
Photograph via snooOG

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Staying calm with bad drivers on the road

Hey Everyone

Lately I’ve been working on myself & identifying my road rage triggers. I live in a big city and I get super irritated and annoyed with BAD DRIVERS.

  • Don’t know how to drive the speed limit
  • Don’t know how to follow rules of the road
  • Don’t signal
  • Most drivers think they have some entitlement

Overall l find these to be my biggest triggers, and I’ve been struggling to stay calm, I play music or take deep breaths when I’m driving so I don’t focus on them but the moment I encounter a bad driver, I snap and feel the rage boiling inside and I’m cursing like a sailor.

Looking for any tips and advice on how you all stay calm, cool & collective when you encounter these bad drivers.

Appreciate your input, have a great day !

1 Comment
01:26 UTC


My rage took over...

And I actually gave someone the finger today LOL. There's a lane over a bridge that I cross in the mornings to get to work where traffic is supposed to yield when merging and some asshole in a pickup didn't yield. I saw him (because this is a common problem and he was already halfway into my lane) and there was no risk of an accident, but I laid on the horn hard and flipped him off. I hate myself for giving in to my anger, but he could have caused an accident with a less attentive driver and being in a pickup doesn't mean he owns the road. Fucker.

19:20 UTC


Bad driver or break check?

Merged at a Y junction behind a black caddy. I saw him coming and thought the driver would floor it but they didn’t, so yeah, I entered too close to it.

BUT, what’s next got me wondering if I was close to being scammed or just met a bed driver.

Right after joining behind, the driver hit his breaks and honked. And there was no one in front of him.

In my 20 years of driving experience, it’s the first time someone honked for someone behind them.

A few blocks later, black Caddy step to right and followed me for one block after I jump ahead. It’s scary times in here so I don’t know if they got my tag or what. But it was a crazy morning.

13:59 UTC


Crazy ass kid

I’m a 20 yr old female and I was driving home from my boyfriends house tonight and I cannot shake what happend to me!!! I was waiting at a turn light and the second it turned green the person behind me honked. So I was like um ok whatever and then he kept riding my ass and when I tried to switch lanes to make my turn he kept riding so close to my side so I flipped him off bc what are u doing. And he full stopped his car and then whipped in front of me diagonally and was screaming calling me a stupid bitch. I kept trying to move forward and then so did he and he was like “roll your window down pussy ass bitch” so I rolled it down. He said” do that shit to my face ugly ass bitch” so I flipped off and he just kept going off then my turn light turned green and he went into his lane still screaming as I made my turn. I’m just like wtf. And I’m so mad bc he looked kind of familiar. NOW IM MAD AND CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. And he literally looked like he was 17-18 I was just in such shock like wtf is going on.

05:50 UTC


advice for dealing with angry and unsafe drivers

today I (28,f) was driving home from work and a car was tailgating me (in a school zone) I don’t really do anything except sometimes I will take my foot off the pedal a little lol. I didn’t do that today, but at the red light this man was gesturing to me and beeping RIGHT as the light turned green. I got startled and braked (lightly) right after I put my foot off the brake because there are frequent red light fliers in this town and I was first at the light. After this, he decided to illegally go around me (whatever) but then SLAM on his brakes to the point of almost impact. Then he kept impeding traffic and stopping completely in the middle of a main road so that I would hit him. I didn’t, and I called 911 because we were merging on to a highway and if I hit him I wanted it to be known he was doing this. He ended up speeding off after he saw me on my phone. Anyways- how do you deal with drivers like this when you don’t purposefully initiate angry driving/don’t even do anything besides drive the speed limit? I find myself getting so anxious and mad that it ruins the rest of my day. I always drive to the right/middle lanes and never go under the speed limit, but somehow always find drivers choosing violence (I work in MA lmfao).

