
Photograph via snooOG

The interdisciplinary study of the mind and intelligence, embracing philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology.

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2,737 Subscribers

16:07 UTC


How do your parents' past conflicts affect you today? Contribute to research into the long-term effects of interparental conflict on children

I'm a Psychology Honours student at Southern Cross University in Australia and for my Thesis project I'm investigating how parents' conflict behaviours impact children later in life.

If you are over 18 and can recall how your parents handled disagreements between them when you were growing up (whether they were together or not), please participate in this anonymous survey.

More information here: https://scuau.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5gLqVDDBiw2Ypng

06:10 UTC


Participants needed for a study (18-29, English speaking) on Morality of Ghosting in Emerging Adults


I am running an experiment studying the phenomenon of ghosting. Participants must be between 18-29 years of age. Participants will read a short story about two characters and answer some questions regarding what they’ve read. The study will take roughly 20 minutes. Participation will take place virtually and can be done using the following link: 


Please contact the primary investigator, Oliver Similton at similtoa1@newpaltz.edu with any questions.

Thank you!


14:38 UTC


Participants required for dissertation on homosexuality and the sexual overperception bias (18+ homosexuals)

Hello, I am conducting my dissertation through the University of Leicester on the relationship between sexuality, gender, and the sexual overperception bias (which is the phenomenon in which people believe others to be sexually interested in them based on an insignificant cue).

Previous research has shown that heterosexual men display this bias more than heterosexual women, but there is a lack of research on this bias in relation to homosexuality. Due to this, I am investigating whether homosexuals display the sexual overperception bias and if so to what degree.

Participants will need to be 18+ and identify as homosexual and either a man or a woman. Unfortunately, due to a difficultly in data analysis, bisexuals, pansexuals etc and non-binary people are not eligible to participate.

Participants will be shown 50 photographs of faces and asked to rank them from 1-7 (1 being friendly and 7 being flirtatious). The questionnaire should only take about 5 minutes to complete.

Thank you :)

1 Comment
12:10 UTC


[Academic] Offline & online Personality (18+, German)

Hi everyone,

my name is Dora and I am doing my doctorate in psychology at the University of Bielefeld. I am currently conducting a study (in German!) about personality differences between the "real" and the digital world and about how people assess themselves vs. how they are assessed by others.

If you are interested in the topic, I’d be super thankful if you could take a little bit of time to fill out my survey. At the end you will receive individual personality profiles for offline and online contexts and you will also have the chance to win Best Choice vouchers.

To be able to participate, you have to speak German, be 18+ years old and have 2 people who know you well enough to describe your personality. Here is the link to the study: https://bielefeldpsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_42DE8FTPhn6u2Zo

If you have any questions, feel free to message me! Thank you, Dora

P.S.: You are welcome to share the link with friends or recommend other communities to me which might also be interested in the survey.

13:51 UTC


Dopamine Tricks

15:13 UTC


Psychology lab at Florida State University looking for parents and kids!

Parenting is TOUGH. Kids are STRESSED. Looking for helpful tips? We are looking for children between the ages of 8 and 13 years old and their parents to participate in a study.  We will suggest some small behavioral changes that we think will help your child manage stress. You will be paid $40 for your time!

The study consists of either one or two (depending on group assignment) virtual study visits (~30-60 min) via a Zoom call with a member of our study team. We will suggest some small, simple changes to common behaviors for both you and your child to make over the next 4 weeks that we think will help your child manage stress. We will also ask you to fill out some online surveys. At the end of the study, you will receive a $40 Amazon gift card and we will send you a report form with your child’s mental health symptom scores!

To find out more and to see if you are eligible, click on the following link:


Or call or email us today for more information!

Phone: (850)-629-8525

Email: abhc.newhart@gmail.com; Subject Line: Changing Behaviors Study

21:19 UTC


Psychology lab at Florida State University looking for parents and kids!

Parenting is TOUGH. Kids are STRESSED. Looking for helpful tips? We are looking for children between the ages of 8 and 13 years old and their parents to participate in a study.  We will suggest some small behavioral changes that we think will help your child manage stress. You will be paid $40 for your time!

