
Photograph via snooOG

For experiences and discussions related to quitting phenibut.

For experiences and discussions related to quitting phenibut.

Withdrawal symptoms may not be experienced for up to 72 hours after going cold turkey or drastically decreasing your dose. Always assume you need to taper after daily use. Experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms may affect your rational judgement.


Slow taper: decreasing 0-50 mg per day

Normal taper: decreasing 50-100 mg per day

Fast taper: decreasing 100+ mg per day

Fast tapering should usually be avoided, especially if you experience panic attacks, seizures, severe agitation, delusions, hallucinations, psychosis, insomnia, severe lethargy, depression, muscle jerking, tachycardia or hyperthermia.


  1. Be polite
  2. Don't promote reckless behavior
  3. Don't promote or glorify cold turkey (unaided) withdrawal

(also goes by Noofen, Noophen, Noobut, Anvifen, Bifren, phenibutum, fenibut, fenibuta, Phenybut, fenigam, phenygam, phenylgamma, phenigamma, phenigama, fenigam, gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acid, beta-phenyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid, PHG, Phenyl-GABA, beta-phenyl-GABA, aminophenylbutyric acid, 4-amino-3-phenylbutanoic acid)


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Going to detox from 2.0gpd f-phen tmr…

damn, ofc the fucking pharmacology department caught me😂

Currently dependent on… 2400mg GBP 1.5-2g f-phenibut 1mg bromazolam

I was quoted 5-7 days which… JFC man wish me luck

then going for ibogaine to kick this once and for all

01:24 UTC


Starting Baclofen assisted taper.

Long story, short, 6 year daily user 2 to 3 gpd. I've weened down to 750mg over the last few weeks and now I finally received my baclofen. 90 25mg tabs. I'm thinking half tab in AM and quarter in afternoon then the remaining quarter at night. 25mg per day. Continue my taper from phenibut, maybe speed up a little bit... 100 mg per day then go nothing but baclofen for a month then taper off that. I'm also using NAC and Agmatine. Does this sound like a good approach? Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.

13:15 UTC


when does the vomiting stop?

I'm on day three. I have a small stash of Klonopin that has helped, but I'm already chronically ill and considering it's time for the hospital. Thanks to the kpin I was able to get some water down, but I'm still super dehydrated and nauseous. I was on such a tiny amount that it feels silly how sick I am. Maybe a 1/6 a teaspoon 2x a day. Reminds me of Effexor w/d.

09:34 UTC


Done it again…

So, I had a terrible experience with Phenibut from December ‘23 - February ‘24. During that time I had used daily (5 gpd) and had a terrible OD on a combination of baclofen and Phen , which lead to a mental demise, terrible hallucinations, and horrible WDs. I successfully got off of it and swore never to return… and I didn’t, until a week ago…

80 days ago, I went to treatment for fentanyl. I am currently living in a Sober living, and working here too. Last Thursday, I did Phenibut for the first time, since I got off of it in early February this year. I was taking some pills called STRIDE, with an unknown amount of Phenibut in them. They come In a four pack, and I’ll usually take 1.5 to 2 packs at a time.

I took one pack last Thursday, and I got completely obliterated last Friday, on 2 packs of the stride and about 2,400 mg of gabapentin. The next 3 days, (Sat,Sun,& Mon) I had HORRIBLE rebound anxiety. I couldn’t sleep and kept waking up in a panic when I did fall asleep. So, I’ve been taking 1.5 to 2 packs of the stride from Monday afternoon to today (4 days total) and am worried about WD. I am also taking gabapentin, 600mg 4x daily, but haven’t taken much of them the past 2 days .

Should I slowly taper? Or just load up on my gabapentin for a few days? I am worried about WDs. I don’t want to, and absolutely cannot go through bad WDs bc of my job. I feel stupid and terrible. Not sure what to do…

Any advice will help. Please. Thanks in advance!

