Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia and the largest city on the Arabian Peninsula. With a population of 6.9 million people, Riyadh is the third-largest city in the Arab world and the 39th-largest in Asia. Riyadh is located on the eastern part of the Najd plateau at about 600 metres above sea level.
Riyadh (الرياض) is the capital and most populous city of Saudi Arabia. It is also the capital of Riyadh Province and belongs to the historical regions of Najd and Al-Yamama. It is located in the center of the Arabian Peninsula on a large plateau home to more than six million people.
الرياض هي عاصمة المملكة العربية السعودية وأكبر مدنها، ومركز منطقة الرياض. تُعد أكبر مدن السعودية وواحدة من أكبر المدن العربية بالنسبة لعدد السكان، إذ بلغ عدد سكانها عام 1437 هـ/2016م 6,506,700 مليون نسمة. وهي أكبر مدن المملكة وواحدة من أكبر مدن العالم العربي من حيث المساحة إذ تصل مساحة المدينة المطورة إلى حوالي 1913 كيلومتر مُربَّع.وتقع بالتحديد على هضبة رسوبية يصل ارتفاعها إلى نحو 600 متر فوق سطح البحر في الجزء الشرقي من هضبة نجد.
We have an app for hangouts and we’re having ambassadors for each city. We’re currently looking for someone that loves exploring Riyadh and have him/her as an ambassador in our app. Dm me if you’re interested.
I am not from saudi arabia but I like perfumes. I know about asq and have seen their oils online. Have you tried their oils? Which ones do you like?
ابي اماكن جديده مو معروفه شاركوني اماكنكم؟
My family is moving to Riyadh. I have been looking into different aspects of life over there and most things seem fine.
However, I want to know more about the culture amongst desi people over there. My mother is in her mid 40s and has never lived outside Pakistan. I’m afraid she might feel lonely and isolated in a new country.
What are the social activities that women take up in Riyadh? What is the general sense of community like amongst desi women? Do people meet and hangout? Are the people welcoming? Would it be difficult for her to adjust?
Please let me know. Do remember to be kind in the responses, thank you.
2 person in Batha area showed original iPhone for sale and at the time of giving just charges it with Chinese android copy of it . Is there any way I get the original phone that they showed or get the money back
Hello everyone,
Alsalamu Alaikum.
I have a friend (single) who's searching for an apartment in Riyadh preferably in one of the following areas: حي الصحافة، العارض، القيروان، النرجس، الملقا as it's close to his workplace.
I'd really appreciate it if you could advise me on the following:
Which websites to search on for apartments?
Are there any specific websites for people searching for housemates? Or is this not that common in Saudi Arabia
How much average rent would be for a 1+1 or a 1+0 (furnished/unfurnished).
I heard that a lot of people renting are asking for 6 months or a 1-year advance payment. Is this correct or common in Saudi Arabia?
I appreciate it a lot guys.
All the best
If anyone is looking for modern housing options, we have one apartment left in a new apartment complex in Riyadh. Not, a compound but with a few compound-like features. Sharing the post here as most tenants are expats.
Hi guys Goodmorning to all. So as the title says just asking for opinions. I am planing to bring my wife here for visit and possible look for a job. She is IT and have 8 years of experience in SAP finance and controlling job. Do you think she has a chance to land a job or any idea where to look?
What could be the average invisalign in Riyadh. I got quoted at 11K SAR for 1.5 years is it high or standard?
Dear all,
I'm in the process of buying a car here.
The seller is trustworthy.
We did the absher and I have insurance.
I tried to transfer the money to account shown in absher. My bank locked my account and refuses to do something until I have my physical iqama. The delivery will take maybe a nother weeks or so.
Can someone else transfer the money for me or is it connected to my account?
My friend will do it for me, so my question is, does it also work.
Thank you for your advice!
اهلا اهل الرياض! حاليا قاعده تصير هوشة في بيتنا بسبب البسه خربشت كل ابو الاثاث هل تعرفون عيادات تركب غطاء للاظافر؟ او عندكم حل؟ (غير قص الاظافر)
I want to store my luggage for a few hours in riyadh, does anyone know if that is possible in riyadh airport or somewhere else in riyadh? If yes please lemme know the details.
Is it possible to land a job in KSA or Riyadh in particular without wasta (connections) for expats?
