An army dedicated to defeating the Normies and ending the plague that has befallen the memeing world.
-No Normies or dead memes allowed!
-All loyalties must be to the Allies in the Meme War.
-Members will be divided into "Brigades," and will function in military fashion
-people who sort by new are Important members.
-If you are caught posting Normie Memes or Axis propoganda, you will be banned immediately!
-you will follow the lead of the Mods.
-Allies: r/BikiniBottomTwitter, r/ExiledPrequelMemes
That idiot is harassing me and rigging elections. He had it too good for too long.
As you know, i am the leader of r/bikinibottomallies, one of the founding members of Memesaw, and our subs have been allies for a long time.
Some days ago, Parkor123456789 tried to annex my sub through elections, which he rigged. I banned him for this, but he declared war on us. Because of that, I request that this subs joins me on our counterattack, since they (r/falloutmemes) attacked our sub first.
What do you say?
Guys, we are all meme war veterans, and our subs born and grew together. Let's renovate this treaty.
Despite the title, you can vote however you want, but id you vote me i will give the Memesaw alliance a new chance to rise again.
Me, u/Firefuego12 , invite you to join r/wurtzism to pray for Bill Wurtz, our lord and savior. It's just an offer.
Prepare anti-Imperial OC
A complete list would be preferable, please.
r/Trebuchetmemes is splitting between Trebuchets and Cars 2 fans. We must provide support!
Everyone, I need OC prepared. We are going to intervene in the r/Prequelmemes Civil War.
People are saying that there’s a meme war please tell me the sides
UML is going on a Holy Meme Crusade in solidarity with the good Memestian values of UMN's good Memestian minecraft server. Will the Reddit Inquisition join us in purging the heretics in this holy war?
The United Meme Nations just proclaimed that r/bikinibottomallies and r/exiledprequelmemers (our allies) are "pro-war terrorists"! In a discussion in discord with the triple alliance leaders, we agreed on creating tje r/MemesawUnitedNations! Here we trust democracy and autodetermination, and also war! No longer we shall suffer the United Meme Nations humillation over us!
Join r/MemesawUnitedNations!
with all of the new subscribers, I may need to remind you that we have a shortage of Propaganda Artists and Recruiters, I have stickied the list of Ranks so that you can apply if you like.
I know they backed out of the war, but after what they did to r/Nintendomemes I think that we need some way to force them into war compensation.
as you are aware, I have implemented a ranking system. however, I am starting to think that people don't understand the role of these. I especially need more Propaganda Artists and Recruiters, but no one applied for those.
It might be a good way to attract more subs.