
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to r/Rosicrucian. A place for the discussion of historical and modern Rosicrucian movements and beliefs. There are several Rosicrucian organizations in existence and this community does not discriminate against or rank any of these organizations. Be civil and avoid derogatory and inappropriate remarks

A sub-reddit to discuss the philosophies and lineages of Rosicrucian tradition.


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Adhering to spirituality vs going to therapy

I am almost sure from my research on the internet that I have persistent depressive disorder, avoidant personality disorder, and other psychological issues since childhood. I also suspect that I may have a trauma. I wasn't diagnosed for any of that by a professional really. Also I have been having suicidal plans for some years now.

Only Recently, have I started to think to seek a therapist, as well as being advised to do so. But I see SUBSTANTIAL dilemma in doing so.

The thing is, the instructions and changes in mindset that a therapist would encourage to cure my mental illnesses, are, as I see it, directly opposing to our teachings and beliefs!!! But at the same time, I have suffered emotionally and still suffering a lot due to those issues, that sometimes it may manifest physically even and hinder my productivity

A typical therapist, and psychology in general, is totally ignorant of the universal truths and teachings of our Lord. So how can I count on this to heal me?

(If you don't have time, please just skip to after no. 6, and tell me what you think in the comments!)

Some examples:

  1. A therapist would encourage that I "enjoy life", and engage in different activities like going to the gym or others, while we should be ascetic and not seek worldly pleasures, as we know the truth of this material living. And have a life devoid of excitement

  2. That I "love myself", "do things that would make me happy", "self-care", while on the contrary, we seek to restrict our desires and annihilate the ego

  3. That I "see the positive things in people, and that they aren't as bad as I think", while we know well how cruel, off-the-spiritual-path, distant from God, and lacking-brotherly-love-for-others people are.

  4. They would advise me to lessen my care for others and focus on myself more, while we should ABSOLUTELY have great care for others as we all know, and be self-sacrificing

  5. They would advise me to engage with people, express myself, and not be utterly passive with people as I am, while our path is mostly reclusiveness-demanding, and we should not speak vile things as most people do, or waste time

  6. That I be assertive and stand-up to myself, and "set boundaries", while we must be utterly forgiving and willing to help others, even our enemies, without limits

I've always seen those "psychologically-bad" traits I have as actually spiritually-good. But there are other traits I have that are both spiritually and psychologically bad really, like always feeling gloomy, empty, hopeless, and unmotivated even to live the holy life our masters described, hating people in general, having a trauma, feeling inferior and worthless, daydreaming uncontrollably which wastes time and focus, and sometimes wanting to suicide... of course

So should I go to therapy? How can I benefit from it given this contradiction? How can I reconcile both worlds?

09:33 UTC


1st temple Initiation(AMORC)

For those who have been initiated in the 1st temple degree in a lodge for AMORC, was it worth it? Would you recommend doing the following degrees as well?

19:39 UTC


End of Life Beliefs

Hi everyone, I hope this post is ok. I was hoping to get more information regarding the end of life of a Rosicrucian. We will be taking my dad off of life support this week per his wishes, and he was a Rosicrucian for most of his life. I want to make sure I’m doing everything to respect his beliefs. The only thing in his advanced directive regarding this was to cremate his remains after 72 hours and for there to be no embalming whatsoever. Are there any other things I should take into consideration? What did he likely believe would happen after death? Thank you.

03:25 UTC


What is the Rosicrucian teachings based off of? Where did/do they get their information from?


03:22 UTC


I'm seeking advice from fellow members of AMORC.

I became a member of AMORC approximately five years ago. However, due to residing in an area without an AMORC lodge or pronaos, I haven't had the opportunity to attend meetings or connect with other members. Initially, I was highly motivated and diligently engaged in all the exercises, but over time, I've found myself primarily reading the monographs. Unfortunately, I rarely meditate or practice the other exercises anymore. This decline in practice is largely attributed to my living situation at the time, where I shared a bedroom with another person, making it challenging to create the necessary environment for practice.