08:05 UTC


Day 3 cold turkey

So I’m almost done with day 3 cold turkey from a 3 month long 3.5g a day phenibut habit. Tomorrow will be day 4. I was also on kratom and I was just put on Suboxone for that. I did that through Telehealth. I am having confusion and sadness and anxiety. The Suboxone helps a little when I first take it but then it wears off and I’m right back to square one. If I redose I mess up my 3 days. Can the hospital give me something to get me through this and send me home? As I am a single mom to 3 kids. This is very scary, or can someone tell me how long the withdrawal symptoms can last?

04:14 UTC


Please help.

I messed up so terribly. I took pheni for 8 days straight, took one day off, then 8 more days straight. I recorded the dosages 0 times. If I had to guess, I'd say my average gpd was 7. I'm on day 3 of cold turkey. First day I felt nothing except I only could sleep for 3 hours, 2nd day I woke up pretty anxious and again could only sleep for about 2ish hours, today (day 3) I woke up pretty anxious, threw up, made the mistake of getting a coffee, started feeling tingly in my hands and head, and my palms would get sweaty sometimes. Right now, I don't know if delirious is the right word but I just feel pretty weird, like almost high. I don't feel particularly anxious, except about what I'm going to have to do to fix this and how bad it might be. My father was just admitted to the hospital with some pretty serious stuff, potentially even life threatening. I don't think I would ever forgive myself if I went to rehab/detox and something happened to him while I was in there. Am I going to go insane if I don't detox? Would the problem be postponed if I took some pheni right now? How much? What should I do?

21:47 UTC


Hey guys, question about a month 1/2 of daily use.

So I’m new to this sub, sort of, I’d known about it through qutting Kratom and knew the dangers of phenibut but yeah anyways questions below. Let me start by saying I have previous addictions with benzos and alcohol for 5 years daily (2mg clonazepam and alcohol) been sober from those for 11 months but stupidly found phenibut maybe 3 months ago. Used every weekend but eventually found my anxiety getting out of hand for some reason and started dosing daily and this had been going on for a month and a half. But at high doses of 2-3.5g a day. I was wondering if even at 2-3g daily for a month and a half should I taper? I already have a ton of NAC. Also prescribed gabapentin which I could use to mitigate things. I’m only quitting because it’s quickly turned on me and I get glutamate surges since last week which makes sense considering I’m probably kindled from a few alcohol relapses a little ago

18:22 UTC



I have been a daily user of 3.5 grams daily for 3 months. I have cold turkey 2 days ago. Can the er give me some baclofen to take home? I can’t be admitted to the hospital because I am a single mom of 3 kids. I have no help. I managed to go 2 days without any so far and my memory is shot. How can I explain this to the hospital? Does anyone know where to get baclofen from fast? TIA. Also, are there any single parents on here that can relate?

04:26 UTC


At 8 gdp need taper advice.

I’ve been on phenibut for around 6 months of daily use. Have used before in the past but this is the highest my dose has ever gotten and it seems to be the most difficult quit I’ve ever done. Just a few weeks ago I was at 10 gdp. My rebound anxiety has become horrible and I cannot afford this addiction any longer. What is the fastest most comfortable way I can taper? I’ve been trying 200 mg every 2-3 days but I want to try something faster to get my dose down to a more stable dose. These higher doses have me tired and just completely out of it most days constantly needing naps or caffeine just to make it through.

00:57 UTC


Guide to use responsibly?

Hey so i just recieved 50g, i tried 1.6g yesterday and i did 1g today for my first day at a volonteering program, ik it's kinda stupid 2 days in a row at this dose so i'll wait until next week to use again, i'd like to use the rest of the 50g responsibly and avoid any dependence and rebound effects so i figured this was the best place to ask for advices(except if you're just going to tell me to not use, i will keep using, but i want to do reduce risks as much as possible).

