
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit for people interested in the interpreted language R.


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Can I convert a continuous numeric variable to R, into a class variable (example: numbers for BMI, to ‘normoweight, overweight, obese’), so that I can compare it in a Barplot chart with another qualitative variable (example: gender)?

1 Comment
19:09 UTC


Looking for free Decorrelation Stretch Software

Hi, I'm currently looking for a decorrelation stretch software (the most well known example is probably DStretch).

A few years ago there was the option to get software for this for free, nowadays it seems to be a little more complicated.
Is there still software like this out there? Please note im explicitly not looking for pirated software or sth. like that.

11:29 UTC


MetaLandSim package by Mestre et al.

Anyone with experience using this package?

05:24 UTC


New to R

Hello I need to learn how to use R for statistical analysis of large data. I'm only familiar with SPSS software. Any and all leads to R would be appreciated. I already found a YouTube tutorial and a random list of commands.

1 Comment
13:37 UTC


Now Pou it's invisible

20:36 UTC


How can I code a live character plaza, like the Mii Plaza form the Nintendo 3ds but, in a flutter program, Is it even possible?

09:33 UTC


What is the best open source/free project tools, with kanban board and integrated gantt diagram / timeline ?

I have to propose for my team a tool that is easy to use, so they can see and follow their project in agile mode like kanban, but also i need to have a big pictures of all the projects ( beginning and ending). I have thought of something like a simple trello and use a additionnal tool like gantt pro or a business intelligence one. But i think it will be better if i can take a csv from the same tool.

Anyone has an idea?


09:40 UTC


Does R Software Have a Privacy Policy? Where Can I Find It?

Hey fellow Redditors,

I'm currently exploring the R software and its various applications, but I have a quick question about its privacy policy. I'm curious to know if R has a Privacy Policy in place to ensure the security of users' data and information. If it does indeed have one, could someone kindly direct me to where I can find it?

Thanks in advance!

15:53 UTC


Please help: survival models in R

For a project I’m analyzing data in R with two non-proportional hazards model: an Aalen model and a Cox-Aalen model, such as:

fit_aalen = aalen(Surv(Survival, Status) ~ v1 + const(v2), dati)

fit_coxaalen = cox.aalen(Surv(Survival, Status) ~ v1 + prop(v2), dati)

The problem is that for both I CAN’T PLOT THE ESTIMATED SURVIVAL FUNCTION, if I give “plot(fit_aalen)” it only shows me the cumulated coefficients, I need the estimated survival function. Please help.

16:28 UTC


curly brackets in R ... what do they mean

12:04 UTC


Is there anyone willing to help me build this bot?

20:50 UTC


Trying to install tensorflow

04:31 UTC


time series

I found some problems with converting my data into time series data in R all columns change their values for example I have a date column(01-01-2000) and ozone emissions column ( 0.016) when I ran the ts code they change to random values like the date columns to (4576700 or to 1 .. ) and the other columns too what should I do?

16:05 UTC


Shared calendar system

does anyone know if there is a cloud based shared calendar system that supports multiple users.Each user shown in a row . With the possibility to sync with outlook calendar.

Kinda like this old software we are currently using

Each users in it's own row . time zone in cols.


08:46 UTC


School iPad

I have a school iPad that has Jamf software installed on it which blocks App Store and all un permitted apps and websites to do with entertainment, games or software to remove. I am wondering if anyone has been successful in bypassing mdm lock, removing supervision and or installing other apps another way? If so please let me know how to do this

1 Comment
20:47 UTC


Function to count the words

Hi all,

I was wondering if someone could help me with a very easy(!) problem I have been trying to solve for hours. I have a variable in a dataset with ~500 answers– it essentially represents participants' answers to an essay question. I am interested in how many words each individual has used in the task and I cannot seem to find a function in R to calculate/count each participant's words in that particular variable.

Is there a way to do this in R? Any packages you think could help me do this? Thank you so much in advance!

15:06 UTC


Suggestions for Tutorials for Learning R

Hi All!

I am currently taking a class that relies pretty heavily on using the R software to analyze and display data. I'm still pretty new to anything related to coding, but I am very engaged to learn more. I'm not the type to just jump in head first through, I need some base knowledge before I can start generating my own code, seemingly out of thin air.