20:57 UTC


Guy Shook My Hand In Traffic

I was driving home with my Wife after seeing a movie and a gentleman in his SUV changed lanes into me on the interstate and damn near side swiped me and I had go in the break down lane I hit the horn after I swerved my Wife was more pissed than I was. I’ve been working on my anger issues over that last couple years and have came a long way so I was mellow he didn’t hit me so I went on about my business. I take my exit and all of a sudden he pulls up next me at the light and hops out of his car and I’m thinking he’s about to freak out because I honked at him. I cracked my window and he apologized for cutting me off said that “his SUV had blind spot sensors and because his mirror wasn’t lit up and it didn’t beep he thought it was clear to move over.” I told him “It was okay and we didn’t hit each other so it’s all good. Also to be careful I have Blind spot sensors as well but I still check my blind spot anyway”. He shook my hand and we went on about our business.

16:17 UTC


Guy followed me

I was driving home on a snowy night (less than an inch accumulation and less on the road). The guy driving in front of me was going very slow and was tapping his breaks quite often. I was going slower too, but not as slow as him. I decide to go around him, so I get into the other lane and then put my blinker on, saw that it was safe to get over and moved over. As soon as I get in the other lane, the guy I passed is right on my tail and he’s honking and flashing his lights at me! What the heck? I thought it was safe to get over and all of a sudden he speeding up right when I get over!

At the next stoplight, I stop and I’m in the lane to go forward and he’s in the lane to turn right right next to me. He continues to honk and yell at me through his window. I ignore him. The light turns green and I go and he follows me. He keeps following me about half a mile, and I go to turn into my subdivision. He follows me into the turn lane to my subdivision, so I get out of the turn lane and I keep going and he keeps following me. A little way along there is a light and I stop there and do a U-turn and of course he’s following me. He is in the second from the left turn lane and he follows me and does a U-turn from there. I drive and slow down to pull over and he does the same, so I speed up. I manage to get back to my subdivision and turn in there. He doesn’t follow me, but I’m worried that he still knows what subdivision I’m in….

02:31 UTC


Car rearends me then claims that I reversed into her! Need advice on what the fuck I am ment to do.

I 17F have been on my learner's driver's permit for the past year. I have three months' worth of driving lessons under my belt and plan on going for my licence next month.

And my Mum 43F, Dad, 44M, and Little Brother, 15M, were heading back from a lovely beachside holiday. I was driving a 4WD manual ute, and Dad was in the passenger seat. I came to a give way sign heading onto the expressly way wherever speed limited was 90km per hour.

I had to turn left where there was a short slip lane. Just as I see a gap in traffic where I could safely make the turn. I was thrown forward and landed against the steering wheel.

I looked in my rearview mirror, and a car crashed into the back of my ute.

Obviously shocked and filled with adrenalin as this was my first car crash where I was driving. I look at the rest of my family, my mum and brother in the back, and look just as chook as I do.

I quickly put on my hazard lights and drove to the side of the road. As I stepped out of my car, a young woman immediately jumped out of the other car and just started ranting, saying the crash was my fault! I was stationary at the giveaway sign, and she rammed the hood of her car up the ass end of my car.

One thing to know about my mother is that she can get a bit hothead at times, but she went into full protective mum mode. She fired back at the woman who was berating me and arguing that because I was on my L plate, I could not drive.

I have been driving a car on family properties since the age of 15, and I have had my L plates and am currently taking driving lessons, so I think I know the basics on how to drive and to stop at a giveway sign.

Luckily, the damage on the woman's caused the damage on my car as I had to ball pierce the front grill of her car. Along with the front bumper, which is visibly dented and pushed in. Scratches on the exterior paintwork and damage around the headlights and the grill.

The hood is partially open, where it had been pushed upwards from the force of the impact, which might indicate that the impact was significant enough to cause some internal issues as well.

The back bumper and tailgate of my car were cracked and scratched up, and the number plate was dented.

I managed to take photos of the damage from both cars as the woman continued to insist that she would call the police. Mum beat the woman to it. But they refused to come out as no one was injured.

I was feeling overwhelmed with the situation, and the ladies' words were getting to my head, and I started having a panic attack. I leaned against my car to try and control my breathing, and Dad took over talking to the woman.

Finally, Dad got all the information and conduct details for insurance and all that good stuff. The ute was still in drivable condition, but I was still not feeling the best from the ordeal, so Dad offered to drive the remaining distance.

