
Photograph via snooOG

Urologic chronic male pelvic pain syndrome is commonly called Prostatitis. Other names are Pudendal Neuralgia, Chronic Non-bacterial Prostatitis, Levator Ani Syndrome. Many men with Prostatitis actually have Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome

Post any personal stories, discussion, or links related to chronic prostatitis / urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome (UCPPS).

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Psychologically/mentally - how did you guys ‘beat’ this?

What tools, techniques, resources or therapy did you use? Did anybody notice a reduction in their symptoms from any SSRIs?

It will come as absolutely no surprise to most that I suffer with health anxiety, stress and OCD behaviours which I know are self perpetuating my physical symptoms.

11:16 UTC


How long did it take for symptom relief on antibiotics?

Just wondering what your experience was when taking antibiotics for prostatitis and how long it took till you noticed pain relief. I am on day 3 but haven't noticed any symptom change yet. Im taking TRIMETHOPRIM

09:34 UTC


Asking only, hope someone can help

Is it okay to take creatine and mass gainer protein since I'm doing a workout anyway I have cpps. TIA

08:42 UTC


Feeling like a current in legs when I ejaculate

So I am having cpps since 1.5+ years, having pain in groin, lower abdomen, lower back, penis, legs, thighs, back part of the knee.

When I ejaculate I feel a current is passing in my legs. Can anyone related to this and let me know what is actually happening out there?

08:09 UTC


High leukocytes (>20) but no nitrates - what is this?

I've submitted over 20 urine samples for analysis in the last year. I had burning when urinating for a few hours, so I submitted a sample recently. Came back as positive for leukocytes, some amorphous and calcium oxalate crystals - first time positive for leukocytes ever.The sample was in the fridge overnight.

I am also negative for nitrates. I have CPPS and some pain in my rectum, nocturia, weak flow, and the occasional pain in the bladder area.

Had a cystoscopy, CT done about 6months ago that showed inflammation in bladder.

I had the flu when I submitted my sample so I'm not sure if that can cause leukocytes in the urine to spike?

07:58 UTC


PSA levels in CPPS for 40 year old

What are the PSA levels in CPPS? I am 42 with PSA around 4-6, sometimes 8 when acute.

1 Comment
01:55 UTC


Trauma informed care

The longer I listen to people with pelvic pain, the more I am convinced that their present symptoms are often rooted in the past. This is a short video on what trauma informed care is all about. It explains why our central nervous systems have been rewired due to childhood events that were completely out of our control. Recognizing this has helped me heal and helped my clients heal as well.


00:47 UTC


How to be sure whether I have prostatis or not?

Hi everyone. 2 weeks ago I took prostate MR and it says wedge hypointensities were observed in the peripheral zone (prostatis?). But the interesting thing, my sperm and urine tests came normal. In my sperm test, amount of leukocytes is below 1 million. Sometimes I feel pain and burning sensation. How could be sure about prostatis? Doctor gives me Aksef to use it.

1 Comment
23:42 UTC


Unhealthy lifestyle causes it?

Does sitting long hours from past 5-7 years Edging from last 2 years multiple times a day before mastubation And mastubation once a day Unhealthy lifestyle not sleeping in night These are all causes of non bacterial cpps?

23:41 UTC


3 months of prostatitis gets good with Herbal medicine

So guys This is going for 3 months now Had a sexual exposure an year ago And got this non specific urethritis or prostatitis after an year After protected sex Clean urine analysis clean culture Negative for chamlydia gonorrhea Negative for Hiv No pcr availability for others too costly like an year of wage But inflammation in penis and clear/white puss comes After 2nd urine of day small amount specially after poopp Frequent urination and urinary incontinence Got checked with multiple doctors but in my country they dont know about stis much only fuckin kidney stones They got me on 10 days levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin And fosfomycin 3g sachets Now am gonna take doxycycline for 2 weeks with azithromycin For mycoplasma and ureaplasma One other thing am gonna mention is my parents got me to a herbalist and he gave me herbal medicine and when i take herbal medicine it cures me like there's nothing but when i stop syptoms again appears Now i have a chance of being normal on herbal medicine But I'll take chance with doxycycline and azithromycin and moxy I pray that all people suffering gets better thanks

Herbal medicine was for Stis It makes your body i dont know what to call it cold maybe means it has cold properties so its dissolves the syptoms

You can try as well maybe if you're in asia As in westren world its not possible but maybe try to get it

By the way i am from Pakistan 🇵🇰 Asia

1 Comment
23:21 UTC


Pelvic Floor Coaching?

I have tried basically everything else except coaching so was wondering if anyone had seen results? I've been dealing with this for about 6 years and some things have helped but nothing has 100% gone away.

How much would this cost if I wanted to meet a few times to see if it was for me?

Thanks guys

21:10 UTC


Prostatic Fluid After Urinating

So about 2 months ago I had a situation where I had a bowel movement, urinated and as I was getting up had a sensation like I needed to urinate again, sat back down and out came prostatic fluid.

I visited my doctor and he asked how long it had been since I ejaculated. I told him it had been about 7 weeks due to a surgery I had which prohibited me from exercise and other such activities non related to the prostate. He said it’s probably just excess fluid in the prostate and the bowel movement likely pressed on the prostate.

So we left it but it’s now happened another half a dozen times and this time not after a bowel movement but just simply urinating. I have ejaculated a few times over the past 3-4 weeks with no real issues so not sure why this is happening.

My urine is crystal clear. I have no STI’s as I was tested for that despite not being sexually active. My PSA levels are normal but I did have a minor TURP surgery in 2015 for a slightly enlarged prostate that was blocking the entry way of the bladder to my urethra. After the surgery, everything has operated normally since then.

Any ideas or feedback on how concerned I should be and what this may mean? I plan on going back to my doctor next week.

20:40 UTC


painful white bits in urine. approx .25-1mm dia, hundreds at a time.

 ive got painful white soft bits in urine ONLY after eating high protein/animal meats. Happens between 4 and 74hrs after eating more than 60/70grams of protein in a day. heres a vid. I have no doctors in my remote area! kidney UTI? Chronic Bacterial Prostatis? have had it for years and its been very bad this month every day.... https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VAlw6AA083w?feature=share

20:26 UTC


Pain in rectum during/after orgasm

[23 YO Male]

For context I had wisdom teeth surgery last week, and have been on medicine and my diet has been pretty poor (not a lot of water, fiber, etc).

Yesterday I had to poop and had some pain in my lower stomach/ass. While it was uncomfortable I still pooped. This morning I masturbated, and while I was orgasming / right after, I felt a similar sharp pain in my rectum. It was uncomfortable and sharp, but I’ve felt something like this before in my life so I wasn’t totally alarmed.

After, I ate applesauce and bananas to help with fiber and to poop some more. I was able to go pretty easily, and it didn’t really hurt much.

Still curious, I took a shower and threw afterwards I masturbated to see if the pain had changed.

This time, when i orgasmed it didn’t hurt nearly as much, but I could still notice the sensation lingering after, not that painful though.

So I’m wondering, do I have procrastina fugax, or levator syndrome? Or whatever?

Or could this just be something temporary due to other factors (diet, how my body is feeling today, etc)

I also sat for hours and played video games yesterday, could that play a factor?

Any help / insight would be appreciated !

1 Comment
19:48 UTC


Anyone else experiencing dizziness?

I’m so lost? My vitamins and everything are normal

17:44 UTC


Interesting observation in my diet.

So this past Monday I decided to try and reintroduce some foods into my diet (bread tortillas granola cereal) after being strictly animal based and wham, penis/testicles are very retracted, urinary frequency/retention has returned.

