
Photograph via snooOG

Breaking news from around the world brought to you by trusted sources. This is a current events discussion community built around quality and reputability with active moderation to foster constructive conversation.

Breaking news, significant events and constructive conversation. Share and Discuss.


1.Only reputable news sources are allowed. (No personal blogs, websites, etc)

  • Ensure you are submitting content that is from reputable news sources with a history of journalistic integrity. (Ex. BBC, Reuters, AP etc.)

2.Titles must match exactly with the title in the article.

  • Titles must match exactly with the title in the article. Only if the title is overly sensationalized, a quote from the article can be used as the title. Posts with editorialized or agenda driven titles may be locked or removed.

3.No analysis or opinion-based articles.

  • No analysis or opinion based articles. This includes articles heavily dependent on statements by a single source.

4.No social media, blogs, still images, gifs or audio clips.

  • No social media, blogs, still images, gifs or audio clips. Videos are allowed if they are relevant to a breaking news story. Treat videos as articles in terms of the source.

5.Rediquette is required

  • An insta-ban policy applies to blatant antagonism, personal attacks and insults. Accounts banned for such conduct are not eligible for appeal.

6.No articles older than 1 month.

7.Duplicates (even from competing news outlets) will be removed

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