For the next weeks i want to know how regularly and at what dosage i can use to reduce anxiety and create connections more easily when i meet other volonteers/workers and people i'll help, so i was thinking 250mg per day, if it's not effective i'll do 500mg 2/3 times per week and if i to more than 750mg i'll wait 2 days, and i wont do any during weekends(except if i go to a rave then i'll probably use 1-2g friday or saturday)

So yeah i guess i'd like some feed back on that strategy and i'd like to know if i might encounter some rebound anxiety/depression and dependence anyways.

How long/frequent should i do breaks to reset tolerance?

(Also if there's any supplements or nootropics i can use to reduce adverse effects that'd be nice, i have some GABA, 5-HTP, NAC, valerian roots and optimized saffron)

19:06 UTC


I'm going to the hospital, what should I tell them?

I'm so scared. I'm very agitated and nothing is working anymore. Phenibut turned on me like 5-6 days ago yet I've still been doing but trying to taper but it just makes things worse.

Anything gabaergic doesn't help - baclofen or pregabalin, (yet I take 5mg valium per day). But that can't be taken near phenibut or it flips on me, too, and I don't want to fuck up that taper too.

Most of what I take isn't legal (valium) or old script (suboxone), so I'm bring it all with me.

But what do I say when I get to the hospital? Do I go to a psych hospital? Or ER?


I already have baclofen but don't have gabapentin. Idk if gabapentin would be better than pregabalin. I'm just not sure what to say!

I'm so embarrassed! I'm agitated and throwing and smashing things. I need professional help.

What do I even tell them at the front desk?? What do I tell doctors?

Please help, I'm scared. My dad is on the way from his work to take me. I haven't slept in days.

15:54 UTC


How would you describe your Phenibut withdrawal?

I've been interested in seeing you guys' personal experiences, how would you rate your Phenibut withdrawal? I know from experience how bad withdrawal from gaba agonists can be. I've been severely addicted to alcohol and almost died from it. But I've been a daily user of Phenibut for 4 years now. I'm currently tapering for the second time. First time I didn't have ANY withdrawal symptoms. This time I also don't have any. I was on 5 grams per day. At the moment I'm on 0.5 gpd and I feel completely fine. At night when I get home from work I even have trouble to stay awake, sometimes I even fall asleep while sitting down. It's pretty weird. That's why I'm interested in the average experience, who has a similar experience and who experiences the exact opposite?

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15:09 UTC


If puenibut turns on you, does baclofen still work?

I'm wondering if GABA-B gets kindled or what.

I have baclofen and had plans to crossover onto them before phenibut turned on me.

The only thing that seems to have helped has been to lower my dose a bit and I added emoxypine for restoring GABA-GLUTAMATE balance and it worked with my first 50mg dose and calmed me down! I was so excited and can't believe I'm not freaking out like I have been for days now.

ETA - i took that 3 times and that turned on me and i had a panic attack and anger agitation for 5 hours straight. It was scary.

But I have that tinnitus with the ringing and pulsing sounds which usually indicates hyperexcitability happening. I don't want to contribute by swapping out a whole dose for 10mg baclofen. Maybe do half and half?

Or is this just not an option? I know baclofen and phenibut are both analogs of GABA, but they are structurally different and baclofen is more potent.

Would trying 2.5mg with part of my dose be a better way of testing the waters? Or can I get some feedback and experiences? How has anyone gotten off phenibut after it flips on them without the hospital?

Is gabapentin safer than pregabalin? I don't see many pregabalin stories but lots of gabapentin ones.

Thanks, I'm so ready to be off. I'm down to 900mg 3 times a day. And I take 1g agmatine 3 times a day and NACET 1-2 times a day.

03:51 UTC


F Phenibut advice for Baclofen/Gabapentin taper

Hi. I have been on gabapentin and baclofen. I quit Phenibut months ago, yet haven't tapered off those.

I need to restrict use of Bac/Gab. ADC is having drama with DHL holding their items in Germany. They hope to have an answer "in the coming week."

