A place to share relevant content related to the campaign to repeal the 8th ammendment to the Irish constitution.
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Edit: May 2018
On May 25th Ireland voted to Repeal the 8th Amendment by 66.4% to 33.6%
The 8th Amendment was -
From Wikipedia: "The Eighth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland introduced a constitutional ban on abortion. It was effected by the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution Act, 1983, which was approved by referendum on 7 September 1983 and signed into law on the 7 October of the same year."
Please be nice. Share any content you think is relevant to the debate such as anecdotal experiences of Irish women, as well as general articles etc. discussing the 8th amendment.
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Websites & Resources
Anti Choice TD/ Senator Watch
More than 20 million women across the EU do not have access to safe abortion care. This not only puts women at risk of physical harm but also puts undue economic and mental stress on women and families who are often on the margins of society that can afford it the least.
To change this we have submitted a European Citizens' Initiative demanding that the EU does what is in its power to ensure safe and accessible abortion for all. We are demanding that the EU passes legislation that would create a financial mechanism that helps Member States that voluntarily join this policy to provide safe abortion care for all those who don't have access to it.
My Voice My Choice movement is collecting 1 million signatures to make abortion safe and accessible in EU.
Six years ago over 66% of people voted for and accessible abortion. Now, let's do it in the whole European union!
Sign here! -->