A supportive forum dedicated to Rage-character-based full or partially-animated cartoons, regardless of medium (GIF, Flash, photographed flip pages, etc.).
Additional emphasis on teaching and discussion about animation, with the goal of "growing" the currently limited pool of rage-related animators.
Ragetoons is a place for rage animators to submit their toons in a supportive atmosphere. Comments (positive and constructively negative), tips and tech help on submissions are encouraged.
The only way to grow this category is to be patient and supportive of the animators. Toon creation is a lot more demanding - both in complexity and artistically - than comics. It's also a lot easier to give up on if too many efforts are downvoted for petty reasons like length, "not funny" (because of reasons NOT related to the content), impatience with stuttering downloading or buffering, etc.
Cartoons based on all the beloved characters found in f7u12 and/or in this subreddit sidebar only.
Due to the additional complexity of animation, self-posts aren't forbidden, but they are strongly discouraged. See this post for what is acceptable and where/how to make subreddit-oriented comments.
Please include attribution to the original comic maker if appropriate.
Please use [x-post from (other subreddit)] tag in title if xposting from somewhere else. You should also tag if you are xposting TO somewhere else, especially if you xpost to f7u12, since there's a lot of audience overlap.
The FAQ is up and in active revision.
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The rainbow horse it's tail so dazzling beautiful,it seems like the whole rainbow is upon his tail. The dazzling white sparks clinched towards his smooth hairy skin.