Post pictures of your food here.
Other people will rate it!
"Roast a toast, or even a roast! The reddit for food critique"
1. Be civil.
Don't cause havoc, in other people's minds or in the subreddit.
Do not insult other people. Do not defame other people. Do not use unfair practices in discussions. Do not cause harm to other people. Do not scream around.
2. Post appropriately.
No pornographic, illegal, directly offensive or disturbing images or texts can be posted.
3. Post food.
Post food to rate in this subreddit, or meta discussions under the Meta flair.
4. Don't call food disgusting.
If you wish to remark such a thing, note in your comment that this is subjective. For example, instead of commenting "Eww! Rice in Spinach with Ketchup and Mayonaise! Are you gonna put mold cheese on it or what, you monster?", try saying "Oh! I rather dislike this, 0/10".
Also applies to similar adjectives/phrases.
5. Rate food using a good scale.
Currently, only 5, 7, 6, 8, 10, 20, 60 and 100 -step rating system are recommended for rating the food.
This is still being discussed by the moderators. If you see conflicting information, use 8. It's the only non-contentious system.
(One of the moderators likes 8 because it's r8 my pl8)
6. Flair your post correctly
Flair plates as "Plate"
Flair menus as "Menu"
Flair snacks as "Snack"
Flair things you didn't make as "Not self-made"
Flair other things as "Other" (and edit the flair text, potentially)
You can choose the "Veg" or "Interesting" version of a Flair to mark these properties
Flair meta as "Meta"
7. Don't be excessively vulgar.
Do not use phrases that are lewd, violent, hateful or in another way generally offensive. NOTE: Political opinions do not generally fall under this rule. Exceptions are generated on a case-by-case basis.
Homemade korma and chicken balti with plain rice
it’s chopped up carrots under the sliced cheese, ham and cheese on the sandwich and those pink things next to the strawberries are pink apple
Came home from work and realized I only had Spam Light, Swiss and Pepper Jack cheese, Mustard, half an Onion, and bread. How did I do?
Not enough sosij I reckon
Nutella and strawberries on a crumpet. Better with blueberries but I don’t have any.
The salmon falls apart whenever I cook it . Served with fried red onion