We arrived at the local police station. I had a breath test and filled out an incident report. The policeman I talked to was a total gem and instantly put me at ease. Afterwards, they took a quick look at the damage sustained to my ute. He told me I was in the clear and had no fault.

Although my parents had been saying that at the start of this shit show, it was nice to hear it for somebody who without having to teal with insane drivers every day.

Dad took charge of all the insurance stuff, and the ute was booked in to be fixed about a month later when my dad received a phone call from an unknown number.

The phone call my dad got was exactly 20 days after the crash. It was the lady who had gotten my dad's contact details from the police.

The woman was calling us about compensation for her car as I had allegedly reversed into the front of her car. My dad was quick to answer back, stating she was the one who had rear-ended me. The woman insisted I was the one at fault and that she was talking to a lawyer.

Instantly, all the voices in my head were deafening, saying it was all my fault. I felt all my guilt come rushing back, and I suffered from another panic attack. Mum sees me struggling and tries to comfort me, but the tears are already spilling over, and living trails down my cheeks.

The woman finally hung up, still determined that I was in the wrong.

I must admit I have never been good at guilt or many negative feelings. Every person has their ups and downs. Panic attacks have become a monthly occurrence. Stress and anxiety or strong emotions I find often trigger them. I heavily rely on my friends who rally around me when I’m having a bad day, and truly, they are my lifeline.

Afterwards, Dad gets a text. Saying because we were apparently Uncooperative with her on the phone call, she has no choice but to take us to court.

So there it is, folks. I am at a loss for what to do. It will be my word against hers in court. She is straight out lying, and I am at a disadvantage because she will play that I am an inexperienced driver who is still on their learners and therefore does not know how to drive. I am just petrified that I will lose this case due to lack of evidence, as none of the cars involved in the crash had dashcams, and it was a rural road. So, no large towns or cities nearby would have cameras pointed in every direction.

I know that was a long read, and I’d appreciate any feedback on what the hell I can do.

Both my parents have no experience with the Australian courts or justice system or how it works, but we will be contacting a lawyer to talk it all over soon. Cheers

15:14 UTC


How does the traffic pattern look in your area?

How can you get anywhere on time with this many red marks?

23:48 UTC


Where is the video of the lady that was road raging then sucker punched the male passenger and her slammed her to the ground?

06:42 UTC


Saw something funny

So today I saw someone in a black BMW X3 honking their horn over and over and over with their hazard lights on waiting for a car to leave a parking spot ….

Screaming at the driver!

Well, it was a Waymo waiting to pick up two passengers. He didn’t understand that there wasn’t a driver in the car. Honking is useless.

Two people finally showed up with luggage and got into the Waymo and he parked there, but I guess he had no idea what a self-driving car was 🤣🤣🤣

1 Comment
04:57 UTC


Roasted Driver as a Pedestrian

I had it out with the driver while walking my dog, Laila, and I really just like fucking broke him in argument. So this old boomer and his wife were driving there whatever car Lexus something but they were driving about 5 miles an hour maybe 10 at the most reduction to five or maybe 3 miles an hour average (I love that they taught us how to judge speeds of cars with our eyes in the police explorers program) and Laila and I are already in the crosswalk, and they start turning onto my street right in front of us, passenger and the driver were both staring up at this large condominium high rise that’s a block west of my street. I guess they were speculating real estate who the fuck knows. So I yanked Laila closer to me. And I make sure I get in this guy‘s line of site despite his line sight being you know hundred meters in the air or whatever and I stare him in the eye. And after we cross, I got real sarcastic and looked up at the building and kind of jiggling around like “where am I? I don’t know what’s going on.” Still looking at this guy and then I point two fingers at my eyes and I point one down at the road. He pulled over because he had a problem with that. We get into an argument, and I immediately tell him that whatever argument will it will be either be vulgar or obvious. I shut hit down and went on the offense. Then I pointed out that he was being selfish and left a high possibly of manslaughter for the operation of a motor vehicle as a deadly weapon. "You put others at risk because you were only thinking of yourself, when you should've kept your eyes on the road and had your passenger look for you. You keep your eyes on the goddamn road because the next time you might kill someone." And I walked away Drop the Mic.That was it. He had no rebuttal and silently got in his car. I have the dog and when I told him that he could've very well run her over at the end I think I might've made him cry a little . I couldn't tell 100% cause he was wearing glasses, but his face told a lot of the story, so I'm confident I fogged the old man up. The whole thing was like a lecture and getting him to understand, and being tactical, I was able to break through to or break down - thais his choice. It was like a public verbal teabagging.