ياخي انا تعبت من المصاريف وعمري ٢٢ اشيل هم القروض والمصروف، راتبي ٥٦٠٠ بس كله يروح كللله يجي اخر الشهر ماعندي ولا ريال وكله اساسيات قرض سيارة وادخار للمستقبل ومصروفات اساسية زي البنزين والنت والغذاء الاساسي نادر اروح مطاعم واجمع لاخوي عشان يدرس ثانوي اهلية واشتراكات برامج التصميم بحكم انه تخصصي وشغلي، وكل مايجي اخر الشهر اقعد مطفر مافيه ولا ريال بحسابي، تعبت من قلة البركة بالفلوس، واحد قال لي عشانك بالرياض كل شيء عندكم غالي لأن هو بالديره يكفيه بالراحة الفين ريال مصروفات كل شيء، متى اوصل للراحة المالية وما اشيل هم الفلوس، متى يجي اخر الشهر وحسابي مو فاضي متى متى متتتى، ما ادري هو صادق لاني بالرياض ولا انا عندي مشكلة بالادارة المالية
Me and my son will be in Riyadh for a conference being held at Alfaisal University, Riyadh (November 25-Dec 3)
Besides the conference, we will have about 3 days to spend roaming around.
Could you please suggest me:
Clothes to bring. (How would the temperature be ?)
Where can we spend time in Riyadh, places a 12 yo boy would enjoy.
Hoping to see Ronaldo play football (games on 29 Nov and 2 Dec) - how hard is it to get tickets ?
What are the things I should know about Riyadh that I MUST know ?
:) Thank you.
بيني وبين أمي مشاكل مرة كثيرة. مشاكل يوميا تصير. نفسيتي متدمرة منها. حلمت كذا مرة فيها وفي الوالد إني أتحسبن عليهم وأقولهم إني ما أسامح لا الصغيرة ولا الكبيرة لو كان الشيء مسوينه عن عمد. ومعظم الأشياء حقيقة تكون عن عمد. ظلم غير طبيعي. وانا صغيرة كنت أهوجس طوال اليوم قبل لا انام ووانا بالمدرسة إن أمي تترقبني عشان تذبحني. عشان قبل لا الواحد يقول إن انا السبب أقولكم إن المشكلة بدت من الطفولة وأمي حاطتني انا لحالي في راسها. وتعامل أخواني أحسن مني وتسوي بيننا مشاكل ونزاعات وهو بالأخير أخواني ما يكون سوولي شيء بس هي تخلينا نبغى نشرب من دم بعض. انا أحس إن عمري ما حسيت بحنان الأم. حاجة أتفقدها في عمري. ودي أتخطى وأقول رضاها صعب بس مو قادرة. ودي أم زي باقي الأمهات. ليتها كانت حنونة وماتت كان دعيتلها بدال ما هي عايشة وذالتني وتقولي ربي ابتلاك فيني. والله العظيم إني أحاول بكل ما عندي بس انا مو قادرة لا إني أوصل لنتيجة معاها ولا إني أتجاهل المشكلة وأسلك في طريقي. كل الأياء المعروفة عن الأم وطيبتها ورحمتها مو موجودة فيها.
حابه احتفل بعيدميلاد اختي بالرياض فين مكان مرتب وسهل اتواصل معاهم بشمال شرق الرياض🙏
ابي اخذ سكن شهري في وسط الرياض كيف اتصرف، شنو اتوقع
Hi, So basically I love to run outdoors especially when the weather gets nicer but I don’t really know any nice places to run.
I tried running in my neighborhood but got many weird looks and honestly hated it. Does anyone know any place where runners usually go to? Especially females? I don’t wear hijab, but even when I wear an oversized black hoodie I still get annoyed..
these are the points I care about:
safe and not too far away from people (far enough to run in peace tho)
Preferably water surfaces around as it will be more humid
female runners friendly
Thank you all in advance for the suggestions!
Hello, I’m an expat, will be moving to riyadh soon on the mentioned salary of a little under 15K - how should I expect to manage expenses?
Major Expenses I can think of are:
Accommodation Travelling/Car Lease Fuel Car Insurance Groceries Utilities Shopping
How should I budget all these heads and if I should add any more expenses here please let me know.
Edit: M25, Single - soon to be married.
Hi everyone! I'm currently working on my senior project, which involves AI and drones. I'm looking for anyone who has experience or knowledge in these areas and would be willing to provide some guidance or insights. Your help would be greatly appreciated!