
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for those of us who enjoy reverse engineering games, figuring out how they work, defeating cheat detection, and all of the other fine things in life.


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Decrypting unity assetbundles

Hi, i don't really know if this is the right place to ask, but i thought id give it a chance anyway. I'm currently trying to extract this one game and it seems the assetbundles are encrypted. someone did find a key but i dont know how to use it to decrypt. is it different from each game or is there a general working decryptor? ill try to provide samples if necessary.

another thing, im trying to recompile the il2cpp for the same game, but the general recompiler doesnt work as it says the metadata is not supported (version 29). any pointers?

05:41 UTC


Reverse Engineering MMO Local Game Client

Hi everyone!

I'm new here, so I apologize if this is a silly question. I'm wondering if, hypothetically, it would be possible to reverse engineer the local portion of a MMO client so that it could be re-written in a more optimized way? The example that comes to mind is Final Fantasy 14. The Mac version is just a wine wrapper, rather than a native development for Mac. I'm wondering if someone with sufficient development experience (that didn't have the source code) could reverse engineer and develop a native client, and what some of the steps involved might be. Thanks!

15:15 UTC


How to find the copyright owner of an old game?

I know there was one post 3 years ago with same title. But I need help with finding rights for one certain game. I am talking about old RTS game Armies of Exigo from 2003. I am an admin of Armies of Exigo Community, community of players who still enjoy this game, and we would like to release the game on steam. However we cannot really figure out where to get the rights. The game was developed by Black Hole Entertainment, which no longer exists. It was published by Cinergi Interactive, but they no longer mention the game anywhere. It was distributed by Electronics Arts, but they dont respond to us and they also no longer operate. We also found out some Black Hole former employes moved to Primal Game Studio, and we did contact them, but they said they have no idea who has the copyrights rn. We also contacted one online shop that still sells digital copies of the game in Czech Republic (Czech version of the game), but they didnt respond to us. Is there someone who might be able to help? Thanks :)

10:19 UTC


does anyone know how to open a nmo file?

im trying to get assets out the horsez 2/pippa funnell game but i cant seem to find a way to do it
i want it to be in a format that blender can open so i can edit stuff

14:25 UTC


Decode Extended ASCII from .rec file for Replay System


I'm trying to reverse engineer the structure of an extended ASCII encoding of a .rec video file from a game. The .rec file is the format for the game's replay viewer, and I'm attempting to decode the encryption so that I can extract things such as positional data to make my own replay viewer that doesn't require running the game to interpret the file.

As a related question, would it be easier to convert to hexadecimal first for reverse engineering, or should I leave it in the native ASCII that appears when opening the .rec file with notepad/a text editor.

For reference, here's an example of an ASCII segment:

r‡t?¬ J¨/£ÐÁÀ8eÓBJ/ÕÊlU·Õ6„$éh QUÿó)%ö·Â
07:29 UTC


Decompiler question

I’m trying to fix a game for my wife and I’ve been using Ghidra to decompile. The problem is that Ghidra is taking forever to decompile a 126 MB DLL. I’m currently sitting at 18 hours, and I’ve read posts about it taking days or weeks. I followed a guide that was supposed to help by running analyzeHeadless but here I am. Any decompiler suggestions or do they all take this much time?

Update: I was finally able to hook into the function where the exception originated from. I got the loading bar to move further, but then, crash. This time there is nothing helpful in the log. Thanks for all the help. I will keep poking around other functions hoping to find some way of dealing with this until the devs fix the game.

21:20 UTC


Lego Creator: Knight's Kingdom - tracing specific files using x32dbg


I hope you all are doing well and staying safe.

I am trying to understand how I can capture calls pertaining to a user module string, such as the instantiation of &"import.lca" and then the other two files named "_l329900.lca" and "figqueenleonora01.lca"

Photo reference:


When I add a model to the ss3dlego2000 it takes the data which is passed in from CreatorKK and changes it to import . lca which is stored in the Temp folder (only active while game is active). The CreatorKK gets the actual model data from I presume the CD, with associated items like VRT, SHP, PAL, etc. I am trying to capture the data from the models so I can then instantiate Ghidra to hopefully understand what the logic is, to extract the SHP data and then using Noesis, recreate the data in Blender.

  1. Does this make sense, what I am hoping to accomplish?

  2. Would this even work? Or is there more to do, in your opinion?

  3. Would it be better for me to simply look at the raw model files (.lca) and then using the SDK try and come up with a means to capture the data using IMHEX or some other Hex Editor? (I am doing this already, but shape data is not immediately written)

I have the SDK of the original software (which LCKK used a modified version). Am slowly cross-referencing the information to get all of the data, so I can modernize the game.

