
Photograph via snooOG

A sub-Reddit dedicated to Reel Big Fish and any RBF band members.


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My favorite band of all time

Saw these guys many times but one of my favorites was the concert at the Big E in 2019 I think? I hope they go on tour real soon I will be there! Here is a pic from Big E.

19:12 UTC


I miss physical tickets. Those were the days. Found these while packing up while moving. I was in highschool when I went to these shows.

04:20 UTC


Love RBF who else should I check out?

Background info so you all know what your dealing with lol. I'm 45years old and in my 20s I was going to Warped Tour and seeing ska and punk bands at small music venues in Ottawa, Canada. I have not really looked for any new music since then.

Bands I REALLY liked:

  1. Reel Big Fish - Especially Aaron's angry songs. The angry lyrics and upbeat instrumentals just do it for me. From their latest album (I think) Ska Show, G.D. Beautiful Day and You Can't Have All Of Me were the songs I liked most although I need to cleanse the punk out of my palette to deal with the slower tempos.
  2. NOFX
  3. Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
  4. Sum 41 (like them better live)

Bands I like a lot of songs but less than half.

  1. Good Charlotte
  2. Simple Plan
  3. Save Ferris
  4. Less Than Jake (borderline in the first list)
  5. Goldfinger
  6. Suburban Legends
  7. Mighty Mighty Bosstones
  8. The Forces of Evil
  9. Drop Kick Murphys
  10. Pennywise

So any recommendations? Is there some new ska band out there kicking ass? (do people still form ska band lol?)

19:53 UTC


Reel Big Fish t.v. performance "The Set Up" 1999

1 Comment
12:46 UTC


Ska check sunglasses for sale?

Does anyone have an extra pair of the reel big fish sunglasses that they could sell me? My husband lost his pair and has been talking about how much he misses them for over a year. I would like to find him a replacement and gift them to him. Thank you.

21:30 UTC


Reel Big Fish and Less Than Jake tour confirmed?

07:07 UTC


Anyone in a ska cover band in the 90’s? What was your favorite RBF song to play?

We always loved “Skatonic” and “Everything is Cool,” but I think, “Brand New Song” might have been my favorite. I remember we hated “Beer” but everyone always loved it when we played that song.

02:57 UTC


Which RBF song for a drum cover?

I’m currently recording drum covers an entire shows-worth of songs using an RBF setlist from 2019. Problem is, I’m having so much fun I’m already halfway done with the list! Now I’m wondering which song I could do once I finish that has great drums.

Here’s the list I’ll have done, so obviously it shouldn’t be one of these:

(Already done) Take on Me Everyone Else… Trendy The Kids Don’t Like It Thank You for Not Moshing Life Sucks… Let’s Dance Everything Sucks Ska Show Good Thing

(Still need to do) Your Guts (I Hate ‘Em) Pissed Off Where Have You Been? I Know You Too Well to Like You Anymore She Has a Girlfriend Now You Can’t Have All of Me Sell Out I Want Your Girlfriend to Be My Girlfriend Brown Eyed Girl Beer

I have been thinking about maybe doing “The Setup,” “Hungry Like the Wolf,” or maybe something from “Duet All Night Long…” but what do you all think would be a good drum song?


13:11 UTC


First RBF Album

The first album I ever purchased from RBF was “Keep Your Receipt” (I was like 13 and didn’t have enough money for “Turn the Radio Off”). What was your first album?

02:44 UTC


Reel Big Fish - Live 2001 at Summer Sonic Festival Tokyo

23:05 UTC


Why Did I Not Know?!

I did not know this album existed until last week. Now it’s all I’ve been listening to! So great…

15:22 UTC


RBF is helping me lose weight!

I had an idea a couple months ago. I wanted to lose weight and I was watching an RBF video, thinking it looked like fun. So I decided to go into my basement with the most recent RBF set list and drum my heart out 4-5 days a week. Sometimes I film one of the songs for fun. Now I’m down 4 lbs! Thanks RBF! You’re the best…

02:18 UTC


Signed $

I found this dollar signed by the band in an old book I was about to donate. I have no memory of why I have it but it must have been from Warped Tour in 2008. Does anyone want it? I will mail it to you.

