
Photograph via snooOG

For advancing the cause of Socialism in Australia

For more information visit: https://www.auscp.org.au/

For advancing the cause of Socialism in Australia


1,733 Subscribers


Reads: "The State of the Unions" - RAFFWU Summer 2023 edition of Action magazine, talking about Hard Labour by Ben Schneiders, Page 30-31

09:05 UTC


META Post: Subreddit suggestions

r/redaustralia right now is looking pretty bare-bones in terms of its functionality and usefulness as a subreddit about ML in Australia.

Suggestions include: Post flairs; user flairs; cross-posting to and from this subreddit; sidebars; subreddit wiki pages; Polls.

Post flairs

Having post flairs I think would make it very easy to be able to categorise what kind of content you're looking for, whether it's the Militant Monthlys (perhaps a News or specific Militant Monthly flair), or questions, whatever you can think of. I would LOVE for Militant Monthly to be updated on here, as to why, you'll have to scroll to Crossposting. You can definitely make a Memes one, but I'm unsure if thats the sort of content you're aiming to be on here, so it depends on mods.

User flairs

Since this is a ML subreddit, I suppose that limits the amount of flairs you can have (e.g. "Anarchist"), while having something like "ACP Member" or "Friend of the Party" is just needlessly outing that person, in my opinion. So all I can personally think of right now is just ML, MLM, Beginner, basic flairs like that which don't serve the most purpose, but it still adds something to the sub.


Last I tried, either I was not allowed to cross-post into this sub, or cross-post out of it. If I try now, it seems to be working? So it was either just a me issue, or it was changed. If the latter, I appreciate it, as I think we can utilise Militant Monthly cross-posts to help a) other MLs see the ML subreddit and b) actually give some non-capitalist, mainstream socialist views for other Australian subreddits, and c) give general awareness of the ACP.


So if you look at other subreddits, you will see, at least on PC (I don't use reddit on my phone) as you scroll down, they will have extra content on the side, whether it be related subreddits, general info, or links to some sources. There is quite a lot you can try use the sidebars for, like maybe some links back to the ACP website, ACP Youtube, Twitter, descriptions about the ACP, this sub, anything you like really. As long as you don't have too many, otherwise that is a lot of scrolling, and a big wall of constant text that may scare people, which is where the

Wiki pages

come into play. Wiki pages allow you create a mini database about...anything. Allowing you to make an index page for people to find links that lead to other specific, dedicated, separate pages, pages which you can even link in the sidebars for anything ("To view FAQ, click here" etc). You can put anything you like here, as much as you like, as the person viewing them would have clicked on the index link to view that content, meaning they would actually like to read it.

You can have pages expanding on the ACP's FAQ, like what capitalism is
You can have pages expanding on things like membership or Friend of the Party
Talk about soup kitchens
Talk about CUDL, all of it, just go for it.

Learning how to operate the wiki shouldn't take too long. It took me an hour, so you might be able to do it faster because you don't have the IQ of a card-carrying Silly Billy, but once you learn it, it opens up a lot of options for you to explore.


I'd like to have the option to use the post Poll function for...something. I'm not entirely sure what, maybe other meta suggestions, which ACP artworks look the best (or the worst, some of them have way too strong contrasting colours...also what's with the Ned Kelly things?), and whatever you can think of.

Your suggestions

I'd love to hear what other people would like to suggest, either something different from these or in addition to them, or maybe even their limitations and your concerns. Not that I can do anything with the information, but hopefully the mods will!

07:26 UTC


Red Report Back -Thousands Unite to Mourn Cassius Turvey

All across the nation last week, thousands gathered to mourn and remember Cassius Turvey. First Nations mob, joined by allies and supports, held vigils in nearly every corner of the country to express their grief and outrage over the reprehensible murder of yet another Indigenous child. 

In attending the vigil held on Gadigal Country in the Town Hall courtyard, an array of guests spoke to the crowd of thousands who had gathered by candlelight to stand against the racial violence that is the foundation of the Australian capitalist state. Celebrities were joined by members of the Turvey family, as well as a variety of mob from Elders right through to student activists. 


08:45 UTC


How To Vote for Paula Sanchez in the Senate

02:57 UTC


CUDL Melbourne continues to SERVE THE PEOPLE! ✊❤

Last weekend, comrades from CUDL and the ACP, gathered on the steps of the Victorian State Library, with other militant workers organisations, to rally for the rights of workers as the global health pandemic drags on with the following demands:

  1. A Living Income for everyone
  2. Free Health Care for everyone
  3. Secure housing for everyone
  4. Right to organise
  5. Roll back police powers
  6. COVID health and safety for all workers
  7. A global solution to the pandemic

At the same time, our comrades organised and ran both street kitchens, in Dandenong on Saturday, and outside the State Library on Sunday, where we handed out over 600 meals, clothing, and other donated supplies to those in need.