1 Comment
23:54 UTC


Almost crashed because of tailgater

I was on the way home from work and there was a lot of traffic I was driving and I was trying to change lanes but had a tailgater behind me I was about to change until the guy behind me for a long time was serving back and forth to attempt and get around me he drove on the middle of the divider that has grass that divides the two sides of the street and almost crashed into the car beside me.I slammed on brakes and the car went around me the one behind me. I was shocked but then I drove to the gas station and tried to calm down.

How should I handle people like this next time?

00:15 UTC


Person took photos of my face and threatened me

I was turning down a street and didn't see someone coming and we nearly hit each other. The person started honking and wouldn't stop so I pulled over to see if they were ok. They started taking photos of me and screaming at me to apologize, and said I messed with the wrong person and they had people that could find me. Since they took photos of my car and face I'm kind of scared now, I called the cops but I couldn't get there license number so they couldn't do much. What should I do if this person finds me again? I'm afraid they'll try to destroy my car or hurt me.

17:04 UTC


Atlanta vs Texas drivers

When I first moved to GA for work, I commended GA for how precautious they drive here. NOW I realize I am just in a sea of idiots. It’s like people here do not know the rules of the road and never even took a written test.

First of all, a lot of the traffic is due to the stoplights not being in sync, they’re all out of whack. But another reason for unnecessary traffic is oh wait, the GSP or law enforcement decides to squad up and take over the interstate. And finally the last reason I can think of is that people simply do not KNOW how to drive or they do not care. And they DEFINITELY cannot park. You have people IN THE ROUNDABOUT yielding to those outside of it, you have people with right of way yielding to those at stop signs, you have people with right of way yielding to those with yields, you have people passing on the right because they can’t pass on the left due to a slew of idiots in the fast lane moving slow. You have people in the HOV lane who should not be, you have big rigs in the fast lane, you have people sleeping at stoplights, you have people honking at every little thing because they’re scared to actually maneuver their own cars…what else?

I always say others from Texas probably lose it if they have to drive here. And Georgia drivers would never make it, driving in Texas as such.

13:55 UTC


Walmart rage

The people of Walmart pick-up seem to be getting worse! There was at least an hour wait and the line of cars cleared the entrance of Walmart's lot. As I'm in line to get a numbered spot(1 - 6), this smaller car tried to get me to reverse so that they could grab a spot in the other numbered part(spots 7 through 14). I reverse as much as I can after they gesture at me, and they leave to grab a spot. Oh no, more people are waiting? Ya don't say! The spot was taken by someone else, because duh. The driver then tried to get back in front of me when we've been waiting the same amount of time. I don't let them in because they left their spot! They try to merge in front of me. I scoot up closer but they get out and tell me to be decent when they've been circling the lot for a few minutes. They go to the car in front of me and convince them to let them get in front of me. Of course that doesn't work, and they drive off upset and block someone else in that had already received their order! Just a mess! I ended up getting my order 45 minutes later when they're still waiting when I leave. I'm just glad they didn't hit a worker.

08:11 UTC


can I prosecute somebody for calling me a “stupid fat bitch” (UK)

I have footage

22:47 UTC


Tail gated a tail gater.

First and foremost, I don’t recommend my actions. This particular situation turned out well so I want to share. If you choose to do so, you could easily get into trouble/danger.

I was driving down the freeway. The limit is 70 but it’s not uncommon for traffic to be going 80.

I really despise left lane campers so, when it’s not bumper to bumper traffic, I really try to uphold the law of only using it as a passing lane. Well, today, there was a shit ton of semi’s in the 2nd furthest lane left, so I was getting into the left lane to pass more often. Deciding it would be better to just follow the line of cars in the left lane for a bit than continuing to weave in and out of it to pass each semi, I got over and followed at a good pace, the line of about 4 cars passing the semis to our right at a good rate. (We’re all going about 80.)

