
Photograph via snooOG

The subeddit for all things ritualistic! Feel free to share your spells/rituals with other users, get inspiration & ideas from others, & talk about all things witchcraft, occult, spiritual, & magical!


3,010 Subscribers


How can I escape possession

Yeah well I did something stupid back in the day and now I've become more violent more hateful but also more scared of everything...

There have been many weird stuff happening to me like getting my legs camped very often even while sleeping I recently started randomly shivering and have plenty of pains.

I used to be an open kid but now I feel trapped as I heard u can't get unposessed can anyone help

1 Comment
19:58 UTC


Cult in Montreal ??

There’s a young girl, Elena Tungst, that died on train tracks near NDG (in Montreal) in 1951. People say that she never actually died and ended up becoming a cult leader that started gathering around the same area of death a lot right after. They’d walk weirdly, like swaying in the tunnel over the tracks and apparently there were always people taking pictures but I can never find any. On top of that, the person leading this “Procession” calls herself Elena, but never revealed her last name. Witnesses say she matches the physical description of the girl who supposedly died. The strangest thing was that Elena’s funeral was an open casket so if she is truly the cult leader, who’s buried in her tomb in NDG?

14:49 UTC


Community for established practitioners & beginners alike. 18+ for a more mature atmosphere!

Open to all practitioners, over the age of 18, from any country. This community and the resources we have available are also 100% free. We focus on learning, discussions, & growth in your practice. You will find 30+ discussion channels on many topics of the occult & witchcraft, thousands of resources, a channel to request specific resources by topic or book, general chatting areas, & voice chats that we use nightly.

We are heavily resource, knowledge, discussion based, & would love to have a member base who looks for these things in an occult space. We welcome users from all paths & with any experience level. Whether you are a practitioner willing to share your established knowledge with others, or a beginner just starting out, we can help you find what you are looking for! https://discord.gg/wpNRXAE

There is a brief verification process to gain access to the rest of the community. Please make sure to read the server information page before making your verification post. This ensures that we do not welcome trolls or people who are not actually interested in this topic.

00:51 UTC


I was once told the Empress Theatre held a ritual about crawling, and the girl who led it disappeared afterwards.

22:19 UTC


Whish Granting rituals

Any rituals to grant a wish or gaing something amazing?

05:17 UTC


Spells needed

Hello, I’m in dire need of a spell that is effective and grantees a success. I’m doing really bad in life and I’m bad at making the right decisions I need a spell that will aid me in making decisions that will benefit my life rather than destroying it. Please help 🙏🏼 thank you

1 Comment
15:51 UTC


Discussion Topics

What was your first ritual? Was it successful? What are your favorite types of rituals? Are there some types of rituals you struggle with? Which rituals do you feel you’re most successful with?

16:31 UTC


Please read my egg cleanse

02:16 UTC


if I tell someone about ten day dream ritual before the tenth night will it pass to them early?

1 Comment
04:38 UTC


Easy Rituals

Welcome, I would like your help to achieve an easy ritual... (Please, if you have accurate information, share it) Thanks for your help (Well, I've been studying this for 4 months and I would like to perform my first ritual) ✨

1 Comment
21:42 UTC


New home manifestation

Hi there!
I'm currently looking for a new place to call home, and really struggling to find one. My gut feel is that I need to do something to manifest the right place for me to make my little nest, but I don't know where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions, please?

1 Comment
12:55 UTC



This lady on the job, put the boss's name in her shoe because she doesn't like her and said she is walking the boss out of here in hopes that they send another manager to the store.. I never heard of this type of trend. Where did this belief possibly come from?

00:13 UTC


Spiritual alter?

