
Photograph via snooOG

A reddit for the world's most misunderstood breed.

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Thinking about a second dog?

So you want an APBT?

Cost of owning a dog

Pitbulls and dog parks

Pitbull Friendly Housing

Thinking about breeding your dog?

Pitbull Friendly Insurance Companies

Fireman’s Fund

Chubb Group

State Farm

United Services Automobile Association

Einhorn Insurance

More Info on Pitbull Insurance


964,112 Subscribers


Little Sophie

1 Comment
22:53 UTC


What kind

I've gotten both from a shelter but the dark brown one is a pit / terrier but the light brown they said pit and staffy but don't have any paperwork on him saying other wise and he has HORRIBLE breathing problems. Help me !!

22:18 UTC


My big boy Ace loooooves my dad’s corgi Toto. This is my life now….

1 Comment
22:09 UTC


Cairo just wants some Ben & Jerry’s 🍒

1 Comment
21:55 UTC


Legal Question

Hey everyone I first and foremost want to say thank you for sharing your beautiful pups!

I have a question for anyone here who lives in California.

My neighbor has a poorly behaved dog, I’m getting a pit mix soon, neither of us have fences.

The dog I’m bringing home is super well behaved but I’m wanting to plan in advance in case of an emergency.

My question is, if my neighbors dog comes onto my property and my dog bites their dog, am I at fault?

I’m assuming not because it should be everyone’s responsibility to keep their dog on their property, but I wanted to ask y’all in case you have experience with this.

I’ve looked online and results are mixed. Thank you so much for the help!

1 Comment
21:04 UTC


“Reactive” Dog

Hey all! Needing some advice here. We adopted a pittie a few months ago, and absolutely adore him. He is the sweetest and gets along with everyone. He is even a cat lover. He does not like other dogs however. I have a hard time calling him “reactive” because I feel like that implies he is aggressive, but he is not. When he sees other dogs he barks, growls, lunges, drools, everything. But he will not bite or attack them from what we have experienced. -Example: took him to the dog park while one other person was there who had a very calm senior dog who didn’t mind him. He ran around and played but after a while just got too amped up and we couldn’t tell if he was playing or fighting. Again, no biting but very outward aggression signs nonetheless.

We had to move into an apartment very suddenly after getting him (we were unaware of this when adopting him otherwise we would not have). We really need ideas on getting him out of the house. I can take him basically wherever but I am so afraid of how he acts. He isn’t super interested in puzzles or enrichment activities, though we still do them just to keep him busy. Please recommend anything I can do with him either to get him to chill out or ideas to take him to run around.

Note to add- he is not fixed currently which I do believe is a huge part of the issue so we are working in that direction. i mainly need suggestions for the meantime.

19:54 UTC


Rise and shine!

18:42 UTC


My cute baby

18:38 UTC


All clean

For some reason, Rocco hates to be dried off after his baths.

1 Comment
18:31 UTC


Please share Urgent Last Call Foster Needed Scrappy A1236392 Baller A1236436 Brownie A1237927 Nike A1165359 Baynard A1238697 Mocha A1239517 Golondrina A1239544 DAS Dallas Texas Today Feb 2 1pm email Shelter by 11am Needing Adopt/rescue for puppies Foster Adopt Rescue for dogs med/space Urgent

1 Comment
17:31 UTC


What color is this dog?

This is not my dog it's an image I found on Pinterest but I thought it was so beautiful I love its coloring but I can't remember what it's called, do any of you know? And if you have a dog with this coloring can I see?

17:04 UTC


Is a 11-month-old bully pit mix considered a puppy?

Not going to go into all of it but basically my neighbors have a bully pit mix female it's 11 months old they're calling it a puppy, the dog has attacked me my dog and several other animals and has even killed things, they're trying to get me to look over it because they're saying it's a puppy and that it will grow out of it, it's not the first time it's killed things before it has intent and now I have 10 stitches in my arm, is this dog just being a puppy? And should I sue them for my medical bills and my dogs vet bills? Also going to add that they've had this dog since it was born and have not done any kind of training with the dog have not socialized it at all, their excuses because they don't want to be mean to the dog the dog doesn't like it so they don't want to do it because the dog doesn't like it because I think it's mean to make the dog do things it doesn't like

16:50 UTC


Ready 2 go.

15:32 UTC


Made a palette for a One Piece marathon and we had some company

From top to bottom: Stubby, Baddie, and Piggy

15:11 UTC


Is it pit or pitt??

Okay so I made this art and I promise I’m not trying to promote it I just want to see whether it’s better to spell pitbull as pit or pitt and because I submitted this art to a dog art gallery I’d like to confirm with actual pitbull owners what they think is correct/better/doesn’t matter. So should I change it to pit or just leave it as pitt?? lol!! 😆 I love pit bulls and I wanted one as my first dog but I adopted a fierce chihuahua instead. Both are amazing breeds

14:12 UTC



1 Comment
13:54 UTC


Happy Little Family 🐾

I was met with a lot of hostility yesterday regarding my pitties online so I wanted to even that out with some people that would appreciate these sweetie boys 🐾💙

Fluffy brown, “Huginn” — Chesapeake Bay/Pit mix Blonde, “Fenrir” — Staffy/Pit/Bulldog mix Brown/white, “Courage” (foster) — Husky/Rot/Pitt Blue/white, “Odin,” Staffy/pit mix

All the sweetest misters. 🥰

13:35 UTC


I need to pee send help

08:24 UTC


TPLO surgery

My dog is an old man, as much as it loathes me to admit it. He developed a limp once in a while about two months ago. It would go away and come back. I took him to the vet about a month ago and he said he had a small tplo tear. It’s not horrible but it exists and the vet said we should keep him calm for it to heal. I spent the last month drugging my dog and only leash walking him. No running. No fun. All in the name of the tear healing. Well it’s been a month. The gabbapentien has run out and while the limp is better, the second he runs around it shows itself. I know if he has the surgery he has to be crated for a whole month. I don’t know how much longer I have with him. The idea of him being scared and confused why he can’t leave a crate, which he hasn’t been in since the shelter, kills me. I want to do what’s best for him but I’m not sure what’s worse. A little limp or him spending a month in a crate. Any insight would be great. I just want to do the right thing for my best friend. Puppy tax included. He’s the best boy.

06:04 UTC


My sweet pitbull doesn’t mind my new kitty trying to breastfeed

My pitbull is almost two years old. She’s never been pregnant, and she’s not lactating, but she is very maternal. She thinks my new cat is her baby and doesn’t mind when the cat latches onto her nips with her sharp kitten fangs. 😂

05:57 UTC



I train bullies and working breeds at a shelter and got this girlie a home. I took her to a few pet stores and on a walk to get her seen and because she loves free samples. once I got her back in the car she immediately passed out

1 Comment
05:49 UTC

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