A pro-2A subreddit dedicated to discussing all things firearms-related in Rhode Island.
Be Civil & Respectful: Behave like an adult. Treat others with respect. Shouldn't have to be said. Differences of opinion are okay. Name calling, trolling and the like are not. Shouldn't have to be said racism/homophobia/etc have no place in our community.
No Buy/Sell/Trade
No Direct Linking to 3D Firearm/Magazine Files
No Illegal Activity: Do not dox yourself or document any potential crime, state or federal.
Treat all guns as if they are always loaded, even if you know they are unloaded
Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
Be aware/sure of your target and what is beyond it.
2024 Legislative Session Megathread
2023 Legislative session megathread with info.
House bills held for further study as of today. May still rear their ugly heads later though.
Senate judiciary meeting on 4/25 to go over gun bills. Show up in force and wear yellow.
Ocean State Tactical TRO was denied. The ban is still being challenged, but the law will be enforced in the interim. This case was asking that the law not be enforced until the full suit was heard.
Ocean State Tactical/Big Bear Hunting & Fishing Supply v. RI (Pacer Link) - TRO upgraded to injunction. State has until 10/14 to respond. In advance of their briefing deadline, "Defendant State of RI is hereby ordered to provide an informal preview of evidence they plan to submit to the Court in support of their Response. The State shall submit the identification and a summary of any experts' "testimony" by 10/1/22. So Ordered by Chief Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 8/18/2022."
10 round mag ban passed, 180 days (Mid-December) to move them out of state, modify, destroy, turn in to the cops, sell, or risk a felony, $5k fine, & up to 5 years in prison.
Minimum Purchase age raised to 21 for semi-automatics
CCW or Orange/Blue Card required for ammo purchasing.
No open carry of long arms.
I just wanted to start a discussion and talk it out with some folks that maybe are weighing renewing or not renewing at WLRGC given the bunch of rules changes and the increased price. Side note, has anyone looked into The Range? Is it all indoor?
I don’t even know how this happened. Took my test last week, got the card today, correct address but misspelled my last name…by a lot.
What should I even do to fix this?
Stopped by my local range and bought two RI qualifying target. Spent about 20 min just taken some shots at the zombie targets and then set them down range.
Woah that’s far…… first 30 rounds ( actually 29) came from the iron sights of a VP9 scored 239 Second 30 rounds was with a Canik TTI combat with red dot.
First time shooting it today and I figure I zeroed it close enough. Anyway scored 263 I was pretty impressed, Had to tell someone.
Will I be able to purchase a firearm without a RI state ID? Been living in providence for almost 3 years and have plenty of proof of my residency and pay stubs been holding back on getting one for this reason
I have an old sig I’m looking to get nickel plated. I had one from factory years ago and regrettably sold it awhile ago, I haven’t seen one for sale since. I’d like to get my p228 done but havent been able to find a place locally that will take a firearm in. Anyone have any leads for something like this? Thanks.
Just wanted to give everyone a timeline in case they were interested in what its like for WW
-Filed and submitted packet on Nov 22nd, 2024
-References called Dec 11th, 2024
-Detective Came to verify my address and speak to neighbors Dec 13th, 2024
-Interview with Major and Chief Jan 9th, 2024
-CCW Issued Jan 30th, 2024
I was extremely impressed with how fast this process was haha
Can anyone help point me in the direction of where I can the shooting portion of my permit application. The cheaper the better
I am a Massachusetts resident with my LTC unrestricted Class A. I work and go to RI a lot so I am thinking of applying for my CCW. I have seen the requirements online and not to worried about the range qual. The letters of reference....can anyone give or furnish a letter on why someone would need a LTC for all lawful purposes.
I do know a town officer that I did some work for but I rather not ask him. I have a couple guys at work that I can ask. That just leaves one more and I am at a loss. Any guidance or examples of what worked for you.
Hey all, I'm looking into getting my CCW permit here in RI as a resident of Warwick. Just have a couple questions I either wasn't clear on or didn't see answered when browsing threads here.
If I get an NH CCW permit first, can I apply for an RI CCW in any town even though I live in Warwick? They just have so many hoops to jump through, it's a pain in the ass (3 notarized reference letters, appearing before Board of Public Safety, etc).
Is anyone aware of how much would a misdemeanor DUI affect my chances of getting approved? Happened in 2018 and has since been expunged/sealed.
For a letter demonstrating need, is "self defense" and "for all lawful intents and purposes" sufficient?
Was reading this the other day before leaving RI to go to NH. Was way too scared to take a chance. Has anyone carried in MA while driving through without a permit?
