A place to discuss forests, the threats to them, the beauty of them, and even a little activism on how to save them.
This reddit has been dead for a while, but stay tuned while we breathe some life into it. ITS ALIVE! Feel free to post anything having to do with forests, their conservation, or the people who live in or near them.
No, dead again
Please aid the discussion by posting relevant news, articles, pictures and action alerts. Only seriously off topic or offensive posts will be removed.
History of RedditForest:
A few years ago, the UK Government wanted to sell a lot of public forests to raise money. thegreatnick made this reddit to club our funds together and buy one.
The Government changed their mind, but there's no way of removing reddits. So it hung around for a while as a dead reddit.
Yet, because of the name "r/redditforest" people kept joining "to lurk discussions on ecology or rain forest biomes." In other words, they have a certain image of what the sub should be. http://www.reddit.com/r/redditforest/comments/l0y9z/question/
Our goal now is to make this sub into what people expect it to be. Whatever you think of when you hear the word "RedditForest" is what this sub should look like.
Disclosure: This reddit was revitalized by receiving submissions from a volunteer intern, KodamaKid at New Forest Earth with the goal of creating a place to discuss forests, the threats to them, the beauty of them, and even a little activism on how to save them. The above link is the one and only time we will plug our own organization.
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Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.
Your top 6 posts:
Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.
Your top 10 posts:
So... I’m already working with a forester and he’s waiting for the snow to melt before walking the land and giving me his thoughts on what and how best to proceed. However, I have questions that I’d like to run past an impartial party.
Who on site decides whether trees go to a sawmill for lumber, or for cutting high quality slabs? Do the slab trees bring a higher price, and how do I know if they are going for that purpose?
I’m sure my forester will paint a very owner-friendly picture, but I’m curious about the process.
(I asked the mods if this was ok to post- thanks)
I made an interactive website with an aim to help plant more trees! I would love to hear your feedback. 🌲
Although I was donating money to plant trees, I couldn't visualise the real impact my tree-planting efforts were having. My solution was to make reForest so I could see the actual size of the 'forest' I was planting.
I went a step further and added a bit of simple gamification so that you can see other people's donations on the map too.
Essentially, I wanted to speak to you and find out what your early opinions were?
Is it dumb? If so, why?
If you like it (amazing!), what exactly do you like about it? Have you planted trees before with other sites?
In terms of other features, I have some ideas in mind like adding a leaderboard, allowing you to name your forest for others to see, and a few other things. Any other ideas are obviously welcome!
Please leave a comment or send me a message if you want a chat! Would be great to speak :)
I am looking to donate to plant trees. After reviewing many different charities, I was wondering if anyone knew of a Government Program which plants tree that citizens can donate to?
According to two scientists I've talked to who are studying this subject, we really don't know what we don't know. Because there's never been a long-term study done on what happens to a long-term, undisturbed forest (60 years or more), we're just now finding out how many species are interlocked and interconnected in the forest life cycle and how logging and other "management" techniques impact forest biomes. And by species, I don't just mean trees and plants, but insects, microbes and other types of wildlife that may hold the keys to forest health and longevity. The simple act of creating a logging road impacts the forest in a number of ways. Wholesale removal of trees makes an obvious visual impact, but compaction of soil from logging operations creates invisible zones where entire systems of life can no longer operate. Add to that the mono-culture replanting that's usually done after a harvest and you end up with visually beautiful but frightfully sterile forest. And some newer studies are showing that mono-culture forests are not only sterile in many ways but dangerous to the health of forests and the planet.
My biggest questions with the professional outlook on forest non-management are: Why can't we try it? What do we have to lose? Why not study this long-term and see what happens?
So, how do you feel about management vs. non-management?
Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.
Your top 10 posts: