
Photograph via snooOG

A place to share scary stories which contain a set of rules to follow.

Scary stories which includes a list of rules in it.


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I work at the Night Library (installment 10). The coffee pot tried to kill me.

Hi, hello: ‘tis I, Night Librarian extraordinaire, Adam Ward. Gather round for a tale that’s sure to chill you to the bone about how I’m a fuuucking idiot.

So, first and foremost, to address the proverbial elephant in the proverbial room, no, we’re not just ignoring the events addressed in my last post. I don’t have a ton to add right now, but we’ll get to what little there is. Matt keeps talking about things none of us remember and we’re all just doing our best to go along and not slip up bad enough that he catches on. Can’t decide whether losing the tangible or the conceptual time is worse, so I’m honestly trying not to dwell too much on it while I don’t have any immediate leads on reaching an enlightened (hah, get it? …too soon?) conclusion.

Anyway, for now, let’s shift our focus to other replay-worthy instances—i.e. one in particular that I’ve been promising to talk about for a while but haven’t gotten around to until now because it was, evidently, sick of being ignored and determined that today was as good a time as any to rear its nasty fucking head again.

Yep, you heard right. This shit went down today, so. Forgive me if I’m less eloquent than you, my esteemed guests of Reddit, have grown accustomed to.

It’s been a hot minute, but I believe it was in the post where Matt was giving Wiley and I the rundown of the library’s lore that I mentioned in passing that the coffee pot had put a personal hit out on me.

For the emphatic purposes of reiteration: it did do that. Not one of my finest moments. But, not to worry! Because today, I had a shot at redemption. I had a chance to show that fucking hunk of plastic and glass who was boss. The opportunity to tell the world’s most motivational comeback story fell into my lap.

And I absolutely fucked it.

But let me back up a minute first.

I’m gonna speed-run the recounting of the first offense, for the sake of brevity and also because, let’s be so incredibly fucking for real, you want to hear about how stupid I just was so much more than you want to hear about how stupid I was one time a million years ago. Also, the first one wasn’t really my fault, so. Markedly less entertaining, probably.

Anyway, to re-set the scene, in case you’ve forgotten (which I’m sure you have by now) it was the night of a power outage, which, in this case, was caused by a snowstorm. However, the showcase situation at hand went down pre-power outage—I’m a dumbass, but not quite a monumental enough one to try to make coffee without the ability to turn on the coffee pot.

So, early evening. Lights were still kicking. Wiley had just accidentally Opened A Door (fifth rule) and we were attempting to recover from the mess that had brought down upon us (involving a colorless, odorless substance that mimicked baby powder in appearance but caused a reaction reminiscent of anaphylaxis when inhaled) while also attempting to prepare for the inevitable death of the building’s electricity. It had flickered a couple of times already, and we all knew it was just a matter of time.

Matt and I had already dragged out the generator and two moderately functional battery powered camping lanterns we managed to scrounge up from the depths of the “supply” (that means bullshit) closet, but I had the brilliant idea that maybe, if I made a pot of coffee, it would retain enough heat to help keep us a little warmer throughout the night.

The coffee pot, in this particular instance, was full of sludge. That, in and of itself, was fine—it’s full of sludge about ten percent of the time, and, true to the rules, all we have to do is dump it out and give it a good rinse before we use it again.

However, I, in this particular instance, was still battling the effects of baby-powder-anaphylaxis.

The reason it’s written into the rules to plug our noses when we’re emptying the brackish, phlegmy substance into the sink isn’t related to breathing—it’s about the scent.

I don’t know exactly how to explain the phenomenon, but I’ll do my best.

Think of it as almost opposite, in concept, to smelling salts. If you’ve never experienced them before, the idea is that they wake you the fuck up. They promote better, deeper air passage to the lungs and raise your heart rate and blood flow just enough to give you a nice headrush, effectively like an instant energy boost.

This shit does…not that.

It would be less dangerous, probably, if all it caused was loss of consciousness. Which it does do, of course—but also it slows your heart and, respectively, all of your other fucking organs to the degree that you essentially become, if you’re lucky, temporarily comatose.

I started coughing. That was what did it. It was just a tickle in my throat at first, and I tried to ignore it, tried to swallow it back until I could finish the task at hand, but on my next inhale, thumb and forefinger still clamped dutifully over my nostrils, I choked.

You can use your imagination, probably, to fill in the blanks of that one.

It wasn’t cute. Fin.

Wiley found me on the floor and, ironically, did use smelling salts to wake my ass up. Took me a minute to catch my breath, but afterwards I was ultimately fine, if exhausted.

That’s pretty much that on that one.

Now, back to the present.

Jenny was on the desk when I came in, and she beckoned me over to her with a wave of her hand, holding onto the corner of the cover of a poor, battered copy of Don Quixote with her fingertips.

“Ew,” I remarked as soon as I was close enough to get a solid visual. It had certainly been subjected to some manner of liquid damage, and there was some wear along the top edge of the spine that looked suspiciously akin to teeth marks.

“It’s moldy,” Jenny announced, popping her gum. “You want it?”

“No,” I told her, circling the counter and plucking the book from her grasp. “The trash wants it.”

“By all means,” she said, bending to pull the small waste basket out from beneath the desk, “feed him.”

I dropped the book with an unceremonious thump into the can, kicking it back into place and booting Jenny out of the way of the computer with my hip.

“Rude,” she accused dully, plopping down in the chair next to me as I pulled up the record for the item to delete the holding. “You gonna tell Alice you’re yeeting that or does she just have to figure it out on her own?”

I shrugged. “She doesn’t need to know. Nobody reads that shit. No use reordering it.”

Jenny tipped her head in a fair enough manner and pulled open the top drawer of the cabinet to her right, extracting a nail file. “Hey, so, have you been having, um…”

“Nightmares?” I guessed, because I had.

She popped her gum again.

“I’m having a hard time remembering them,” I admitted. “It’s kind of like every time I wake up I know I was just scared shitless but I can’t figure out exactly why.”

“Yeah,” she said. She was filing her pinky nail to a point, tapping the tip of it with her thumb. “I keep waking up and, like…still seeing stuff? Like, writing, all over the walls. But I can’t read any of it. And then I blink a few times and it’s gone.”

I turned to face her. “Does it look like the…the runes or whatever? That were in those books? The ones that…”

“Yeah,” she repeated. “I mean, I don’t remember them that well. But I guess.”

We’d gotten off too easily, really. I knew we were both thinking it. Even if we’d lost the last year—or, at least, the memory of it—it still felt as though we’d made it out with far too few wounds to lick.

I didn’t have an opportunity to continue chasing my doom spiral for much longer, though, because Sam was suddenly next to me, having cropped up from seemingly out of nowhere.

“Jesus,” I said.

“I want donuts,” he greeted.

“And I want to know why that’s my problem,” I countered, stepping away from the computer and indicating to Jenny with a sweep of my hand that it was all hers again.

“Are you kidding me? Look at me. Look at my face.” Sam pushed his lower lip out into a pitiful, exaggerated pout. “I’m so sad. How could you force me to go on like this?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m so sorry, Your Highness. Let me just drop everything and cater to your whims.”

Sam scoffed. “Don’t pretend you were actually working. Come ooon, come wiiith meee.”

“I literally just got here,” I complained. “Can’t you just *make* some, master chef?”

For a fraction of a second, Sam hesitated. “I can’t. I’m—I don’t have any eggs left.”

I was fairly certain, actually, that we’d just received a donation of surplus eggs from a local farmer a couple of days ago, but I didn’t think too much of it—just figured maybe Sam didn’t feel like cooking for once. “Fuck’s sake, fine,” I groaned. “Jen, if Matt’s looking for me, tell him it’s this shithead’s fault I’m gone. I told him I’d be in at eight.”

Jenny saluted me, mid-bubble blowing, and Sam and I headed out.

There’s a bakery just across the street and a couple of doors down called Charmed Confections that prides itself in its expansive open hours—six a.m. to midnight—so, naturally, we frequent it, given that our little strip of town is essentially desolate outside the standard nine to five.

When we pushed our way inside, bells above the door jingling a jovial welcome, Ash, a regular evening shift employee, greeted us with a bright smile.

There was something comforting in their presence, and I realized absently that it was likely because I couldn’t have been sure they’d still be there. Their hair was a little longer than the last time I’d seen them (or, the last time I remembered seeing them) but nothing else seemed to have changed much. Similarly to the way Matt (and all of our patrons thus far) had been acting, we certainly weren’t received by them as though we’d just resurfaced after a year-long disappearance.

“Hey, guys. What’s it gonna be tonight?” they asked, tapping the screen of their payment terminal to wake it up.

“Donuts!” Sam trilled, skipping up to the bake case. “Pretty please. Is what’s in here everything you have left?”

“No, no, I just pulled three batches out of the fryers,” Ash assured him. “I’ve got chocolate covered strawberry, sour cream, and cinnamon cider in the back. And then those are, uh…I can’t remember if the long johns are boston creme or s’mores, but the other ones are plain glazed and blueberry.”

“Oh my god,” Sam drooled, “give me everything. Two of each.”

“You got it, boss,” Ash chuckled. “Give me just a sec to finish up the ones in the kitchen and I’ll have ‘em right out.”

“Literal love of my life,” Sam professed, planting himself in a chair at the closest table to the counter to wait.

I sat down across from him, deliberately placing one foot on a black tile square and one on a white.

The white one, as soon as the weight of my heel came to rest fully atop it, wiggled.

“Damn,” I remarked, deliberately shifting it back and forth with my toes. “They really let this place go to hell while we were…gone.”

Sam swiveled downward and snorted when he found the source of my commentary, kicking my foot away. “Leave it alone. They’ll have to shut the whole operation down if you make the one whole loose tile looser.”

I kicked his foot back, intending to reclaim my rightful place, but it quickly became a battle, both of us warring valiantly for purchase, until, finally, we disturbed the tile enough to shake it loose.

“Oh, shit,” Sam laughed in a whisper, casting a quick glance up to make sure Ash hadn’t returned. “Put it back, put it back.”

I leaned down, fingertips grazing the cool, smooth surface, and pushed it forward, attempting to slot it back into its fixture.

The problem was, it wouldn’t quite sit flat.

I furrowed my brow, slotting my finger under the edge and peering beneath.

Was that a—?

“Alrighty, boys,” Ash called, startling me enough that I dropped the tile, shooting back up in my seat. “Ready to go.”

We traversed back to the library hastily, and, once inside, Sam held up his bounty for Jenny (and now also Horace and Alice) to see. “I come bearing gold,” he announced. “Who wants in?”

“Ooh, oh my god, you know what sounds so good?” Jenny asked, and then, to the others, “Oh, it’s donuts. They got donuts. Okay, but what sounds so good? Coffee. We can’t eat donuts without coffee.”

“Yooo, so true, bestie,” Sam encouraged, plunking the bag down onto the desk. “Nose goes.”

“I’ll do it,” I volunteered, before the game could take off. “I was thinking it anyway.”

“My hero,” Sam swooned, blinking rapidly at me. “We’ll be awaiting your swift return.”

My return was not fucking swift. Yeah. Bet you never could’ve guessed that one.

Everything started off fine.

The coffee pot was clean, I thought, when I picked it up. Usually, when it’s full of sludge, it’s full of sludge. So I wasn’t particularly concerned with the probability that there was anything inside.

It’s okay, we’re all thinking it. Everyone should be concerned with everything here at all times. This is not news. But I am criminally stupid.

I took it to the sink with the intention of filling it up with water, but when I removed the lid, I took note of something. My passive perception being absolutely off the charts as it is, I came to find that there was a thin, black layer of…something caked onto the bottom of the glass.

In my mind, the logical explanation for this was that someone had made coffee, consumed the majority, and left just enough in the bottom that it had congealed and solidified.

So, naturally, I went to clean it out.

Based on the story at the beginning of this entry, I bet I can guess what direction you expect this to go in.

But don’t fret; I didn’t give myself an opportunity to smell it—I just stuck my hand straight in.

