Note: traditionally, the delivery is a pizza, but any delivery can work. (Chinese, subs, mail, room service, etc)
Only content that directly relates to pizza dares are allowed unless flaired 'other'
2. No video's that are obviously fake/staged.
Do not post video's that are obviously fake/staged!
3. Discrediting a video without proof.
Talking about a fake video is fine but discrediting a video without proof isn't fine
4. Toxic comments.
Toxic comments will be deleted and the person will be banned.
5. Gfycat and imgur links only.
Only use those two hosts when posting external content.
6. No spam discussions!
No discussions about "If a man did this he would be arrested".
7. Do not re-post!
Do not re-post something that has been posted within 4 months.
We encourage all participants to let the delivery person know what is about to happen before receiving the delivery (Through a message or a phone call). If the person is not okay with being filmed then blurring the face/entire body is required. We presume all delivery dares have been set up in a way that there is no forced exhibitionism onto anyone unwilling to participate.
Link flair:
(Please assign the appropriate flair to your posts)
Y sexie
It was such a quick delivery! I said “do you have something for me to sign?” To attempt to drag it out a bit or offer some sort of tip and he said no right away. He regretted it because 2 minutes later he called my phone back and said “actually I do have a receipt I got it from my car if you want me to come back so you can sign it” 😂😛 I’m excited to do more of these again!
Wife had her friend record and she completed her first pizza dare, Lots of laughs and fun!
Thank you, Pizza Hut! 🍕