22:28 UTC


Signed shirt

I quit smoking. 😁 Cheer Up! Dear Reel Big Fish family, I request a ska version of "Tiny Bubbles" by Don Hon

14:27 UTC


Was RBF your favorite band growing up?

I just watched some fairly recent youtube vids of Aaron and Scott and am feeling nostalgic.

When I was growing up Reel Big Fish was my favorite band, and I never have once met anybody in my life whose favorite band was also Reel Big Fish.

I remember I saw Sell Out on MTV but forgot the name of the band, so I tried buying a bunch of albums of various bands from one of those mail-order CD clubs until I finally hit the jackpot. I was probably 10. I began figuring out how to play the guitar and started wearing Hawaiian shirts to school every day. I remember how excited I was when I brought home Why Do They Rock So Hard which I bought at a Borders Books & Music. That double-necked guitar in the photos was the coolest thing I had ever seen.

It's been many years since I've seen them play, and I only listen to their songs one or twice a year, and I know Aaron is the only remaining member of the band (if it's still a band), but they will always be very dear to my heart.

Anyways. I never met anybody who also shared RBF as their favorite band and I'm wondering if anyone on here had a similar experience.

10:10 UTC


Is it bad that my attachment to this band is from some old flash video?

It still holds up too. God bless the Newgrounds days.

21:41 UTC


The current state of things

05:32 UTC


what are more ska bands to reccommend to rbf enjoyers?

I only knew Reel Big Fish from their cover of Talk Dirty to Me for like 10 years, but just this year I listened to S.R. and Sell Out and fell in love with them but didn't even know what the music genre was called. it just scratched an itch!

I stumbled into Something To Do's new album "Here Comes the Panic" around the same time, realized ska is by far my favorite genre of music, and listened to it on loop for all of january. now i'm listening to all the RBF i can get my hands on and i'm hungry for more!

what are some of your favorites with a similar sound?

15:32 UTC


Thank You For Not Moshing (in the pit)

idk where else to post but the version of thank you for not moshing on this 7” is the best version of the song

20:32 UTC


New Alkaline Trio album makes me miss RBF

Follow me here for a minute, Alkaline Trio has a new album out and it is damn excellent. Along with it the fan community has blown up with online chatter. I'm loving the album, loving all the discourse, and story sharing, but as much as I love the Trio, I truly wish that was happening with RBF right now.

I've seen RBF more than a dozen times, starting back in 1998. They have continual been one of my favorite groups. Fun but biting, poppy but not predictable, some real dynamics and skill, and the songs never get old. I know the group isn't done, but who knows when or if they'll ever return.

Alkaline Trio hadn't released an album since 2018, same story as Life Sucks, Let's Dance. Should Aaron and the gang ever tune up and deliver new music, I'm excited for this community to spring to life and share all the awesome fun it is to be a RBF fan.

03:35 UTC


Is cannibal anybody else's favorite song?

Been a fan since my college days and always felt this song was under appreciated. Curious as to what other fans thought.

15:43 UTC


Question about "A Best of US for the Rest of Us" expanded editon...

I bought the digital version off of Amazon the other day to fill a completionist hole, and there's a further 18 tracks included than what I can find any official track listing. Is this "digital only" or Amazon exclusive bonus content? Or does my Google-Fu just suck?

17:29 UTC


Scott Klopfenstein and Aaron Barrett of Reel Big Fish Twitch 04-03-21

00:44 UTC


I true reel big fish story.

So I saw a post on this sub and was writing a comment on it and realized this band isn't super active anymore nor is this subreddit so I decided to just tell my story like this so hopefully more people see it and can share their own similar stories.

