This is a place for polyclay crafters to show off their latest projects, ask for help, or simply talk shop.
I fell in love with polymer clay a month ago and went crazy. Mostly I make beads.
Scratch that, I only make beads.
I made a classic newbie mistake by coating my beads with ModPodge - and in an archived post here discovered that you can remove the goo by boiling the beads & scraping them off. Yessir - I did it. Several dozen beads...
Now I'm confused about buffing - can you damage the finish by using sandpaper that's a bit too gritty? I think I've done that. They're only beads, but still.
Hi, first of all I have very little knowledge on paper clay, and I actually believe what I have is paper clay. It's literally in crumbs because it used to be hard as rock and with maybe too much water now it's reduced in millions of pieces. So what do you suggest I should do to have it in shape again? It's not even soft, just in tiny bits. I would love to use it again. It's white and would be just to make flat surfaces like plates and trays. Thanks for your help.
I would appreciate hearing why you craft with polyclay. -just fun to make stuff -make to sell items -decorate the house/apartment -something to do -other reasons ____________
I've made several pieces, all pretty flat. They are pendants. It said 270 degrees for 30 min per 1/4 in but I'm not quite sure what that means exactly...
When I got into making polymer clay things, I bought a few different tubes of paint and white clay. I thought it would be cheaper to paint the clay bc the paint would last longer than the coloured clay, but now that I'm starting to look into selling my creations and finding more complicated projects, I'm realizing that there's a lot of really cool effects I can't get without coloured clay. My question is basically: is it best/cheaper to paint the clay or buy coloured clay? Or a combination of both, depending on the project? I own a lot of acrylic paint now and I don't really want all that money to be a waste, but I don't know if painting white clay is necessarily the best thing to do. Does anyone have an opinion on this they can share? I'm in the final stages of planning how to start really turning this passion into a business and I have to start ordering supplies soon. Thanks!