
Photograph via snooOG

From Chillum to Cheverly, Suitland to Landover, share your thoughts and events related to beautiful PG County!




1. Relevant to the region - Posts must be related to Prince George's County; this does not include "an event is happening two counties away and that's kinda relevant".

2. No advertising/buying/selling/job/solicitation/survey posts - Posts soliciting donations, volunteers, signatures, etc. need to go in the advertising sticky thread at the top of the sub. All posts must be relevant to Prince George's County.

3. Be civil - No personal attacks or harassment, including no sharing of personal information, doxxing, or sharing private photos/videos of others taken without consent.


5,210 Subscribers


New to the area, lawn care

Looking for a good lawn care in the fort Washington area, was wondering if anyone had a recommendation

1 Comment
16:22 UTC


Hyattsville Library (Study) Rooms

This is a vent, that I need to get out! My nearest PG county library would be the Hyattsville library by PG plaza, and it has always been the best well-renovated library I've seen so far. HOWEVER, the TEEN ZONE room is the most unfair study room for anyone who ISNT a TEEN. I am fresh out of high school onto community college this semester, therefore me and 3 other classmates joined up together at Hyattsville to study for an upcoming exam.

We knew we'd like to reserve a study room to talk freely without being loud in the open space of the library, however there are 3 KID study rooms, 3 small rooms, and 2 somewhat bigger rooms, but nothing compared to the teen zone room: it's the biggest of them all but made...for teens.

It honestly sucks, that this room has to be so specific for teens when the majority of the time its empty and I've never really seen teens stay there no more longer than 30min-to an hour long and aren't using it for actual studying,(I've observed this as I go to this library at least 3-4 times a week for 4-5 hours each time) usually a hang out spot- yes it's in the name...teen-zone, very rarely you'll see teen(s) study in there. The room itself should've been left as a general study room for ALL ages, especially if a group comes to study due to its size.

The employees are strict about it too, they kicked out two adults in there, but no teen was even asking for the room, me and my classmates ended up occupying the space and 3 employees came back to back asking if we are high schoolers or college students (we all look very young too and are first year students and yes while we lied saying we are high schoolers, we really did need the room) all the other rooms kept getting reserved at every chance it can be taken. I wish they made it for any age FOR groups because of it being the biggest study room in the library!

00:31 UTC


What store can I try on clothes and not be referred to a website?

I WFH so nothing fits.

10:20 UTC


Free Dental Cleanings for Kids age 3-12 in October


Free Dental Cleanings for children ages 3-12 in October

Includes Exam by Licensed Dentist, x-rays, cleaning, tips for better brushing, and fluoride if desired. Sealants available to eligible patients.

Schools are closed on October 14th.

Call or text Rachael C. at 202-643-4421 for more information and to schedule.

DM's for more information welcome.

Location: Fortis College, 4351 Garden City Drive, Suite 509, Hyattsville MD, 20785

21:24 UTC


Purple Line Fall 2024 Progress Update

15:09 UTC


My sister’s tires got slashed at 3am, and not sure how to go about this?

This post is for my sister who got her tires slashed at 3 am. We watched the camera footage and we noticed it was a young individual in a grey car that does two rounds. One he leaves a note and the second slashes her tires. We have a hunched it is someone we know but, we don’t have enough evidence to confirm. What should she do next? Report to the police? What can they do about this situation? The note left behind was making false claims about a relative. I find it stupid that they would target my sister who has nothing to do with this.

12:12 UTC


With all the new development, is district heights still "the hood"?

Looking at rooms for rent and I found a property that looks decent enough but it's in district heights, between the Addison and suitland metro station. Is this a decent place to live or is it still scetchy?

09:42 UTC


Garden in their front yard

There's a house around the corner with a full blown garden in the front yard! Grow boxes and everything! This must be against code, right?

08:30 UTC


Are there any organizations in PG accepting and delivering donations for Central Appalachia/Hurricane Helene relief?

The title says it all. Thanks in advance!

23:27 UTC


Bathroom/Shower remodeling services around PGCounty

Hello everyone, I was wondering if any of you guys know any great services that you guys used for home remodeling specifically for the Bathroom area. I am looking to remodel my shower and was trying to see if there were any recommendations for a good Point of contact or a service company that you guys used where prices were reasonable and you were satisfied with the projects. Thanks

1 Comment
13:28 UTC


County courthouse

After we had to change parking lots and waited 15 minutes for a bus - this ! It was 0730 when the bus driver dropped us off DOWN ON WATER STREET! My dumb behind should have asked about handicapped parking, but no, I can handle the shuttle, I thought. I got here at 10 after. Sigh ...

11:42 UTC


Free Dental Cleanings at Fortis College in Landover, MD for the Whole month of October for Children ages 5-17!

15:55 UTC


Charter School transportation..

Hello, my friends son just relocated from VA and now goes to a Charter school in Ft Washington. He got into the school last minute. Can anyone refer any transportation companies please? School pickup/drop off

16:48 UTC


Aura Largo Station Apartments

How good are the Aura Largo Station Apartments in Largo, MD?

I can't find reviews online about them, but I'm interested in moving in.

02:05 UTC


Free Dental Cleanings @ Fortis College in Landover, MD!

1 Comment
16:07 UTC


Flowers for my girlfriend

It’s my girlfriend’s birthday on Wednesday and I wanted to sent her flowers, I live in moco (and have never actually sent flowers to someone) so I was hoping someone on here would know a good place to get them from.

15:09 UTC


Email to school community: Social Media Threats to Schools

Dear PGCPS Families,

We want to provide an update regarding recent social media threats targeting our schools. 