The study consists of either one or two (depending on group assignment) virtual study visits (~30-60 min) via a Zoom call with a member of our study team. We will suggest some small, simple changes to common behaviors for both you and your child to make over the next 4 weeks that we think will help your child manage stress. We will also ask you to fill out some online surveys. At the end of the study, you will receive a $40 Amazon gift card and we will send you a report form with your child’s mental health symptom scores!

To find out more and to see if you are eligible, click on the following link:


Or call or email us today for more information!

Phone: (850)-629-8525

Email: abhc.newhart@gmail.com; Subject Line: Changing Behaviors Study

03:55 UTC


Dissertation Survey

Hi! My name is Kristin and I'm a clinical psychology doctoral student at Midwestern University. Please consider clicking on the link to complete my survey for my dissertation. Much appreciated!



00:26 UTC


[Research] Trauma, Emotions and Psychopathy (18+)

https://acap.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4OfsdIps4UsXvrU Research Study- Investigating Childhood Trauma, Emotion Regulation and Vulnerability to Psychopathic Personality

Hello! I am a psychology researcher investigating how childhood trauma influences how people regulate their emotions, and how dark triad personality develops. Specifically, I am focusing on how psychopathy may develop in the general population.

This study involves answering a series of questionnaires online- it should take approx 20 mins. Participation allows you to enter the draw to win 1 of 7 $20 giftcards. Please note- I am looking at the broader general population, so you do NOT need to have any trauma history or personality disorders to participate 🙂

For more information or to participate, please access the following link:https://acap.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4OfsdIps4UsXvrU

This research has been approved by the ACAP Human Research Ethics Committee (EC00447) (Approval Number: 785300522) For concerns about ethical aspects of this research, please contact the ACAP HREC: hrec@navitas.com

04:11 UTC


[Academic] Bilingualism and its effects on cognitive decline and affective moods in older adults


My name is Tania R. and I am a developmental Psychology student from the CUNY School for Professional Studies. I am conducting a research project on bilingualism in older adults. To participate in this study you must be, over 60 years of age and be bilingual or monolingual. Participation in this study is voluntary and anonymous. You will be asked to complete three questionnaires which should take no more than 20 minutes. All research materials can be completed from your computer, smart phone, or tablet. If you would like to participate please click here below:


If you have any questions, please contact me at researchonbiligualism@gmail.com Thank you!

02:09 UTC


[Academic] Looking for child participants age 2-7 for language studies!

MIT Language Acquisition Lab is looking for kids age 2-7 to play fun, cute language games with us. The games take about 10-15 minutes and teach us about how kids learn, use and interpret language. As thanks we send your child a personalized certificate, and you will be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift card for each study you participate in!

Go to childlanguage.mit.edu to learn more, or childlanguage.mit.edu/interest to sign up!

19:39 UTC


[Academic] Making Friends with University Social Distancing Policies (18+, College Students)

Hello everyone,

I am a graduate student at Pace University conducting a research study exploring the relationship between social distancing policies, loneliness, and social isolation.

If you are 18 years and older and currently enrolled in college, you may eligible to participate in this study by completing an online survey. The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.


Please feel free to pass this survey to anyone you think would be interested in participating!

I greatly appreciate your time.

Thank you!

20:12 UTC


[Academic] CHANCE TO WIN £20 AMAZON VOUCHER: Ready, Steady, Go! Behavioural Judgement Task

Complete a 10min task and be in with a chance to win £20 Amazon Voucher.

We are a research team in Psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London. We are carrying out a study on the effects of exposure to visual stimuli on perception. You will be asked to concentrate on a short video and then complete a short task.

PLEASE NOTE: You must be 18+ to take part. We are testing healthy participants with no history of neurological, psychiatric and vestibular disorders.

18:19 UTC


[Academic] 18-24 Year Old American Students Needed! Answer Questions about Stress, Anxiety, Depression

I am a graduate student at Pace University conducting a research study exploring in-school mental health service access and use among American students.

