This is a subreddit for people interested in the interpreted language R.
Hi, I'm currently looking for a decorrelation stretch software (the most well known example is probably DStretch).
A few years ago there was the option to get software for this for free, nowadays it seems to be a little more complicated.
Is there still software like this out there? Please note im explicitly not looking for pirated software or sth. like that.
Anyone with experience using this package?
Hello I need to learn how to use R for statistical analysis of large data. I'm only familiar with SPSS software. Any and all leads to R would be appreciated. I already found a YouTube tutorial and a random list of commands.
I have to propose for my team a tool that is easy to use, so they can see and follow their project in agile mode like kanban, but also i need to have a big pictures of all the projects ( beginning and ending). I have thought of something like a simple trello and use a additionnal tool like gantt pro or a business intelligence one. But i think it will be better if i can take a csv from the same tool.
Anyone has an idea?
Hey fellow Redditors,
I'm currently exploring the R software and its various applications, but I have a quick question about its privacy policy. I'm curious to know if R has a Privacy Policy in place to ensure the security of users' data and information. If it does indeed have one, could someone kindly direct me to where I can find it?
Thanks in advance!
For a project I’m analyzing data in R with two non-proportional hazards model: an Aalen model and a Cox-Aalen model, such as:
fit_aalen = aalen(Surv(Survival, Status) ~ v1 + const(v2), dati)
fit_coxaalen = cox.aalen(Surv(Survival, Status) ~ v1 + prop(v2), dati)
The problem is that for both I CAN’T PLOT THE ESTIMATED SURVIVAL FUNCTION, if I give “plot(fit_aalen)” it only shows me the cumulated coefficients, I need the estimated survival function. Please help.
I found some problems with converting my data into time series data in R all columns change their values for example I have a date column(01-01-2000) and ozone emissions column ( 0.016) when I ran the ts code they change to random values like the date columns to (4576700 or to 1 .. ) and the other columns too what should I do?
does anyone know if there is a cloud based shared calendar system that supports multiple users.Each user shown in a row . With the possibility to sync with outlook calendar.
Kinda like this old software we are currently using
Each users in it's own row . time zone in cols.
I have a school iPad that has Jamf software installed on it which blocks App Store and all un permitted apps and websites to do with entertainment, games or software to remove. I am wondering if anyone has been successful in bypassing mdm lock, removing supervision and or installing other apps another way? If so please let me know how to do this
Hi all,
I was wondering if someone could help me with a very easy(!) problem I have been trying to solve for hours. I have a variable in a dataset with ~500 answers– it essentially represents participants' answers to an essay question. I am interested in how many words each individual has used in the task and I cannot seem to find a function in R to calculate/count each participant's words in that particular variable.
Is there a way to do this in R? Any packages you think could help me do this? Thank you so much in advance!
Hi All!
I am currently taking a class that relies pretty heavily on using the R software to analyze and display data. I'm still pretty new to anything related to coding, but I am very engaged to learn more. I'm not the type to just jump in head first through, I need some base knowledge before I can start generating my own code, seemingly out of thin air.
So far in trying to teach myself, I found some success in the Datacamp "free" tutorial. It was suggested by my professor, and I really liked it. I think having the guidance along with the software in the window was really helpful. However, after reaching a certain point, they want me to pay....
I'm not going to pay $150 for tutorials on a free software for a class I already pail $100 for a textbook...
Does anyone know of any websites/tutorials that will hold my hand while I try to wrap my head around this amazing software?
Many thanks!
I'm trying to install this package but the error shows that such package doesn't exist. Has the R community disabled it? Can anyone give me an alternative for this package to extract tables from pdf
Hi everyone!
I am working with an NCAA data set, and am not having any luck using the RankAggreg library. I am trying to run a Genetic Algorithm over the dataset, and I keep getting an error saying that I am either using incorrect dimensions when I limit myself to one column, or lack uniqueness if I am using the entire dataset. Is there a way for me to use this library, or find some other work-around to rank these teams? Thanks in advance!
Hi everyone. For a dataset consisting of three quantitative variables, H, M and W I have to build a non linear model of this form: E(H)=b0+b1M+(W/(b3+b4M)).
I tried using the "nls()" function in R, but I don't know how to determine the start values of the coefficients, b0, b1, b3 and b4. How can they be determined?
Hi I am a bit of a beginner with programming / sheets or excel and am looking for help / ideas for a weighted lottery system. It is complicated because I work for a non profit and we want to prioritize certain individuals (specifically need based ones) to be more likely to be selected as a participant of a camp. There would be several factors including, if individuals require financial assistance, how many days they will be at the camp 1-3, along with another factor or two (which are still to be determined). Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Good morning everyone!I want to ask help to interpretate a plot about linearity assumption for error distribution in a simple Linear regression model, as shown in the attached picture.
As i intended it, there should not be any linearity assumption, as the rapresentation create "a pattern" (like a "vertical-horiented stripe"). Am i interpreting it correctly?
Thanks to everyone :)
Hello there, Ill get straight to the point,
So I'm doing a paper for university about the detribution of a snail, details are unimportant.
My data is imported to R in a dat.frame type, I have 4 columns named "Arvore" (Tree), "Niveis" (levels), "Substrato" (Substrate) and the final one which is the response one is "Conta" (Individual count).
Here are some images that can help you visualize:
I made some pretty boxplots and it was all going swell untill i had to test the relationships of these variables, and what i mean is, I had to test if in the level "Bark" there was more individual than in "leaves", and the same goes for the others.
So what I did was, I tested the normality with these codes:
Testing the normality for each variable
and the results where the following:
It gave me a very low p value for any of the levels of all the variables.
Which according to my knowledge means they don't show normality so I have to use non parametic statistical tests.
My next thought was to do those separatelly:
So i did a wilcoxon test for both the variable "Substrato" and then the variable "Arvore".
like this:
as u can see the p value is like low so we reject H0 and conclude the means are significantly different.
I did the same for substrate and it gave me a very low p value aswell which I wasn't surprised after looking at the boxlots.
Continuing the thought process I made a kruskal wallis for the variable "Niveis" since it has 3 levels:
I created a different data.frame but its basicly the sabe just with less collumns
After this i made the dunn test right
alright so by the end of this i thought i had all i needed,
As it turns out i do not,
teacher said I had to do a PERMANOVA, and I understood the concept, the function is used to compare all of the levels grouped right? anyway's I spent the last 5 hours searching for how to make a PERMANOVE on different levels and I found a code that I thought would work and then i counldn't find the package... probably because I am tired and the brain is not functioning at full capacity but can someone please give me an answer to this..?
Please tell me how to code a PERMANOVA with the following data:
It's like 120 something samples