Evidently, according to Matt, afterward, no one had ever been enough of an all-encompassing train wreck to touch the sludge before, so basically I’m a trendsetter.

It started its ascent up my arm with such immediacy that I didn’t have time to process what was happening. My entire mind short-circuited. Which, probably, is why I started trying to wipe it off with my other hand.

But, Adam, wouldn’t that cause it to

Yeah. Yes. That did cause it to spread. Gold stars for everyone.

It was faster than a motherfucker, too.

I felt the panic setting in too quickly to even attempt to ascertain what I should be doing—what might be a reasonable course of action—because in seconds it had encased both my arms and was crawling up my neck.

I opened my mouth, intentions set on calling out for help, but before I could make a sound, the sludge sloshed its way upward further and it was all I could do to clench my jaw in time to keep it from spilling inside.

The entire upper-mid section of my body was encased in black, tar-like goop, and I was coming fairly swiftly to the determination that I couldn’t move my arms, which meant that when it inevitably spread to my legs, I likely wouldn’t be able to move those, either.

I swear to god, I at least had the common sense to run. What I didn’t have, however, was the coordination.

I expected, when I fell, to hit the ground and stick to it, the way I had when the robodactyl had covered me in her slime. That wasn’t what happened, though. This muck, whatever it was, was acting as more of a full-body cast than an adhesive. When I kicked my feet, my legs, even the sections of them that were fully coated, still rose from the floor—it was just that I wasn’t able to move them independently above the knee.

Or, soon, below the knee.

If it feels like I’m rushing through relaying this, I promise you, I felt like it was happening in 2x speed.

By the time I felt it oozing down my calves, it started to register that I couldn’t breathe.

Or hear.

Or see.

My best advice, probably, if someone ever came to me in the condition I was in at the time, would be to remain as calm as possible. But that really, truly is easier said than done.

I was sure, in that moment, that of all the stupid shit I’ve gotten myself into in this godforsaken fucking place, this was it. This was the one that was going to take me out.

I couldn’t even hyperventilate. The shit had sealed up my mouth and nose like plaster and every inch of me was frozen solid as stone. I’d never had a panic attack without the ability to physically express my anxiety before, and let me tell you: a million fucking times worse.

So I did the only thing I could.

I lay there and waited to die.

If I had, my last thought would’ve been that I didn’t even get a fucking donut.

But Horace had other plans for me.

I pride myself in the amount of time I can hold my breath (it’s not actually very impressive, but it is two minutes, which feels like a lot when you’re doing it) but I was on the verge of losing it. There was a softness creeping into the edges of my consciousness, almost as though sleep was petting my hair like a child, inviting me to drift peacefully away. If I’d passed out, that would have been the end. The body’s reset is to force-start breathing again, and there was no way for it to do so. It was over. I was done.

And then I was…drenched.

When my vision returned to me, Horace was standing over me, as frantic as I’d ever seen him appear, holding a large, blue bucket. His shirt was soaking wet, as was the floor, as was I.

I inhaled and sputtered and coughed and he bent to the floor, knees crackling like Rice Krispies, to help me into a seated position, smacking my back as if I was a toddler who’d just swallowed a Lego.

“Fuck,” I managed, once I’d caught my breath. “Jesus Christ. Thank you. I thought…thank you. How did you—what did you do?”

Horace, who was panting about as heavily as I was, nodded to the bucket he’d abandoned on the ground next to him when he’d stooped to help me. “Water,” he said. “That’s how we always get rid of it when it’s in the coffee pot, so I just figured maybe…and I guess it worked.”

I blinked back at him for a moment, processing. “You’re telling me if I’d just turned on the sink this shit would’ve disappeared like it always does?”

He shrugged.

I’ll be honest, chat, I really just wanted to lay back down and will myself to die for like a full ten seconds.

Instead, however, I pushed myself to my feet and headed to Della’s closet to grab a mop.

So there you have it. Dumbfuck Supreme, Adam Ward, signing off.

Until next time.

P.S. I did get a donut. Best fucking thing I’ve ever tasted, coffee be damned.

21:35 UTC


Is it staring at you?

You were going on as usual with your life, But then you saw something unusual. A face , It's everywhere. In your backyard, In your television, in your laptop , on your ceiling , anywhere you look. It just keeps staring at you , Follow these rules to survive.

1.) DO NOT KEEP EYE CONTACT FOR MORE THAN 3 SECONDS, That's all the time it needs to burrow itself in your mind and take control.

2.) Do not panic, Panicking is only going to make it harder for you to survive.

3.) Call the UDA helpline and say "the eyes don't blink" , We'll understand.

4.) Once you call us , It will get desperate. This is going to be the hardest part of it all. Try to keep your sanity through all this.

5.) It will start showing you pleasurable hallucinations. It will take forms desired by you so that you look into its eyes , You must resist.

6.) It will then start showing you scary visual and auditory hallucinations, Do not be afraid since those things aren't real and can't hurt you.

7.) You will start feeling touch and other senses that aren't real . It'll be the scariest and hardest moments of your life, But you must not give in to it.

8.) As a last ditch effort , It will show you your worst memory as if it was real. Maybe a dead loved one , Something you did in the past. It can be anything, You must not look into its eyes.

9.) If you were able to survive till we got there , We'll save you.

-The UDA

15:56 UTC


How to get rid of “him”

You may have recently been hearing noises, strange bumps in the night or odd groans once in a while? Well then we can help you get rid of him with a few simple steps but first we have to know what type we are dealing with.

There are many formations he can take such as an animal all the way to the “ęÿëś”.

These rules will run off of descriptive properties so make sure you know what he looks like;

A once loved pet; In his sick and twisted mind he believes that reanimating the corpse of your dead pet is a good way to convince you to let him close. Do. Not. Let. Him. Close. Your decomposing pet might seem friendly but remember. Those are t their eyes. To get rid of one you simply ignore it. Even if it is following you. It can only walk, you can run. Soon it will just give up on you.

A decomposing wild animal; He sometimes hunts wild animals to use their skin to hunt you. This tactic was very successful. All you need to do to survive is to get out the forest. It never leaves the edge.

Blob; It’s literally unmoving just leave it alone I guess.

Late loved ones; He found their corpse. He has been stalking you for a while now. To have a chance of survival against this one is too use fire. We recommend an aerosol can with a lighter. This method is the most successful one yet.

THE OTHER PAGES ARE ALL RIPPED OUT. You huddle around the fire as behind you your late wife crawls toward you.

13:47 UTC


Rules for renting a condo

So you want to rent a condo? Well it’s only $55 a month, cheap, I know. But there is a reason for that… There are a few rules you have to follow to stay alive…

  1. Do not go in section E, they do not like being disturbed

1a. If your condo is in section E tell an employee that you can’t stay here they will help you

  1. If an employee has a red hat, they are not real, you can’t tell anyone, they won’t believe you.

2a. If an employee has a blue hat they are real, if you need any help talk to them.

2b. If you see an employee with no hat immediately look away, hope it didn’t see your eyes, if it did it will put you in the meat grinder

  1. At the restaurant nearby they might want you to eat meat, DO NOT EAT THE MEAT

3a. Do not sit in a seat where the fabric is torn, you won’t be able to sit back up

  1. Do not enter section B, it is infested with skin walkers they will eat your flesh

  2. In all sections there are skin walkers, if it is not section E or B they will be in their rooms.

5a. Only enter your room

5b. At night skin walkers flood all sections to feast, at night stay in your room, you might hear screaming, crying, or growling but it’s all a trap

5c. If you are outside the sections at night just wait til it’s day to go back

5d. When leaving your room in the morning there will be human remains, ignore it, an employee with a blue hat will clean it.

  1. At the restaurant they might offer you a job, it will have really good pay, DO NOT GET THE JOB if you do you will see some things you wish you never saw

  2. If you see a rule that is labeled without a number that is not a rule, ignore it.

A. Stay with us forever

  1. Leave as soon as they let you leave, it should be about a year.

Thank you for renting a condo! We hope you enjoy staying here… forever

Thank you to my lil brother for helping me with this story :)

12:02 UTC


Okay! YOU are my new Youtube 3AM Video Cameraman!! Read the Rules before considering subscribing!

Alright, YOU. YES YOU. You are gonna me my cameraman for the SICK videos that im doing. Right, in all honesty, most of this stuff is completely fake, i know, its such a surprise that 'Huggy Wuggy McDonalds Meal At 3 AM' is fake. But, for some reason some real weird things happen, so like, so your family doesn't sue me, when like, your head gets bitten off, I gotta share with you some rules.

After this, we can get some KFC, and you can be truly apart of the GhoulGamez *trademark pending* community. Trust me. It'll be fine.

RULE ONE: Don't Enter The Bathroom.

Okay, I know, it's weird, but something is REALLY off in there at night, the lights start flicking on and off, the taps and shower turn on and off. I keep telling my viewers the 'Skibidi Toilets' are attacking in there, but I'm not sure how long they'll buy it for. Even more, the plumber I hire is saying like, the most BS excuses to why he can't fix it, he's saying its " a portal to hell." ok fine womp womp fix my toilet. Asshole.

If you DO need to use the toilet, there's a 24/7 McDonalds like a minute away from my house just use the bathroom there. And don't turn on the light, i don't wanna pay more taxes. Also, are the lights in your bathroom turn red, and keep enchanting Demonic Spells or is that just me?

Oh. No Bloody Mary either. I don't want to invite my bitch of an ex girlfriend back here.

RULE TWO: No Playing Taylor Swift In The House.

yeah you won't get like killed to death by an angry demon or something i just don't like her music.

RULE THREE: The Hide And Seek Game

ok so sometimes we get dolls and pretend to do some ritual on them, we cut them up, and leave a blood sacrifice which is just red food colouring, you also need to move the thing from position from position so we can add to the 'scare' factor. Just keep track on where it is.

If it isn't where you last put it.
There's some deodorant and a lighter in the car.
go ham.

actually dont

my house is really fucking expensive

and I won't get any insurance for "trying to stop a demonic doll"

RULE FOUR: The Pizza Delivery Man

sometimes we may get a knock on the door, someone saying that we have a pizza delivery. don't go to the door. tell me, and I'll sort it.
It's either a prank, because I got doxxed a few weeks ago after dissing a minecraft youtuber, or a demon wanting a pizza with extra anchovies with your soul.

So when im gaming, you're kinda free to do whatever you want, because sometimes I do gaming segments with my 3AM Videos. Go get some food from the fridge, and relax, whatever is possessing the house is really chill around then, also when im doing my sponsorships.

RULE SIX: The Ouija Board

yeah we have a fully working Ouija Board! Just follow the general rules surrounding it, it's on the box aswell, but, like don't call it any mean words. imagine dying and some random guy is insulting you about it. Some poor grandma is getting flamed by you, imagine how hurt you'll make her feel?

Also because she might come back to tear out your lungs so like, dont be mean to the ghosts ig?

RULE SEVEN: Leaving The House
When your leaving, make sure the camera footage is saved, leave the house after the sun is up and shining, I'll get to work editing the video when im back. Make sure to leave when it is light outside, or else.....idk you could get robbed or something.

15:51 UTC


White Owl Heights, The Letter.

part 2

We were lucky. We were chosen among hundreds (if not more) applicants to be accepted to White Owl Heights.

When I first received the envelope that contained all the information about the community along with the application form I was torn. Was this some kind of joke? Was there really a debt-free community, ready to offer a free home and a decent paying job to us?

It had been a rough year. We used to be happy. I had a steady, well-paying job and my wife had recently started working again after our youngest child turned 2 years old. We were making enough to be able to save money every month after having all our bills paid.

But things changed. I was stupid enough to trust a member of higher management at my job when he told me he lost his access to the web banking system due to some error and he needed to pay our branche's salaries.

He did a good job, sending me email confirmations (supposedly) from the CEO and the bank that there was indeed a software problem with his user account and I was tasked to give him access through my own username to make the payments.