If you are between the ages of 18 and 24 and currently enrolled in school, you may participate in this study by taking an online survey. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.


Please feel free to pass this survey link on to anyone you know that may be interested in participating. I greatly appreciate your time.

Thank you!

13:45 UTC


[Academic] Mental Health Service Seeking & Use in American Students

I am a graduate student at Pace University conducting a research study exploring in-school mental health service access and use among American students.

If you are between the ages of 18 and 24 and currently enrolled in school, you may participate in this study by taking an online survey. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.


Please feel free to pass this survey link on to anyone you know that may be interested in participating. I greatly appreciate your time.

Thank you!

1 Comment
22:14 UTC


[Academic] Mental Health Service Seeking & Use in American Students

I am a graduate student at Pace University conducting a research study exploring in-school mental health service access and use among American students.

If you are between the ages of 18 and 24 and currently enrolled in school, you may participate in this study by taking an online survey. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.


Please feel free to pass this survey link on to anyone you know that may be interested in participating. I greatly appreciate your time.

Thank you!

21:50 UTC


[Academic] Mental Health Service Seeking and Use in Students

I am a graduate student at Pace University conducting a research study exploring in-school mental health service access and use among American students.

If you are between the ages of 18 and 24 and currently enrolled in school, you may participate in this study by taking an online survey. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.


Please feel free to pass this survey link on to anyone you know that may be interested in participating. I greatly appreciate your time.

Thank you!

14:35 UTC


Academic study on sleep and love (for people who are 18+ and in a relationship for more than 6 months and less than 2 years)

Are you a night owl? Or a morning lark? Has this ever influenced your choice of partner or you love life? Researchers at UQO are interested in the relationship between sleep and love. If you are interested and are in a relationship for more than 6 months and less than 2 years, come answer a short and anonymous online questionnaire. Simply click on this link!


21:49 UTC


[Academic] Making Friends with University Social Distancing Policies-PARTICIPANTS NEEDED!! (18+, College/Graduate Students, Reside in the U.S.)

Link to the survey: https://pace.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0TAg7sgmYWNebCR

Hello everyone,

I am a graduate student at Pace University conducting a research study exploring the relationship between social distancing policies, loneliness, and social isolation. 

If you are aged 18 years and older and currently enrolled in college, you may eligible to participate in this study by completing an online survey. The survey should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Responses will be anonymous and confidential!

Please feel free to pass this survey to anyone you think would be interested in participating. 

I greatly appreciate your time. 

Thank you!

14:44 UTC


What is an example of a rule that is situationally determined?

14:42 UTC


Academic research study on intimate partner violence. The study takes about an hour. You do not have to be in a violent relationship to participate.

You are invited to participate in an online psychology study of intimate partner violence. You do not have to be in a violent relationship to participate. The study will take about an hour and will involve some questionnaires, a competitive gambling task, and a white-noise task. Your responses are completely anonymous, and your participation will contribute to the research on intimate partner violence. Thank you for your attention to this important topic and please share the link to the survey on social media!


23:39 UTC


[Academic Study] Tinkering & Storytelling Study Opportunity (Parents & Children Ages 4-10 Needed)

Hi! We are the Children's Memory & Learning Lab at Loyola University Chicago, and we are interested in recruiting parents and their children between the ages of 4-10 for a research study on how children learn about engineering in the home through tinkering and storytelling activities. Participants are to fill out an interest survey, after which they will be contacted for followup. The tinkering session will be about 30-45 minutes over Zoom, after which participants are guaranteed to receive a $25 e-gift card as a thank you for their help!

Interest Survey: https://forms.gle/zpywpLc5RG5J1s4c6

For more information, please feel free to contact EngineeringLearning@luc.edu

Thank you in advance for your interest!

