
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for rugby union players, with information for those who want to improve on-field skill and strength.

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*Need help with an injury, or just certain parts of your play need improving? Feel free to just ask.

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4,503 Subscribers


ROM for Squats

Do we really need full ROM for squats or is parallel good? I don't plan on eliminating ATG squats but simply want to train closer to the current demands of the sport. (training to play wing)

Based of the responses I'm going to go with full ROM in off-season then move to ROM that aids in power development in pre-season.

00:18 UTC


COACHES - I need your help!!

Hi Everyone,

I am currently trying to do some market research for an app idea I have been working on. The concept is to develop a performance tracking and data analysis tool aimed at teams, to improve the quality and results of their training sessions - somewhat similar to apps like Strava but much more team-centric! If you coach at an amateur or even semi-pro level, I would love to hear your thoughts on this!

I would love to ask you a few questions and hear your opinions! If you have 2 minutes to spare could you please answer this questionnaire: https://forms.gle/PTpwJGKvJqwc539s8 ? The whole thing is completely anonymous, and you would really help out an enthusiastic young athlete who's looking to innovate the way we train as teams!


1 Comment
18:46 UTC


Tips for a player

I'm 18 years old and 6ft tall and I play Openside. Any tips for a young Openside? I want to make sure I'm able to do my job to the best of my ability.

17:20 UTC


New Captain/Coach

Good morning,

I play club rugby at college in the USA. I have been recently elected captain of my club. I’ve never really been the head captain of any sports team so I’m a bit new to the whole concept of talking to the ref. I’m not really sure when it’s appropriate to talk to the ref and how. Do you guys have any tips?

My rugby club has been going through a rough patch. Last year we almost did not have a season, but we pulled together and got enough players. We have issues with people not showing up, it’s really frustrating. Our former coach can no longer coach. Because of this I will take on the position of coaching the team. I have the most experience on the team but I’m a bit lost when it comes to coaching. It will be my last year at this school so I want to put in lots of effort into my coaching and really leave the team in a better shape then I found it. I will be bringing other coaches to help coach a practice or two but other then that I will mostly be on my own. Are they any good resources and tips for future coaches?

15:18 UTC


Thoughts on this lifting routine

Our strength and conditioning coach just sent out a new updated lifting routine. I’m still pretty new to rugby and the want I need to make sure to have in my lifting programs. Any and all input would be appreciated!


  • Main lifts
    • Clean 3x7
    • Bench Press 3x8
    • Squat 3x8
  • Auxiliary
    • Lat pull down 3x8
    • DB rdl 2x8
    • Landmine Jammer 2x6
    • Neck machine front and back 2x12
    • Core


  • Main lifts
    • Barbell Row 3x8
    • Push Press 3x8
    • Deadlift 3x8
  • Auxiliary
    • DB split squat 2x8
    • Landmine rotations2x8
    • DB front raises 2x6
    • DB shrugs 2x12
    • Cross body jammers 2x4
    • Core


  • Main lifts
    • Hang Clean 3x7
    • DB Alt incline Bench Press 3x8
    • Landmine Squat with shoulder press 3x8
  • Auxiliary
    • DB Renegade Row 3x8
    • Leg Curl 2x8
    • Band wall walks 2x30 secs
    • Neck machine left and right 2x12
    • Core
05:16 UTC


How often are you doing a fitness session a week?

I’ve just had to stop mid session as my calves weren’t in good shape. I’ve done the Ruck Science Rectangle 4/5 of the last few days with little cardio for months before that. So I reckon I’ve burnt myself out. Taking the rest of today and tomorrow off to see how I’m feeling.

12:55 UTC


I feel I’m not passing as much as I should be for a 15 as when I have the ball I just get tunnel vision. Anyone else feel this ?

11:04 UTC


Does height and weight really matter?

I played one season of rugby back as a freshman in high school, that was 6-7 years ago. And I want to give it another try, I really enjoyed it. I’m 5’4 and right now weight 135, I live in the states. But my thing is I know most common rugby players are way bigger does it really matter?

13:16 UTC


Quarantine improvement

By all means, I am new to the sport. I played a couple years in high school 10 years ago at lock. Recently I found a local rugby club and have been playing with them at flanker. What would be some good things to study during this shutdown to better improve gameplay? Not just position specific, but also overall in order to improve every aspect of the game. TIA

1 Comment
21:30 UTC


Tips for side stepping

I just need tips and exercises on how to get better at side stepping as I’m a winger who primarily relies on my speed instead of my side stepping

23:56 UTC



Im 16 moving up to u18 next season, i havent played in almost a year and need to get conditioned any advice

00:29 UTC


Tips for wingers

The last couple of months I’ve been training for rugby and also going to the gym a lot and I’ve put on a stone which is mostly muscle but I’ve notified I’ve lost some speed . Any tips to balance this as I don’t want to lose much weight as I’m 13 stone (82kg) atm and 5”11 at 17 years old. Mostly need info about getting faster whilst maintaining my weight

21:42 UTC


Solo Drills for Scrum-Half (9) Inside/Outside

I play rugby for about a year and 9 for half a year.

