- ✔ Titles for images must conform to [character(s)] by (artist(s)).
- ✔ Mirror images on Imgur when possible.
- ✔ Posts must contain League of Legends universe content.
- ✔ Link to the source when possible.
- ✔ Flair your submission appropriately.
- ✔ Adhere to the ecchi guidelines when posting.
- ✔ Use the whitelisted domains.
- ✔ Commission threads must have prior work.
- ✘ Reposts within 4 months.
- ✘ Requests must be in the megathread sticky.
- ✘ Discord/Telegram/group chats without permission.
- ✘ Extreme content, including (but not limited to) gore, vore, loli/shota, and similar content.
- ✘ Posts including real-life League personalities.
- ✘ Linetraces/colorings without attribution to OC..
- ✘ Low-effort posts / AI-generated art.
- ✘ Piecemeal posting..
- ✘ Excessive self-promotion.