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Tehran City Official Says Pandemic Toll Much Higher As Shrines Set To Reopen

Tehran City Council Chairman Mohsen Hashemi says the number of those infected with the new coronavirus in Iran is "much higher" than the official figures released by the government.

1 Comment
13:09 UTC


Former Popular TV Presenter Arrested In Iran For Criticizing The Regime

Security forces in Iran have arrested a former popular Iranian TV presenter, for criticizing the Islamic Republic.

Mahmoud Shahriari was arrested Wednesday morning, April 15, Young Journalists Club, a news agency run by the monopolized state-run Radio&TV network (IRIB) report

1 Comment
11:53 UTC



9..11 wikileaks c-3

1 Comment
04:52 UTC


First sailor on virus-stricken USS Roosevelt dies

A sailor who was serving aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier has become the first on the ship to die from Covid-19, the US Navy announced.

11:20 UTC


Anatomy of the Global Agenda

Anatomy of the Global Agenda cuts to the heart of the political issues today using only facts and no conspiracy theories. Volume One breaks down the centralized power structure that the global elites have been constructing for centuries. In the first of a three-part series, we see how the stage was set up to overthrown sovereign nations and their people. Using secret societies such as the Skull and Bones Society and Bohemian Grove coupled with unregulated think tanks like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission the Global Agenda is in full force. Behind the wave of tyranny infiltrating the political processes today are a small group of international bankers and special interest corporations that are writing the laws and policies of the Republic. An oligarchy operating above all nation's laws, courts, and oversight leading the global population to a nefarious end game of their self greed and our destruction. From behind-closed-doors, strategies like Cloward-Piven's economic plan to collapse America from within begin to take shape. The bases for the Global Agenda is outlined in Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto starting with the ten planks and ending with the abolishing of property rights. The proponents of the Global Agenda are the non elected officials that long ago bought our Congress, pharmaceutical industry, took control of the education system, and funding both sides of every major war. A nation that once manufactured weapons for war is now manufacturing wars for profit. Lead by a robust Military-Industrial Complex to force their policies globally and a police state here at home to corral the herd, the New World Order, one-world government's grasp tighten. Learn how through a centralized power they are able to deceive and manipulate trade policies, the world's resources, and keep us in never-ending undeclared wars. Longtime political writer Michael W. Howell takes you on a step-by-step course of mystery and intrigue as he shows you the inner workings and plans that the leaders have for the world. As a speaker, lecturer, writer, and policy analyst Michael's incredible ability to do systematic and thorough research, combined with his real-world experience, make him a popular guest on major radio and internet outlets.

1 Comment
04:37 UTC


Why is pence worse than trump?

Ive heard that he is but idk why? Can anyone educate?

02:26 UTC


Impeachment proceedings question.

Looking for an answer regarding the required attendance for the senate during impeachment proceedings. Do ALL senators have to be there for the whole proceedings? If so won't the republicans just drag it out as long as they can to keep senators running for president off the campaign trail? Ultimately negatively effecting democrats chances of getting elected. Since no president has ever been impeached, and there is no way 2/3 of the senate will impeach on such thin evidence, are the democrats dealing a death blow to Bernie and Warren if they have to sit there for a month during this process??

1 Comment
15:37 UTC


Science fiction to science fact

To make this happen, all nations must get along in peace. Call Congressman Fleischmann (202)225-3271and tell his secretaries to tell Congressman Fleischmann to tell President Trump that Bill Black of Riceville Tennessee said to give world peace a try. The extra terrestrials know we exist. If world peace is achieved, contacts will start, and possibly end all forms of international terrorism. Tell his secretaries to give me a telephone call as well, letting me know of your response.

20:15 UTC


कब गिरिराज सिंह लेंगे संन्यास?

19:15 UTC


7 Things That Led President Trump Closer To An Impeachment

15:57 UTC


Trump impeachment

What's everyone's thoughts on Trump getting impeached. I just want to know what other people think.

20:08 UTC


Gun Control and Taxing the wealthy debate are always Hijacked by both parties. It's so fucked I can't believe it.



Let's say we're talking about a "Make America Great Again" kinda guy? Great. Only question to him is, what decade in the past century was great? Like the greatest?? 1950's let's say. Well it's just a fact that the very wealthy were taxed 90 percent. I repeat it is a FACT that in the 1950's the wealthy were taxed at 90 percent. Don't fucking laugh that off, you dumb fuck. That's my point to you on that. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, would mean tax the wealthy like in the 50's. If you mean, "again."

And now let's look at the left. Let's say you are a, "tax the wealthy kind of person." Great. You're party has been talking about raising taxes on people who earn above 250,000 dollars. My question to you is what the fuck is wrong with you?? You actually are dumb enough to tax people who earn not what i would call "wealthy" versus people who earn let's say five million and up. How dumb do you feel reading this when put that way? Why the fuck would you risk elections and an actual movement to scare people who are actually taxed enough as it is and it does make a dent in their day to day. However, if you started to make this change with the bracket that earns let's say 10 million and above, you would be properly serving justice, redistribution of wealth. For example look at what billionaires pay in property taxes in manhattan. Everyone knows whether it be by legal loopholes in the law or off shore accounts - this demographic of the very wealthy have been easily skirting paying taxes on many fronts. That is what should change and THAT should be your platform and anything below 5 million to raise taxes on is not only a lost election and your point. It's alienating of the people who actually feel the same - those in the 250 thousand bracket are the wrong demographic. Funny thing is when i discuss this with anyone - left or right, once they get through their usual talking points, they totally agree.