Recently, I relocated to Montreal, Canada, where I now live in slightly better conditions. Despite the improved environment, I still struggle with motivation and discipline to maintain consistent practice on my own. I'm contemplating joining a local lodge and switching from digital to paper monographs, hoping that this change might help improve my discipline.

I would greatly appreciate any insights or advice from fellow members regarding my situation. Thank you.

13:36 UTC


Two ways of initiation

Hi, here I am doing my archaeological work. I noticed there are two ways of initiation into the RC tradition:

1.Rosecross -> Martinism = (esoteric) Christian Rosicrucian (modern way, e.g. AMORC->TMO)

2.Christian Mason -> Rosecross = (exoteric-esoteric) Christian Rosicrucian = Christian Mystic (such as Jacob Boheme) (traditional way, see how it resembles the name of the founder Christian Rosenkreutz. Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia has this requirement). The chymical marriage explains how Christian RC (a Christian) marries Venus (the Hermetic, foreign tradition portrayed as an exotic, roman goddess).

I can now understand how AMORC gained so much popularity. It seems like a much easier entry point for people drawn to spirituality and western traditions, maybe open to an esoteric interpretation of christian symbology, but feel aversion towards organized religion.

On the other hand, the traditional way implies you are already a Christian, able to mantain secrecy (the masonic requirement). Once you join the SRIA as an appendant body of Masonry, you become more of a mystical and esoteric christian. I can only see this second path working for a very small amount of people:

  • 1st because of the incompatibility of Christianity and Masonry within the Catholic Church (they explicitly forbid it). You are either Protestant (Anglican or Lutheran for example, who have no official stance against Masonry) or will feel many internal struggles to be both Mason and Christian. That could explain why there are no branches of SRIA in my country (Spain, very Catholic).
  • 2nd because most "exoteric" christians would feel aversion towards Masonry, let alone Rosicrucianism itself. How did Christians of the 17th century onwards ended up becoming Rosicrucians? Where did they get the courage and motivation to explore the occult?

After reading about the Perennial Philosophy and the Traditionalist School, I understand the relevance of studying the occult while being backed by a more formal tradition (christianity, or at least an esoteric interpretation of it, such as Martinism) so that you can discern what is an ethical or dangerous practice.


08:02 UTC


What has happened to AMORC in Australia?

In the past 10 years, AMORC seems to have been in 'decline' in Australia with a significant loss of "light, life and love". Having observed it lose its radiance, lustre and grace, I am left wondering, what the heck has happened?

I am interested to hear the experience of others.

19:53 UTC


Societas Rosicruciana in Romania?

I am thinking about joining the SRIA, but since I live in Serbia, the closest country I find a Societas Rosicruciana, is Romania. I have written an enquiry to them, but no answer. It seems that their website is dead. Can you tell me please do they still exist and function? Could a Serbian citizen join them and take the rituals in English? Also, does the Societas Rosicruciana teach mysticism openly or hides it behind veils of allegory from the candidates or is it simply teaching openly just ethics only like freemasonry? Best wishes

18:08 UTC


I have specific goals; which system is best for me?

Brothers and Sisters of the Rose Cross,

I come seeking your wisdom and knowledge. I began exploring Rosicrucianism this year to further my spiritual development & unfolding of the divine within.

I generally seek to find the body of knowledge with the most applicable "mental protocols" that produce results. Generally speaking, I would like to:

  • Increase my visualization toolkit & advance in my consistency of outcomes

  • Awaken latent psy abilities: Telepathy, Healing, Clairvoyance, Astral Projection, etc

  • Contact & commune with spirit guides such as angels or similar (UAP/Entites, semantics LOL)

  • Deepen my meditation practice (be able to reach deeper states more regularly)

  • Practice with a balanced lens of making my world and the whole world better without excluding either (I'm pretty sure this is the same).