I have about 2-3 car lengths between me and the person in front. Low and behold, here comes someone screaming up behind me. He gets to about the same 2-3 car length distance and it’s fine. I assume he sees we (myself and the other line of cars ahead of me) are actively passing the semis and going the fastest. So even if someone wanted to go faster, they’d have to jump into slower traffic to pass, which wasn’t a smooth option compared to just following the line in the left lane until there was an opening to get back over.

Pretty soon after, he gets really close to my bumper. Like his headlights are no longer visible in my mirrors. Mind you, I have a plate frame that says “do you follow Jesus this close?” So, if you have any form of brain cell, you’d realize the owner of that plate probably doesn’t enjoy being tail gated. Well, he keeps doing it for about 5 minutes while we all continue to pass. Eventually, I start feeling sassy and at the next small opening, I get over and let him pass me. Immediately, I am on his ass like flies on shit. Like, it was very obvious I intentionally let him over so I could tail gate him. After riding his ass for 1-2 minutes (like dangerously close, which is why I don’t recommend my actions. I gave all of the control to this stupid guy just to show him what it felt like. That’s stupid) with him staring at me in his rear view, I did another illegal thing and got into the HOV, got next to him, gave him a sassy beep beep (he flipped me off) and then I got into the front of the line. Getting back over to the right, with him stuck behind the other line of cars that weren’t going as fast as me now. I drove away with a smile on my face and eventually I saw him veer across 6 lanes to reach his exit he forgot about.

The end.

13:08 UTC


Road rage incident

I was (26f) driving to the store to meet my father when someone was driving extremely fast (with his phone in his face texting), tailgating myself and others and switching lanes erratically. After the second time he tailgated extremely close behind me and switched lanes to my left side I ended up flicking him off. He then slammed on his breaks after passing me and threw a drink out of his window at my car

After that he swerved right to try and run me off the road and when I stopped my car he blocked me in. I beeped for a while and he finally went, but he then started following me. I called 911 but a few minutes later he stopped following me and pulled into a neighborhood. I’m worried that he can find out where I live from my license plate or something. I also have roof racks on my car and most other cars that are the same as mine don’t, so I’m wondering if I should take those off.

20:27 UTC



The number of times in a given day I yell “FUCKING GOOOOO!” At other cars has to be unhealthy…

19:20 UTC


How do I deal with my own road rage? Is this incident something to worry about.

Shitty day culminated in a bad decision.

Not trying to make any excuses here, just trying to give context. I’m fully aware that my actions were unacceptable. I’m looking for advice and support.

My day began with my apt shutting off water for the entire complex for 6 hours due to maintenance with no warning. Then the worker at Panera was rude to me. Then a car swerves and cuts me off on the road. None of these incidents were that major, but they all added up, nonetheless. I laid on my horn and went into a fit of rage. They happened to be taking the same turns as me to get home, as well as where I live. I happened to follow them (unintentionally) for about 3 minutes or so, then they took a turn, and I decided I wanted to scare them. I followed them for two turns, they definitely knew why. They pulled over by a school and I passed them. We were only about a minute away from my apt anyways. They then began to follow me for less than a minute or so. Shortly after, I drove away, they drove away too, and I got home.

Now that I’m home, I’m overcome with shame, guilt, and anxiety. I’m already medicated for my anxiety, and I would say it plays a large role in my life. I’m terrified that they got my license plate, reported it to the cops, and I will face legal repercussions. This is the first time I’ve ever followed someone like this (even if it was for only two turns), but I regret it so much. I don’t know how to move on from my mistake here.

I would appreciate advice in two respects:

  1. While I have never been involved in violent road rage, I have known for a while that my tendency to be filled with anger on the road is a problem that is ultimately detrimental to my own mental health. How do I fix this?

  2. What is the likelihood that I face a legal repercussion for this?

Burner acc

21:12 UTC


How do I control my road-rage impulsive decisions?


I've noticed that I make really bad impulsive decisions when faced with road-rage causing situations.

For example, in the past week, I had two incidents where someone else on the road was accelerating to merge faster than me even though they were behind me on a two-lane freeway on ramp.