Why do arguments lose their point and no one speaks up and accurately, both sides. This is a classic tool in manipulation and i am seeing EVERYONE falling for it.

Remember when George Bush said Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11 and no one said shit? We were supposed to be getting revenge, I guess and it got flipped into something else. This is something i see over and over with both sides on real important issues.


Now when it comes to GUN CONTROL - when i speak to any professional hunter or gun enthusiast, about gun control (after hearing their talking points) we agree the guns we are ALL talking about right now (based on recent events and mass shootings) are guns akin to the AR-15 and AK-47. We are all also talking about mods to these guns (like what happened in Las Vegas). Why has that talking point not been hammered and I MEAN HAMMERED home. Spoken to not a one who thinks a good background check before any gun purchase (maybe even bullet purchase) is a not a good idea. I have spoken to NO ONE who wants to ban guns for hunting. NO ONE. NOT A ONE. SO MY POINT IS - WE DUMB FUCKS AND I MEAN ALL OF US, LEFT AND RIGHT - ARE FUCKING OURSELVES IN OUR ENTHUSIASM FOR "CANDIDATES" when we should be warriors for the cause itself. When someone sidewinks that clarity - like EVERY CANDIDATE seems to, they should be knocked on their fucking ass and called out by the public to stay on point. That would be solutions, NO?? I know my tone is harsh and I'm sorry, but get over it and look at yourself and hear this - i am trying to emulate a fog horn at this point in all the chaos for a movement of common sense, which is genius in working clothes.

These two talking points are a good place to start. With no perversion of the main points.

03:23 UTC


Looking for Members of Congress with relations to Germany

For a project I'm looking for a list of congressmen that have ties to Germany. Things I'm looking for:

- born in Germany (i.e. David Rouzer)

- German mother/father (i.e. Tulsi Gabbard)

- studied abroad in Germany (i.e. Abigail Spanberger)

- stationed in Germany during time in the military

- anything else that means having close ties to Germany

Dear Reddit community, help me out here! Any names or pointers are greatly appreciated :)

1 Comment
12:42 UTC


Do you think Meghan Mccain could be Biden's running mate?

It's essentially like the Grand Coalition they currently have in Germany. Since Biden is trying to unite the country against Trump, I could honestly see that being his choice.

03:58 UTC


Un inganno tutto "GialloVerde"

Un inganno, tutto un bellissimo inganno. Per quanto io abbia usato in modo improprio il termine "bellissimo" voglio spiegavi in poche e semplici parole a cosa io mi stia riferendo, anche se già dal titolo penso che voi lo abbiate quantomeno intuito.

Sto parlando di come, almeno prima delle ultimi elezioni, questo gioco di scontri, insulti celati e incomprensioni abbia destabilizzato la visione catastrofica a cui ci siamo abituati su questa "stravagante" coalizione. Vi consiglio di prendere queste mie parole con le più lunghe e sicure pinze del mondo.

Tutto questo consenso, che poi si è trasferito verso la Lega, è nato da un contratto che secondo TUTTI noi era debole ed incerto, pronto a crollare ed esplodere in un intercalare di insoddisfazione e rabbia incontrollabile delle persone verso chi aveva preso precedentemente la loro fiducia. Eppure in ogni singolo scontro, mentre noi da questa parte eravamo già pronti ad esultare con lo spumante in mano carico di una schiuma piena di soddisfazione e di "te lo avevo detto", tutto si risolveva con: l'opposizione da una parte che contempla quel bellissimo tappo ancora ben ancorato a quel gustoso prosecco di vittorie politiche, e da una parte due forze politiche che ogni singola volta davano prova che quella festa, organizzata da chi va solo contro gli Italiani, fosse solo l'ennesima prova tangibile che Loro sono qui solo e soltanto per Noi.

E questo gioco del "tiro alla corda" funziona; funziona dal momento in cui quella bellissima partita, coronata da momenti di tensione ed esaltazione, si conclude sempre con una parità che da l'illusione che a vincere sia chi sta guardando e lascia con l'amaro in bocca chi voleva vedere uno dei due sfidanti cadere a terra e poter ridere per la capriola fatta da quest'ultimo.

Ed è proprio in questo modo che il governo "Giallo Verde" è riuscito più di una volta a farsi forza, dimostrando ancora ed ancora che da una parte c'è chi vuole solo il male senza dimostrare nulla agli italiani e senza dargli le risposte che vorrebbero; mentre dall'altra c'è chi nel giubilo dello spettacolo quelle risposte addirittura le da, e che funzionino o meno è irrilevante.

E mentre la festa di Lega e movimento ha luci stroboscopiche e champagne che schizza da tutte le parti. Noi siamo seduti, da soli, su una sedia scomoda a contemplare quel tappo di un prosecco caldo ed amaro da buttar giù, proprio quel tappo che fino a due minuti prima stavamo osannando a coronamento di una festa a dir poco incredibile, ora lo osserviamo con disprezzo ed amarezza sperando di non dover mai assaggiare l'amara verità che sigilla sotto di lui.

13:44 UTC


Journals about Effects of Illegal Immigration?

So I've been trying to find some peer-reviewed journals that document how illegal immigration effects America but have come up relatively empty handed aside from a few document that are specifically about how they impact black communities. Has anybody found any peer reviewed journals that have a article about overall effects?

1 Comment
03:08 UTC

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