/r/RocketLeagueAnalysis is a place to discuss Rocket League gameplay, from requesting or giving help via analysis to discussing competitive play
/r/RocketLeagueAnalysis was created for players who would like to get help via gameplay analysis.
Having your replays analysed is one of the best ways to improve, other players may pick up on things you might have missed.
If you are a content creator focusing on gameplay analysis or helping players improve please feel free to post your content.
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[Rank] [Playlist] Informative Title
[Gold 2] [3v3] I need help with positioning
[Bronze 3] [1v1] I need advice when attacking
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3000 hours, peak d2. No more wasting time.
It’s been real, it’s been fun, but it ain’t been real fun.
#rocketleague #rl
Hi, is there a simple way to merge multiple CSV exports from ballchasing.gg to one Excel file to show my mates and my avg stats?
It’s really crazy that people in gold and silver don’t even know what dribbling is or that this is actually possible… I think keep on grinding that ish was weak.. but very accurate.
I just bought this package and it included two title cards which is autobot and robots in disguise but when i open my titles i couldn’t find neither of them. Can anyone help me find out? Thanks in advance.
since the day i touched rocket league i have only been playing 1s its so much more fun for me, im diamond 1 in 1's (would have been if not for my wifi dying and geniunely getting 900 ping for the rest of the match) and i never play 2's except with my gold 1 friend, i just want to know if theres a benefit to playing 2's like speed or improving decision making and btw i only care about my 1's rank so if im a champ in 2's i dont care unless im there in 1's too
Plat bass in ur face
Came back from a long break of rocket league, I was sick of playing it. Got back on today with a new mindset. I dont forfeit as much as I used to, not saying I dont at all. I stick by new rules for myself as well now. If we are down, I wont forfeit when I get the chance, I do it around 2 minutes and 30 seconds now. I try my hardest throughout and wait for my tm8 to make up their mind. Only then if they dont forfeit thats when I start playing against them until they do. A lot of improvement since before. (Original post was around 20 days ago if you want to read that one over)
Bronze 2. My only goals were while he appeared afk. He could’ve got more if he wanted to, but I’m wondering what rank he can actually play at. Should I report smurfs as cheating? Or maybe report them as xp farming?
I dont play rocket league too often but when I do it gets annoying so fast becuase I’ll go into a 2v2(my favorite gamemode) and it will be like 2:30-3 minutes on the clock and me and my teammate are down by 2+ goals and I realize we cant win so I forfeit, but they dont. Wasting my time so much and im debating about just uninstalling the game because people just love to play out losing games ig. Edit: And because of the temporary ban system for leaving I am usually forced to play it out so I can play another game and we end up losing anyways! Like whats the point? Sometimes I just stop playing mid match in hopes my teammate will finally forfeit. Edit 2: If this was ragebait it would be crazy, never expected this many people to be so angry over a function the devs put into the game to be used💀 Thanks to the few people that are actually explaining and helping me understand an alternate POV rather than crying that some people dont want to keep playing a 4-0 game and still getting scored on. I promise forfeiting a game will not kill you, and you wont have to deal a whole game with a teammate some of y’all hate so much. Stop being so stubborn and take the loss sometimes
Hey all, looking for some feedback and things to work on if you have a minute. Been in C3 for a year, coming close to GC a few times. I'm not really mechanical at all and my teammate and I have styled our play mostly on Flakes no mechanics series and others of a similar nature. Really want to sort out boost management, better rotation and decision making, and anything else glaringly obvious! Thanks in advance!
I want to preface this by saying that I am a workshop map player and most times I get on that's all I do so I don't have a lot of experience in ranked but every once in a while I decide to grind ranked in 2s and lately I've been stuck and I'm having a hard time spotting what I'm doing wrong. I've always struggled to get down the rotation side of things especially when solo queueing and I think that's where I'm probably messing up but overall it seems pretty good to me. I can spot a bunch of stupid things I'm doing but nothing that I'm doing super consistently so I'm not sure what is causing me to lose my place in rotation so often. Any advice helps, thanks!
Really struggling learning directionali air roll I'm trying learn 1 movement with the joystick at a time but it's so hard. Any tips and tricks greatly appreciated
Hi, this is a replay from my POV of one of our recent games. Any advice for anyone on blue team is very much appreciated and will help us not suck! Thank You!
It has been increeeedibly frustrating. I'm not just losing a day or two. I been losing for 4 months. What did I change thats so negative to my gameplay? Both games look similar to me.
Gc1 2v2, we were on defence the whole game lol, could i get some tips?
I chose this replay in specific because it was a super difficult game and I tried my hardest. I believe Strov3 from the other team is a sub from a pro team, therefore making everything even harder