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Is it better to play now on Private servers since the game is pretty much dead?
And if so, are there any private servers up?
Hey i’ve recently just got back into the game and im looking for friends to play with, please reach out if you still play on akaldus
So I used to play RoI back in like 2018-2019 and I just recently got a new windows laptop and got the game back through steam so I was wondering if theres anyone still playing? I’m in the Teleo server ^^
Hello .. Is the server of Kurshimo the best and there are many players in it
I just recently started playing (super late to the party, I know). I really enjoy the game but so far I haven't run into anyone else. Would love people to play with!
Hello for anyone who might see this post but I'm just here to ask if anyone else who uses the Steam version and have sudden crash like I'm experiencing? Like the game would just freeze and closes by itself without much of an error message. Tbh I'm even not sure what's causing it. At first I thought it might be areas where there's a lot of stuff going on like the Rift place for instance but sometimes even areas that has no mobs and just a few NPCs and the crash would still trigger. I also did try to "Verify integrity of game files" and it would always either see 27 or 28 files that failed and replace them and I'm sure those files are from GameGuard cuz whenever I try to do the verify files option, Gameguard would to start DL'ing them back so it ends up in a loop for me when game crashes > Verify files > Gameguard re-downloads them again.
Anyone know if we still have to do all the Map/Quest to lvl 70 if we make new characters? …
I left Icarus a while back due to the invalid username error and was wondering if anything new has happened in the game? I.e like new area /content/ mounts and stuff. I left the game when SCarlet Harbour got the 9th boss and the hard mode I think( the one after the pirate ship lion person). I know the game is dying but anything interesting or worth joining back?
Hello, just hit level 20 and unlocked Talents, unsure as to which school to go (Combat, Savagery and Might.)
Tried looking up guides but turned up empty handed.
A while back I tried to download this game, and it wanted me to install this Microsoft or C++ thing. Thing is, I couldn’t, so I couldn’t play the game. What’s up with this?!
started playing on steam and I just got my first pet scroll however I cannot find any information on what the different mounts do when they become pets. How do I know what familiars to turn into pets if I do not know abilities, synergies, etc? Does anyone have a link to a good resource? The wiki, google, and steam guides/discussions, as well as in-game and official game website all seem to be useless.
How is the pop on Teleo? I was told it was high but I never see anyone playing.
I used to do lair of ienos a lot on other characters but now it seems it doesn't offer anything interesting for someone who isnt lvl 60 up. Does it contain only genetic manipulation mounts or can I find other familliard too?
Is there a way to get my account back if im not sure what email (if any at all) it was linkes to and i forgot the password?
I played this game a long time ago, back when Tritael Rift was the big zone. Jumped back for a bit with Cloying Wastes and the Lv 55 max but beyond that is new for me. Ranger was also brand new. I lost my old assassin, Ranger, and guardian but I’m enjoying the grind again. I’ve made it to ~Lv 30 and got my spouse involved. We’re on NA Teleo and would love some friends :)
I might try this game but I have a few questions. First what are the best classes for solo gameplay? Since this game may be dead, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to matchmake for dungeons or something. My other question is related to server, I'm from EU, are there several servers to choose? if yes, which one whould I go for?
I'm just scared that I get into this game and then I can't do anything related to matchmake cuz of the player count
I cannot find on wiki unfortunately , if any of you want to play together I am on Raken , thank you for asnwers , best regards
Trying to pick up the game again , really hard to remember what some items do and how to do stuff ... if anyone would have some free time to explain me on discord how some items/systems work let me know , best regards
I really miss ROI and how active it used to be, but it’s kinda sad playing on a dead game. As far as I know ROI’s taming system (and how many mounts there are) is pretty unique. Is there any game that has a similar vibe?
Seems to have disappeared. Anyone know why?
I'm now lvl 70, but tbere is a talent I don't know how to unlock, it says its the awakening talent I can't find anything online Can someone help me?
Hello. I was trying to play the game after a long time again but after the game launch when i start the game an error pops up
"this username is invalid" and then
"you've been disconnected from the server"
the games closes up without letting me even choose a server.
I'm playing through valofe and honestly idk what to do.
i won't even bother for a ticket cuz they won't answer.
everytime I click '' start game'' in main menu, the game says someting like "network error" and "disconnected from the server'' and always fails to connect to the game server. Anyone know the solution? Pls we want to play this game.. We are on the steam.