Pokémon Unite is a free-to-play, multiplayer online battle arena video game available on Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch.
Pokémon Unite is a free-to-play, multiplayer online battle arena video game available on Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch.
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Why is it I can never get a good set of team mate , beyond frustrating . Out perform the other team hands down yet no one likes to score they like to hold there points and act like running from enemies helps . And spend the whole game running away . Sorry to vent its frustrating
I managed to earn 540 or so points but I don't think I could somehow get the remaining for the skin with my shitty luck with the dice rolls. I have used almost all the dice obtained from the other event now the only dice obtainable are the daily login ones 🥲
I don't think is good how so many Mon get a big boost so early on compared to others for no reason, what is the difference between Azumarill and Greedent or any of the Eevees for that matter?
It's just an example of course but while it would certainly slow the game a little early on, it would also discourage players to just mindlessly trying to score just because they evolve at level 4 and make those going jungle actually finish the starting rotation as Eevees can for the most part ignore one mob because again, they evolve a full level earlier than others.
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Am kinda new to this game and I don't understand how this event works. How am I supposed to max the bar with just 2 throws without spending money for those gems thing?? Please someone tell me how this works
Very rare moment haha
I tried my best with Aegislash over here. What would you do besides running away ? Any Aegislash main over here ? Your advice would be much appreciated.
Machamp good a unite move buff so he deserves some credit
I haven't spent a single dollar on the game yet am i doing good so far in he event?
some Pokémons need REWORKs in general (example: Pikachu)
Without 300 tickets. Was wondering anyone could be so lucky
Tencell has blessed us with a f2p holowear
They're so broken. Most Pokemon in the game need to get to level 5 to start getting good but not the eeveelutions. They get their first move at level four and instantly start steam rolling the game. And none of them fall off late game either they get good at level four and stay good the entire game. And another problem is they're so simple to use they take barely any skill except for leafeon. What's the point of playing a strong mon like tyranitar or Machamp that needs to reach level 9 for a power Spike when I could just play Sylveon and get it at level 4.
I've been a Sylveon main since day 1 of playing this game. I wanted the skin but never got it, only got one of those special boxes.
I've never played Gengar in my life. I get 4 of this stupid things in a row and multiple since the event started.
And I hate how there's literally nothing else to redeem with those ticket things, since I could enjoy redeeming something I could actually use, like the Eevee sticker.
I swear this event is so frustrating in so many levels.
Barra, if you're still out there.. I'll never stop looking for you.
Clip is a year old, but it’s my best Halloween clip
How the heckin are you supposed to counter this thing. Covers a massive area. He can hide for what seems like forever so he can avoid you landing a final hit and then turn around, and put you to sleep... permanently.
Has anyone figured out a way to deal with this?