13:15 UTC


Should I still proceed with cytoscopy

Hello, So for about 4 weeks for what happened after diarrhea and , masturbation, constipation after stress from another unrelated ultrasound on my scrotum that found a cyst .. since the , I’ve had painful urination off and on but mostly feelings the need to urinate often at night, burning/ tightness around my rectum and sciatic pain . My urologist initially diagnosed me with prostatatis and gave me antibiotics (doxy) and sent me to a PT for pelvic floor. The PT seemed to have worked but relapsed after wanking it again and again in the 4 weeks span probably 3 times a week.. I have bad health anxiety . The doxycycline did not do anything Since then my urologist had ordered a urinalysis , bloodwork for CBC and Metabolic , PSA test , and CT scan of my abdomen and pelvis … all which has come back clean except for a 3mm non obstructive kidney stone that they say is not causing any symptoms. The CT scan said my prostate is normal in size and nothing out of ordinary in my pelvis. Lower intestines/ appendix were fine nothing noted…This is still causing me to go down a rabbit hole of what if now and giving me more anxiety. Would the CT scan have seen anything in my penis or urinary tract if there was a blockage ? Again I don’t have any hesitancy anymore but still have a need to urinate often at night and still have a feeling like I need to go.. idk if the pain is my lower back or penis or pelvis either It doesn’t hurt when I urinate anymore . but my urine stream is strong .. if there was a blockage would it be difficult to urinate? I still have a cytoscopy schedule in a couple weeks .. is that still necessary? I’m still worried that I have like a growth or something in my penis or urethra further inside my pelvis .. I have no lump or any skin issues .. my urethra opening is the same as I always remember..so I also freaked out thinking it would be like a HPV growth or something I haven’t thought of but I don’t see any genital warts or growth ma on my penis. I’m just really confused at to what the hell is going on . My urologist at this point said my symptoms are somatic from anxiety and stress causing irritation or could it be muscle strain from over wanking it ?? … I haven’t been getting good sleep over this .. but when I do have good sleep I don’t have to get up and urinate or have issues w uri symptoms .. idk... I’m all confused.. should I still go forwsrd with the cystoscopy what if they find I have like cancer in the urethra of my penis or something the CT scan didn’t pick up ..

12:33 UTC


Where I can find Semen Culture and Sensitivity Test in Manila, Philippines?

Wala akong nakikitang semen culture test sa mga clinic/hospital na alam ko, baka mayroon po kayong alam kung saan meron? Mostly semen analysis lang, ang kailangan ko po semen culture and sensitivity. Salamat.

11:56 UTC


Antibiotics need or not need

I am having prostatitis problems for the last 6 years. Sometimes no problem for several years, sometimes it comes back again and stay months. It all started with an STI, chlamydia, which I got cured 6 years ago and all the STI tests, urine test and blood tests comes negative for bacterial infection afterwards.

First urologist (quite experienced I believe) I went said, he stopped treating this situation with pills because he thinks they don't help and I need to do strecthes and yoga and have some lifestyle changes, when having a flare up, use iboprofhain hot packs and stuff. Just to maintain.

The second urologist (quite young I think early 30s or late 20s) I went asked for urine sample, blood sample, semen culture, ultrasound and urine flow test. They all came clear, except the urine flow test, which I was told I have residue and unable to completely empty the bladder and the urine speed is quite low. He requested a flexible cystoscopy, which I haven't done yet.

The last urologist (mid 40s, looked quite experienced as well) I went said since the prostatitits started a with chlamydia, I need long term antibiotics and the one that's penetrate prostate best is ciprofloxacin so prescribed me for a month. I started taking it for 2 days and my body aches all over now, kind of muscle pain I think, my back, sometimes arms, mostly lower part of the leg, which I find weird because for some reason that I don't remember atm, I used cipro for like couple of weeks many years ago and I did not have any side effects. For now I stopped using it and will ask for a different antibiotics. I am not sure if these side effects are usual and ok to go through but felt kind of weird so that's why I stopped.

Everyone I visit seems to have different opinion, all in the same country! The last one kind of scared me since it all started with STI. Should I stop it or use a different antibiotics, I am not sure. For cystoscopy I am scared so I don't think I will go with it. Any experience like this? Have anyone used long term antibiotics and got fixed with same starting point as STI ?

10:46 UTC


Nighttime Clenching Pelvic Floor Muscle and Teeth Disrupting Sleep

I’m struggling with nightly clenching both pelvic floor muscle and geeth, but it only occurs while I’m asleep—I don’t clench during the day. Despite trying meditation, stretches, and hot baths, nothing seems to alleviate it. This has been ongoing for 3.5 years, causing a constant urge to urinate throughout the day and disrupting my sleep quality. Additionally, I wake up with an erection due to the clenching. It’s taking a toll on my sleep and overall well-being. Any advice on how to stop this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help.

07:48 UTC


early age unlarge prostate

hey! I got enlarge prostate at the age of 28! doctor give me temsulosin 0.4. i am so upset and concern about my life! I am not married yet!! anyone get at this age? Can you guys give me some advised what should do?

06:22 UTC


Not sure what to do

M 21. It started in August of last year. I started feeling lots of pain in my anus and constant red blood in my stool. Thought it might be the preworkout I was taking at the time but didn't stop when ceased use. Blood in stool went away after a few months but I developed I pressure in my left testicle that hurts at the same time my anus does. Sometimes they hurt separate. I went to a physical and mentioned this. He felt my Ballas and said there was nothing wrong. Fast forward a few weeks ago. The pain is getting really annoying so I go to an urgent care. The guys checks my balls, checks for hernias and looks for hemorrhoids. Nothing. Gives me antibiotics and says it's epididymitis. I have a follow up on Tuesday because the pain has not gotten any better. Just wondering if anyone can give any insights.

04:04 UTC


CPPS? Balanitis? Inguinal hernia?Varicocele?

STORY I’m 20. It all started in 03/2020 with balanitis that looked like bacterial infection (red glans with a lot of smegma) due to overwashing, which lasted around 2,5 weeks. I started feeling urinary frequency and retention through the last days of this infection, and when it went away my glans remained redish, sensitive and dry, and thats how it is to this day. I’ve never felt pelvic pain, only very rarely in my rectum and and anus (some times a sting or a pulse). In 2022 I operated a inguinal hernia, varicocele (which was diagnosed a few months before all this) and did the circumcision (for the balanitis) and I felt like it all got better, I didnt even think about any of this anymore, then the inguinal and testicle pain came back, then the urinary symptoms and the glans condition. New exams showed that the hernia and varicocele came back and I operated both 2 weeks ago, but the urinary and glans symptoms got only mildly better.

EXAMS Through all this years every exam came out normal: Ultrassounds Blood, urine and semen culture Glans swab normal No obstruction in the urethra No prostate enlargement I think you all know what I mean Only a few months ago I did a pelvic MRI that found “signs of prostatitis”

QUESTIONS Can it be CPPS even without the pelvic pain? Can the inguinal hernia cause it? Can the varicocele cause it? Can the balanitis cause it Any chance of being an infection? How can the glans and prostate conditions be related?

01:50 UTC


Do prostate massages work?

I have had prostatitis for almost a year now. I went to a urologists' and it was a skin staph infection in the prostate which I know is true because I got a cystoscopy. I did antibiotics for eight months and was super sick and now have other chronic issues that aren't prostate related because of them. The doctors got sick of me asking about why I'm still having issues (all three I went to) and told me to live with it and not come back. So I am left to only assume that I have no infection right now. That was almost 6 months ago and I have been taking vitamins and doing basic stretches' since then and for the past month things were actually going great. No pain and I could pee and sleep like normal. Now they are so bad again that I can't leave the bathroom or sleep because I'm having such a hard time peeing again. And my testicals feel like I've been kicked in the balls again. I would just deal with the pain but the peeing thing is so out of hand I can't work or sleep and I'm afraid it's gonna back up and give me other issues if I hold it any longer. I've tried almost everything beside a prostate massage. Do they work? Are they safe? I'm scared to even try one and I don't know how to do it. I'm in so much debt from the doctors BS so a PT isn't an option. Thanks in advance.

01:17 UTC


Itch and soreness on the bladder area

Hello there, has anyone experience itch around the upper side where the bladder meets the leg? Also soreness I usually sleep on my side but now seems that I can't longer do it, as it becomes uncomfortable on the bladder area. I had done a cytoscopy and the doctor said he didn't find anything wrong inside. So I'm wondering if this could be a symptom for prostatitis?. Thanks

1 Comment
22:24 UTC


Should I do a cystoscopy?

26M. Almost 2 months of groin, penis tip, perineum sensations, slight discomfort after peeing and getting erections.

I have taken an MRI of the pelvis (unremarkable results for groin, back, spine has inflammation, that’s it), bloodwork, urinalysis, ultrasound of scrotum, ultrasound of groin, etc etc.

Basically almost every test besides a cystoscopy, which is what I’m scheduled for May 1st. I am certain that what I have is cpps, and that all I need is pelvic floor physical therapy and perhaps some anti inflammatories (without antibiotics), but I am unsure. Should I do the cystoscopy? After I pee, I feel discomfort in my groin and penis tip. I’m being told by some people online I shouldn’t but I really don’t know! And my urologist seems eager to find the problem

21:41 UTC


Peeing more in the evening?

I can pee maybe twice during the day. Aftwr my shower in the evening, about 8pm, I pee so much more. Why is that? Does anyone else feel like their issues get worse at night?

21:40 UTC


It's all mostly behind me now

Summary: My CPPS issues are pretty much a thing pf the past after about a year. And unfortunately, I can't say what "fixed" things or even what things helped the most. But mostly, I wanted to post to inspire others to hang on.