I assume this mean "by next week."

So, I am going to have to use f-phenibut and normal phenibut to make this ration more comfortable.

I think f-phenibut should replace my nighttime dose.

Anyone use Phenibut to help with lowering gabapentin/baclofen?

Thanks so much.

15:49 UTC


Fell for it again...

I'm stupid and lost... I had a past with phenibut and went threw a bad withdrawl once. I then ordered a new package and consumed pretty responsible for like 10 months until my Box got empty. This worked pretty fine and i became pretty arrogant thinking that i'm in total control. I just ordered a new box and since it arrived i took it every single day. I'm on day 8 right now and just took another gram of it cause i felt off again. Never took more than a gram per day in these 8 days and to most of you this amount is nothing at all but I'm seeing myself drifting away again. I can not feel off or not motivated cause i have a lot of work to do so i comsume again and again. 😵‍💫

This must sound pretty stupid but I'm looking for an advice....

11:41 UTC


Feeling off

Hello, so I stupidly have been taking Phenibut for 3 months now. I am a single mom to three kids so I have to keep going. I have tried tapering. I have tried all of the vitamins with the Augmatine and the nac. Nothing seems to be working so far unfortunately. I’m getting to the point where I am starting to get very confused every day. It wasn’t like this in the beginning. I am often forgetting things and my reaction to things is very slow. There have been a few days where I have skipped a dose and the anxiety, and panic attacks and the anxiety, and panic attacks left me debilitated, and I’m able left me debilitated, and unable to care for my kids so at the end of the day, I just redosse😩 I feel like I have fallen in a trap and I don’t know how to get out. I have told my primary care doctor about this and all he tells me to do is taper. He is an older doctor, and will not provide me any comfort meds. If I go to the ER and explain my situation to them how likely would it be that I would get a prescription for baclofen and gabapentin? I truly need something because I can’t afford to sit in a hospital for days on in and I also can’t go to an inpatient rehab because as I said, I am a single mother and I have no one to watch my kids. This is a very terrifying experience and I wish I would’ve kept my dosages to a two times a week minimum. Can somebody give me advice on as to what you would do in the situation? Thanks everyone 🙏🏻 I feel like I am losing my mind. The dreams that I am having at night are unreal and scary. Which causes me to wake up with massive anxiety and to redose. What happens when this stuff turns on you? What can I do?

21:56 UTC


Any advice?

Phenibut as wd aid?

So I've been on methadone maintenance for a couple years and was curious if anyone in the community found that phenibut helped with the withdrawal, as I'm starting to take cuts in my dose. Was on 80 for 4 years and now I'm at 60 two years later. Any help would be appreciated.

14:27 UTC


Anyone use F Phenibut to come off a alprazolam binge? Only been a week binge. But I’ve got through like 20-30 bars.

1 Comment
23:46 UTC


Can regularPhenibut help WD from F-Phenibut

Has anyone experienced withdraws because they ran out of the F-Phenibut? Is this just in my head or are the two that different that running out of? F Phen alone would cause withdrawal? someone please help me understand

19:57 UTC


Help for my spouse.