My natural reaction is to try to accelerate even quicker than them, and then try to cut them off. Everything happens so fast, so in the spur of the moment, I take action on a whim, before really thinking the situation through.

Browsing Reddit, I know that I should just let the other person go, and that it's not worth it to drive aggressively or put others in danger. I usually only remember that it's not worth it right after.

Everything happens so fast and it seems like my brain decides to take action faster than I can think rationally.

I want to see if anyone has tips on how I can control my impulse/instinct. Thank you.

03:55 UTC


He stopped on a 45mph on ramp in front of me and then followed

Like many people, I'm not fabulously wealthy and thus must work. Thus must drive. To take the highway home, I first have to merge onto a 2 lane road that feeds onto the highway and also a back road. The road to merge ends with a dead end. I signal left, look over my shoulder and see a white blocky vehicle well enough behind me that I can safely merge onto this road. Then I merge. Turns out he was flying like a bat out of hell. I keep my signal on, look again behind me and see the white car behind me, no signal on, nothing. I start to shift left into the lane that leads to the highway, dude nearly hits me only because I saw him speed over to the left lane as soon as he did. I didn't even do the multiple lane slide, I was very cautious. Apparently, the dude was seething with rage because I, a disgusting entitled driver wanted to take the highway home and cannot read his mind. All lanes are his, how dare I? How I dared.

Dude angrily gestures from the left lane. I wait a few car lengths and I too finally signal and shift left. More rage thrashing from his vehicle. And then I foolishly gestured a "what the hell man?!" HE SLAMMED ON HIS BRAKES AND CAME TO A FULL STOP ON A 45MPH ROAD!

Road thankfully is empty due to the holidays, so I look behind me, signal right and nope out of there. Crazy tuff man speeds up next to me, cthulu arms thrashing in his car, I only see this out of my peripherals. I was dumb to react to his road rage but not dumb enough to make eye contact. He then FOLLOWS ME off the on ramp to the back road! I lose him a bit later as I do a long loop dee loop back onto the highway a different route but jeez. I felt like that man would have gotten out of his vehicle and assaulted me. I watched many horror movies, so I by habit always lock my doors as soon as I shut my car door.

What a freaking psycho. Last time I react to road rage.

Edit: I finally got a dash cam.

03:36 UTC


Caught on dashcam

13:22 UTC


Why do you get road rage?

My husband gets road rage, and I’m genuinely curious: what makes him so mad?

He honks at a car in front of him if it doesn’t move within one second after the traffic light turns green. He cuts off a car going 70 mph in the left lane and brakes (we’re in CA). He doesn’t avoid cars on the side of the road when their doors are opening (I’m terrified of hitting a person or another car).

Honestly, what’s the matter? We have an infant and a toddler in the car, and he still does these things. I beg him to stop for the safety of our family, but when he gets mad, he just can’t control himself.

We need help, and I’ll be contacting a therapist, but I’m so curious—why does he get this mad?

05:08 UTC


Pickup truck speeds up and brake checks me.

Okay so I have dealt with this pickup truck driver in Minnesota roughly 5 times this year, and each time he always feels the need to be an absolute dick. He drives a red GMC Sierra and this most recent incident was by far the worst.

For context I was driving to my boyfriends after work at approximately 8:30AM. The GMC was in front of me in the left turn lane which whatever no big deal. We both make our left turn and when I noticed he was going under the speed limit I decided to go into the right-hand lane so I could go the appropriate speed of 35. Tell me why this GMC driver decided to then keep pace with my car and try to run into the side of my car. I ended up barely getting through a yellow light to try to get away and he sped up to probably 50mph then got in front of me and brake checked me. I immediately switch to the left-hand lane and we both end up at the same stoplight. I was very clearly agitated, and I won't lie you could see the anger in my face. Dude stared at me, and as soon as the light turned green he gunned it. I ended up following and got his plate and reported him. (I want to add that I only followed him until I got his plate I wasn't going to follow him to his destination as I figured police could handle the situation after I made a report.)

He drives so goddamn recklessly, and I've witnessed him nearly hit pedestrians it's absolutely ridiculous I just don't understand why people think that behavior is okay.

11:38 UTC


$800 car

13:51 UTC

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