I am torn between AMORC, SRIA, and Golden Dawn as potential ideal fits. If you have experience with them, I would like to hear if any of these systems cover entirely my goals.

In love and peace,


17:30 UTC


Boheme vs Blavatsky Theosophy in Rosicrucianism

I'm aware Jacob Boheme was very influential to the early Rosicrucians. However, modern day rosicrucian orders, such as the Rosicrucian Fellowship, Societas Rosicruciana in America, the original Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, even Anthrophosophy which was heavily influenced by rosicrucian teachings, all of them draw from Blavatsky's Theosophy (her anthropogenesis and cosmogenesis of her Secret Doctrine, through christian lens).

So I wonder if the early rosicrucians followed Boheme's Theosophy or a pre-Blavatsky kind of Theosophy. I use the term "pre" because the Secret Doctrine didn't come to light until the 19th century, while the Rosicrucian manifestos were published in the early 17th century.

15:37 UTC


I received my welcome packet today! I have a question but I don’t want to openly ask it.

Is there someone who has been a member for a long time who can DM me. I have a couple questions that are brief and simple. Its things I want to know before I continue.


01:33 UTC


Rose Cross meditation for manifesting spiritual growth

One of the challenges I've encountered while delving into Neville Goddard's teachings is discerning my true desires, particularly in determining which desires to focus on during manifestation exercises. Like many who are drawn to Goddard's philosophy, I am navigating a spiritual journey and striving to evolve toward a state of love. However, I often find that my immediate, worldly impulses and desires conflict with these higher aspirations. Recognizing this, I've come to understand that developing a method of discerning and prioritizing desires is not just about achieving material success but is, in fact, a process of purifying the desire world. Through this purification, I hope to align my desires with spiritual growth, paving the way for manifestations that are in harmony with the deeper intentions of the spirit.

The esoteric Rose Cross meditation offers a profound synthesis of ideas spoken about by Rudolf Steiner, Max Heindel, and Neville Goddard, providing a transformative framework for spiritual development and manifestation. Heindel's concept of the rose symbolizing the purified state of the human soul, as described in "The Symbolism of the Rose Cross," aligns with Steiner's notion of purifying impulses and passions to attain higher perfections, as outlined in "An Outline of Esoteric Science."

Steiner's method of meditation emphasizes the cultivation of imaginative states and feeling responses, a process vividly exemplified in the Rose Cross meditation. By contemplating the symbolic significance of the rose, individuals can transcend base desires and connect with higher impulses. As Steiner elucidates, this meditation involves not merely intellectual reflection but also a profound engagement of the heart and feelings. Here is a quote describing the feelings

“A sensation of bliss can come over us as we contemplate the pure and dispassionate nature of the growing plant; and we feel obliged to admit that certain higher perfections have to be purchased by the acquisition at the same time of impulses and desires. This thought can change the bliss that we experienced before into a solemn feeling; and then a sense of liberation can come over us, a feeling of true happiness when we give ourselves up to the thought of the red blood that can become the bearer--even as the red sap in the rose — of experiences that are inwardly pure. In pursuing thus a train of thought that serves to build up such a symbolic picture, it is important to accompany the thought all the time with feeling. “

Central to Steiner's teachings is the idea of achieving equilibrium between body and spirit, allowing for the emergence of a free soul capable of guiding impulses toward the good without the need for external constraint. This aligns with Goddard's concept of manifesting reality through the power of imagination and higher consciousness.

In practicing the Rose Cross meditation within the framework of these teachings, individuals can align their feeling states with higher impulses, transcending base desires and allowing for the manifestation of elevated realities. By purifying the impulses and passions, individuals can attain a state of equilibrium and liberation, where virtuous action arises naturally from within. Thus, the Rose Cross meditation serves as a potent tool for spiritual development and manifestation, integrating insights from Heindel, Steiner, and Goddard into a cohesive framework for personal transformation.

14:31 UTC


How do Rosicrucian beliefs differ from traditional Christian beliefs?