Mostly a placeholder for now, but will update.
Previous Megathreads - good info in there: 2023
We're in for it this year folks. We will do our best to keep everyone informed and well equipped with the necessary information to fight this every which way, but we need you, the people, to help put in the work, time, effort, and get it done.
We can't just hope for help in the courts. As we've seen in places like NY - the blue state legislatures dgaf about what the SCOTUS says. This has been echo'd by leaders inside the statehouse (both friendly to us and against us), as well as 2A leaders within our own ranks.
We need to show up. We need to mobilize. We need to get involved in a big way.
Watch this space for more info as we get it. We will try to compile as much we can here, as well as make other announcements in their own posts to make sure everyone has visibility.
#What this thread is:
A place to compile talking points, rep/senator contact info, lists, key dates, key bills
A place to share any feedback from said reps.
A place to share additional resources/groups/orgs within the state that we should be interfacing with.
A call to action to share all of the above info with your local clubs and get people involved.
A place to speculate about what the courts are doing, or what the courts will do.
A place to vent/complain about how the folks in the statehouse feel about our 2A rights
A call to violence, insurrection, 1776-esque rhetoric. Don't give the antis any more ammo (no pun intended) to use against us. Be like Nick Sandman. Smile and be courteous in the face of antagonists.
Good luck and godspeed to us all this year. I'm grateful that we are trying to be more organized than ever before.
I applied where I lived at the time in coventry on May 10th. Got finger printed and photo taken alittle after that. I called around the 3 month mark trying to follow up and see where things were in the process. Was told it would take 6-8 to issue. Rolled my eyes and said ok. Since then I had an interview in early november where we basically went over my packet and answers. Was told I was close to the end of the process. I have since moved to west warwick. Haven't heard anything and I'm kinda getting sick of waiting. I just want a definite answer so I can move on. Could my rejection letter have been lost in the mail? Could they really be this behind? Should I get legal representation? Am I just getting a head of my self and wait it out. What do you guys think? Thanks.
How was the process? How many hoops did you have to jump through? It’s borderline impossible in my town.
shot this at 25 yards with my glock 19 if I were to qualify I would obviously pass even though it does bother me that they are all high and right which i’m trying to fix im leaning towards it being my error but also wonder if maybe my red dot is slightly off. Anyway question is what is the quickest and resisted city to apply through im gettin my NH carry first because I currently stay in cranston and they make us jump through a ton of hoops.
Does anyone know if any other states have a similar non resident ccw application like New Hampshire? Just fill out app and mail in a check?
Not sure what's going on. [Order List]
Ocean State Tactical was not granted, nor denied, certiorari. [LINK]
Snope was not granted, nor denied, certiorari. [LINK]
Both cases showing up as rescheduled to 1/24/25
what part of the state do you wish there was a gun store/range? what’s your favorite range?
Im moving from MA to RI at some point this year. All firearms are purchased prior to 8/1 MA bans and are all legal and registered. Will I have any problems bringing them to RI? Assuming I wont because MA is some of the worst gun laws int he country.
Likewise, what is the process of going about this? Do I need to get (what you guys call) a Blue card instead of LTC in MA?
LEGISLATIVE MEETING: Thursday, Jan 23rd at 6:30 pm. The Manville Sportsman Club. The agenda will cover what we (and you) will be doing to stop pending legislation. We plan to keep it short. 1-2 hours at most.
Event will take place at the Manville Sportsman Club in Manville, RI. All are encouraged to attend.
I applied to Foster as a non-resident a year ago and it doesn't look like they'll be processing my permit application anytime soon. Is it acceptable to apply to another town or city that might be quicker in processing my non-resident application? Or, am I stuck waiting on Foster since that's were I originally applied?
So no major news, but I'm sure plenty of you are wondering what's going on. I figured I'd just provide a quick update as to where things stand.
So, the good news is that the Ocean State Tactical case was NOT denied cert. [LINK]
The case itself has not been updated to show if it's being relisted for this Friday's conference or not, but that may come a little later in the day. [LINK]
UPDATE @ 1127:
Ocean State Tactical DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/17/2025.
Snope V. Brown DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/17/2025.
According to Mark W. Smith (Four Boxes Diner)
"We hope that SCOTUS has decided to grant cert in Snope and/or Ocean State, and that they are spending this week reviewing the cases for procedural or jurisdictional defects. This defect check is standard operating procedure for SCOTUS if they intend to grant cert in a case. It usually takes 1 to 2 weeks to conduct the check"