My husband was taking around 9gpd. He began trying to taper a month ago and started acting differently. He left me on a Wednesday, CT on Saturday, and ended up having to be admitted inpatient on his second day of CT. He was there for five days. They diagnosed him as “opioid abuse withdrawal”. I made sure they knew about his phenibut use. He wasn’t taking anything other than kratom. He has taken kratom for ten plus years, and phenibut for around 7years. I just got to pick him up yesterday and he’s been in our family home since then. He’s in and out of a state of psychosis, very confused, and asks me multiple times a day if something is real or if he dreamed it. He hears music sometimes when it’s quiet and panics slightly. I’ve been successful in calming him down in these moments. He understands he is in psychosis and knows to ask me if something is “real”. He’s not sleeping. He talks the entire time he does actually manage to sleep. He got sent home with his Effexor (anti depressant), vistaril 50mg, and buspar 5mg. He takes these helpers meds 3-4x/day, and his Effexor once/day. I picked up a few things that might help with anxiety and sleep from our local Walmart- valerian root, l-theanine, and ashwaganda root.
I need some help. Has anyone else CT from this substance at this high gpd? What else can I do to help him? What can I give him to help him with the anxiety? The lack of sleep? The panic? He is on day 7 of CT. We have an appointment with his PCP Monday, and Dr knows that he has been inpatient for phenibut abuse but is not familiar with the substance. I’d like him to have Baclofen and gabapentin- as I’ve read this makes the quit period easier, as well as something for sleep. He has said a few times that he wants some phen to taper with, but I’ve told him multiple times with it being day 7 on CT, that would probably take him further backward than anything at this point. Guys, please slam me with suggestions and tips to help my husband make it through this more comfortably and safely. I love him so much and I hate seeing him this uncomfortable and not being able to help fix it. Thanks to everyone in advance.

ETA I did NOT commit him. He left me, CT days later, a situation got him put on an INVOLUNTARY hold in a clinic until Friday. He called me to come get him and take care of him. While he was inpatient, he asked me to dispose of his phenibut, but his grandpa had already trashed all of his phen and kratom bc that’s where his things were. He has kratom at our family home. I DIDNT FORCE HIM TO LEAVE ME. I DIDNT TELL HIM TO CT. I DIDNT COMMIT HIM.

15:12 UTC


Taper Help , Big Problem

So here is my situation I have been on phenibut maybe 6 or 7 months with like three cold turkey breaks. Two were around 45 - 65 days and one was 5 days. The last one was hard because I am in the busy season of my work and barely slept. Maybe two hours in 5 days.

I have been slowly cutting back my dose ( I wasnt counting because I take Capsules so it was a struggle cutting back .) I was taking it two times a day and I worked myself down to once everyday at noon. Probably went from 11 grams per day and now I take 8.4. But they are Capsules , more on that.

I followed everyones advice and just buy from the same company and now I am feeling even keeled and not withdrawing when I wake up in the morning on this dose. I bought a scale yesterday and wanted to make a cut and the 8.4 capsules ended up being 10.3 on the scale.... I live in south america so there are not many options just to buy pure powder. What the hell do I do? I am trying to cut down slowly because in February my life and work will be more calm and I can get better. Any suggestions ?

Baclofen prescription could be an option but once again South America is difficult. Sorry if I did not explain it well, on this taper many days I would be getting withdrawls from 8 am until the first does at 12 noon. Luckily, that has stopped and I am at least sleeping four hours. No helper drugs like kratom are here as well.

13:39 UTC


I climb towers, phenibut has turned on me at work

So I climb ever day, always phenibut has had a tendency to make joints and stuff hurt. When dosing high for days my arms and hands will swell and go somewhat numb at night. Now that I've been climbing 400' ever day on this site for the last several weeks. My nerves seems compressed they go numb at night and day and swell like hell making sleep and work hard can't close my left hand rn really even as it goes numb. I stopped taking phenibut for a few days and took a day off work and woke up over morning with swelling down quite a bit and things seemed to be getting better I was happy. Still thinking it's mostly work related I started taking my usual dose again of 3 to 4 grams and every day it's gotten worse and today is horrible again. I think the phenibut is working against me while I climb causing a nerve and joint issues also circulation problem. Does and of this make sense

16:06 UTC


Anyone have experience taking adderall while coming off phenibut?

