scratches on his armor parts (left arm to chest armor) and he has a gun which he can travel through multiverse like Video games, comics, novels, movies, and more.

    Backstory: scp 9949 was just any medieval knight when he saw a strange gun that crash beside him and he picks it up and he got sucked by a portal then he was floating through then saw portals of fictions, he's been granted by a unknown spirit named "eny" Who tell him to fix the multiverse and he accepted and he got hax which he travel faster, make universe, delete timelines, delete universe and change timeline. But he has weakness which is he has lack of strength and speed and durability but has abilities and stamina and has combat

    Abilities: as I said he travel faster, make universe, delete timelines, delete universe and change timeline Stamina: he can run for 30 minutes because eny was a spiritual who has a ability to run faster Combat: he was trained at the medieval ages and has experienced for 5 years

    To do his abilities, eny gave him a artificial gun which is transparent and has selections, and he has his own weapon which is a rainbow sword and a controller gauntlet

    Rainbow sword: a sword that slash easily, make elements while slashing like (fire, water, force, thunder) but it's very hard to obtain and master but he can master it with eny's will

    Gauntlet: he can control any characters in his own control, but it has a limit of 2 hours

    His main objective was to explore multiverse and fix them and manage them

    08:14 UTC


    Deity level Scp's being contained.

    How? How does the scp foundation contain deity level scps like scp 2845, the scarlet king, devourer of worlds etc etc. I just wanna know because as far as I know the scp foundation only has the weapons as of a normal gun.

    07:06 UTC


    What is GRU-P & Chaos Insurgency Relationship is?

    I was quite curious about the relationship with GRU Devision “P” and Chaos Insurgency Relation. I attempted to read other GOI relations with GRU-P and including Fandom, but I cannot really Confirm the relationship with CI and GRU-P. I was mostly curious if they are allies, neutral, or enemies. And please tell your answers if you already have the knowledge of these groups relationships.

    03:24 UTC


    Most easily adaptable canon, SCP, or tale into a movie/TV show?

    I want to entertain and idea that probably wont happen, and if it does, wont be for a long time. But what do you think, is the most adaptable thing from the entire SCP mythos? What can you see being part of a multi streaming service, probably, franchise. Whether it be a stand alone movie, an anthology tv show, or a series of movies of something MCU like. I'm curious.

    In my opinion its the most cinematic and conclusive thing on the wiki, The Ouroboros Cycle.

    01:57 UTC


    what does scp 2022 do

    me and my friend need to know cause we're making a video about it, and before you say it, I've read the article multiple times and I don't understand it.

    01:44 UTC


    SCP-1808 Spongebob Squarepants Watches (SCP Foundation Readings)

    01:22 UTC


    SCP 079 in his flimsy little chamber

    01:14 UTC


    Have any Serpent’s Hand and Chaos Insurgency cells cooperated?

    Typically, the Serpent’s Hand condemns the Chaos Insurgency as the “Madmen” or at best, the “Red Rebels.” And with some iterations of the CI, which won’t hesitate to engage in all sorts of underhanded or outright cruel, exploitative, megalomaniacal, or even flat out irrational actions, it’s absolutely deserved.

    But some versions of the CI seem to at least somewhat restrain themselves, avoiding civilian entanglements and limiting their goals to taking down the Foundation and GOC. In my own universe there are multiple groups calling themselves the Chaos Insurgency, and one of them actually does behave in a relatively civilized manner though they absolutely do believe in attacking hard and giving their enemies hell.

    What about the Serpent’s Hand, though? They don’t seem well coordinated or militarily capable to me but it does seem like some individuals or groups have fewer qualms about taking violent action.

    To me this suggests that there could be a point of coinciding interests and even potential operations. I can see where on one hand this could lead to elements of the SH and some CI groups coming to blows. But what about collaborating, especially if we’re talking about a group of “Madmen” that aren’t so mad—as in, behaving more rationally and tempering their excesses? Has that ever been seen in any tales or SCPs to occur?

    23:39 UTC


    Tried making DayBreak.. honestly turned out horrible

    22:25 UTC


    Does SCP foundation have and use special weapons?

    Like something a lot more advanced than just regular bullet shooting guns. I know they most likely do have something, but in every animations/stories, there are mostly regular weapons. Special weapons are extremely rarely mentioned.

    22:19 UTC


    one thing I always wondered about 3008.

    If someone were to enter the store while dragging a rope with them, while a bit of the rope sticks out of the door, and go out of sight of the door, what would happen if they went back in the rope's track? (I hope I worded this right)

    21:41 UTC


    Is there a SCP that is a cartoon character or a TV gone rogue or something similar?

    21:30 UTC


    Episode 15 of Vault Veritas is now live!

    Salutations listeners! The next episode of Vault Veritas, "Work Second", is now ready for your ears! In this week's episode, our narrator continues to eschew his desk in favor of personally exploring his Foundation site. Scott and Meri debate a number of ethical concerns that even the most safely-contained anomalies can trigger.

