Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu, known in English as Re: Starting Life in a Different World from Zero, is a Japanese light novel written by Tappei Nagatsuki, and illustrated by Shinichirou Otsuka. The series tells a story of Natsuki Subaru, a young man that lives his normal life in modern Japan. One day, he's summoned to another world. Without knowing the person that summoned him, or the reason for being summoned in the new world, he soon befriends a silver-haired-half-elf girl, Emilia.
[Novels] >!text goes in here!<
[Arc #] >!text goes in here!<
Friday 10pm EST to Sunday 10pm EST
So, which Sin Authority do you think would fit you the best, and how would it change (e.g. how the way each authority changes how it works depending on who it’s passed to - you know which examples I’m talking about, even without spoilers)
If you can’t really determine which sin you most align with, I urge you to use those random quizzes you can find on the internet.
I’ll go first. I got Greed as my sin. Since I don’t think I’m insane enough to use this authority to a really powerful extent, I think mine would be called “Lion’s Hide” - by touching a living thing, I temporarily steal some of their integrity (e.g. only lasts for a few minutes) - strength, and durability - making me slightly stronger and harder to damage, and them slightly weaker and more easy to wound. The second part of my version of the Greed Witch Factor would be “Lion’s Pride”, which would allow me to “store” any of the strength I’ve stolen into gold, with there being a certain limit to how much energy I can store in how much volume of gold. During the time that their strength is stored in the metal, the people who I have activated Lion’s Hide on will remain permanently stunted. I can choose to reabsorb the Lion’s Hide energy and reap its benefits at any time, but once I do so, the power will last for the standard temporary period of time, but unlike when Lion’s Hide is activated first-hand, it will constantly siphon back to its owner and not simply return all back at once at the end. This gold can also be used to temporarily strengthen other things or people to the same effect, such as weapons, protection and allies. In Lugunica, I would probably be very bling-heavy to give me lots of strength and durability to siphon off of, as well as to probably reinforce my weapon of choice which would probably be some kind of custom-made crossbow super-enhanced through this power to efficiently increase its destructive power for the short time each reinforcement lasts. For obvious reasons, I would probably like money a lot (converting it to gold), and would probably never kill my enemies but simply use Lion’s Hide and then add their power to my collection using Lion’s Pride once I’ve defeated them.
I'm surprised I never saw someone switch theater D with SPECIALZ before, thus, I did it myself
I made it on a whim okay
So if anyone has read the web novel Al put Subaru and beatrice in an orb. I just wanted to know your thoughts on what you guys think is happening inside with them.
So when Subaru rizzes up Regulus with his crossdressing skills and has steamy hot-
For real, final warning for anime onlies who complain about spoiler discussions spoiling them.
So EMT. It negates magic right? Well any magic aside from it. So could it theoretically cancel out an authority? Like Regulus’ Lion Heart or Gluttony name eating?
And if not EMT then could EMM? Like could you be unaffected by Sirius’ shared state if you were using EMM?
Admittedly this may be coming from a lack of media comprehension but even after being caught up to the anime, I never figured out why Betelgeuse wanted to kill Emilia. If he took on the Sloth authority to protect her and her mother figure, what changed between the flashbacks from season 2 to season 1 that would make him specifically want to kill her. I can understand why the cult as a whole is trying to but why him specifically? Is he just so out of it at that point that he doesn’t even remember her?
For me, it has to be after he grabbed olbart and declared his victory
I'm currently on ep 19 of season 1, I've seen all over TikTok people talking about pride, greed, wrath etc. Where are those multiple paths mentioned and when do they happen?
slightly changed my art style while making this
hey guys,
i just started season 2, and i'm 5 episodes in. holy. this shit is WAY better than season 1. i mean, season 1 had some cool moments and really good worldbuilding, but i love the eerie vibes of season 2. all the mysteries are so intriguing, it feels so fresh compared to season 1. just came here to say that, lol. what do you think?
So, just random schizo moment, likely wrong for (insert this and that reason)- but why do I feel like the whole "Oh yeah, we can't remove the witch's bones because the city will collapse/flood teh-eh~" is just bullshit?
And I don't mean as in "Oh it's just a plot device to up the stakes" but more like "This is factually wrong".
Like, the city was already BUILT to basically trap/kill the embodiment of "Flat is Justice" Typhon, used to lure her in and THEN get flooded. Yet, somehow, her bones have become a fundamental part of an already completed structure and removing them is a bad thing.
Crack theory part incoming:
But you know what has likely been added after the whole trap was sprung? Why, a nifty little metia (I have no idea how to actually write the word so just bear with me) that I have no doubt required some form of magical fuel. Like, you know, the no doubt magical bones of a Witch of Sin.
Mark my words, Typhon's bones aren't a fundamental part of the city proper, but of the metia that became the heart of that city.
And I have no doubt that whatever shadowy cabal of rich assholes that run "Totally not Venice" just don't want to lose such a valuable tool of propaganda and indoctrination for the masses.
Schizo, out!
Do you think Capella was behind the trick that caused Petelgeuse to mistake Fortuna for Pandora?
Subaru's speech? I'm pretty sure the next episode will probably end on it, or the beginning of the episode after that.
Subaru asked Reinhard To Touch It
At this point it would be amazing to see Subaru choosing Sin over Virtue in a cinematic way
The Pride route and the Greed route would go so hard I can already vision Subaru in his reaking points as he chooses Sin.
You know how animation studios dedicate in movies and White fox keeps bringing quality and quality.
One thing that should not be animated is the Lust route.