
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is for discussions around the Robot Operating System, or ROS.

This sub is for discussions around the Robot Operating System, or ROS.

Note that ROS (aka ROS 1) and ROS 2 are different. Please mention which one you're talking about when asking for help or starting a discussion.

See also

Both ROS (aka ROS 1) and ROS 2



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    19,659 Subscribers


    Black squares blocking buttons/icons on Gazebo Ignition GUI

    Hello, I'm really new into this whole Linux, ROS and Robotics stuff. I was trying to install the Gazebo FORTRESS binaries to use it along ROS 2 Iron following the tutorial found here and the getting started tutorial found here. When I type

    ign gazebo shapes.sdf

    the Gazebo windows opens, although for a second it looks pitch black:


    After that, the GUI loads and looks like this, and I can interact with it perfectly, but for some reason that I can figure out yet, the icons appear covered by black squares, and I can´t find any information about it on the internet. They are fully functional and display the sub-menus correctly.


    Also, when the GUI opens, the following message appears on the Terminal (yep, duplicated):

    ~$ ign gazebo shapes.sdf
    libEGL warning: egl: failed to create dri2 screen
    libEGL warning: egl: failed to create dri2 screen

    I'm running dual boot Ubuntu 22.04.

    Things I've tried so far:

    • Restarting my pc (just in case yk)
    • Reinstalling both ROS2 and Gazebo
    • Disabling Blur my shell.
    • Resetting my Gnome and general appearance customization (so it looks like default ubuntu)
    • Installing another ROS2 version (Humble, this being my current ROS2 installation along with Gazebo FORTRESS)
    • Changed my Nvidia drivers (from nvidia-driver-535 to 545)

    Any help will be massively appreciated.

    06:32 UTC


    ros 2

    hello guy can have help from you. my team assigned to create a moisture sensor robot with stepper arm and separate irrigation system which are connected to firebase and Google sheets.

    as a beginner or newbie in raspberry pi i look for Google how to automate your robot using raspi and Arduino so i found website with ros try to read some. my rpi 5 is updated in Ubuntu 24.04v so i see the next update of ros will be in may 23 of 2024. i look for another answer to install ros in my rapi 5 i see docker but as i try it but its hard to learn it from scratch so manycode need, so many files need to make and open, and idk how to start😭😭😭😭pls help for my thesis

    05:58 UTC


    problem while cloning large files(create firmware)!!

    * HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: CANCEL (err 8) KiB/s

    * stopped the pause stream!

    * Connection #0 to host github.com left intact

    error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: CANCEL (err 8)

    fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly

    fatal: early EOF

    i get these errors every time i try to create freertos esp32 firmware in the last step apparently
    tried alot of cmd's to fix but it give me more errors like increasing baud rate and using http insted of git

    i am not good in linux or git so i am confused

    01:24 UTC


    Looking for Help: Streaming TurtleSim from ROS2 to a Website

    Hi everyone,

    I'm currently working on a project that involves controlling TurtleSim Via ROS2, and I'm looking for assistance with streaming data from ROS2 to a website. Specifically, I'm interested in live streaming Turtlesim window from the server to a web-based interface.

    If anyone has experience or knowledge about how to achieve this, I would greatly appreciate any guidance, tutorials, or resources you can provide. I'm particularly interested in solutions that involve ROS2-compatible libraries or packages for web streaming.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    14:24 UTC


    Can’t see laser scans while in ssh

    So I am having trouble viewing my laser scans while I ssh into my raspberry pi 3. I am currently running the same Ubuntu (20.04) in both systems. When I view rviz2 in my raspberry pi I can see the laser scans perfectly fine but on my Linux computer I can’t when I ssh. What can be the problem and how do I resolve it?

    05:15 UTC


    Advise regarding demo_gazebo.launch not working

    Hi there,

    I am still very much at a beginner level.
    I created a moveit config file and the demo.launch worked well. It opened up rviz and showed the plan.
    However, when I tried to run the demo_gazebo.launch, the gazebo would open up an empty world while the rviz was just stuck in initializing. The errors shown on terminal are as follows:
    Error [parser.....] parse as old deprecated model file failed.
    Error....Msg: Required attribute[filename] in element[plugin] is not specified in SDF.
    Error....Msg: Error reading element <plugin>
    Error....Msg: Error reading element <model>
    Error....Msg: Error reading element <sdf>
    Please kindly advise on this.
    Also, just in case, if a custom gazebo world is created...then, is it advisable to use it together with the demo.launch?
    Please kindly advise.

    Thank you very much.

    19:01 UTC


    ROS2 4-Wheeled Robot Drive Issue

    I'm a newbie in this. I'm trying to simulate a husky robot(4 wheeled robot) in gazebo in ROS2. I'm using the following plugin for the drive. However the bot only seems to move forward or backward from the start when I use the teleop_twist_keyboard. Nor am I able to stop it nor turn it around. How can i fix this? What am I doing wrong? FYI, I tried implementing skid steer as well, but that didn't work. i came across using <num_wheel_pairs>2</num_wheel_pairs>in differential drive for ROS2.