Ensuring the safety of our students is our highest priority, and every threat is taken seriously and fully investigated. 

The Maryland Center for School Safety has made us aware that the incidents appear to be part of a disturbing national trend involving dangerous social media posts that have gained attention over the past few weeks. While most of the threats have been unsubstantiated, some of the individuals making the threats have been arrested. Students engaging in such behavior not only face serious disciplinary action but may also face criminal charges.

Threats of any kind will not be tolerated in Prince George’s County Public Schools and any threats will be investigated by the appropriate law enforcement agency. We ask all families to have critical conversations with their children about the seriousness of making threats online and the severe, lasting consequences of these actions. Please encourage your children to report any threatening posts or suspicious activity they observe to an adult, whether it is on social media, in the school building, or on school grounds.

We remain committed to working closely with local, state and federal law enforcement to maintain safe learning environments for all students. We appreciate your continued support and partnership in addressing this issue.

Thank you for helping us keep our schools safe.

Las amenzas en redes sociales dirigidas a las escuelas 

Estimadas familias de PGCPS:

Queremos brindar una actualización sobre las recientes amenazas en las redes sociales dirigidas a nuestras escuelas.

Garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes es nuestra principal prioridad y todas las amenazas se toman seriamente y se investigan a fondo.

El Maryland Center for School Safety (Centro de Seguridad Escolar de Maryland) nos ha informado que los incidentes parecen ser parte de una inquietante tendencia nacional que involucra publicaciones peligrosas en las redes sociales que han ganado la atención en las últimas semanas. Aunque la mayoría de las amenazas han sido infundadas, algunas de las personas que hicieron las amenazas han sido arrestadas. Los estudiantes que participan en tal comportamiento no sólo enfrentan medidas disciplinarias graves, sino que también pueden enfrentar cargos penales.

No se tolerarán amenazas de ningún tipo en las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Prince George y cualquier amenaza será investigada por la agencia policial correspondiente. Pedimos que todas las familias tengan conversaciones vitales con sus estudiantes sobre la gravedad de hacer amenazas en línea y sobre las consecuencias graves y duraderas  de estas acciones. Por favor, anime a su hijo a denunciar cualquier publicación amenazante o actividad sospechosa que observen a un adulto, ya sea en las redes sociales, en el edificio escolar o en los terrenos escolares.

Seguimos comprometidos a trabajar estrechamente con las autoridades locales, estatales y federales para mantener los entornos de aprendizaje seguros para todos los estudiantes. Agradecemos su apoyo y colaboración continua para abordar este problema.

Gracias por ayudarnos a mantener a nuestras escuelas seguras.

Menaces contre les écoles via les médias sociaux

Chères familles de PGCPS, 

Nous souhaitons faire le point sur les récentes menaces sur les réseaux sociaux visant nos écoles. 

Assurer la sécurité de nos élèves est notre plus grande priorité, et chaque menace est prise au sérieux et fait l'objet d'une enquête approfondie.  

Le Centre pour la sécurité scolaire au Maryland nous a fait savoir que ces incidents semblent faire partie d'une tendance nationale inquiétante impliquant des messages dangereux sur les réseaux sociaux qui ont attiré l'attention au cours des dernières semaines.  Bien que la plupart des menaces n'aient pas été confirmées, certains de leurs auteurs ont été arrêtés. Les élèves qui adoptent un tel comportement s'exposent non seulement à de graves sanctions disciplinaires, mais aussi à des poursuites pénales. 

Les menaces, quelles qu'elles soient, ne seront pas tolérées dans les Écoles publiques du comté de Prince George et toute menace fera l'objet d'une enquête de la part des forces de l'ordre compétentes. Nous demandons à toutes les familles d'avoir des conversations cruciales avec leurs enfants sur la gravité des menaces en ligne et sur les conséquences graves et durables de ces actes. Veuillez encourager vos enfants à signaler à un adulte tout message menaçant ou toute activité suspecte qu'ils observent, que ce soit sur les médias sociaux, dans le bâtiment scolaire ou dans l'enceinte de l'école. 

Nous restons déterminés à travailler en étroite collaboration avec les forces de l'ordre locales, étatiques et fédérales afin de maintenir des environnements d'apprentissage sûrs pour tous les élèves. Nous vous remercions de votre soutien continu et de votre partenariat dans la résolution de ce problème. 

Merci de nous aider à assurer la sécurité de nos écoles.

1 Comment
21:33 UTC



I been given the opportunity to attend the fire academy for ems/fire. I wanted to know if it’s better to take an emt course before doing the academy.

03:51 UTC


What’s your favorite Chinese restaurant?

Drop your recommendations, please and thank you!

*thanks everyone for your wonderful suggestions :) I have a lot to try

21:56 UTC


Month to month leases no longer an option in PG COUNTY?!

Hello, I'm currently going thru a dilemma and wanted to ask this sub while also doing my own research and making the necessary phone calls.

I was told by my apt complex (The Mark at Brickyard) that PG county no longer offers month to month leases. I've searched high and low on the internet and cannot find this new rule in writing anywhere.

I wanted to extend my lease by 3 months but have been given a hard time.

I have not given a notice to vacate as my lease ends in November but need to extend until February as I have a new job starting next year.

I don't want to leave in November just to move again but if my lease ends what can I do? I'm also currently on a 3 month lease. I asked for 6, they said either 3 or 8. I took the 3 and want another 3 month lease which should end in February. Sorry if this is confusing

Any advice?

12:36 UTC

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