Thinking back, I was stupid to say the least. I ended up being accused of stealing the company's money as it seemed like it was transferred to an online bank account under my name. Of course I had no idea. I managed to prove my innocence in court but I did lose my job plus all our savings during this legal battle.

My wife's job kept us fed but the bills were never fully paid any more. We started taking out payday loans hoping I would soon score another job and start earning too. I couldn't get a job for months. I did take a minimum wage job at a fast food chain but it wasn't enough. After an emergency hospital visit we were left in a lot of debt. We had become desperate.

We were facing an eviction notice when we received the answer from White Owl Heights. Our family was accepted to their community. We were ecstatic! Nothing was holding us in the city anyway. We didn't have any family left there (my wife's only brother lives across the country). Moving to White Owl Heights seemed ideal.

We did some online research and the town seemed nice. The website showed some pictures taken at town events full of happy, carefree faces. The information page was full of great reviews from residents and some visitors. We decided to go check the place out and called the number written on their letter.

"Hello, this is Jeremy Civveta."

"Hello, this is Paul Smith. We received a letter from you?.."

"Oh, yes. The Smith family. I was planning to call you today too. We are happy to offer you a place in our community. Are you still interested in moving here?"

"Yes, of course we are."

"That's great. I will save the place for you then. We have a long list of families that have submitted their applications too and are waiting for an open spot."

"How come you chose our application then?"

"Every time there is an open spot we re-evaluate all submissions. We choose the family that we believe will fit in our community best."

"Oh, in that case we must thank you. Is there anything we should know before moving there? Any paperwork, any fees that need to be paid etc?"

It was too good to be true, my gut screamed.

"There are no fees or any other hidden costs involved. Don't worry. We just ask for discretion. No cameras, no interviews, no reporters, no social media. We are a quiet, safe community and wish to keep it that way."

"Ok that's fair. But we are in debt here, the bank will probably need our new mailing address and maybe some other details"

"As soon as you move to White Owl Heights you will be debt-free. You just need to sign a contract that allows the HOA to negotiate and pay off any debt you have."

"Why are you helping us?"

"Because this is the way our community works. We all have each other's back and work as a team to keep our community prospering. All we ask is that you work hard in the job we will offer you and be a lawful citizen. We have managed to create a town where our children can safely play outside."

"Honesty, it sounds too good to be true..."

"You will see it for yourself as soon as you move in here. You are still interested, right?"

"Definitely! The thing is, we will need some time to save up money for the move. Our car was repossessed recently..." OK, this was awkward...

"Don't worry about it. I will arrange for a moving company to come pick up your stuff. Is four days enough time to pack? I hope to have you moved in before the annual Spring Fair begins. Unfortunately after the event starts I won't have time to handle all the paperwork and we will have to wait for at least two months for the move. The fair only lasts for a week but we get a lot of orders for local products during the fair so I need to handle those right after it finishes."

Two months? We were being evicted in 15 days. No, looking for a house to move in for two months and then move again to White Owl Heights was not gonna work. We would move to White Owl Heights in four days and hope for the best. If the town or the house were not as promised, we could always move back. Right?

12:15 UTC


Sore mountain National park log-1

[happens a few days after your recruitement]

You are sitting at a coffee table just drinking then suddenly your radio flicks to life. You rush over to it and hear a panicked voice say Is there anyone here you respond reassuring them and asking what is happening I think there's something stalking me. Oh god. It's scream... Wait. No. No. No The person screams as the radio cuts off Knowing that the wendigo is fed and won't attack you head over to see what is left of the person. You arrive and see something awfull. There are organs on the trees. Blood splattered everywhere. Then you see his body. At least what's left of it. You take out your black bag and start collecting the remains of him

You return with the bag full of organs and body parts and throw it into the disposal hole. Like you were told to. You go back to your seat . The coffee is now cold. But you are not in the mood for warming it up. You start drinking it, thinking about what's happening.

Then you see it. As you look out of your window you see a wandigo staring at you from far away.

Wendigos don't come into this area you mumble to yourself before taking your company provided gun

In the logs it says nothing about them being killable. But they are I killed a few already you think

You take aim and shoot. The shot connects. The wendigo falls to the ground. Taking your rifle and your trusted knife you go to see the body you see that you landed a good shot directly in the heart of the monster knowing that monster skin and body parts may be rare and expensive you collect them. Skinning the monster is easy. But when you come to its head which is a skull there's a problem. You can't seem to take it off. You try your best and after a long time you pull it off. Blood splattered onto your clothes you return to your cabin with the wendigo parts. Ready to show your supervisor them the next morning. You go to sleep happy.

You wake up. And rush to the supervisors office with the items from last night

Congratulations he says while looking at the skin and head of the creature

We haven't had anyone kill a wendigo in such a long time that we forget to put it in the logs. And here you go he gives you a level 4 access card and takes your level 3 card you deserve this promotion he says then takes you out of the door.

*You return to your cabin and check back into the logs. With your new clearance you get access to 2 new creatures and another object.

Creature- 1 of access 4 Code name: snapper

  1. As the name suggests he kills by snapping the victims neck. So it's best if you wear thick neck protection.
  2. It is not the fastest of creatures so it's possible to outrun. Carefully. He sometimes works with the next creature.
  3. He is one of those creatures which dont know what to do when thier plan doesn't work. If they can't snap your neck he might just freeze in place thinking.

Creature-2 of level 4 Code name: radio whisperer

  1. To avoid the entity similar with the covers you have to turn off your radio but not when it's static you turn it off when there's whispers about you.

2.He works with the snapper in the form of luring victims in 3.after a victim is killed it will eat some and shoot it's eggs inside the carcass for them to use the food source to grow larger. And to repeat the circle.

Object-2 Code name: snappers teeth.

The teeth from snappers are very useful. They can become very sharp . Even so sharp it can cut the snapper itself. If some teeth are collected they sometimes are made into items like knifes and more. The teeth fall out occasionally.the items made from them are very durable and usefull.

You stand up from your computer as you hear the radio come to life again.

Time for more death bodies to clean you say to yourself then you get back into work

1 Comment
20:01 UTC


State Park Guidelines

Hello |Insert Name|, and congratulations on getting hired for the Night Shift at Agatha’s Creek state park! On the attached Document should be further guidelines for your first night on |Insert Start Date|.


  1. Do your job in the following order 1A. Take out trash 2A. Clean Lodge Lobby 3A. Clean Public Bathrooms along the trail and in the hotel. 4A. Clean Graffiti, vandalism, and other items that shouldn’t be on the trail, in the creek, or in the woods. 5A. Any other miscellaneous duties that come with being a janitor.

  2. Do not interact with creatures on the trail, this can increase chances of encounters with our more dangerous animals.

  3. Always put and leave your supplies inside your locker at the Worker’s Lodge.

  4. If you hear growling, leave the immediate area you are in swiftly, that is unless you are indoors with a door you can close/lock. In which case, lock the door and remain quiet. Mountain lions, bears, and other animals remain a threat. It is recommended to check DEL

  5. If you hear footsteps other than yours, refer to DEL (Dangerous Entity Log).

  6. Please remember to lock your car doors, hijackers and keyers have become more apparent in the county.

Dangerous Entity Log:

Monstrum Cervi

  1. Monstrum Cervi is the scientific name for what is commonly referred to the Wendigo. If you see scratching on plants and trees, as well as deer-like footprints following them, leave the park and report it to your nearest supervisor. If you hear rustling in bushes nearby, as well as seeing any deer-like figure in your peripherals, leave for the nearest shelter till morning. Do not leave said shelter until your shift has ended. Do not engage, their numbers seem to increase when people fight back.

Canis Humanis

  1. Commonly referred to as a “Werewolf”, these need to only be watched for on full moons. If you hear excessive howling, please hide inside until morning. Do not engage.


  1. Used to refer to over-sized animals. This means a reality warping entity is active deep in the forest. Alert everyone else via the community page, and leave the park ASAP.


  1. We do not have sufficient data to come to a conclusion about these entities, however, what we do know is that they are immediately recognized, despite victims not being able to describe them at all. If you encounter these, pray, they fear god. This may give you enough time to flee via foot, as mechanical/electrical objects don’t work in their presence.


1 Comment
12:04 UTC


The White Plain Dimension

We all have the same story, after our most boring day, we go to bed and sleep, and then we all wake up, naked, in a completely Flat, solid, white landscape and a big blue sky with no cloud or sun in sight.

For the first few millennia of this Dimension's existence, there were no notes or rules on how to survive this seemingly blank slate, until I, Victor Von Boom formulated a list of how to survive in this realm of madness.

  1. You will not feel hunger or thirst in this realm, but they very much exist. Quench your appetite and thirst through whatever means necessary. Do not try to ration water, drink whatever you need to drink.
  2. To find food, one must wait until the brink of starvation and dehydration, which you will not feel. When that brink occurs, a black textureless box will appear. As soon as you see it, open it as soon as you can, eat and drink the contents. Though the food is incredibly bland and tasteless, it is the best you will ever receive here.
  3. With food and thirst out of the way, you need a way to protect yourself from other people with the same story as you. Most of these poor souls have been here for centuries and long has gone insane, and will attack you. Use the black box or other materials scarcely strewn around and fashion it into armour and weapons to protect yourself.
  4. You will not age in this realm, no matter how long you have resided in here, so you will not die from Age. So with that in mind, you have to make use of your time and find a way to occupy the mind. Exercise, think, create using the materials, anything to keep your mind busy. You will be here for a long, long time.
  5. Maybe tomorrow, or even millions, upon millions, of Millenia later, you will find the exit. You can identify this doorway as a shining red light straight to hell. Of course it's not hell, it's the real world.

Victor Von Boom, Age of departure into my home dimension 19870909667 years old.

11:47 UTC


The dreamworld guidebook

Hello and welcome to the world of dreams, user! Now if you’re wondering why and how you’re here, you’re currently in a state of comatose. In other words, you are unconscious... As for the why, only they know. If you wish to wake up, you must follow my instructions closely, messing up can lead to unforseen consequences…

  1. This is NOT a lucid dream, don’t try to control the plot of the dream… they don’t like it when people try to change their stories.

2a. It’s best to follow the storyline they set for you, stray from the path set and you will enter a literal nightmare.

2b. Side note: Yes, you must follow the story, even if it involves you using the bathroom. Disobedience will cost much more than just a soiled bed.

  1. The story might feel random, but it is not. You must remember the sequence in which story occurred, that information will be useful to you later on. If you have not properly memorized the story from start to end, it is best to start from the beginning.

  2. Do not try to force yourself to wake up, it won’t work, that will only serve to anger them. If they are angry, they will likely make the story much more difficult for you to complete.

  3. If you die in the story, do not worry! You will not die in real life, instead you will be sent to the penalty zone, then have to restart from the beginning.

6a. You will meet companions along the journey, some of them are those in a similar situation to yourself, the others however are those who have either strayed from the story or those who didn’t properly follow rule 3 and are trapped within the dream world. It is best to watch out for them as they might try and take your place in leaving the dream world, leaving you stuck in their place.

6b. Ways to differentiate between a user and an other: -1: They tend to stick very close to the users, specifically the ones they find most attractive in an attempt to steal their bodies once you’re permitted to leave. -2: They never have to use the restroom, so if you spot someone who hasn’t used the restroom for a long period of time, be suspicious. -3: The final and most important clue to look out for is their strange obsession with dairy, specifically cheese. Although I’m entirely not sure what causes this strange obsession.

  1. The final instruction to safely return back to your body is to return to your own body, it isn’t uncommon for people to screw up and wake up in someone else’s body.
1 Comment
05:12 UTC


Experiment briefing codename "the red wood" tape 2

Congratulations researcher! If you are seeing this tape you have been recognised for your efficiency (and survival) on the first section of the red wood and earned yourself a promotion! A congratulatory statement will be added to your obituary when you enviablely die on the job. The following message is protocol for transition Into section 2.

1.you must leave at night as that is when the section gates are open though this must not be a problem if you have watched the 1st tape to its conclusion.