So far in trying to teach myself, I found some success in the Datacamp "free" tutorial. It was suggested by my professor, and I really liked it. I think having the guidance along with the software in the window was really helpful. However, after reaching a certain point, they want me to pay....

I'm not going to pay $150 for tutorials on a free software for a class I already pail $100 for a textbook...

Does anyone know of any websites/tutorials that will hold my hand while I try to wrap my head around this amazing software?

Many thanks!

13:37 UTC


Tabulizer package

I'm trying to install this package but the error shows that such package doesn't exist. Has the R community disabled it? Can anyone give me an alternative for this package to extract tables from pdf

04:35 UTC



Hi everyone!

I am working with an NCAA data set, and am not having any luck using the RankAggreg library. I am trying to run a Genetic Algorithm over the dataset, and I keep getting an error saying that I am either using incorrect dimensions when I limit myself to one column, or lack uniqueness if I am using the entire dataset. Is there a way for me to use this library, or find some other work-around to rank these teams? Thanks in advance!

20:38 UTC


Help determining start values of coefficients in a nonlinear model

Hi everyone. For a dataset consisting of three quantitative variables, H, M and W I have to build a non linear model of this form: E(H)=b0+b1M+(W/(b3+b4M)).

I tried using the "nls()" function in R, but I don't know how to determine the start values of the coefficients, b0, b1, b3 and b4. How can they be determined?

18:30 UTC


Help with weighted lottery system

Hi I am a bit of a beginner with programming / sheets or excel and am looking for help / ideas for a weighted lottery system. It is complicated because I work for a non profit and we want to prioritize certain individuals (specifically need based ones) to be more likely to be selected as a participant of a camp. There would be several factors including, if individuals require financial assistance, how many days they will be at the camp 1-3, along with another factor or two (which are still to be determined). Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

15:21 UTC


Interpretation of a plot for linear assumption

Good morning everyone!I want to ask help to interpretate a plot about linearity assumption for error distribution in a simple Linear regression model, as shown in the attached picture.

As i intended it, there should not be any linearity assumption, as the rapresentation create "a pattern" (like a "vertical-horiented stripe"). Am i interpreting it correctly?

Thanks to everyone :)

plot between predicted values (x-axis) and errors (y-axis)

12:19 UTC


I am so tired of this... please help me

Hello there, Ill get straight to the point,

So I'm doing a paper for university about the detribution of a snail, details are unimportant.

My data is imported to R in a dat.frame type, I have 4 columns named "Arvore" (Tree), "Niveis" (levels), "Substrato" (Substrate) and the final one which is the response one is "Conta" (Individual count).

Here are some images that can help you visualize:

this is the struture of my data.frame named \"Dados\", so there is the variable \"Arvore\" with 2 levels ,Rmuc and Salb; the variable \"Niveis\" with 3 levels, A, B and C; and the variable \"Substrato\" with 2 levels, bark and leaves;

I made some pretty boxplots and it was all going swell untill i had to test the relationships of these variables, and what i mean is, I had to test if in the level "Bark" there was more individual than in "leaves", and the same goes for the others.

So what I did was, I tested the normality with these codes:

Testing the normality for each variable

and the results where the following:




It gave me a very low p value for any of the levels of all the variables.

Which according to my knowledge means they don't show normality so I have to use non parametic statistical tests.

My next thought was to do those separatelly:

So i did a wilcoxon test for both the variable "Substrato" and then the variable "Arvore".

like this:


as u can see the p value is like low so we reject H0 and conclude the means are significantly different.

I did the same for substrate and it gave me a very low p value aswell which I wasn't surprised after looking at the boxlots.

Continuing the thought process I made a kruskal wallis for the variable "Niveis" since it has 3 levels:


I created a different data.frame but its basicly the sabe just with less collumns

After this i made the dunn test right

I just made this one so I am not sure what it means just yet, it's 2 am and I don't have the patience to search yet another topic

alright so by the end of this i thought i had all i needed,

As it turns out i do not,

teacher said I had to do a PERMANOVA, and I understood the concept, the function is used to compare all of the levels grouped right? anyway's I spent the last 5 hours searching for how to make a PERMANOVE on different levels and I found a code that I thought would work and then i counldn't find the package... probably because I am tired and the brain is not functioning at full capacity but can someone please give me an answer to this..?

Please tell me how to code a PERMANOVA with the following data:

It's like 120 something samples

01:26 UTC

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