    As usual, you can listen to our work on SpotifyApple Podcasts, and Youtube! Questions and Feedback are always welcome!

    21:10 UTC


    Reading 10 SCPs per day so i become scp knowledge god😎 DAY 115

    SCP-1476 7/10

    SCP-1477 7.07/10

    SCP-1478 7.135/10

    SCP-1479 7.09/10

    SCP-1480 7/10

    SCP-1481 7.47/10

    SCP-1482 7.02/10

    SCP-1483 7.348/10

    SCP-1484 7.05/10

    SCP-1485 7.8/10

    1 Comment
    20:51 UTC


    a dumb question?

    why is there multiple o5 in each position? and is o5-13 real? my brain are in scrambled and i need someone else provide me their own speculation so my brain become a bit less scrambled.

    20:27 UTC


    What's your favourite "obscure" or underrated SCP?

    I personally really like 203, he seems really interesting, and well... sad.

    19:53 UTC


    I'm looking for a video of an SCP EAS scenario

    I can't remember the channel, but I remember it being at least two minutes. I'm almost certain it was based on The World's Gone Beautiful, but if not it was definitely about an XK class anomaly. It has pictures of flowers and the sun. It distinctly plays "Nearer My God to Thee" in the video. Can someone help me find it?

    19:31 UTC


    How hard is it to write + post an SCP?

    I had an idea for an SCP, looked at the guide on the wiki, and I just wanted to ask on this sub how easy it is, because I'm honestly very intimidated. It seems like I have to get approved by two people to even start a draft, and I have like 0 social skills. Are people generally respectful or is it a lot of mean spirited criticism? I'd really appreciate any help or advice people are willing to offer in the comments.

    19:20 UTC


    What SCP got you interested in SCP stuff?

    19:13 UTC


    scp about some foundation worker smelling bad

    starts off as him smelling bad but then later on its revealed that his body is decomposing and that no one knows why (hes still alive hes not dead)

    19:12 UTC


    How are these made?

    18:36 UTC


    If you are to fight every single scp but every time you destroy/kill one you gain thier anomalous ability

    If you had to choose one weapon for the fight what would be? (No guns over the caliber of a mk1 desert eagle are aloud)

    17:40 UTC


    How does the foundation pay for everything?

    16:06 UTC


    Day 2: do u prefer SCP 173 or SCP 131?

    15:36 UTC


    SCPs that *don't* keep you up at night?

    I have a serious problem with reading the wiki in the evening and it's starting to mess with my sleep schedule. Good skips that are funny, philosophical, wholesome, sad, just weird, or even scary, but not sleep-with-the-lights-on-for-a-week scary?

    15:18 UTC


    Trying to find an SCP

    Sometime ago I heard about a SCP that I found really cool, but forget a number.

    I hope I understand it well, but from the thing I get and I remember.

    I think it's an country in America (or somewhere) it also have a mayor(?). Foundation doesn't let people innit. I think it was in 3 series (2000-2999, I hope) but I'm not sure about it.

    I know it's not that many informations but that's all what I have.

    Edit: I know I've heard it in some podcast on spotify, not sure about a name but it was like "Foundation something radio."(?) And they have done interwiew with it.

    15:00 UTC


    SCP-001 When Day Breaks- What exactly do the blobs do?

    Welcome to my existential rant on When Day Breaks-

    When Day Breaks Is considered such a terrifying scenario, because once you become one of the blobs, you essentially lose your humanity. You no longer look human, and you don't seem to have any desires other than to just roam the Earth And bring anyone else you can find into the sunlight.

    But is that really all that they just do? Just roam the Earth?

    If that's the case, I hope this doesn't sound too dark to people, but if this scenario actually happened, I honestly can't imagine doing anything except just joining them? I mean sure, you're surrendering yourself to a situation that shouldn't be happening, but your options are essentially-

    Hide yourself from this unwinnable scenario in the vain hope that you and other humans can somehow get away from Earth to another Solar System I assume and restart humanity, Or join the blobs and live a forever life of company. It's unknown whether the blobs are happy or not, but surely becoming one of them can't be that bad to hiding in a bunker alone forever and awaiting your ineviedible capture?

    It's not exactly clear why the blobs want to bring everyone else into the sunlight, but it's very clear that they desperately want to. The final paragraph of the article shows that the moment the blobs have reason to believe a human is hiding near them, they completely break down the door with full force and grab him, tossing him from one blob to the next, bringing him into the sunlight as fast as they possibly can- But when all the humans are turned, what exactly are they going to do? Just keep flopping around forever? They're honestly sounds like there could be worse fates if you really think about it.

    Also, I know this isn't revealed, but I always wondered what would happen if the sun just suddenly Stopped turning people into blobs, But the blobs that have already become what they are remain as they are. Then you just got a bunch of blobs on the Earth That really want to turn other people into blobs, but there's literally no way they can do it now because the sun has gone back to normal.

    14:50 UTC


    Are there any new G.O.C content?

    14:37 UTC

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