I’ve done some research and believe I share the same beliefs from what I’ve read but I’d rather hear from people who study it and know more, thanks

17:45 UTC


SRIAm lessons online only?

Good afternoon. I am interested in Rosecrucian teachings and I have done SOME but not a lot of research into where to go for this.

So far I have landed myself at SRIA. However reading what they have on their website it says the lessons are all delivered digitally through PDF. Does anyone know if this actually the case? I really like to have tjings in print I'm not the best at focusing when sitting at a computer.

If it doesn't really matter I might as well try it out I guess I just don't like studies electronically I stay away from Online and Blended classes in college.

Thank you in advance.

17:02 UTC


Fungus From a Rosicrucian Fellowship Perspective

Can anyone give me their thoughts on fungus from a Rosicrucian Fellowship Cosmo-Conception view point? Max Heindel split the four kingdoms of dense bodies into mineral, plant, animal, and human; But we know in the physical plane, that fungus acts more like an animal than a plant. And yet it is separate from the animal kingdom. How does fungus play into Heindels Cosmo-Conception?


1 Comment
22:10 UTC


Being a student of RC, other traditions, vs persecuting taking for granted?


21:30 UTC


AMORC Demographics

Was wondering what the demographics of the community looked like, I’m a younger guy so I was wondering age and gender if anyone could guess it

07:26 UTC


What does membership look like?

Hello, im interested in the order but I don’t exactly understand what it entails. I know for Freemasonry, for instance, you meet at the lodge a certain number of times per month, and that there are degrees you pass through etc.

Do Rosicrucians meet in person at some regular intervals? If I were to join, what would be required of me in terms of time commitment?

16:05 UTC


Toronto Area

Any Rosicrucians in the Toronto area? I’m starting my journey and would love to make a friend or two around me

05:05 UTC


Acceptance in Rosicrucian communities for transgender and/or queer people

Hi there,

New to the idea of Rosicrucianism. I am curious what the views are on transgender and queer people in general. Is there a place I can find into on this?

12:57 UTC


AMORC + The Gateway Tapes

Hey guys! I joined AMORC almost a year ago and I completed the neophyte degree recently (I did it VERY slowly) and then I stopped for a while. In the meantime, I ended up getting into The Gateway Experience, and even though they are different things, I kind of see some similarities. I was wondering if there would be any kind of conflict in doing both things at the same time? I know this may sound kind of random but I was wanting to go back to my weekly teachings and daily meditations but idk if they would conflict. TIA

19:38 UTC


Wasn't rosicrucianists a secret society? Why would they be connected to the "modern version"?

Like wouldn't they want to stay hidden? Why would they be open to the public, behave like a regular church etc. Are they really linked?

13:34 UTC


Has anyone heard of Danny Wilten?

I came across a bunch of his stuff in the past. Thought I'd fish here

03:43 UTC


Has being a member of AMORC enriched your life?

I am in my fifties and have been following AMORC on and off since being a teenager.

In the last few years, I just paid the annual subscription and read the drip-feed, but I find it all to be re-hashed and dated drivel derived from the Golden Dawn. And the style of language makes me think the author was not a full box of chocolates.

I keep expecting some great enlightening thought but it never happens, and their Zoom meetings are just downright boring. I could find more inspiration at my local church.

Am I alone in this point of view?

22:14 UTC


Original School?


Recently a friend asked me about Rosicrucians and asked me about how would be possible for him to join the/a group.

I told him I only knew about AMORC, BOTA and the chapters in masonry about it.

However, I also understand AMORC is not the only source and not the oldest one and BOTA is not necessarily considered Rosicrucianism by many (or do you guys consider it as such?)

I know of the FRC but im not sure if they're still active.

Anyone has more information about RC lodges? If there are any? Or how does it work? Does one even gets initiated as we do in freemasonry?

Or is all a correspondance course like BOTA?

Is AMORC a legitimate, respectable and true RC order?