I’m extremely lucky in that when I abruptly stop taking phenibut I don’t experience withdrawal symptoms like I’ve heard some people do. I know it’s stupid but I’m able to take phenibut for something like two weeks straight and stop suddenly. My only withdrawal symptoms are: difficulty sleeping (I’m able to get ~4 hours the first couple nights), feeling a bit blue, and a tolerable level of anxiety (it is exasperated if I make the mistake of ingesting caffeine for the first week, though). I may acquire some adderall next week. Should I expect it to exasperate the anxiety like caffeine would? Not sure if I’m going to take it while on the phenibut as I’ve heard the combination can make people manic. Anyone have experience with taking adderall while on phenibut or while in withdrawals? Also, phenibut seems to make me hyper sexual but almost unable to ejaculate and stay erect. Adderall makes me hyper sexual too and I have no sexual problems while on it. How has the combination affected your sexual wellness?

22:47 UTC


2 months and 2 days Phenibut free

In the wake of using 1-3gpd, daily, for the last five years. I take 3 other medications, and had gotten so used to Phenibut just being part of my regimen, never thinking that sources would dry up. Of course, it’s still available, but due to the price (along with changing life circumstances), it was simply something that I couldn’t afford to keep in my life. Thankfully, I had a friend who gave me several 300mg gabapentin to stave off the withdrawals; also, I am prescribed diazepam 2mg 4x daily-I can’t fathom having gotten off of it, without the help of these other medications; went through a week of intense depression and anxiety, but after that the fog lifted; I feel so much better without it, as it was absolutely putting me in a fog, which became my ‘resting sobriety.’

I used to browse this sub thinking “yeah, I’d never be able to do that.” Lo and behold, it ‘is’ possible. Best of luck to anyone embarking down this path-you got this.

19:21 UTC


Anyone else?

Does anyone else experience this head tension? It starts from the neck and radiates to the head. Anxiety worsens the symptoms :/

16:02 UTC


Where to get baclofen//Need advice for quitting

Finally going to start tapering and I'm super nervous. I never weighed out my doses I usually just take a scoop out 1-3 times a day. Well buying a pound at a time, this last time I went through it alarmingly fast. My last lb was delivered September 17th, and I have probably 1 - 2oz left. So roughly anywhere from 8-10 grams a day. Yikes! So I need to stop this, and since I was never very militant with my dosing, I've seen how uncomfortable and irritable I can get when I either don't take enough, or don't dose for a while. I get really nervous when my shipment is late and it's fucked up. I feel that I've really benefited from daily use, but what comes up must come down. I'm really worried I'm going to crash and burn SO .. I need some help.

  1. What's the best way to taper? I'll weigh my doses starting tomorrow to get a rough idea of where I'm starting.
  2. Where can I get baclofen? Or is there anything else that will help a bad withdrawal? Asking my DR is a LAST resort.
  3. Please please don't comment horror stories, I've minimally read this page because I don't need to jumpstart the anxiety, but do tell me what I can reasonably expect.

PLEASE again don't comment to scare me or warn me what COULD happen. I've read into it alot, just what to expect.

Ive been through alcohol withdrawal and benzo withdrawal both of which I was in rehab for but I think I can handle this if I do it correctly. Money is not an object and neither is time.

Thank you for reading, wish me luck, and thanks in advance for any and all help ❤️

02:06 UTC


1.5 mg every other day

Hi everyone! I’ve been reading all these posts and I’m terrified. I’ve been taking 1.5 mg every other day for about a year. Should I be worried about severe withdrawals? I admittedly was naive to the dangers.

20:04 UTC


Fatty liver

Have heard of fatty liver from high doses of phenibut being a side effect.

However we’ve had lots of very high dose users who don’t seem to have suffered from this.

Also not quite sure how phenibut could cause this as it undergoses minimal metabolism by liver apparently.

Can anyone shed any light on how hepatoxic this stuff is for daily users?

14:17 UTC


Microdose …

Has anyone tried replacing dose with a microdose of true psilocybin during taper? If so, how was the experience?

1 Comment
09:57 UTC


Glutemate surges

NAC, agmatine, L theanine, Memantine. Which is the best for glutemate surges and why?

01:10 UTC

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