Post the shittiest anime screenshots they can.
Post the shittiest anime screenshots you can.
Submission Guidelines
In general use this page as a guideline for what is and is not QUALITY.
Submission Title Text [Name of anime]
Please post a comment explaining what the error is in your submission, even if you think it is obvious.
Submitted links must conform to this whitelist (imgur, gfycat, ect..)
1. Screenshots must be full frame uncropped screenshots of Japanese anime.
Screenshots of subtitle errors or mistranslations are not allowed.
2. No Intentional QUALITY. (Use your best judgement)
Inbetween Frames are one example of intentional QUALITY. Example Gif "Inbetweening or tweening is the process of generating intermediate frames between two images to give the appearance that the first image evolves smoothly into the second image. Inbetweens are the drawings between the key frames which help to create the illusion of motion. Inbetweening is a key process in all types of animation, including computer animation." General rule of thumb: If you had to pause for a particular frame in the middle of a motion, don't post it. Same goes with Smear Animation.
We have had multiple posts in the past where transparent glasses like this. This is usually done by design so that the viewer can see the character's eyes in anime, and are also an example of intentional QUALITY.
Low detailed character art of faraway characters is not QUALITY. Example
3. If your submission contains spoilers please make a note of this in the title and mark it as NSFW after submitting.
Include which episode you're spoiling in the title.
Why is there only one post?
So this got passed a "professional" studio? [ Studio Signal ]