Content here should appear more voyeuristic than the more explicit jilling subs. We encourage safe and sane voyeur play, "caught", and "spy" fantasy. Content should seem like you didn't intend to be seen.
Most women don't strip naked and spread eagle in front of a camera when they naturally feel that urge... it's in bed in the morning or watching tv on the couch, reading a book or relaxing in the bath.
Content here is intended to appear more voyeuristic than the more explicit jilling subs. We encourage safe and sane voyeur play, "caught", and "spy" fantasy. Content should seem like you didn't intend to be seen.
It doesn't have to be "real", just realistic.
Guidelines for content:
Try not to look at or otherwise engage the camera. Content should seem like you didn't intend to be seen (i.e. voyeur-play).
Audio is required when submitting vids/GIFs.
Close ups and/or facing the camera will almost always get removed unless there is reasonable suspension of disbelief.
Avoid embellishments like loud moaning and lingerie.
Despite strong sexual content, submissions need not necessarily be explicit. Nudity is allowed but not required.
Excessive x-posting is forbidden. You may link OF or other social media in the comments. No explicit advertisements.
Absolute no underage, illegal, or stolen content.
There is zero tolerance for trolls, creeps, assholes, off-topic content, novelty accounts, or submission violations. If you do, or encourage others to do, any of the above, including commenting on forbidden posts, you will be banned.
As an alternative to Imgur, try one of the following hosts for NSFW content: iili.io, imgtc.ws, i.imgtc.ws, imggmi.com, imgbb.com, freeimage.host, cubeupload.com, eroshare.com, imgbox.com, .media.tumblr.com, images.sex.com, img.pornhub.com, cdn-images.kum.com, kum.com, erome.com, redgifs.com, i.ibb.co, i2.lensdump.com, lensdump.com, vidble.com
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