All hail the Reptilian Brotherhood! This is a subreddit pertaining to the all powerful Reptilian Brotherhood, led by our lord and savior, LeafyisBeefy (LeafyisHere)!
All hail the Reptilian Brotherhood! This is a subreddit pertaining to the all powerful Reptilian Brotherhood, led by our lord and savior, LeafyisBeefy.
For an explanation, this is fictional group fantasized by LeafyisHere, and brought to life by his many fans. Reptilian Brotherhood members are Reptilians in disguise, and are the governing force of everything ever. Illuminati? Childs play compared to the RB!
1. Reddiquette? What's that?
2. Plz no trolling/hate/etc.
3. No Twitch raid posts.
4. Be a Reptilian
5. Hail the Brotherhood
6. Hail Leafy is Beefy
7. Nothing Anti-Reptilian
8. No Non-Reptilians Allowed (This may pit you a five day ban, depending on the content of your post.)
Ok please look at his eyes, tell me what you see
I have started writing the true story account that happened nearly 20 years ago. The emails that are in this book I am writing was coming from a source that was other worldly or inner worldly. The content is really intriguing and I am looking forward to finishing draft 1 in the next week. https://www.facebook.com/rockopaoloi/photos/a.2745919268817728/2748600948549560/?type=3&theater
IDK why people still like him but Calvin was a dick and a shit creator. 2019 was good year because it was yet another LeafyIsntHere year. Looking forward to 2020-2029 being a LeafIsntHere decade. Fuck Leafy, hisss in hell.
Sssssssssooooo have ve been infiltrating da governmentsssssssss of the worldiiiiiissssssssssssss!!!! If sssssssssso, what is our evil plansssssss to take over the world? I forgot!
Do you miss him too? :(
sup bitches.