Propaganda is information that is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is presented.
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Lately my friend has been using Red Book and since then he's starting giving me a LOT of incorrect information about China like for instance he told me that people have gay/queer rights there which I debunked immediately with a google search. Today he made the claim that China is a more advanced country than the states or Canada. Which also just sounds like bullshit.
Should I be warning people about this new app? It seems to be spreading very dangerous misinformation about China!!
The intention is to soften public perception of controversial actions and preempt criticism, it could be seen as enabling authoritarian tendencies. Whether or not it qualifies as "fascist propaganda," it promotes a narrative that could desensitize people to policies with potentially harmful consequences. I found this on Reddit today being passed around. Pay Attention, Resist.
Just saw this email, and that’s gonna get a big ol’ NOPE from me, fam.
You wanna know what I made last year (post-taxes, full-time, blue-collar, with a bachelors degree)..? Spoiler alert: you fuckin don’t.
These poor little babies in congress need a raise, huh..? TFOH.
Maybe take your money from the rich assholes that feed your stock portfolio with illegal insider market leads instead. I for one am sick of working three jobs to end up ultimately taking out a loan just to make rent. Land of the greed, Home has decayed.
(I made >$20,000 in 2023. $24,000 in 2024)
TikTok is pushing that Trump propaganda hard.
This account seems to be posting a lot of anti-american propaganda, I’ve seen many videos of him manipulating statistics. He will label a video “top 10 ukraine supporters” and then put by % of gdp, he only seems to do this when it downplays the us, or makes the united states seem worse off then other countries. I just saw a video of his that was “top 10 co2 emitters”, now this video he chooses not to go by the per capita percentage, which is a more accurate calculation for the purpose of this video(what people pollute the most), Per capita there are many countries that emite more co2 than the us. He decided to use an outdated statistic in which the us somehow was emitting more co2 than china. I constantly see these anti-american propaganda videos, and it is very frustrating knowing my tax dollars are going to people who want to lie and bash my country/people on the internet. 20% of natos total funding is coming from the us, 20% of the UN total funding is coming from the us, the us also gives more money in foreign aid, also the most money in humanitarian aid quadrupling the European commission which is the next most. We are letting them bite the hand the feeds them.
a regular progtam of italian broadcast channel la7.it the channel name is actually propaganda
A news agent working with the Microsoft corporate mouthpiece MSNBC recently tried to encourage viewer interest in a panel discussion by framing preparatory logic as such: USA doesn't have a right to reject migrants, but all other provinces in the universe have a right to reject migrants. This is a normal portrayal, in USA politics, of a heartless system that must be opposed by healthful resistance purposes to obstruct heartless action. Such isn't the focus of this post, though. Instead, such ridiculous argument inspired me to remind about how propaganda generally works to initiate and perpetuate by preserving what could be termed logical states or logical isolates.
"Framing" is a crucial concept for propaganda. A frame is a hard line that encapsulates the ideas presented in propaganda, and a well formed frame will alleviate encroachment of disruptive ideas not intended for presentation. Framing creates an isolate structured to support (seeming) reasonable conclusions by a viewer. In a sane mind, coherent logic allows a thinker to broadly apply concepts to navigate nuance, unknowns, and difficult mysteries. Propagandous framing departs logical coherence as an effort to generate dissociative thinking that maintains specific idea associations.
In the above sample, where USA was framed as being the only province in the universe not allowed to select migrants by rejecting unwanted actors, the guardrails of the frame were a ploy to emotional connection and the moral sense that all life has value. Historical logical associations, that come by the ethos of the presenter, infer that all human individuals have equally valuable life, which is daily demonstrated to be errant and lunie. Clearly, some individuals promote social prosperity, morality, wisdom, spirit, and society; while other human individuals act to disrupt, degrade, and destroy all things, even themselves.
Recognize propaganda purposed to retrench frames to preserve foundational isolated logic that exist to basis future political will. During this transitional period, try to identify propaganda preservation attempts. Also, purge your mind of noncoherent logic. Be uniform within.
Lastly, spread love, but do so wisely.
The Sacrum Imperium Terrarum needs to reach the masses in order to spread it's message. Part of what helps this happen is propaganda, informative and inspiring. We have no artists, unfortunately, and would greatly appreciate any help with this. Monetary compensation is not currently an option, as the Imperial Treasury has yet to be established.