A subreddit for the Pokétuber community, and those who wish to share their Pokemon content!
A subreddit for all Pokemon content creators!
All videos, posts/comments, and usernames must be PG-13 or below in nature. No sexual, vulgar, or extreme inappropriate behavior in any of the things listed above.
No content or posts/comments involving the exchange of IRL Money/Real World Items. This is a perma-ban from the subreddit if you do so. (Excludes sponsorships)
No repeat posting. Do not attempt to post a video or article that you have already done so in the past.
Do not post more than 2 videos, or other pieces of content you produced within a 24 hour period. We want to make sure everyone has a chance to shine!
All rules, guidelines, and further enforcements are left to the subreddit's moderator's discretions.
https://youtu.be/GV7IhBxjIZwlooking to the future set of Surging sparks has some new toys for miraidon! here's a first idea for a list!
My first attempt at a Pokémon Cooking Show
Been grinding on YouTube since April and would love some feedback if y’all don’t mind. Linked below is my channel and the most recent short I’ve posted.
Thank you all!
Is there magic in one pack? https://youtube.com/shorts/1TVcu13nTsI?feature=share