    <!-- Differential drive -->
      <plugin filename="libgazebo_ros_diff_drive.so" name="differential_drive_controller">
        <!-- wheels -->
        <!-- kinematics -->
        <wheel_separation>0.512</wheel_separation> <!-- Adjust as per your robot -->
        <wheel_radius>0.1651</wheel_radius> <!-- Assuming the same radius for all wheels -->
        <wheel_base>0.512</wheel_base> <!-- Adjust as per your robot -->
        <!-- limits -->
        <!-- output -->
    18:22 UTC


    ROS2 4-Wheeled Robot Drive Issue

    I'm a newbie in this. I'm trying to simulate a husky robot(4 wheeled robot) in gazebo in ROS2. I'm using the following plugin for the drive. However the bot only seems to move forward or backward from the start when I use the teleop_twist_keyboard. Nor am I able to stop it nor turn it around. How can i fix this? What am I doing wrong? FYI, I tried implementing skid steer as well, but that didn't work. i came across using <num_wheel_pairs>2</num_wheel_pairs>in differential drive for ROS2.

    <!-- Differential drive -->
      <plugin filename="libgazebo_ros_diff_drive.so" name="differential_drive_controller">
        <!-- wheels -->
        <!-- kinematics -->
        <wheel_separation>0.512</wheel_separation> <!-- Adjust as per your robot -->
        <wheel_radius>0.1651</wheel_radius> <!-- Assuming the same radius for all wheels -->
        <wheel_base>0.512</wheel_base> <!-- Adjust as per your robot -->
        <!-- limits -->
        <!-- output -->
    18:22 UTC



    I need help with this, please. I've been working on a ROS2 Foxy project, and I want to check how it behaves under a denial of service attack. Does anyone know of any tool that can analyze the communication between nodes and determine if messages are being lost?

    I know that this is happening but i want to demonstrate it with actual data, so I need a tool (like Wireshark) that allows me to check the number of messages that a node is publishing and the number of messages that actually arrive to the other node.

    THANK YOU so much!!

    1 Comment
    08:57 UTC


    How to get depth data from the PX4 Gazebo simulation and visualize it in RVIZ2?

    I started the simulation using

    make px4_sitl gz_x500_depth

    and able to control the simulated drone using QGroundControl as well.

    I used the ros_gz_bridge to publish camera and point cloud data.

    ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge /camera@sensor_msgs/msg/Image@ignition.msgs.Image /camera_info@sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo@ignition.msgs.CameraInfo /depth_camera/points@sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2@gz.msgs.PointCloudPacked /depth_camera@sensor_msgs/msg/Image@ignition.msgs.Image 

    I added objects infront of the camera and able to visualize the images in RVIZ2.

    I added the PointCloud2 topic into RVIZ2 display but there is no depth point cloud displayed. I am seeing a warning message that says "Fixed Frame No tf data. Actual error: Frame [base_link] does not exist" in the Global Status widget.

    Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.

    18:22 UTC


    ros2 communication alternatives for raspberry pi pico

    Hello, I'm quite new in this and I have some questions.

    When I ask ChatGPT for wireless communication alternatives it gives me these:

    1. Wi-Fi (with ESP8266)
    2. Bluetooth
    3. Wireless serial communication
    4. MQTT
    5. ROS2 Middleware

    and suggests me to use ESP8266. However, I could not find a single tutorial about it. When I search for it, there are only results for RPi Pico W. I already have RPi Pico so I don't want to buy a very similar one unless you say that it's not worth to try to handle it with ESP8266.

    14:37 UTC


    Need help with Gimbal Camera selection controlled with ROS!!

    Greetings, I need help in selecting camera with gimble mechanism, the camera will be mounted on a Autonomus mobile robot (AMR), Nvidia jetson nano will be used to control the gimbal mechanism, can you suggest me some possible option, that I can choose from!!!!

    10:26 UTC


    Stumped on starting


    I was tasked with designing a simulation with a 6 wheeled rover (front and back wheels can be steered independently) that includes autonomous navigation throughultiple goals.

    I am stumped on how to start though. I have learnt the basics of the basics for Ros, gazebo and catkin, but putting all of this together is too much for me.

    I found the repository for Ros controllers and I think the four_wheel_steering_controller is perfect (unsteerable middle wheels can be added I guess?).

    But how can I go about starting to make a package and gazebo file? Do I download that directory from the repo and build a package? I am supposed to retrieve the robot urdf from someone else, but they haven't delivered yet.

    Thanks for reading my ramblings - its just so many components to be aware of. And then there is the navigation itself, but I guess that can come later.

    07:03 UTC


    A Guide to Getting Started with BeamNG.tech on Linux, to get it working with ROS

    I doubt this is the right place, but I think its better than other options: here is how to setup BeamNG.tech (the simulator, not the game) on linux so that you can interface with it through python and get lidar, radar, and visual spectrum imagery simulated to put into ROS. Hope this helps *someone*.