Any help would be appreciated - please and thank you.

00:23 UTC


recompiling il2cpp

I was wondering if its possible to basically recompile il2cpp generated dummy dll,
what my goal is,
dump like normal, open dnspy, find a function i want to change and edit it using dnspy c#, recompile, run the game, extract the new bytes to use as shellcode because making shellcode sucks and is not possible when dealing with more then 1 paramater. basically im just trying to cheat the way of crafting shellcode. Is this possible? im working on the game Rust.

17:52 UTC


Polytopia Map Editor

This project is an open source map editor for Polytopia. The game generates random maps for each game, but there is no way to edit the maps. This editor solves this problem by giving users the ability to modify the save state containing the map. This is only to be used for singleplayer.


Polytopia Map Editor

02:44 UTC


DNSpy autoload disable

Is there a way to disable autoloading reference assemblies? Or even hide them. All they're doing is mucking up my search results and providing me a buncha headaches.

16:58 UTC


Good tools for Javascript webgl games?

I'm reversing and modding the js version of minecraft classic (https://classic.minecraft.net) Are there any good tools for analyzing, documenting, and in general helpful for reverse engineering large Javascript applications? I find working with the web browser console very bothersome to use. Thanks

09:19 UTC


Looking for assistance in cracking an old game!

Call of the Kraken was a old 2009-2010s spin off extension game for the original Pirates of The Caribbean Online.
This game was an overhead view where you controlled The Kraken itself, with the story being that you're collecting souls and treasures for Davy Jones...while also basically decimating the Pirate Lords forces so that they're forced to assist Jones in binding calypso into a human form. You'd get abilities, upgrades and such to assist as well while playing.
This game ran on Virtools 4 and 3DVIA mainly...
However, the game itself is locked behind this



The servers and website that you got this from have been long dead so there's no way of EVER getting this game to connect to the internet.
So I need to somehow get this game to think that it's the paid version, and I'm not a coder at all, so any assistance would be amazing!

21:25 UTC


Dump memory and load in ghidra

Is there a way to start a game, and at some point dump the memory to a file and then load that into ghidra or other decompiler?

08:58 UTC


Abandoned Card game MMO

Hello guys, I hope somebody here can give me advice/their opinion on, if this game could be reverse engineered based, on the following documentation on github + several client installers that were archived.

I'm especially interested in YGO2 which doesn't have any saved packages from back then but is still based on the reworked Lan multiplayer of the Power of Chaos triology


23:30 UTC


How to crack this old game?

The game name is Deep Sea Adventures, and It has a time limit when it expires, you need to purchase the full version. Is there any way to crack and remove that window, to play this old game with no limitations?


17:34 UTC


How to Export or Extract Player Character Model From Dark Souls 2?

i want to use the ds2 player model for other things like importing it to blender but i have NO idea how to do that.. is there some kind of program that makes this process easy? I cant find anything about extracting player models specifically so id appreciate any guidance i can get!

13:10 UTC

11:08 UTC


Custom GSC Game Modes for servers HELP NEEDED! (Plutonium t6) Black Ops 2

I run some servers over on plutonium for SnD. I have recently been very intrigued with the custom GSC game modes for Black Ops 2 that have come out over the years. There are some very cool modes such as prop hunt, freeze tag, etc... I'm making this post to see if I can group up some people who know how to code GSC, know how to mod, love bo2, & wanna help revive the bo2 servers a bit. I've talked with some of the people who made these game modes way back then as well as talked to some of the people currently developing. Based on these talks I have started to collect some resources on how to rebuild these game modes. I'm putting everyone who wants to help into my discord with a private chat/role so that collaboration can happen and an easy place to share my resources. Especially with the added support and continued support of the development of mod tools & plugins for bo2 pluto I'd love to get an amazing group of people together and make some of the coolest custom stuff around for plutonium If you'd be interested in helping please add me on Discord @ Munnopoly or join the server @ Discord Server Link . Some of the custom game modes can be found in the screenshot I shared. There is more than that floating around as well. I will pay for all server hosting! Anyone is welcome to join!