Obviously, I dont mean to offend anyone. As I stated im ignorant about the subject beyond what i can find on my own on the interwebs.

Thanks in advance.

03:36 UTC


Question about AMORC

Thinking about joining, but I was wondering. Does AMORC claim or imply that they are the face of Rosicrucianism? That is kind of the vibe I get, and even though it seems that it’s a relatively cheap way to get great resources, they have all these ego-based titles and hierarchies (at least that’s the impression I get). I’ve heard some talk of American vs European Rosicrucianism and it seems American is more institutionalized. I’m wary of that kind of stuff but I am eager to dive into this knowledge, and I would not want to throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak.

So my question is, is my impression valid or misguided? What are y’all’s experiences with the AMORC in regards to third structure.

21:47 UTC


I just joined the AMORC

Hi everyone! I decided today to join the AMORC and have received my first lessons and introduction to the AMORC. I am wondering on how I can get more enveloped into the organization. Any help or guidance or even just a personal story on your own experience joining would be greatly appreciated. Peace Profound!

21:02 UTC


March AMORC Department of Instruction Video Conferences

Wednesday, March 6, 1:30 pm PST
Cosmic Consciousness III
A central purpose of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is to assist us in coming into the full maturation as a human being in the consciousness of the Cosmic. What are the characteristics of this Cosmic Consciousness? How is it directed to make our lives, relationships, and environment more harmonious? Participate in a meditation exercise to stimulate this state in our daily lives. Join Hugh McCague as we continue to explore how the unforgettable realization of this all-embracing form of consciousness transfigures us, makes us whole, and increases our capacity for service.
Event Link:  https://www.rosicrucian.org/events/weekly-department-of-instruction-teleconference-03-06-2024-virtual-event

Wednesday, March 13, at 1:30 pm PDT
On the Laws of Life XI: The Law of Creativity
 The Law of Creativity helps us to be fully alive. It allows us to get unstuck, and to recognize, free up, and transform what is suppressed. Then our living is flowing with comprehension, expression, and reception. In this manner, we are called to be Co-Creators with the Cosmic. With this divine understanding, the Law of Creativity is applied in emulating the Cosmic: from preparing a meal, planning a gathering, the design of our surroundings, artistic expression, scientific investigation, business acumen, and much more. Creation, the handiwork of the Divine, is the exemplar for our own work. The fully developed creative spirit is one of the hallmarks of the mature and healthy human being. Join Hugh McCague as we continue to explore Rosicrucian laws and principles and their application for Self-Mastery and service.
Event Link:  https://www.rosicrucian.org/events/weekly-department-of-instruction-teleconference-03-13-2024-virtual-event

Wednesday, March 20, at 1:30 pm PDT
Questions and Answers with Grand Master Julie Scott
 Join Grand Master Julie Scott who will answer your questions regarding the Rosicrucian teachings and the Rosicrucian Order. For example, you may have questions regarding Rosicrucian healing or meditation practices or about the history of the Rosicrucian Order. Please submit your questions by email to the Department of Instruction at instruction@rosicrucian.org by March 15.
Event Link:  https://www.rosicrucian.org/events/weekly-department-of-instruction-teleconference-03-20-2024-virtual-event

Wednesday, March 27, at 1:30 pm PDT
Awakening Your Intuition Through Art
Everyone possesses a guiding voice within but too often it is drowned out by our stressed and busy minds. Artist Josh Green provides easy-to-follow intuitive painting techniques; no talent or skill required. Awakening Your Intuition Through Art defines what the intuitive senses and the intuitive mind are, what it means to awaken intuition, and how to awaken intuition through art. The discussion will be followed by a live painting demonstration! Be sure to have paper and something to draw with (crayons, pens, pencils), or if you would like to paint, have a canvas pad, acrylic, brushes, and a glass of water.
Event Link:  https://www.rosicrucian.org/events/weekly-department-of-instruction-teleconference-03-27-2024-virtual-event

1 Comment
00:29 UTC

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