1 Comment
05:43 UTC


How to make a deal with the devil

Is this possible

23:56 UTC


I just have to ask

I know enough about the esoteric, energies, meditation, mysticism, tarot, astrology… But I kinda was always cautious although I came across some books on black/white magic. To be honest it just scared me? Is there really this thing called magic, with the rituals and spells? I really want to hear some of your stories. My concern is that I’m interested to learn more but I don’t want to do anything wrong or harm myself. I still want to know if it really exists and works. Of course I’ve heard about Crowley and everyone, read my first message. But in the present day? I'm not sure what it looks like and what is it if there's anything that works and what exactly does it do to the parties involved I would really appreciate learning about any experiences that can give me a glimpse into the current state of this phenomenon Thanks xx

04:35 UTC


I need of help or advice

I am not sure if this is allowed...but i am in need of help.

I have a friend who is trapped. Their partner performed a blood bond ritual with said friend. That friend is often treated like a dog on a leash...and that blood bond being the leash. He is miserable and she uses it do more harm than closeness as it was originally intended or implied. He is not experienced with magic of any kind. But she is and I am as well. But how do I even go about severing a blood bond when she has her claws grasping at him? He is unable to enjoy any worldly pleasures in private or in the company of friends because she feels it and it makes her almost feel like she is about to have a heart attack, according to her. Although....I feel that it is means of desperate control and she could be manipulating him, I still believe that severing this blood bond with undo the toxic hold she has on him. It's choking him. He doesn't act like himself anymore. I need to help him. What can I do?

05:10 UTC


Protection Ritual

Protection Rituals

Can someone recommend a good protection protection? Here is the run down: My sister in law has recently become estranged from the family, and is suspected to be on drugs. She is an overall not a nice person and done things from petty to down right evil, like attempting to run over my mother in law with her car. She also works for someone weird metaphysical website where they make candles and burn them for people for a price $. Multiple family members who have been attacked by her including myself have been having nightmares, with worms and centipedes attacking us and coming out of our bodies. No one else in my family really believes in this stuff, but I am almost positive either her or someone she works with is putting hexes on us. So my question is, does anyone know any protection rituals that I can do for my family and I? Thank you so much in advance 🙏

16:13 UTC


Gypsy rituals

So yesterday at work (sales) I was talking to a customer, he was telling about how he had asked a lady if he could purchase her chewed gum. At fist she agreed but then backed out. So then he asked if I would do it and I agreed, but now I'm wondering what it was for. Can anyone explain to me what the purpose of that was for? Thank you

18:17 UTC


Witch craft bag found?

I was fishing at a near by river and found a fertilizer bag tied shut. I took it out because if it was fertilizer then that’s horrible for the river. i cut it open hoping it was a murder weapon or gold coins, but there was a bunch of weird stuff in it. There was 2 eggs, 2 limes bunch of roses, rosemary or some type of herbs, clothing, burnt tinfoil, and coal. The water inside was completely black. hoping someone can tell me what it was and the purpose just out of curiosity. I did dispose of the items, might be cursed but 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

1 Comment
01:41 UTC


New Subreddit

A subreddit to post videos & correct misinformation from the witchcraft/occult side of TikTok :)


21:59 UTC


Penny left face down


A woman left a penny face down on a table tray next to me. My mom didn’t feel right about it so she made the woman take it back.

We have been wondering why the old woman would do this or if it has any significance. Is there somewhere else I should post for answers?

Thank you!

20:35 UTC


Does anyone know what this is?

I am very confused on what this is I took this video in an overlook of Cumberland county In Maine.

1 Comment
02:29 UTC


Does anyone know what this is?

This is very strange i took this picture of a random statue at a overlook of Cumberland county in Maine.

1 Comment
02:25 UTC


Recommended books or online information that gives an in depth history of the occult?

I'm particularly interested in northern European history of occult and spiritual practices but I'm open to any information you're willing to provide, thanks!

21:08 UTC


Question of the Day!

What ritual has been your favorite so far in your practice? What is it & why?


What do you think is the type of ritual you do the most in your practice?

1 Comment
19:59 UTC


Walked into a cave

Can anyone explain this, climbed up to a cave in Scotland and spotted a lit candle, feathers and wildflowers. No other person to be seen both on the hike to the cave, nor the cave itself. Quite eerie to come across but could Reddit explain it to me?

18:47 UTC


r/WeatherMagic! For all practitioners who practice the art of weather manipulation

05:17 UTC

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