Because of Corona the season got cancelled, gyms are closed and training with friends should be avoided. I have enough balls to train for myself but I don't know much about solo drills. I mainly do the passing from the ground with one hand like Aaron Smith does in the yt video, some passing against a wall, and some kicking.

This is fine for the normal case but because solo training is my only option right now this gets boring pretty fast.

I know about the "things to look for" and "things to train" but not about specific drills.

Do you have ideas, drills or sources where I can find some? Thanks!

19:14 UTC


Online rugby learning resources

Good morning from the Mojave desert r/RugbyTraining,

I'm a perpetual beginner in the sport (my work makes it hard to attend regular training and matches), but I'm dedicated to getting better at the sport and eventually teaching my kids when they are old enough.

I'm looking for any resources online (free or paid) that I can read/watch when I have free time at work. This way, when I get out to an odd training or match now and again, I'm at least a little better than I was last time after some intellectual work.

I understand the basics of the game (laws, set-pieces, field geometry), but am looking to learn more about tactics on attack and defense, position specific coaching for forwards, and how to better read the game as its happening. Generally, I find myself running all over the field during matches and not placing myself where I need to be. Also, when I get the ball, i don't know how to make a good call on whether to off-load or go into contact.

Any resources you all can point me toward would be greatly appreciated! Cheers!

18:28 UTC


Top tips before my first game

I’ve re gently started training with my local side (u18) I haven’t played since I was 13 and I have my first game as lock tomorrow what do I need to know and focus on.

22:36 UTC


Conditioning Advice

Hi all,

Been playing this season after a 12 year hiatus and really enjoying myself - however my conditioning is horrendous. After 3 rucks I’m already gasping!

I know for me to be a more effective player I need to be more involved in the phases as opposed to working on getting bigger. Can anyone point me in the direction of a fitness conditioning progression?

If it helps my position is Lock, I’m aged 25, 6”1 and approximately 92kg

17:18 UTC


Inner Knee Pain

Practice for the upcoming season has been going on for almost a month now, and near the half way mark I started to get a strain near my inner right knee. It has only gotten tighter and has started to hurt more. I’ve been trying to stretch more before and after practice. The thing that confuses me is that during practice it never hurts but after practice it begins to hurt. With full contact practices starting soon I’m worried about making it worse. Any and all advice would be appreciated!

02:56 UTC


What's proper neck positioning if you are getting dump tackled or speared

I see guys roll over their necks after tripping or tackling quite a bit without injury. Are they just lucky or is rolling over the neck safe?

02:55 UTC


Ways to play with shin splints?

Managed to give my self shin splints little over a month ago by going to heavy on running and sprints. I’ve still been going to practices and doing running though. The pain is usually pretty bad when I first start running almost the point where I can’t stand but later on in practice it goes away. Any advice for this? Games don’t start till another month and I don’t wanna miss practices

22:38 UTC


Modified gzclp for post season

https://imgur.com/a/sny9H0w Would this be good for post season? I’ve been finding it hard to stay consistent with lifting during the season because of some shoulder issues and just hammered from practice. I modified my current routine and was gonna try it for next week.

Edit: I’d have practice in between the workouts

21:28 UTC


Losing Weight for Summer 7s?

What's going on fellow ruggers?

I took a two year break from playing rugby. Previously played for a year (Winger) on 15s team and competed at a 7s competition and loved it. I'm looking for tips/advice on getting in shape for a Summer 7s team. Best way to lose weight and prep for 7s? Weights and Sprints?

Weigh: 166 lbs now. Goal: 130-140 lbs by June or July.

16:17 UTC


Speed for backs

Hi there, I have some issues with settling on a position on the field. Started off with playing a lot of wing and flanker, without excelling at either of those. After that I played trough the whole back line. Outside center is lots of fun, but I dont know a lot about physical requirements. Speed, size skills etc. I was hoping someone could give me some insight. Thanks for reading, enjoy your day

23:30 UTC


Training for impacts

Any studies or even pseudo-science y'all know about training for impacts? For instance, we are early in our season, and bruises and inflammation are abundant each practice. From experience, I know it gets better by the end of the season, I can take much harder hits and dish them out too without much repercussions at all.

Is there anything that supports that you can train to withstand more impacts?

21:53 UTC


Real-time support with your rugby training

Hey all - we've started a Telegram channel to try and give people the same interaction as r/RugbyTraining but with more interactivity and hopefully more speed. Please come join us if you need faster answers to your rugby training questions. t.me/ruckscience

14:57 UTC


What should I generally focus on in Preseason Training

14:02 UTC

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