2.as you enter section 2, please stay in the gate are until our security team comes to collect you.

Əßœ.the organisation is misleading you. Do not trust them.the messages must be short or I'll be discovered. I will try to hide more of them in later tapes. Until then stay alive.

3.as you enter the facility lock the doors behind you and check for anything waiting next to or around the door. It won't strike until the door is open so please use your emergency button on your new corporation issued safety belt to alert our security team.

4.if you are caught out of the base at night like in section 1 diable all electronic devices and press the emergency button on your safety belt. The nearest base will activate a light beacon to show you its location.

  1. Entity 1:the radio man is still reported to be in section 2 so lie down in the mud and cover your eyes if you hear his garbled radio chatter.

6.any bases that do not have the corporation flag on them are part of its domain. They are mirages and if you enter them,you most likely will not exit.

7.make sure to be looking around you often. If you see a pair of glowing white eyes walk towards them. The stalker only attacks in surprise as it is very weak in combat,it should be treated as you would treat an aggressive dog. Simply walk towards it confidently and it will run away for a while

  1. If you see a stalker with red eyes. Do not move at all until it runs away. It's view is movement based and it will search for other prey once it can no longer see you.

  2. Once you return to base,you should be keyed into the section 2 system so we ask you only use the provided warp drive to enter and exit the premises.

This tape has hopefully Informed you on how to act effectively in section 2 aswell as stay alive until you reach section 3. We congratulate you again on your promotion and as always have a good efficient day at the corporation.

End communication

20:54 UTC


Rules of the sore mountain National park

Hello. I see you got accepted for the role of a ranger. We are happy to announce that you have been given the level 3 access.

The following information is classified for access level 3 and above.

As you may know sore mountain is not what it seems. It doesn't only have normal animals like bears. It has more to uncover. If you want to survive here is the following list of rules for the unusual animals and the park itself.Also remember traveling alone is not recommended.

List of u.c.r- Unusual.creature.rules


Code name: wendigo

How to survive a wendigo sighting.

  1. If you see a wendigo and it doesn't see you back away slowly and as silent as you can.

  2. You will know when it notices you. When it finds someone it lets out a loud scream. Once that happens run as fast as you can. As many people say: "you don't have to be faster than the wendigo. You just have to be faster than the person next to you"

  3. Wendigos are scared of one thing and one thing only very very bright light so if by any chance you are carrying a flare use it.

  4. if you are alone and don't have a flare don't try to run you won't be able to outrun it.


Code name: cover

Warning. The following information may be corrupted due to the effects of this creature.

  1. Covers only hunt at night take that to your advantage.

2.covers are invisible but there is a way to detect them. Always carry a radio with you. If your radio suddenly stops working and starts outputting static turn it off and turn it on again.change the channel so you can talk to another ranger. If you contact them they will send a team to. H̸e̸l̶p̴ ̷y̸o̶u̶. Collect your body.

  1. They aren't the fastest of creatures not are they silent in chase. If you hear loud footsteps and don't see anything run in the opposite direction. It is possible to outrun it but only if you run basically as fast as you can.


Code name: skin stealer

So you thought skin stealers were myths? Well they aren't.

  1. Skin stealers don't really have a reported form. But how do you know something is a skin stealer you may ask. Thier behaviour. If it's an animal which is usually scared of humans it will come close to you and I mean really close.

  2. If it's a "human" they will often be in the middle of nowhere and yell for someone to help them. If you get close you are as good as dead. They will rip you apart and wear your skin to hunt more people.

  3. They are too fast to outrun and too smart to dodge but they are killable. So if you have anything that can kill it's better to use it.


Code name : [redacted]

  1. [Redacted]

  2. [Redacted]



Code name: [redacted]

Information: [redacted]

List of important objects


Singularity fragment

Location:main facility in [redacted] side of the park

Use: a powerfully energy source used for the magnetic railguns used to contain the creatures

[Rest of objects are above your access level]

Thank you [redacted] for reading all the information available for your access level in some time your access level will be increased if no accidents happen. Hope to see you soon

-senior ranger steve

11:43 UTC


White Owl Heights 2

part 1

Hello again! This is Jeremy Civveta.

How was the trip? I hear you have already started unpacking. That's great!

As promised I have put together a list of tips and warnings to help you settle in and bond with other community members faster.


  1. As you have probably noticed the house we provided is recently painted (white) and certain areas have been renovated (the study and the bedroom above it).

In case you dislike the color, you are free to choose another one and I will arrange for the house to be repainted. You can choose any color except terracotta. Terracotta brings back some rather unpleasant memories to your neighbors.


  1. Please make sure you stay home after dark until we come visit you. We will formally introduce you to the community the next morning. You will be safe to go out in the evening after we do that,(but remember. Curfew is 23:59).


  1. Do not hang swings or build tree houses for your children on the oak in your yard. It is not safe for them. The tree is very old. Also some of the owls have made their nests there so cutting it down is not permitted. You don't want to upset the owls.


  1. Your next door neighbor on the left is Mrs Barn. She is a sweet old lady and one of the first members of this community. Keep in mind though that she might give you a good scare from time to time as she has a habit of appearing seemingly out of thin air.

Despite her age her hearing is  unusually good so it would be wiser if you avoid discussing about private matters in the yard or near the left side of the house.


  1. It is best that you keep any small pets inside the house during the night. Some of the wild animals might see them as prey.


  1. The Bubo family lives in the yellow house across the street from your place. The family has five children aged 2m, 3f, 5f, 5m, 8m. They expect another baby soon. The kids are super excited already that a new family with kids is moving in. Your kids can safely play with the Bubo kids.

Except when the twins are hungry. They have a habit of biting but they will probably grow out of it soon. Just make sure your kids come back around 15 minutes before dinner time.

If they do get bitten by another kid please keep them home for at least 24 hours and let the doctor know. He will come and patch them up in no time.


  1. Please keep in mind that it is adviced to stay in for 24hr after any injury that causes bleeding. Even a simple scratch or scrape falls into this category. The smell of blood excites certain creatures that reside in the area. They don't care about period blood so going out during menstruation is ok.


  1. Each shop and establishment has their own set of rules so please check out the rule sheets on their doors or request a copy inside. All shops and establishments have copies available, especially when new families move in.


  1. Due to some technical errors TV signal doesn't work at the moment. We are working to fix the issue. You can learn the news from our newspaper. It is delivered every morning. Also hundreds of movies are available in the library database to download and watch at home.


  1. You might get a visit from a honey haired lady (she should be wearing a blue dress) and a tall, black haired man (he usually wears a polo shirt that matches his wife's dress color).

They will tell you that they live in the house on your right and came over to say hi. That is a lie. The house on your right was deemed unstable and needs to be repaired. Nobody lives there.

This couple cannot be trusted. Do not listen to anything they tell you and do not accept any gifts from them. As soon as they leave you must call me and let me know.


  1. The house on your right hasn't been in use for a while so animals have started sneaking inside from time to time (especially when the weather is bad). Please ignore the occasional screaming. It sounds a lot like a woman. It's just fisher cats. They are not people friendly so please stay away for your own safety.


  1. The milkman works hard to deliver all types of milk to our members every morning. He is not a people person so meeting him might take some time but he does appreciate gestures of gratitude. You can purchase gift cards from the butcher's and leave them out for him. He loves certain special, fine, cuts of meat.


  1. The forest in the outskirts of town is available for hiking or other activities (during daytime only ) as long as you stay in the path and other designated areas (there are signs informing you of them). The scenery is breathtaking.

Be warned though. It is strictly forbidden to leave the designated path and areas, we cannot be held responsible for any injuries or loss of life if you choose to ignore this rule.


  1. You will be provided with a car and your children will be offered bicycles to move around the area. When your teenage children have their license they can either use your car or sign up to the "youth part time work" program to earn their own.

The teens are encouraged to take small jobs (like babysitting, mowing lawns etc.) that won't interfere with their studies.


  1. You will notice that all streetlights, porch lights and car's headlights are dimed. Bright lights are avoided because they scare the owls. Do not shine flashlights in the street or trees either. Do not upset the owls.


  1. Guns and every other type of weapon are not allowed in the community. We are all safe here, our HOA and our sheriff make sure of that. If you have a weapon in your possession you are kindly requested to turn it into the Town Hall for safekeeping.


  1. The community pool is open from April 11th to September 30th. The hours are 9:00 - 17:00. Do not go near the water after dark. If you are caught sneaking in after dark you will be fined. Fines should be avoided, higher ones cost an arm and a leg!


  1. Getting to know the other members and socializing is highly encouraged. Every Sunday, after the community meeting, we gather at the Meeting Venue and have a potluck. Any food you prepare to share has to be sealed in the containers we will provide until you reach the Venue.

Please keep in mind that a big percentage of the members doesn't eat lamb or pork, chicken though is a very popular choice!


This is all for now, I will be mailing you with more as time goes by. I am looking forward in meeting you and your family in person on Wednesday!

Jeremy Civveta, president of White Owl Heights HOA.

part 3

01:02 UTC


Experiment briefing codename "the red wood" tape 1

Welcome researcher to your new role presiding over experiment 198721 or "the red wood". Your head of unit has given you these informative tapes to ensure your survival and most of all efficiency in your work on this highly important (and highly classified mind you) project.

  1. Please make sure to arrive to work ready in your organisation uniform. The higher ups are very strict about this rule and failure to comply will result in immediate "termination of employment".

2.whilst entering the grounds of the red wood please remember to not stray from your assigned research base unless asked or granted permission from your head of unit and remember to be back by nightfall.

3.if for any reason you are not back by nightfall as long as you are in section one as designated (you may refer to the other tapes provided for other sections) make sure you disable all lights and electronic devices as to not attract unwanted attention to yourself.

  1. If you hear any radio chatter whilst your radio is disabled due to rule 3. Lie flat down In the mud,cover your eyes and wait untill it is no longer audible. (It would be advised to do this as quick as possible as your company health benefits do not cover dismemberment)

5.any woodland animals no matter how small should not be approached. The red wood is simply an experiment,not a real forest and thus any animals are not real and should be avoided lest you become the prey of whatever you decided to inspect.

6.the voices are real but they are attempting to lead you astray. They won't put you In harms way but they will lead you away from where you need to go so it is best to ignore them.

  1. When you return to the base hand in all research files and recovered pages of [REDACTED] you may have collected to your head of research and wait to be escorted out by our lovely team of specialists

This provided tape has hopefully informed you of the protocols of section 1 of experiment 198721. For any other sections you may be stationed too please use the other provided tapes. And as always have a nice productive day at the organisation!

1 Comment
23:03 UTC


Meet Your Neighbors!!

Welcome to the 9th apartment floor! The people you'll meet here can be certainly.."unique"..Everyone here knows each other and they don't know you just moved in! So, Meet them alone so you can have no dangers for your first week! If you don't, they will think you're a predator and will kick you out. Also, meet them in this list's order

Before entering, just know that if you find this too creepy or something, sadly, you can't move until you stay for at least a month in here. So enjoy your weeks while you're in here!

Now, let's go for the rules!

First Apartment: Rules for meeting Ria (Room #621)

1 - Knock on her door 3 times and she'll open it, she'll ask who you are, give her some info and always mention that you are someone new in the floor, after that, she will let you in.

2 - After entering, leave your shoes in the mat. Ria HATES to see her house dirty and will not be afraid to phisically hurt you.

3 - Do not look at her pet, it doesn't like to be looked at, and it'll not be afraid to bite and even rip your skin.

4 - Ria will permit you to use her phone, but do not look at her texts. From what i've heard, there are some very private things there for Ria, and if you do, she'll slam your head in the closest window.

5 - Ask Ria to leave if you want to leave, however, make sure that her pet is not following you. If it does, it didn't like you. Call Ria to carry it home if this happens and proceed to the next person.

