Make teams and alliances for Pokemon Go!
1)Follow Reddiquette
2)Be Helpful. So they can't tell a Deoxys from a Pidgey. Help them!
3)Know the risks of meeting up with strangers.
Join the Slack!:https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/4s5p19/lets_all_collaborate_together_in_realtime/
Header by /u/BerenKaneda
I play primarily in the Maple Grove, Rogers, and Minnetonka.
Convince me, what team should I join?
We would like to announce that another goal of this subreddit is to SHOW CONTROL OF GYMS and DISCUSS FACTIONS. So please use this subreddit to discuss the various factions and discuss gym control. Thank You!
I am just wondering what Teams are biggest in what areas of Texas. Ex: Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Denton, Lubbock, College Station, Border Towns, etc.
Trying to get a small meetup going in New Brunswick, NJ tomorrow. Anyone interested?
Team Name: TBD
Team Motto: TBD
Team Leaders: JoshTheRube, in game as Augnos
Team Members:
Team Location: Tempe, AZ/Arizona State University
Recruitment Details: Looking for a squad of Stormbringers to take our town back from these red and blue savages. Hunting and building strong teams to hold down key gyms from the unprepared. Recommend level 15+ to be significant in the early days of PoGo.
Extra Notes: This is not your casual team. I'm looking to compete with some like-minded individuals and make a name for ourselves as some of the strongest Instinct members in the East Valley. I'm not looking for an army so much as a 6-10 person hit squad.
Even if you're not Mystic, looking for people to meet up with in the Battlefield or Chattanoooga or Ringgold, or wherever.
Would anyone on base want to meet up tonight and drive around or set up some lures either on base or in town?
If you are where are some good spots you've noticed?
Checking in for the western NC crowd - I don't think I've even seen anything for Asheville posted around yet. There's a thriving small PoGo community down the mountain here in Marion (and even Old Fort).
Is there anyone on here that's in Medford, Oregon or just the Southern Oregon area in general? I just really want to get together with people and play the game together. I'm on Team Valor, but I'm opened to having people from different teams join up:)
I'm in Weatherford. Team Valor.
it's a long shot but looking for anyone in the area that wants to go hunt some pokemon.
Due to my current obsession with this game, I've decided to build a map of Pokestops, Gyms, and Pokemon Sightings! There are already lots of communities using the map. I'm planning on also implementing a streamlined interface, location information, friend location system, and location search very soon! Simply tap or click on the map where a point of interest or sighting location on your desktop or mobile browser, select whether it is a point of interest or sighting, select the type of POI or Pokemon, and click submit! Don't forget to pin the site to your mobile device home screen! Let me know if you have any suggestions and tell me what you think, thanks!
I live in Barcelona, in Eixample's district. I open this submition with the hope of finding other spaniard people interested in making a 'squad'. :)
EDIT: You can now join us to our Telgram's group! https://telegram.me/joinchat/DxOVMj7EepWMRlJW-Bgayw
Hey any Goers in Munich? I noticed someone putting a lure by the Uni so I figure there must be some somewhere
I live in the West metro of Minneapolis. Would frequent the Rogers, Maple Grove area. Work in Minnetonka. I just hit level 5 and looking to find/choose a team asap.
Anybody happen to be in Christchurch, on /r/PokegoTeams and in Team Valor?
Trying to build up the Team.