
Photograph via snooOG

The Science of Political Skepticism

Public Choice applies the theories and methods of economics to the analysis of political behavior, an area that was once the exclusive province of political scientists and sociologists. Public choice originated as a distinctive field of specialization a half century ago in the works of its founders:

Public choice has revolutionized the study of democratic decision-making processes.

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  • Posts should be on public choice theory or related subjects in social science
  • Do not overly editorialize submission titles
  • No blogspam

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391 Subscribers


David D. Friedman on Special Interest Politics

"Special interest politics is a simple game. A hundred people sit in a circle, each with his pocket full of pennies. A politician walks around the outside of the circle, taking a penny from each person. No one minds; who cares about a penny? When he has gotten all the way around the circle, the politician throws fifty cents down in front of one person, who is overjoyed at the unexpected windfall. The process is repeated, ending with a different person. After a hundred rounds everyone is a hundred cents poorer, fifty cents richer, and happy."

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"Every fault of consumers is worse in voters." - Michael Munger

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I had several questions about how different Public Choice theories apply to Net Neutrality.

I am researching on Net Neutrality and how different public choice theories apply to what happened. The three concepts I have down are rent seeking (lobbying), regulatory capture (revolving door), and finally Bootleggers and Baptists. The first two I believe I can find scholarly work to back it up. But the last one I just need help clearing up how it applies to technology companies not wanting Net Neutrality regulations to disappear. Of course it's for self interest but can someone example who the bootleggers and who the Baptists would be in this situation? Also could someone explain what was trying to be accomplished with Net Neutrality? My professor just raised her voice thinking it would get the message across clearer which clearly it just confused me more.

If I need to clarify on anything please let me know.

20:11 UTC

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