Second Apartment: Rules for Meeting Carl (Room 218)

1 - Carl will be waiting outside his apartment door for you, Ria warned everyone that you were going to meet them, Once Carl sees you, he'll greet you and will say that he'll check his apartment to make sure it's safe for you to enter. He'll enter his apartment, once he enters he'll leave the door half-open, DO NOT PEEK. You'll probably see a pair of blue pupils, and then you'll meet your demise.

2 - Carl will leave his apartment and tell you it's safe to enter now, but if he yells to you that it's safe, but he is still inside the apartment, DO NOT ENTER AT ANY COSTS. that isn't Carl. Turn back and proceed to the next person.

3 - Once it's safe to enter, Enter the apartment, Carl will go to the kitchen and will eat a sandwich, however, if he just stares at you blankly, Refer to rule 2 immediately.

4 - Once he finishes eating the sandwich, he will talk to you for a bit, Like learning your interests. But if he talks about knives, say you have to go to the bathroom before something bad happens.

4.1 - Only leave after you stayed 4-6 minutes in the bathroom, someone else wants to stay there too.

5 - Leave ONLY at 10 o'clock sharp, Carl will leave at the same time to buy some groceries at the store, and some people you don't wanna meet will enter right after.

Third Apartment: Rules for Meeting Kennedy (Room #417)

1 - When you reach his room, stand next to it, Kennedy will eventually notice you are there and he'll open the door.

2 - Don't question why there is nobody at Kennedy's apartment, He's there! You just can't see him nor hear him. If you do, he'll be offended and will take off your eyeballs.

3 - Do not look out the window, something that isn't Kennedy has a chance to push you outside the window

4 - If you feel a vibration in your ear, HIDE. Kennedy is warning you that one of them are coming. Don't stop hiding until you feel the vibration stop.

5 - Before leaving, yell "BYE" and leave immediately. This will let Kennedy know that you're leaving, but it will also let some other people in Kennedy's apartment where you are.

Fourth Apartment: Rules for Meeting Sanna (Room #942)

1 - Knock on the door a single time and Sanna will open, she will welcome you and let you inside. If you notice the small red stains on her sweater, DON'T QUESTION IT! it's something really private to her.

2 - If Sanna starts reading, Do NOT make any loud noises and don't turn on the TV! That's really disruptive to Sanna's reading, and she may slam and rip your tongue out.

3 - If she offers you food, Say a simple and educated "No, Thank you". She'll take it and she'll eat it instead. If you notice what's on her food, Don't question her about it, or else..

4 - If you notice that Sanna dissapeared and you see a note on the living room table with a simple smiley face, RUN AWAY FROM HER APARTMENT BEFORE IT GETS YOU.

5 - You can leave whenever you want at her apartment, But if when you get close to the front door the TV starts playing static, Turn off the TV and leave, someone else was waiting for you there

Fifth Apartment: Rules for Meeting Quentin (Room #472)

1 - Knock on the door any amount of times, and Quentin will open the door, he'll smile and let you in, then, he'll immediately offer you some lemonade! Make sure to drink it, Quentin put some effort on making it, and he will stab your nose if you say a single "no" to the offer.

2 - If Quentin ends up sleeping on the couch, do not wake him up. He does not want any interruptions in your sleep, and if you try to wake him up, you won't have a hand even before Quentin opens his eyes.

3 - Don't drink the water in the purple pot. It's a trap for you to lose your energy, and making it easier for them to chop your legs and eat it.

4 - If something falls under the couch, don't try to grab it back, Your hand will get skinned.

5 - Only leave when Quentin tells you to. Don't worry, it'll take 30 Minutes to 1 Hour for him to tell you to leave.

After finishing Quentin's Apartment, you can go back to your home. Congrats! You survived! Have a good stay at the 9th floor..also, don't report this to anyone. They'll know. (:

20:46 UTC



...Did you happen to see this notebook with this set of rules? Don't ignore it. Some of them followed you into your home and they are very interested in you after a long day of work at 9PM... To make things easier, here is a set of rules to follow!

1 • As soon as you see this rule, lock the door to prevent more of them to enter.

2 • Don't sleep, the chances of you being [REDACTED] will go up while you're sleeping.

3 • If you hear a buzzing noise, One of them are very close to your current location. Turn off at least one device in the room you're on, close your eyes and cover your ears.

4 • Do not enter any room with at least 1 bed in it. These rooms have the highest chances of having one of them in there.

5 • Some of them will not make a buzzing noise when they're close, so to make sure one of them is near you to refer to rule 3, Pick one of these options:

5.1 - Get a cup of water and hold it at all times. If you notice that the water temperature is becoming drastically lower, drop the cup and refer to rule 3.

5.2 - Turn off the lights in the room you are on right now and stay in place. If you see a pair of white lights suddenly appearing in front of you refer to rule 3

5.3 - Grab a lightbulb, if it suddenly breaks and all the lights in the house get turned off all of a sudden, refer to rule 3.

6 - Whenever you hear the tv buzzing, close your eyes immediately and STAY PUT. He wants to ask a question. you'll hear a voice behind you asking you a question and give you 4 options. Pick the right answer within 8 minutes. If you pick an incorrect answer, you have 2 options: Make a run for it or accept what will happen. But if you get it right, you will hear the lights buzzing for 3 seconds and after that, you may continue to do what you were doing.

7 - If you hear the tv turning on all of a sudden, do not sit on the couch. Someone else is watching tv, and you don't want to know what they would do if you did sit.

8 - If you see a 5 year old little boy waving at you from the window, DO NOT WAVE BACK. it will know someone is there and you don't want more problems, do you?

9 - If you have an basement and you hear a babbling sound coming from behind the door, DON'T STARE.

Hope you make it!

15:36 UTC


The NW Challenge!

For all of you on the internet, You think you all are great? You want to prove you're the coolest? We have now brought you a new challenge! Remember that only the most brave and cool people can do it. So if you're a coward , Do not try. Here's the guidelines:

1.) There's an organisation called the UDA , Find who its staff are! This is why this challenge is not for cowards , Give up if you can't even do this haha!

2.) Find out where they live. it's not a hard task , There's no way anyone who can't even do this is cool.

3.) Get a camera and red spray paint , Then go to their house. Don't let them see you , It'll ruin the fun!

4.) Record yourself outside their house and make a red U on their door. Pranking people's houses is fun!

5.) Upload the video with the hashtag #NWChallenge! and #NewWorld!

The best submissions will be rewarded greatly! Don't worry , Every participant will also get a shout-out!

What are you waiting for? It's time to prove to everyone how cool you are!

-The UNF

14:33 UTC


Rules to work at FROAA labs.

Well, Well, Well, It appears that you were lucky enough to be selected to work at FROAA labs. Although this may seem like a dream for some, it's a nightmare for you. Trust me, saying "No" isn't an option. Follow these rules in their entirety otherwise you might end up 6 feet under.

My name is Lucas John Smith, I'm both your senior and predecessor for the position. Yes, I know my name is strange but please just bear with me. The Director has asked me to leave you some tips to help you fit in a bit better here.


  1. Be punctual. The Boss doesn't like latecomers.

  2. Never under any circumstances explore marked with a red triangle and labelled "Room 2-7A". I've never gone in there before but anyone who has never came back.

  3. Don't stay past the closing hours. You might see something you won't like.

  4. Do your work on time. The Boss despises lazy people.

  5. You may notice how there aren't many people here. Just look past it, the work environment is pretty tough, alright?

  6. If you see someone who looks like a close family member or friend. Grab the pistol provided to you and shoot them. Trust me, they're not real.

  7. The walls with mouths on them don't exist. Don't acknowledge nor appear afraid of these walls. Poor old Maria died to these.

  8. If you hear scratching or knocking noises on the windows. Look at the point of origin for atleast 1 minute without blinking nor getting distracted.

Rules to exploring ROOM 2-7A

  1. These halls are dangerous. Always be careful and bring a flashlight with you.

  2. Don't worry, I was also afraid when I first explored this place. I was an adventurous boy back in the day. Danger is my middle name after all.

  3. Open the door to ROOM 2-7A as quietly as possible. The doors don't creak, so don't worry about that.

  4. When you walk inside the room, you should be equipped with a silver trinket of any kind, a packet of bleach and a large number of paper towels or cloth as well as a rope, any strong metal rod and a hammer.

  5. The first thing you will see is an extremely clean room with blinding white lights reminiscent of the corridors of a hospital. Walk forwards until you see the pit.

  6. The pit is an extremely large opening within the floor looking almost like a gigantic mouth with bloody teeth.

  7. Hammer the iron rod into an place of your choosing near the opening of the pit. Tie the rope around the iron rod and wander downwards.

  8. Then use the rope to jump into the pit.

  9. You will find yourself in a strange hallway filled with piles and piles of corpses. The walls will seem to be made of flesh as they undulate and wriggle like worms. Walk into the hall and avoid stepping on any of the corpses. If one of the teeth cut you open, you will get a nasty infection and your journey will soon end.

  10. Walk within the hall and you will encounter a strange figure with an eerie grin and crooked teeth. Hand him the silver trinket and he will give you a key. Walk further within and you will find a door.

  11. Use this key to unlock the door and then immediately throw it away.

  12. The doors will lock behind you. There is no way back after this.

  13. You will encounter another room, eerily similar to the first room you found. With the difference being that the hospital is no longer clean. It is dingy with strange incubators all over the place. These incubators seem to have blobs of flesh and bone in strange arrangements within them.

  14. Walk to the altar at the center of the room and consume the purple marble on the pedestal.

As your body shuts down from the paralysing poison, you see The Boss walking through the door and standing above you. You wonder what you have ever done to deserve this.

For betraying you, my friend, I apologise as I lay here on the floor being nothing but a blob of flesh, barely able to move, a prisoner within my own body being tortured by this madman who won't even let me die in peace, One of my many mouths curl upwards in a smile. I finally have a friend in this place.

09:20 UTC


So you've found yourself in the middle of judgement night huh?

I think you know what's happening. You were too complacent to notice the signs and now your going to fight for your life while your sins are judged. If you would've listened to my warnings none of this would have happened but you didn't, so here's the hard way out.

  1. Do not and I can't emphasise this enough DO NOT leave the house while the judgment night is still in affect. As long as there's a black moon in the sky you'd much rather die than step outside. Trust me, I've met a few people who broke this rule and well, we've all seen some horrible things right?

2.if you see a figure in dark heavy armor with a large sword lumbering towards you. Refer to rule 4 to verify its real. If it is real you've just encountered the carnifex. No matter how piss pants scared you are and how weak you may be. Show zero hesitation and charge straight at him. The carnifex tests courage and running will only anger him. He will leave you alone after this

  1. If you hear any whispers telling you any rules especially ones not on this list IGNORE THEM no matter how convincing they sound it will get you killed if you follow them.

4.check every threat closely to see if their appearances match the description. If they seem sort of glowy or their appearance is off that is the mimic. Do the opposite of dealing with the normal entity of you encounter a mimic. They use your expectations against you

5.if you see a mass of eyes coming towards you. May whatever God Is out there have mercy on your soul,although if you've messed up bad enough to summon it then you most likely deserve what it's about to do to you

6.if you see a pile of treasure sitting out in the open. No matter how much it is stay away. This is a test of greed and something is waiting for if you take it.

  1. A test of selflessness. You'll see a stranger in brown pants with a red shirt being attacked by another entity. Immediately attempt to save him or he'll grow angry And trust me, the last thing you want to do is make the stranger angry

  2. If you reach 4 am without dying you must follow this rule exactly without failure. Take a large cup of your own blood. Extracted by any means and...

  3. Don't follow these rules. Do the exact opposite. Nothing is happening. Step closer sinner.

22:36 UTC


Disney Labs Rules: Fantasia

Welcome back to Disney Labs. Today will be different as you won’t be checking on a Rejected character, but a Rejected object.

You’re familiar with the famed Sorcerer’s Hat are you not? I thought so. We wanted to create the famed Sorcerer’s Hat in 1940 as well as engineer it to behave exactly like its Perfect Counterpart in the movie.

Unfortunately we did something wrong and now it controls the user who wears it, forcing them to commit horrible things and become a powerful user.