50 year old. Happily married. Engineering director at a large tech company. Three adult kids. Financially very comfortable. Very active. On paper, not a care in the world. BUT, have suffered from bouts of health anxiety in my life.

Chronological Details:

Apr 2023: Developed a strong fear of developing diabetes. Became very consuming. It was at this time that I developed an increased urination urgency. Would go to the bathroom and still feel I had to go. A couple times I was unable to start flow. Also had some mild burning. Have a friend that is a doc and prescribed an antibiotic (can't remember which one) thinking it was a UTI. Discomfort went away for about 2-3 days then returned. Doc friend then prescribed CiProMax thinking it was a tough UTI.

Decided to go see my GP. He tested for UTI and it was negative. Took a PSA test to rule out prostatitis. Came back normal so we stopped the CiProMax. I was getting up 3-4 times per night to go to the bathroom prior to the GP visit. He reassured me that he was not worried about me having diabetes I returned home and slept through the night for the first time in a month. It was there that I began to strongly consider that this was a mind-body connection thing.

May'ish: Per GP's suggestion, I went to a Uro. Did a DRE (joy) and ascertained it was a 30g size and felt inflamed (term may have been boggy). Confluded asceptic prostatitis. Put on prescription for Celebrex and FLowmax said come back in a month. Said Celebrex can get into the prostate to reduce inflammation. Also saw trace blood in urine and sent off for futher labs to confirm only trace.

June: Return to Uro with no obvious improvement. Assume the urine work showed nothing concerning because it was not mentioned. Doc wanted to do cystoscopy. I pushed back but he was pretty insistent. Scheduled, but eventually cancelled as I was unconvinced it was value added. Haven't seen the doc since.

July: Began seeing a Pelvic Floor PT. She was knowledgeable and a careful listener. I began stretching (not as dedicated as I should have been) and seeing her weekly. She did dry needing (abdomen, anal area - that one sucked) as well as internal therapy and shockwave therapy. She felt that over time I was loosening up. But I can't say that I saw any correlation to my symptoms which were pretty consistent. I saw her pretty regularly until the end of the year.

August: Read The Way Out by Alan Gordon. Very insightful. Began to do somatic tracking. Also subscribed to the Curable App and learned more about the mind-body connection. Also met with Lynari. Again, very reassuring. Correlating my sympton onset with a stressful event increased my confidence in the mind-body root cause.

November: Went for an appt with a recommended Uro. Dude was great. Listened to me, knew about all CPPS. Even had a shockwave machine in house. Sent me home with an app that could approximate urine flow rates with an app on a phone placed near the toilet when going to the bathroom. I had stopped taking flowmax. He agreed to prescribe Cialis at my request. Told me he felt this was likely CPPS and come back in a month.

December: Back to Uro. Urine flow data was normal for a guy my age. No improvement with Cialis. He did an ultrasound to see if I was retaining urine in the bladder and I was not. He basically said that I was doing all the right things and he wasn't worried. THis was another reassuging experience where I think I saw a step function down in my symptoms.

2024: I'm largely symptom free. I will notice some urinary urgency at times, but I honestly find it non-stressful and can chalk it up to some life stress manifesting in a physical way. I don't ever feel like this discomfort will be the rest of my life. I had some dark days/nights as I fought through this. Never had I appreciated that my mind could drive physical symptoms in my body (whether somatic or physical).

Recommendations: Find a good urologist that understands that prostatitis is rarely from an infection and will treat the whole body (and mind). I did not have major success with physical therapy, but I am sure I drew comfort knowing someone understood my discomfort. Educate yourself on the mind-body connection and somatic tracking. In the end, time may have been my greatest healer, which may not offer much comfort. Don't give up hope. Hope this helps!!!

21:01 UTC


Urgency + tightness from holding pee

I was wondering , since I always have urinary urgency, I'm used to keeping my pelvic muscle a bit tight.

It's like pee goes straight to the penis without further notice, so once it's there I have to run to the bathroom.

In this situation it's not really possible to keep relaxed without peeing yourself..... any ideas ?

20:34 UTC


Any Indians here?need help

Any Indian who suffered from this condition and got better ? Just wanted some advice cause doctors here are not helpful Edit-its now about any race,just asking this If any one had a some luck with finding a good pt Symptoms are: Constant urge to urine in tip Burning urination Painful ejaculation

18:30 UTC

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