The CUDL kitchen

Protesters at a rally on Saturday

A Palestinian and Aboriginal flag fly at the CUDL kitchen

a cudl comrade waves

Protesters at a rally on Saturday

police question ACP members as to why they would hand out free tea and coffee at a rally

a cudl comrade strikes a pose

To find out more about how you can get involved with CUDL in Victoria, check out our website, or come down to either of our weekly street kitchens and have a chat with us!



1 Comment
06:54 UTC


Rally: Fight for Public Health and Workplace Safety, Sat 19th, 12pm, State Library of Victoria

poster for the rally

The COVID pandemic has starkly exposed the sickness of the capitalist system. The profits of big business and the fortunes of individual capitalists continued to soar while working people became poorer worldwide. Our underfunded healthcare system was pushed close to breaking point but instead of more investment the burden was carried by nurses, aged care workers, and paramedics. Some financial support was given to working people early on in the pandemic but it was snatched back as soon as possible, leaving us to fend for ourselves. The distribution of life-saving vaccines was bungled in Australia and much of the world is still waiting to be vaccinated as the profit-motive slows down distribution to the poorest communities. We’ve also seen a reliance on increased police powers and heavy fines to control our communities during lockdowns – both of which always fall hardest on the most vulnerable.

So what can we do? It’s simple – build back worker power so we have the strength to fight for the world we want. Governments don’t listen to nice requests but they will bend and break before the united power of working Australians.

Join us for a rally on March 19th to make our demands clear. But don’t just march with us – talk to people, get to know your fellow workers, find your union reps, and join us in the struggle for a better world!

here's a link to a facebook event

05:04 UTC


Protest to #KILLTHEBILL (see comments)

03:53 UTC


Adelaide City Coucil threatens CUDL street kitchen

The Community Union Defence League (CUDL) is a volunteer-operated organisation whose members provide food, clothes, health products, and other supplies to those in need.

Recently, our street kitchen has come under threat from the Adelaide City Council, who seeks to remove the Street Kitchen and prevent hundreds of people from obtaining the crucial supplies we provide them on a weekly basis. They have failed to provide for people in need and fear the message that working people supporting each other sends.

To help us in our struggle and allow us to continue serving the people, please assist us by sharing this post to friends, family and others in your community.

You can also help by attending the CUDL street kitchen this weekend and serving the people alongside us.

Thank you for your assistance, let us keep serving the people!

Visit our website at www.cudl.org.au

07:09 UTC


Statement on Anzac Day

The Australian Communist Party acknowledges the sacrifice of workers who served and died in the many wars the country has taken part in. But we must ask ourselves very basic questions about those wars. Were they justified? Whose interests did they serve? How can we ensure that the lives of workers are not wasted in wars that don’t defend our communities but, instead, advance the exploitative interests of others? Only by doing this and acting on our conclusions can we guarantee that the sacrifice of workers’ lives in war is not in vain.

Unfortunately, ANZAC Day is not generally used for such reflection. In years gone by, there was some recognition of the tragedy of the wars Australia has been dragged into. ANZAC Day commemorates a military defeated in Turkey in 1915 in which around 160,000 lives were lost in an ill-conceived assault in an unjustifiable war between imperialist powers all seeking global dominance. 

ANZAC Day used to have an anti-war message. Not anymore. Workers still honour the fallen, among whom would be numbers of relatives and friends, but the day has been hijacked to justify the wars themselves. According to the current, official, and dominant narrative, there is no difference between World War Two where we were fighting alongside the Soviet Union for survival against fascism, and the Vietnam War where the US was leading the forces trying to crush the people’s struggle for independence. There is no assessment of the nature of the wars conducted for resources, control, and geopolitical advantage in the Middle East and elsewhere. This blindness is disrespectful to those who lost their lives in those wars of aggression.

Communists are not pacificists. Peoples are entitled to defend their sovereignty and their chosen path of development. For this reason, we respect the right of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) to defend itself against US-led aggression. Though we reject the People’s Republic of China’s embrace of capitalism, we condemn the brinksmanship and war preparations of the US and its allies directed at China.

We believe the only way to avoid war and for societies to live in peace and cooperation with each other is to establish world socialism. Without the imperative for capitalist dominance of resources and markets, the incentive for war is removed. As long as capitalism exists, we will continue to be drawn into wars on behalf of the ruling class, particularly that of the US. We will keep witnessing the dehumanising and demonising of the latest “enemy” with all the racism, misunderstanding and violence that involves. We owe it to the memory of those workers fallen in horrific numbers in imperialist wars to build socialism.


11:17 UTC

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