We’ve locked it away from everyone but we still check in on it to make sure its powers are weakened.

Rules for the Rejected Sorcerer’s Hat:

  1. The room it’s kept in is lined with special walls that block its power from reaching beyond the walls. Make sure the walls aren’t broken or harmed in any way. If you see a crack, make sure to fill the crack in. Failure to do so will result in the wall crumbling endangering everyone.

  2. Don’t be fooled if you think you’re immune to the object’s power. Although it’s weakened, it can still try to lure you into wearing it. If you start to hear whispers telling you to put on the hat, put on your noise cancelling headphones. It will try its best to get you to wear it so it can escape.

  3. Once the headphones are on, it will try to hypnotize you into putting it on. We don’t know how it hypnotizes its victim, but we usually see it light up in a rhythmic pattern. Make sure you’re looking away from the object as it does this.

  4. As soon as you’re done checking the object and seeing if its powers are still weakened, immediately leave the room and lock the door. Leave the headphones on a nearby table. If you accidentally leave the door open even just a crack, his powers will leak out and will find a nearby victim to take over their mind so it can escape on the victim’s head.

Please be careful and cautious when dealing with the Rejected Sorcerer’s Hat. Don’t become its next victim.

17:32 UTC


So you're back. Protect him.

As the icy grip of death almost claimed you, a sudden jolt woke you back up, in your bed. You blindly flail around until you pick up a piece of paper - with crude handwriting on it. Written on the paper is

"I don't know how to express this, but you almost died but got a second chance as a guardian angel. Just a warning, this guy is really stupid."

Before continuing, you looked down. You weren't in fact in your bed, and you're instead following this man. You can just tell by looking at him how utterly stupid he is - and you can tell you're gonna have a tough time. You continue.

"Rule 1. Only let him eat the food with a post-it note on it. Yes. he's so stupid that he can't tell which food is which. This helps in another way because sometimes someone sneaks a bit of poisoned food into his fridge - sick bastards.

Rule 2. Make sure he goes into the right room. Once he went down into his basement, except he doesn't have one... That was quite a tough time.

I'm gonna be serious with you for now. This guy is messed up in the head, because either he's completely oblivious to how he's trying to off himself every night or is possessed by some sort of thing.

Rule 3. Make sure he takes his nightly pills. This keeps him asleep so he doesn't sneak any poisoned food into his fridge unconsciously.

Rule 4. Let him proceed with his nightly rituals. I don't know if it's just an OCD thing or whatever, but he always tries to position everything perfectly and feels uncomfortable if he doesn't.

Rule 5. If you hear even a singular noise downstairs, RUN, and I mean RUN to it. You know how he didn't have a basement and all and he went in it? That single noise could potentially mean that a portal to an alternate dimension opened, which was actually likely that basement thing. And - wait. Come to think of it, I don't even think I've seen him sleepwalk, I only just see him put his poisoned food or some other stupid thing and go upstairs. I'll go think about this... I'll update this later, don't worry."

That's where the paper ends. You look down. He's already sleeping. You hear a creak downstairs, and you rush to it. You see a door that wasn't there before, and a confused version of him coming out of it...? He goes to the kitchen, makes a sandwich with poison and Clorox everywhere, puts it in the fridge, and goes back to the random door that appeared, with it disappearing behind him closing it.

01:17 UTC


How to operate

Thank you for buying our new and updated microwave. We've added new features that make this a much better and faster microwave. Please read the instructions manual below carefully.

  1. How to operate: Place the microwave on a flat smooth surface near an outlet, Then choose the time for your food on the keypad then press start. Never press 532 for that will wake them up and they will find you. Also never hold down the start for more than three seconds. if you do you will be transported to their plane of reality.

  2. Auto set time buttons: We have buttons that when you press them they already have a time set. We have beef, chicken, fish, and popcorn. NEVER press fish because then they will bring their plane of reality into ours. Collapsing reality as we know it.

  3. Miscellaneous buttons: We also have other buttons like a timer button. Then you can set a time for other things, just press the timer button and use the keypad. You can also hold down 2 to mute the beeping at the end of the time, but that will also mute them and you won't hear them coming.

NEVER press the cancel button for that will stop all movement in the universe except for them and they won't be merciful. Just let the microwave finish, you'd rather have your food burn than yourself. If the power ever goes out go to a room with no windows, and start to pray dont open the door until the power goes back on.

Thank you again for buying our microwave. We hope you enjoy all its new features. Questions? Concerns? Grab a holy bible and start praying there's no help if you did something we warned against or if you didnt follow our instructions.

22:12 UTC


Do you not understand yourself?

We all live our lives normally, But sometimes a thought lingers in the mind. What exactly are we? What is it that we are living for? Follow these rules to finally understand.

1.) Get a small hand mirror , It must be clean with no scratches.

2.) Get something you have owned for multiple years. The longer you have owned it for , The better.

3.) Get a knife , It'll come in handy later.

4.) Get something someone close to you has owned for multiple years.

5.) Kill the owner of the object you got in rule 4.

6.) Place the mirror on the chest of the corpse you got in rule 5.

7.) Place the 2 objects from rule 2 and 4 in the hands of the corpse.

8.) Cut your hand using the knife and drop some blood on the mirror.

9.) The objects and corpse will disappear. Pick up the mirror and look into it , You will finally understand :)

-The UNF

16:33 UTC


White Owl Heights Rules

Hello and welcome to White Owl Heights!

This is Jeremy Civveta, president of the White Owl Heights home owners association board. We are happy to welcome you to our community! You are the lucky family we have chosen to be accepted in our community.

White Owl Heights is a community that offers families an opportunity to start fresh in a new home, away from all previous debt and anxiety (this is probably the reason we get so many applicants).

Here is a list of rules all the community members must follow to keep our community safe and prospering.

  1. You will be offered a job that pays enough to support your family. To make sure there are enough jobs for everyone only one spouse of each family will get a job upon arrival.

If the other spouse wishes to work too please sign up at the "Available employee" Registry in the Town Hall.

  1. All previous debt is dealt with, don't bother at all. Your HOA has you covered. All you have to do is show up at your job on time and work hard.

Don't try to quit without going to Jeremy first. If you feel like this job is not right for you he will set you up with a new one.

  1. You should register any house pets on the Town Hall. Cats and dogs are mostly allowed. Rodents are acceptable but for certain reasons they are not a great choice. Hawks, foxes and big sized snakes are not allowed as pets.

  2. Everyone should be at home by 23:50 every night. You will notice that no shops or bars are open past 23:30. Nobody should leave their home for any reason after 23:59.

If you are in need of medical assistance past that time give Jeremy a call. He will make sure the doctor makes it to your home safely.

  1. Every night the trash should be in the bins by 23:45.

There are two different bins. You must place the food scraps and any spoiled food (anything that was once edible) in the red bin. The rest of the trash goes to the gray bin. Don't bother separating the recyclables, they will get separated at the factory. And never mix the food waste with the rest of the trash. It upsets the wildlife and they get cranky. You don't want that in your front yard.

  1. You will notice that all windows and doors on your house are equipped with blinds. The blinds are to be shut before 23:55 every night and stay shut until you hear the milkman come by at dawn.

Do not open the blinds or any doors and windows until after you hear the milkman.

  1. Don't pay attention to any sounds you hear during the night. It's just the owls hunting in most cases. Also it could be animals that have strayed from the nearby forest. They can't reach you inside your home so you have no reason to bother them either.

  2. The school cafeteria provides the children with breakfast, snacks and lunch. There are many healthy and tasty options every day. You just need to fill the appropriate form with any special dietary requirements or allergies your children might have.

Do not send your kids to school with any food in their backpacks. The smell might attract the wildlife.

  1. You will realize that cellphones and landlines only work inside the community's limits. This is to ensure that no intruders have access to our community. Everyone knows each other here and that's how we keep the community safe. Our crime rate is one of the lowest in the country.

9a. If you wish to invite someone you knew before moving here to come visit you, let Jeremy know beforehand.

9b. If by any chance you wish to visit someone outside the community you need to report it to Jeremy first. He will arrange it.

9c. Trying to leave without notice or trying to sneak someone in town will result in a rather sizable fine.

  1. The town sheriff, Mr. Buffo is always available to assist you and keep you and your family safe. He is also a very strict man and expects rules to be followed. He will not hesitate to give you a fine if you break the rules.

If you do get fined please see Mrs Sova at the bank. She will set you up with a payment plan and explain other alternative forms of payment.

  1. Here in White Owl Heights, there are none of those unhealthy signal antennas so we use no wireless internet connection. You can still use the internet in the library desktops. It's free of course.

  2. Our area is home to a certain population of white owls. Please respect and protect them. They were here long before humans and are kind enough to share their space with the community. They also prey on some rather vile creatures and keep their numbers to a minimum.

  3. Next to your mailbox there is a feeder designed for owls. The owls appreciate meaty treats. It is highly encouraged to leave them a treat every now and then to show them your gratitude for letting you live in their territory. Staying on their good side is in your best interest.

  4. Every Sunday morning all the adults gather at the Meeting Venue. There we discuss about the community, express any issues that we might have with other members or any concerns we might have.

During that time children will be left in the care of the school teacher, Vagia. She will keep them entertained so you don't need to worry at all.

  1. Please encourage your family members to memorize each set of rules we provide you in a timely manner. You are responsible for their actions. Also in the next email you will receive a list of helpful tips to settle in and bond with other community members.

Please be advised that our community has members of many different races, species and backgrounds. You should always be kind, helpful and respectful to other members. Being friendly is also greatly appreciated.

Ps. Me and my wife, Vagia, will come over your house to welcome you in person 2 days after you move in. It is best that you do not visit any neighbors before that time. Also for those 2 days please shop and run all other errants outside the house by 18:00. Be home before dark.

We hope you enjoy a long, happy life here in White Owl Heights!

part 2

05:51 UTC


Hunger of the Angels

You have reached the end of your long life. As the sweet embrace of death slowly envelops your body, your eyes succumb to a final rest. Yet...

You find yourself in your body. You are perplexed by how light you feel, as a feather drifts in the air. A translucent cool glow that outlines your body emanates from you, though it appears no one else can see it. You inspect yourself, hoisting your right arm upward. To your astonishment, it appears that the outline of your right arm has moved, while your physical right arm has remained in place. You are now a soul, an ageless soul that has experienced a fleeting moment of life.

You feel so free. Places you wished to visit, but could never do so in life, are now within your reach. Delighted, you freely explore beyond the limits of known physics, reaching new horizons that mortal shackles would never allow you to reach. The future is bright, and a shining light slowly envelops you. Then, you are struck in the head.


You wake up with a metal chain hung around your neck. It doesn't appear to suffocate you, but you cannot move freely. How is that even possible? As a soul, you should not be tangible to any and all objects. You try to remove yourself from the chain when you hear a voice in your head.


If you're hearing this, you are at great risk of being assimilated by creatures humans call "angels". Although they no longer need any sustenance, it will take them eons to slowly adapt to no longer subsist off of souls.

If you want to survive as a soul, you'll have to follow my instructions. I can't fully guarantee your odds, but having a chance at survival is better than none. So, listen up, I won't repeat this for you, since other souls need to listen to this too.

  1. Minimize your movement. If possible, appear as dead as possible.

  2. Think of as many thoughts you deem sinful as possible. Let it fester through your soul; if you survive, I can direct you to someone who can purify the sins off of you.

  3. Pray not to any god, but to yourself. Pray that they'll find you wanting.

  4. Do not react when you see the cleaver they wield. Do not react when they cut through your abdomen.

4.A. If you are cast aside by them, consider yourself lucky. Your sins are far too revolting for them to assimilate you along with the others. Remember rule 1 while escaping the place.

4.B. If you are selected, it is too late. Pray that you satisfy those who will assimilate your remains.


  1. Do not let them catch you while you make your escape. If they catch you, "you" will no longer exist, leaving behind an empty husk.

  2. Close yourself to the suffering of other souls as you make your escape. Remember, you could've been one of them, as they could've been you.

  3. Injuries to the soul will heal and fade in time. Your sins, however, will gnaw away at it. That is why you will need to have them purified.

7.A. If left unchecked, your sins will eventually cause a soul apotheosis (soul death), where you will no longer be.


  1. Do not trust angels. They will assimilate your being, most of the time from what I hear.

  2. Do not trust demons on anything else other than hunger. They will eat you, but they're more upfront about it.


Survive. No matter the cost, survive.

As the voice fades away from your head, you notice your hands still gripping the metal chain. You see an angel wielding a cleaver and is about to approach you. What will you do?

06:21 UTC


Rules to being my sister's boyfriend.

Hey, it appears that my sister has (un) fortunately taken a liking to you.First things first, my sister's house is very.... strange. Lots of paranormal activity and strange creatures in that place. I frankly don't know how she lives there.


1.My sister seems to be somehow completely unaware of the entities and paranormal activity within her house......hopefully. Please don't inform her. It might make her upset

2.The neighbour Terry will come to the house on every Friday to drop off some food, be it a box of chocolates or a homecooked dinner. Be polite to Terry. He's one of the few good ones.

2A. Sometimes, Terry's daughter will be dropped off for babysitting. Treat her well or you'll earn the enmity of Terry.

  1. There is a red teapot on the dining table. If it gets damaged or is moved from the dining table. Get on your knees and start apologizing profusely. "They" might spare you.

3A. If the sky suddenly turns dark, refer to rule 8.

  1. You might have noticed this, but my sister gets extremely weird on Thursdays. She tends to get quiet and depressed. She also draws strange demonic images and other objects and creatures. Please don't smudge or mess up one of these drawings, otherwise they might come to life and pay you a visit. Refer to Rule 8C if you do.

  2. Under any circumstances,NEVER EVER ACKNOWLEDGE THE FACELESS MEN. They might take a liking to your face and....... wear it.

  3. Leave a bowl of food mixed with some pig's blood outside the basement door every day.

  4. If the power goes out or the sky turns dark suddenly. It means you have caught the attention of one of the entities. Please refer to rule 8 if this happens.

  5. It appears that you have roused the curiosity of one of the entities. If the power cuts out refer to section 8A. If the sky suddenly turns dark, please refer to section 8B.

8A:If the power cuts out, immediately run outside and seek shelter in Terry's house and call me. I'll deal with the problem

8B: If the sky suddenly turns dark, immediately run to the living room. Then grab a copy of the Tanakh, Baghavat Gita and The Holy Bible. Now start praying to every single god which you can think of, you definitely need it. Then, shut the windows and close the blinds. Lock the doors and hide in the bathroom. If the entity finds you, may God have mercy because "It" certainly won't.

8C: If you wake up one night with a demon looming over you as you sleep, act as nonchalant as possible. Never make eye-contact, you won't like what you see. Acting as nonchalant as possible, walk to the bathroom and grab the stake located in the second drawer of the cabinet. Then pierce it into the 'core' of the demon. You'll know it when you see it.

  1. If you see a strange figure standing outside motionlessly, close the windows and shut the blinds. Hide in a closet, NOT UNDER THE BED.

9A. If this figure appears to wave at you or has a creepy smile on their face. Immediately run to the kitchen, grab a ciggerate and enjoy the last smoke of your life.

So yeah, these are the basic rules of surviving in my sister's house. Of course, you should keep common sense such as "Don't leave the master bedroom at night" and "Don't wave your schlong at the demon's face" in mind.

04:27 UTC


The Raifee Wood Ranger Guide: Entry 31, Madam Cotton

Well Nick, Madam Cotton’s workshop seems to have reopened. You remember where it was right? Good, I’ll get the whetstone out.” - Mabel

I didn’t expect to make this entry, Madam Cotton hasn't been around for five years at this point- I was hoping that she was gone for good. I’ve written down everything I remember and I’ll make the first visit to check if anything has changed. Madam Cotton lives to the north of the cottage, underneath the large hill with the sycamore tree. According to Mabel, the entryway at the base of the hill reopened recently, and she’s put a few of her display cases on either side to mark its position- they should be easy enough to spot.

Madam Cotton has the appearance of a woman in her late 30s, with long, delicate fingers and dark brown hair, pulled into a neat bun. Her skin is unnaturally pale, stretched tightly across her joints and along her hairline. She has a friendly but intense expression- she often forgets that humans need to blink. She wears a long-sleeved, green dress that Greg once mentioned looked like it was from around the mid-19th century: Having a history major on the ranger team was surprisingly helpful… I wish he was still around.

Madam Cotton’s workshop contains several tools, that she asks us to sharpen. This is done using a whetstone from the equipment cabinet. Practice using it with one of the smaller kitchen knives before your visit and fill the travel container with water before you leave so the stone has time to soak. Additionally, bring a package of adhesive bandages, one of the red pastilles (you can find them in the silver pot on the top shelf) and a handkerchief.

  1. Before your visit, make sure you are as neat as possible. Take a bath, brush your teeth and wear a freshly laundered uniform. Cover up any cuts or scrapes with fresh bandages. If you are missing any body parts, there are some prosthetics in the supply closet to use- false fingers, silicone ears, etc. I’ll be using a glass eye. Don’t draw attention to them during your visit.
  2. Just before you leave, go to the bathroom and spritz your neck and wrists with the lavender perfume that is kept on the shelf next to the mirror. It is very strong, so two sprays on each pulse point should be enough for the whole day.
  3. The entrance to Madam Cotton’s workshop is a polished wooden staircase that descends into the ground under the hill. While the steps at the bottom are well-maintained and wide, the ones near the bottom are significantly narrower and in poor condition. Go down carefully, since it's easy to trip and injure yourself towards the bottom.
  4. When you reach the workshop door, knock loudly. If you hear Madam Cotton invite you in, leave and go back to the cottage. If she is paying enough attention to invite you in, she isn’t working- it is dangerous to have her full attention. Once an hour has passed, return and try again. She’s rarely idle for long so you shouldn’t need to do this more than once or twice.
  5. When you enter the shop, you can expect Madam Cottom to be occupied with one of her projects. This is good, avoid catching her attention for as long as possible. Don’t say anything or try to greet her. She knows that you’re there, she’s just focused on something more interesting than you at that moment. Best to keep it that way.
  6. The walls of Madam Cotton’s shop are lined with display cases, containing taxidermies. The majority are tableau scenes of high society events, using small animals. Some of the works are manmade chimeras, featuring parts from mundane and magical creatures- I remember seeing a puckling with a squirrel tail last time I visited. And a few are human subjects, both former rangers and unfortunate souls plucked from who-knows-where, altered in manners that I’d prefer not to go into detail about here. While it is fine to look at the animal taxidermies, avoid staring at the human subjects- it is bad for your nerves and your interest in them may catch Madam Cotton’s attention. She is very protective of them and might become irritated, or worse, interpret your interest as a wish to join them.
  7. The tools Madam Cotton wants you to sharpen will be laid out on a circular wooden table to the left of the door, as well as a chair for you to use. She sometimes positions the chair with its back to the room. If she's done this, quietly move the chair so you are sitting in the corner of the room- she has a habit of suddenly looming behind rangers while they work. While this isn’t inherently dangerous, it can be startling and you may end up cutting yourself while you work.
  8. Take your time with the sharpening and be thorough. If you cut yourself, quickly hide the injury and use one of the adhesive bandages to cover it up. If Madam Cotton sees the cut, she will insist on ‘fixing’ it. I remember seeing a few rangers who had to endure this in the past, and her makeshift skin grafts and stitches usually became infected. I suspect she doesn’t bother to change the needle from whatever project she was working on when you came in.
  9. If she does come over to watch you at any point, greet Madam Cotton politely, but try to make her return to her work. Tell her you will let her inspect the tools at the end. Usually, she’ll be placated by this but if she’s still hovering over you, you’ve unfortunately may have been labeled a ‘curiosity’. This will make things harder for you going forward, so be especially cautious as you finish up your task.
  10. At some point in your visit, you may notice Madam Cotton bring out a green bottle and spritz herself with it. She may bring it over to you and offer you some, but you must decline. Point out that you are already wearing a scent and wouldn’t want to muddle it- she won't take offense to that particular excuse. Although the perfume smells fine, it is mixed with a preservative fluid that damages living tissue, rendering it flaky and dull.
  11. When you’ve finished sharpening all of the tools, inform Madam Cotton so she can come and check them. I’d suggest looking the other way while she’s doing this since she normally brings one of her smaller projects over to test the tools on- it can be rather gruesome, especially if you are fond of birds or kittens. You may be asked to resharpen a tool. While she is very particular, she is patient and you won’t be penalised for spending extra time ensuring that each tool is sharpened to her liking.
  12. When Madam Cotton is satisfied with your work, she will invite you for tea. You must accept this invitation, but keep an eye on which teapot she chooses to use. If she picks the red teapot with a poppy pattern, stay and drink what she offers you, but eat the red pastille before doing so- it will counter the effects of the slower-acting substance lining the pot. While she will be disappointed to see that you’ve been unaffected, she won’t push the matter further- a strange sense of decorum prevents her from being as outwardly aggressive as other inhabitants in most situations. However, if she selects the green teapot, see step 13.
  13. The green teapot is reserved for those Madam Cotton labels as ‘curiosities’- subjects whom she regards as particularly desirable for her projects. Her criteria aren’t entirely clear- for example, both former rangers Greg and Laura had similar dark hair, and while she was fascinated by Laura’s she regarded Greg’s as “painfully mundane”. The drug within the green teapot sets in fast, and she will insist on making you drink it if you don’t leave quickly (based on the marks she’s left on the wrists and mouths of some of her projects, we suspect she may be capable of great force although she only reserves it for particular situations). For this situation, we have devised an exit method. Ask Madame Cotton if you can have some sugar for the tea before she sits down. Be polite but insistent and she should oblige. While she’s fetching it, run for the door and knock over one of the display cases containing a human subject. This will stop Madam Cotton from pursuing you as she focuses on ‘saving’ her work. When you get back to the cottage, let us know if this has happened- we’ll avoid sending you out to her again. Madam Cotton doesn’t seem to leave the workshop so you needn’t worry about running into her in the woods- we suspect she may have suppliers for her materials, but we’re not sure who they are.
  14. If she brought out the red teapot, you are expected to stay with her until she excuses you- this usually happens when she realises that the tea hasn’t taken effect. She will make polite conversation during this time but is evaluating your answers intently. Avoid mentioning animals or anything linked to them, even if she directly presses you on the subject. If you say something that piques her interest, it may give her an idea of how she'd like to use you in a project. For example, I slipped up on my first visit, mentioning the play I chose my false name from- she always tried to get my opinion on donkeys during subsequent visits.
  15. During your conversation, do not mention anything about yourself that you regret or wish could be improved. As mentioned before, do not draw attention to missing body parts either. Madam Cotton often relishes in the idea that she is ‘completing’ her subjects, and is not as interested in people who already regard themselves as ‘complete’. Like many things in Raifee Wood, your words hold power in this situation and as long as you insist that you are ‘complete’, your true feelings will not matter.
  16. If you notice the collar or sleeves of Madam Cotton’s dress beginning to darken, look away and hand her the handkerchief. She will be thankful for this and let you leave early as she tidies up the bloodstains. This is a somewhat common occurrence, the fabric of Madam Cotton’s dress seems to irritate her skin. Not a bad thing for us, the sooner you’re permitted to leave the better.
  17. Madam Cotton will eventually allow you to leave. You should be able to do so without too much trouble, but make sure that you have all your equipment with you before leaving. Madam Cotton has been known to hide things to force additional visits. If you cannot find something, ask her: She’ll usually produce it for you albeit begrudgingly.