23:34 UTC


I would like to know how can i decompile a Unity game with DnSpy and how can i export them into a folder

I just want to know how it works and how I can do it. I tried yesterday putting Assembly-CSharp.dll, but I didn't get what I wanted. I simply want to decompile a large cancelled Unity game. If I did wrong by putting Assembly-CSharp.dll in DnSpy, please let me know and tell me how to really decompile it and export everything into a folder so people can modify it. As for the creators note, about decompiling it, they haven't said anything since they left development in 2021 and they don't care anymore.

16:10 UTC


Does anyone know a practical and quick way to determine the duration of a movement performed within a game?

Example: A jump, a punch, gun fire, the second punch of a combo, etc.

I'm new on it. I'd read the rules so I think this is the subreddit I was looking for. Pardon if I'm wrong and if you know a subreddit that fit my post the most please feel free to tell me here.

I like to use macros to explore how much a game can handle a very speedy input and output.

I mean: "How fast does a human need to be to achieve the maximum potential of a game?"

15:48 UTC


How to decrypt a bytes file into a text file ?

Hi, I'm trying to extract data from a mobile game. I've managed to get the 2D assets using AssetStudioGUI but I can't get the skills or other information about the characters in the game.

These files are in this form (picture 1) and I would like to know if there is a way of decrypting the byte files into a readable text file?

I'm sharing a bytes file here if you want to try it out :


19:04 UTC


Ideas needed: Game code only shows clearly in debugger, not in disassembler


I have been working on reverse engineering the game Nioh 2 for a while now, and I got my own debug GUI running and such.

I encountered a weird issue right from the start though - the code of the game is only visible in the debugger, not the disassembler!

If I try to use Ghidra to do a offline disassembly of the game binary, there's almost no readable game code. For example, the debugger shows that the game clearly contains a windows message loop using the GetMessage function. I can break into that, and I also hooked it in order to modify input messages.

But in Ghidra, the code can't be found! There's no reference to GetMessage, and at the offset where the window message loop should be, there's just junk data.

What could be the reason? Some sort of runtime decompression of the game binary maybe?

Thanks so much!

11:07 UTC

10:48 UTC

10:47 UTC


Help using QuickBMS to unpack .bin files

I saw a post where someone said they ripped texture/image data from a PS2 game's .bin files using QuickBMS, but the guide/plugin they linked went down with the Xenhax forums and isn't available anywhere as far as I can tell. I'm crossing my fingers that they'll get back to my message since they do commissions and have posted pretty recently (within the last 3 months), but in case they don't, can anyone help me out?
I've looked extensively, I have a few dozen tabs open to prove it. Most links are dead ends (some forums were removed from the internet archive at the owner's request) or download links are broken with no file title to use for tracking a new link down.

I'm pretty tech savvy so I don't need an "explain it to me like I'm 5" guide or anything. If you have a link that works, a script/plugin/program name, or a screencap of someone else's posts from dead sites, feel free to use those to answer.

I know that I can (and have) use a thing with PCSX2 to capture textures, but it requires you to be in the scene that the texture is in. I'll definitely re-start this game to get to that point and do that, but if there's some way to extract everything all at once I'd greatly appreciate the assistance!

(game is Xenosaga 3 btw, which I know is supposed to be difficult to rip from but people have done it in the past.)

1 Comment
05:18 UTC


What is Nerf N Strike and Nerf N Strike Elite's game engines?

Although I found some of these concept art pieces to help me get a reference:





it would be nice to know how they designed these things into their final 3D form.

This isn't going to be quite a simple "take an existing model and edit it". These games were made in 2008 and 2009. So like the first Crash Bandicoot PS1 games, the data and texture graphics will be different. In order for me to make my custom robots based off of the robots from these two games, I'll have to make them from scratch while in the process adding my aesthetics of accessories and weapons - just like how they made N Sane Trilogy: completely from scratch - while adding some improvements to their remastered game models.

So to do that, I'll need to screenshot this Nerf robot from 6 different angles (like a cube) via having the robot's model ported into Blender so I can get a reference and then as I reconstruct it from scratch, I'll add my own custom cosmetics like a revolving grenade launcher and Browning machine guns for the Gadfly, upscaled Skorpion SMGs for the Specter, a GShG-7.62 and a male and a female human head for the Sentry bot, and AKU-94 with 100 RD drum magazines and homing bullets for the Sentinel bot.

But the big question hits: what game engine does Nerf N-Strike and Nerf N-Strike Elite for the Wii from 2008 and 2009 use? This will help in the photographing of the game's models rather than hoping the AI in the game and emulator reacts the way you want it to while you try to screenshot it at the desired angle.

1 Comment
01:47 UTC

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