So what the hell am I even talking about? I'll tell you, I saw reel big fish twice between 2018-2020 at the same venue and while both shows were great in their own ways, the second show will go down as one of the best concert memories I think I'll ever have.

So it was very early March 2020 I believe I remember first reading about covid either the day before, of or after the concert so it was my last show in a pre-pandemic world. I went to the show with my 3 closest friends and as I type this I realize the events described here took place almost four years ago now so I don't even really see them much anymore especially because we had just graduated a few months before this show.

We all had to be 18, 19 at the oldest we couldn't even be in the pit we had to stay in the balcony with double x's but we didn't complain, we were maybe 10 feet away from the band the entire show. But before I even talk about the actual concert I need to talk about the fact that when we finished the hour drive to this venue we were all starving. So we park and scope out the line, pretty short still and we are early so we have time to eat. This is our second time in this city but the first time we actually decide to explore it a bit. We find a cool burrito place on Google so we try and find it.

For the sake of anonymity for my friends ill refer to them as C, J, & W. So all four of us are walking past the venue. In front of us is a middle aged man walking his dog in a very nice jacket and hat. C, W and I all don't think anything of it. One of our more composed friends, J however was absolutely fixated on this dog. Before we know it, J walks past all 3 of us and walks straight up to the man and pulls out his phone after making 3 seconds of small talk and is taking a picture with him.

C, W and I all look at each other extremely confused like what is our friend doing to this stranger walking his dog down the street? I hear J say something to the man and it sounded like he said "walter" my best friend since high-school recognized Aaron Barrett by the back of his head and his dog, and when he realizes his suspicion was right he didn't hesitate for a second to ask for a picture.

So the story isn't over yet. So we all get pictures with Aaron. I'm completely starstruck, I'm from the middle of bumfuck nowhere so this is the first time seeing a famous person let alone one in a band, let alone one I really love. So we are all chatting him up, trying to respect his time and my buddy J who is the biggest RBF fan out of all of us say to Aaron hey can i ask you one question? He says sure so J goes "what ever happened to suburban rhythm?"

They didn't Play S.R the first time we saw them and we didn't know for sure If it was on the set list for the second tour or not before J asked the question but we get in the venue (we were all so excited by the experience we forgot about the burrito place) and about halfway through they not only played S.R they played the entire masters version. J took out his phone and zoomed in on the stage since we were above them on the balcony and he took a picture of the set list and it confirmed that they changed the set list for that show based on his question to Aaron. Which BTW the masters version is like 8 minutes longer so they had to carve out a hole in the set just for us.

There's so much more I could say about that night like how I also got to see Big D and the kids table and became a fan overnight, my other buddy W couldn't see half the time because some drunk dude pushed him out of the way or how I had just met my then girlfriend (very recently now wife) and was talking to her for the first time in the line waiting to go in.

Anyways if you made it this far thank you! I love to ramble. I also still have the picture but it's one of the worst pictures I've ever taken so it'll stay with me

20:49 UTC


Any RBF updates?

I look periodically at the band’s Instagram, website, and Facebook but nothing of much substance has been posted. Does anyone here have any insight as to what’s going on? Have they silently retired? I hope not cause I’d love to go to more of their shows!

19:51 UTC


Reel Big Fish - (1997) Live on Mtv Oddville

14:40 UTC


Our Live Album is Better Than Your Live Album Trickery

So while listening to the live album I noticed there’s double tracked (specifically distorted) guitar. I totally think that improves the sound and makes the choruses feel huge and the multi lead harmonizations work. However I’m curious how they achieved it. Did they have another guitarist that only did the distorted rock parts? Or more likely did they record one take in the show, pan left or right on distorted parts, and then add a new guitar part in post? Although that might be a big no-no in live albums I think it does push it over the edge (hence the name of the album). Does anyone have any information about this topic?

00:27 UTC


I'm all , "Don't Speak, and Come Back Home" in my soul.

17:14 UTC


has A-ha heard RBF's Take on Me cover? what did he think of it?

23:58 UTC

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