(The final part of the text seems to have been added sometime later- the more saturated ink suggests that Nick switched to a new pen before adding the update)

Ok! I just wrapped my visit and all of the rules still seem to be in place. She was surprised to see that I was still around and kept me there for a long time- other than that, she's the same as ever. However, I will take the next few trips myself to be certain. Sitting in the workshop, I was reminded of how many rangers she’s come to possess- it’s difficult to ignore when you’re in the same room as them. I’m not blaming them, but it’s strange how many she managed to kill. She’s not as aggressive as many of the other residents, and her method of killing is comparatively easy to avoid.

I suppose drugging is one of the gentler ways people go around here…

Previous Entry: Entry 29, The StewardIntroduction and basic guide to surviving in Raifee Wood

14:05 UTC


Different types of deathly dreams part 6

I am back after a break here to give you the next journal entry Thank you for the support. And it is supposed to say part 5 I'm sorry about that

So you are still here either you have found the pages of my book and some sort of ruined state or I have lived long enough to give them to the public Today we are talking about: The Tennessee wilderness

Background information: here you will be in a vast expense of Tennessee wilderness you will have a rifle some bullets and some fire starter as well as some simple hunting things such as calls a knife and a hatchet. You will wake up after you kill and eat the required animals.

1: this is not a normal hunting trip there are creatures avoid anything out of the ordinary

2: many of you might see large areas of pine out of the ordinary but those are usually places that are safe and have shelter they are abundant in Tennessee

3: you are in the upper area of Eastern Tennessee depending on the amount of time you stay there you will experience snow, violent storms, and whether that will change rapidly

There are many different cryptids and creatures we will now talk about them

1: the Not deer is a creature usually seen around the Appalachian mountains they are very dangerous they look like a deer but their eyes have an intelligence behind them and are usually facing forward as a predators is. Their joints usually bend a weird way they can be easy to mistake for real deers if you aren't paying attention. Their calls are distorted slightly or entirely pay attention they usually hang out around other deer.

2: skinwalkers, you probably already know what these are especially if you've read my other entries. In a short summary they are creatures that will shapeshift into people or animals and try and get your attention.

3: Battes are large bat like creatures with giant mouth filled with razor sharp teeth, they usually hunt in large groups and are extremely quick, don't go into cleared areas at night especially if there is a body nearby.

4: the runnies are rabbits very similar to the ones that you will most likely encounter except they only have one joint on their leg that bends like a human knee and they have no eyes so keep a keen look because if they hear you they will rush over and spew acid all over you enough acid to disintegrate your entire body. I have studied these creatures and found they produce more acid than their body can hold I'm still studying the anomaly.

5: other false r3d hœ0ded p3op/e. C@Ñ ç0n5rol yøù (it looks like it has been attempted to be erased)

6: other humans may be aRound and are usually friendly make sure they are not skinwalkers. They might help you finish your collection and allow you to go home

7: never trust people in red ,I have not yet finished studying the anomaly but for some reason if a person puts on red clothing (stained clothes do not count) then they will gain anomaloUs powers and become murderous

8: druns are creatures who look like people usually carrying around a leather-bound notebook sometimes it is bound in human skiN, if you see a person in pure white clothing carrying around a notepad shoot them immediately they have already noticed you and you cannot run or they will see you as a new toy

9: berries or fruits/vegetables cultivated or wild with spots on them are to be burned immediately in the ashes disposed of in a nearby River or stream they are creatures that will take over your mind and force you to wear red. There true form has not been identified.

Now for the survival part of the Tennessee wilderness

1: make shelter or find shelter on your first night preferably something with a roof and if you can draw a circle around your camp area and fill it with your campfire Ash, the creatures don't like the carbon.

2: if you camp somewhere white (sand, rocks creature blood ECT) then I pray for your demise to be painless

Th1ngß īñ my SKIN Taking øver (blood covers the rest of the words) and finally I got control back time to continue with the entry

3: the not deer is almost bulletproof with most ammo doing little against it use high powered rifle ammo if you want to kill it explosives if necessary or if you're lucky you will find a priest with a divine blessing who will gift you a sacred shotgun with a six pack of slugs and a 12 pack of beer, the beer don't do nothing except what is said below it's just normal Bud light

4: this is the South the locals act like people from the southern USA act accordingly fellas

5: the animals that you must kill will vary but creatures that were 100% be on there are 2 whitetail deer over 150 lb, a white tail buck any size, 3 rabbits, a dove, a goose, and a runnie. Other animals could include not deer, skinwalkers, and the Tennessee wildman "I have not confirmed that this creature is forever in this dream but I think it moves dreams and can potentially change things" was what a local told me, I wonder how he knew he was in the dream you are supposed to be the only person from The real world in there.

6: never kill a baby animal or its mother or you will suffer a horrible death by a creature that I have not mentioned and refuse to mention in fear of you or me being killed by revealing its nature. The only way you could survive it is if there was a very good reason for you to kill the mother such as survival in situations that's not food or the baby was away from the mother.

7: when you go in there you will already have a .223 rifle and six corresponding bullets in your vest and you will be supplied with camo

8: there are blinds and tree stands set up randomly across the very large area they are 100% secure and the trees they are on will never fall or have cryptids within 15 yd that includes flying cryptids except at night before 2am

9: in small communities of people you can get traps, melee weapons, and sometimes guns and ammo but those are usually in rundown shelters or cars

10: the only vehicle available is a few razors/canams around the place, you will be able to find gas canisters around and the car will never break unless you purposely break it for survival purposes (if a skinwalker decided your vehicle was a perfect place for a nest)

11: as I said before pine forests are the perfect places, they have minimal cryptid activity and have a higher chance of weapons/money

12: take a beer if you find one everything will love you for a day and all your injuries will be healed (this includes beer from the sacred priest)

13: if you find a bottle of sangria don't drink it unless you find some punch or a wine glass because if you find a punch or a wine glass and drink the sangria with it you will immediately be teleported out and be given 600,000 in cash

14: never go outside if the moon was red last night

15: last but not least the feral hogs will survive any gunshot and will rip you to pieces

I almost forgot to add you will have to kill a white chicken with red eyes to make sure that you cannot accidentally escape, the view is stunning and you will feel extremely energized while you are at this place you might not even want to leave if you settle down in a Town.

That is the end of this rather long entry I hope you all have a nice day and hope you enjoyed the solar eclipse my fellow Americans

05:51 UTC


How to be a Hunter

Look at you, you tremble on your boots, your hands are shaking, your grip is weak. You won't stand a chance agaisnt the hellbent creatures, how about I remind you of your duty here? It's our fault it turned out like this, but we can at least redeem ourselfs with a little bit of hunting...

1: Don't fear. You're a hunter, not a regular person, you signed the contract and now you face up to your consequences, outsider. Go out, spill their blood, hunt for a while. A hunter shall do their work without any fear...

2: Avoid beasts. Beasts are enourmous and, perhaps, too strong for someone like you, you're a beginner, a newbie. You couldn't take something like that, even if you wanted to. Perhaps if you find a way to get stronger, maybe there's a possibiltiy, but for now avoid them.

3: Avoid those who are infected with delirium. They are energetic, your slow movement couldn't counter their's, stay out of their sight, unless you have antidotes or perhaps a death wish.

4: Recrute lost wanderors. Yes, suprisingly there are survivors roaming around, lost and afraid, perhaps you can recrute them to the safe haven nearby, the Cathedral Ward. But be sure they're not blood-thristy monsters, feel their breath, if it is refreshing, then they shall be recruted, if you smell blood, kill it immediately.

5: Don't be reckless. Being a hunter doesn't mean you're an all-knowing god, you're still fragile like everyone else, you have weak points, play carefully, you have a weapon and a gun, use them smartly. Don't go around trigger-happy, it's an easy way to get killed.

6: Careful with your blood echoes. They are precious, as they are the only thing that can make you stronger, perhaps increasing your strength, your stamina, your health, etc... It's something you should hold dear and strongly to. Without them, you are powerless.

7: Know your opponent. At times, you may encounter a strong opponent, still blood-thristy but different in some way, perhaps they're resistent to specific things. Bolt paper and fire paper were created for a reason, if you know your enemy more than they know you, you've done half of the battle.

8: Prepare for dawn. If it ever comes, that is...

9: Beware curses. The pondering witches reside nearby, when stepping on their land, you'll be immediately targetted. I'll tell you one thing, it's their land for a reason.

10: Always look out for lamps. They're some kind of safe haven for you, like a dream. Yes, it sounds silly when we speak about it, but it really is true, it's something you'll only believe when you see it with your own eyes. Be on the look-out for the shinning, purple-ish lights.

That should be everything. Now go, a hunter must hunt...

15:55 UTC


Welcome to Plainhill Academy.

Hi, I'm the advisor for you freshmen at Plainhill Academy. All of you are here because of your exceptional skills in a specific area. Please listen carefully, because otherwise, you won't like what happens to you. And quite frankly, none of us will, because once something happens to one, it happens to almost all. All of you guys were instructed to wear your IDs, which you were given. never take these off. They will protect you beyond what you can imagine.

  1. Please, please, please, PLEASE do not, under any circumstances, enter any classrooms on the first floor after sunset without knocking. It doesn't matter what the sign on the door says, just please knock.

  2. If the response is three knocks followed by one knock, you can enter. If the response is anything else, leave immediately, walk at a fast pace but don't run, and go back to your dorm IMMEDIATELY. When you enter, say the word "Dizzying," just to be safe.

  3. Please tell your roommate that the room must not be left until the next day at seven am at the earliest. That's all the information that's needed.

  4. if your roommate tells you that the room cannot be left until seven am, immediately lock the door, shut all the blinds.

  5. If someone tries to get you to take off your necklace, tells the person "Dizzying," and that should make them stop. If they don't, run to the Principal's office and beg for your life to be spared. It doesn't matter if he is in a meeting, do anything to make him say "spared."

  6. If the Principal says anything else except for "spared", then I'm sorry, but you will become one of the beings behind the door.

  7. The beings behind the door are everywhere. Rumor has it that the Principal has spirits of death in these halls. If you agree to anything they say, you will become one of them after being tortured both physically and psychologically for ten hours in the basement.

  8. If you do wish to be outside after sunset, please carry your necklace with you, even if you haven't had an encounter with the beings. Also, carry a writing utensil and paper at all times after seven pm.

  9. If you and a group of others are surrounded by beings, write each other using the pencils and paper. Write one person's name and then head. These beings that are surrounding you are rather unintelligent but malicious, and they don't know how to read. You will have a minute to run to the nearest elevator and press the up button. If you don't, you will die.

  10. Take the elevator to the roof, where all transportation vehicles are parked. All you need to do is scan your ID and you will automatically be able to fly it away. The person who was named head should be the only one who can fly the vehicle. Everyone else goes in the back, except for the oldest of the group, who will sit in the passenger seat.

  11. When you're in and everything is locked, turn on the motor and say "Magic," as the vehicle will turn invisible, will become muted, and will not be able to be detected through any of the senses or any machines.

  12. Fly to the only other hospital in this city. The directions are already routed.

  13. Once you get there, hover above the hospital and call it. Ask for "Mark J. The one with blue eyes." If alarms blare, please hit the self-destruct button. It's too late to be saved. If not, sink through the hospital and become solid again once you're in the garage. The vehicle will turn into an ambulance. The only way it will look different is it will have one tire with gold metal.

  14. Go into the elevator and go to the first floor. Mark J will be in front of the elevator waiting for you. Once you see him, he will lead you to the nurse's station and he will unlock his room for you guys. Stay there until he charters a Relocation Specialist from outside the hospital. Then, you guys will follow the specialist back into the garage, go into your vehicle, have them re-route it to Fortress T and then you will drive to the nearest river and use the vehicle as a boat.

  15. Never return to this school, because once you do, the wrath of the Principal will be unleashed on us all. Please also never, ever, EVER, go to this state again.

  16. Follow the rules. If you suspect anything out of the ordinary, text me a "Code Red," message, and I will deal with it.

Well, that concludes the meeting. Please go back to your dorms, as it is about to be sunset. Thank you for choosing Plainhill Acedemy and goodnight.

21:07 UTC

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