    Background (feel free to skip):

    I'm doing my PhD in radar, but am looking to mess around with SLAM, as that used to be something I got to do with real hardware. BeamNG.tech is an industry/research focused fork of the game BeamNG.drive. Interacting with it via linux has proved a pain in the ass, so here is my method, because I wish I had this when I was starting this process:

    Important stuff:

    1. acquire a copy, install it anywhere, but take note of where the home directory is
    2. in the BinLinux directory, the file BeamNG.tech.x64 can be run in the normal way an executable can be run, but you can add -gfx gl or -gfx vk for OpenGL or Vulkan options.
    3. if both those options are buggy, a surefire way to make it work is with the steam compatibility layer, proton. Add the executable in the *Bin64* file to steam as a non-steam game, and require that it launch in compatibility mode.
    4. In launch options for the executable in steam, you'll want to add gamemoderun %command%
    5. once youve installed beamngpy (the library for interfacing with the physics engine) the default scripts should work, provided you aren't using steam to launch the app, if you are: 5.a. in the launch options for the executable in steam, you'll want to change from gamemoderun %command% to

    gamemoderun %command% -nosteam -tcom-listen-ip -lua "extensions.load('tech/techCore');tech\_techCore.openServer(42069)" -userpath /home/user/AppData/Local/BeamNG.tech
    1. in all your scripts that need to connect to beamng, what you'll have to do is launch beamng first, then provide the port (in this case 42069) to your script, and be sure to tell the script not to launch beamng:

      beamng = BeamNGpy('localhost', 42069) beamng.open() # instead of beamng.open(launch=True)

    18:36 UTC


    Is it a acceptable work?

    Hello i have a project to get my ingeniorat the titlw is autonomous mobile robot navigation and i want to use ROS to do cartography with gmapping localization with AMCL and navigation with move_base which are all predefiend packages in ROS so is this work will be acceptable and thank you .

    1 Comment
    16:10 UTC


    Just got Moveit 2 and gazebo installed. Where to start with xarm 6?

    Hi, I just got Moveit 2 and gazebo installed. My ultimate goal is to use the ufactory xarm 6 and intel real sense camera to do hand follow movement. Where is best place to start for a complete noob?

    1 Comment
    14:46 UTC


    hello nice people . between data science master and robotics . which one has more job opportunities ???

    08:52 UTC


    Empower Your Vision with ROS: Experience the Art of 3D Reconstruction! Embark on a 4-Minute Exploration into the Heart of Robotics and ROS, Witnessing Camera Views Transformed into Dynamic 3D Landscapes. Join the Community Redefining Possibilities!

    04:54 UTC


    Microcontroller selection advice

    Hello, I am learning ROS2 and I thought the best way to learn is doing a project. I don't actually have a specific project idea or goal. I am just learning how to read sensors and similar basic stuff by mapping a small area such as a room. I should also mention that I have a very limited budget.

    My question is, which budget-friendly microcontrollers are powerful enough to run SLAM algorithm?
    I have an Arduino and Raspberry Pi Pico but as far as I understood, they are both not powerful enough.

    Thanks in andvance

    1 Comment
    20:49 UTC


    [Career Advice] I am learning web development but I want to work on robots.

    Hey guys!

    I recently came across this job post through my uni.

    The job description

    I am from a computer science background and I have never worked with hardware stuff. Is this job even a thing? I don't know much so please enlighten me.

    1 Comment
    16:41 UTC


    What exactly can we do with ROS?? Can we only make simulation of robots or like actual robots with hardware if yes then i guess any robot basically has a microprocessor and we code in it so what chip is used for ROS??

    18:19 UTC


    Issue changing Behavior Tree in Nav2

    Hello everybody. I am trying to follow this tutorial for NAV2 to begin development of dynamic object following. I got everything running however I am not quite sure that I properly changed the behavior tree. I haven't found a way to verify if the right BT file is being loaded. And when I click on the publish point button in rvizz, it doesn't seem to do anything. In the rqt_graph it shows that the /clicked_point_to_pose topic is being properly converted to /goal_update but it isn't being utilized by the bt_navigator node.

    For further clarification, in this post someone had the exact same issue as me.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    17:39 UTC


    ROS2 tutorials for people already familiar with ROS1?

    I have been working with ROS1 for almost a decade. I will eventually be making the switch to version 2 sometime this year. Are there any tutorials specifically targetted towards users making the switch from 1 to 2? I just dont want to go through the whole grind of starting right from the scratch and ROS' official documentation has never been known for its ease of use and understanding.

    13:38 UTC


    ROS2 Fundamental concepts Explained: Nodes, Publisher, Subscriber, Messages, Topics, and More!

    Learn the building blocks (Fundamental concepts) of ROS2: Nodes, Publisher, Subscriber, Messages, Topics, and More!

    This video will help you to understand in detail the purpose of building blocks of ROS2 and how one can use them in their projects and build your knowledge and skills with them.

    link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr5qVO5tIZQ&list=PL8MgID9MCju0GMQDTWzYmfiU3wY_Zdjl5&index=2

    13:32 UTC

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