22:00 UTC


Why Are Many Vocal "Passionate" Fans about A Work of Fiction, Culture, Ideology, and Hobby Often Both Ignorant of Their Passions and Fair-weathered (Easily Quitting Them once They get Bored)? Despie Commonly Also Being Elitist (Often Bullies) About Their Interests When They Were Still Into Them?

A pattern I tend to notice among fandoms and subcultures. We all know how toxic and aggressive fans of anything be it Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Death Metal music, and so on can be often engaging in feuds with other rivals to their interests like DBZ VS Sailor moon, Skateboarding vs Extreme Biking, Democrats vs Republicans, etc. And so many "fans" are not just noisy about how they are so "fanatical" about their interests often to the point they can't talk about anything in public (even with strangers at the bus or the waiter at the restaurant) about their knowledge of the Vietnam War or why Friends was superior to Seinfeld and the latest Lacrosse championship cup (despite everybody else in public not really caring). Some fan(atic)s take it to a whole other level completely revolving their lives around their interests and wearing nothing but clothing endorsing socialism or spraypainting their cars with Gundam robot models or getting tatoos that are verses from the Quran in Arabic and using nothing but a New York Yankees licensed bag to carry any items (even when its impractical such as carrying heavy hiking equipment).............

What I don't understand though is despite their rabid fanaticism about gaming or The X Files and how they keep rambling on and on in public about them (even obnoxiously bothering strangers in an attempt to introduce them to their passions and arguing with fans of opposing passions in public, sometimes even getting violent)............. In a short time (like after 4 years once they graduate as seniors and start college for example) they quickly give up their passions and often never touch it again as though they were never fans. Despite spending $100 for a Neon Genesis T-Shirts or spending time at Comic-Con instead of fixing their grades at school or reading hours of Republican literature and joining the local Red Party Club (while ignoring their health is suffering from diabetes to the danger zone), it seems their "intense love" for their hobby is very brief and fair-weathered. For all their obnoxiousness about their interests when they were into it esp talking about it nonstop with strangers in public who don't give a damn, it seems they were never really the fans they often shouted that they proudly were who are willing to stay with their subculture till death, even die rather than giving it up.

It gets even worse how they not only start public verbal tangos with fans of rival competing interests or people hate the hobby or franchise or hell even uninterested bystanders, sometimes escalating it into physical assault, but they are often acting all aristocratic and full of elitism about it. They look down on other "not true fans" for not being as obsessed with said hobby (even though these fans are still pretty hardcore) and bully enthusiastic noobs ruthlessly who just joined the club out of real sincere interest in improving their level of devotion to communism to even greater levels. Often hazing what they deemed as "traitors" to their interests for refusing to stick with one faction but loving multiple opponents (like DC readers who also enjoy a Marvel comics equally and people who follow the hybrid Chrislam instead of solely sticking to either Christianity or Islam or moderate Republicans who support some liberal beliefs, etc)...........

All despite the fact they are the ones to quickly give up their fanaticism esp after a huge life changing event (like starting college or giving birth to a child)! While ironically the less hardcore "not true fans" and "casual noobs" and especially those "traitors" who see no problems with being both a World of Warcraft and EverQuest player or conceding Buffy the Vampire Slayer has huge flaws and is far inferior to Supernatural in artistic elements (despite still honestly ranking Buffy as their fav TV show) are the ones who stick through with the hobby or subculture for decades more, often onto old age or even their death! It seems like the non-vocal fans who see no problem with loving baseball and soccer or people who don't obsessively rant out in public about why Mike Tyson is Da Bestest heavyweight champion eva are the ones who are the real loyal fans!

What is the mindset behind this insane troll logic? Why do people who go out and bully strangers for not agreeing with that communism is the best ideology or preferring Game of Thrones over The Lord of the Rings(but still loving both along with Harry Potter) often the ones with the most fair-weathered devotion? While fans who have no problem being both a hardcore Star Trek and Star Wars fanatic are the ones who pull in through for the rest of their lives as seriously diehard devotees to the franchise the vocal "passionate" crowd obnoxiously laugh at people not as hardcore as they are the first to quickly give up their beloved subject of interests?

02:31 UTC

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